Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

126 – Vengeance Must Be Served

126 – Vengeance Must Be Served


The moment Nnoitra unsealed his Resurrección she could feel the spirit pressure he was giving off multiply. Where before her own spirit pressure had dwarfed his he actually exceeded hers by quite a bit now.

He dashed towards her leaving a cloud of dust in his wake. He moved so fast he got back to the clearing before she could even react.

She barely managed to dodge one of the scythes that came swinging for her neck by jumping back.

Tesra was looking at Nnoitra unsurely. “D-do you need my help?” He shouted.

Nnoitra seemed to be too occupied by his rage for Nelliel as he simply ignored his Fracción.

He swung his four scythe blades wildly purely based on his instincts rather than technique while wearing a wild smile. 

It lacked any real pattern causing Nelliel to struggle to dodge them. It took everything out of her just to be able to barely hold on.

“Not so high and mighty anymore. Are you Nelliel?” He sneered.

Tesra seeing his opportunity joined in on the flurry and Nelliel was no longer completely able to keep up despite her best efforts to weave between the duo’s attacks cuts on her clothes and skin started appearing one by one. She did manage to avoid any attacks that posed a more serious threat such as those targeting her torso and head.

Tesra didn’t escape unscathed either though. Due to Nnoitra being so caught up in his frenzy of attacks he wasn’t even trying to avoid Tesra leading to him gaining some injuries too despite being there to help. If it weren’t for Nnoitra not intentionally targetting him he would probably be even worse off.

“Come on Nelliel! Keep up!” Nnoitra taunted.

Nelliel grit her teeth until her gums bled. Being humiliated by someone not worth her time once was bad enough.  There was no way she was going to allow a second time.

She had to admit Nnoitra had grown in strength, but she knew he was still not her or Hisashi’s match. She had already noticed the others had wrapped up their battles and that he wasn’t helping her, but she appreciated it.

The humiliation she faced was the least of her concerns though. Her position in Las Noches had never been all that important to her. However what he did to her only family Dondochakka and Pesche was unforgivable.

When she was injured and in her child form she didn’t have a clue, but when she regained her true form along with her memories she was hit by a wave of depression. If it hadn’t been for everyone around her supporting her at the time she wouldn’t have known how to deal with it, how far she would have spiraled.

She had practically begged Hisashi to do the same for them as he had done for her. She was willing to do anything as long as she could make things right for them. Reality had been crueler than imagined though. 

Hisashi had explained how he wished he could, but their situations weren’t the same. While she was actually still injured and healing even if very slowly that wasn’t the case for the two of them. Their wounds had already healed in the state they were in and it had left them crippled. He explained his power and how it worked. How it enhanced one’s innate healing factor to an insane degree, but it couldn’t heal things that had already healed just in a crippled way. 

He had tried to reassure her. About how there were many unusual powers out there and there very well could be one that could undo the damage that was done to them. He promised he would do his best. Although she felt a little better the guilt remained. She was responsible for them. It wasn’t even like she couldn’t handle Nnoitra and Szayelaporro. She had been arrogant though and it had bore those closest to her an unimaginable cost.

If she couldn’t fix what had been done to them the least she could do is get vengeance on their behalf her conscience roared at her from within.

She struggled to deal with Nnoitra and Tesra’s continued onslaught. They refused to give her a break or opening slowly whittling her down.


Mila Rose tried to  get past Hisashi again. “We have to help her! He’s too strong. What’s wrong with you?” she said.

He kept ignoring her pleas and stopping her from interfering.

“We shouldn’t interfere in her battle,” he said.

“You keep saying that! Why not?!” She asked angrily

Hisashi sighed. “You know what Nelliel was like when I first found her right? What Dondochakka and Pesche are still like…” He asked.

She calmed down a little and nodded, though her glare was still very much present.

Despite most of Cirucci’s attention being on the fight  between two Espada that outclassed her she moved a little closer to Hisashi and Mila Rose. Keen to hear more.

“And that she’s originally from Las Noches…” he said.

She nodded again.

“Has she told you more about that?” He asked.

She shook her head. “She doesn’t talk about it all that much,” she said hesitantly.

Her eyes widened and her head jerked towards Nnoitra with a glare even fiercer than she had sent Hisashi. “You mean?!” She asked.

“Exactly. Well at least most of it. The rest was Szayelaporro,” he said with a slightly sinister smirk tugging at the corner of her lips.

She seemed conflicted. “What if she can’t handle it though?” She asked.

He shook his head. “Even if that were the case this fight is well beyond your level,” he said.

“But…” she started to say before interrupting herself.

She glared at him like she wanted to say something, but then looked at Cirucci while gnashing her teeth.

Cirucci looked at him hesitantly. “Are you sure about this Jack?” She asked.

Hisashi smirked. “Oh so you actually do know my name?” He asked. The irony that she actually didn’t know his name was not lost on him.

She snorted in disdain. “Just don’t blame me if she dies,” she said haughtily.

Hisashi smirked as if he knew something they didn’t. “She’s stronger than you think,” he said.

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