Reborn as the Hero’s Daughter! Time to Become the Hero Once More!

Chapter 37

There are only two other opportunities for help to arrive.

One is for Finia to send home Michelle-chan and come looking for me, and the other would be Cortina detecting the abnormalities.

However, I couldnt rely on those as expected. Although Finia would certainly look for me, her strength is only at the level of a regular person.

At worst, she could even get caught and be used as a hostage instead.

Stop struggling already, brat!

I wont let you!

The man attacked me aiming for my limbs, but I parried the attack and counters.

What they didnt know was that I have String Manipulation Gift and this gift have saved me from many predicaments Ive faced in my previous life. After putting out a good amount of thread, I returned the yarn ball in my pocket. The blade I am using now doesnt have much of a reach, and that would be the case even if I used it with one hand.

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The man attacked again, but it was easily parried. However, what I wield is not a simple sword but a blade with an L shaped tip. Just by redirecting the attack and separating broke the mans stance. Because of the sudden change in force applied, the man flinched and I was able to close in on him. I then swing the blade on the mans leg.

The man who was not able to react in time was not able to follow my movements or dodge. Right then the tip of the blade pierced his thigh and were deeply wounded.


A sharp cut was made, though it wouldnt be as clean as how a sword would cut. The meat was churned out as if it was bitten by fangs, and blood splattered as I took out the blade.

I immediately took some distance so I wont get hit by the blood. It was supposed to be an attack that would at least give me time to escape, however another person prevented those actions.

As I was about to counterattack the man who approached me, my arm was caught and I was slammed on the floor. He then twisted my hand a bit and have me release my weapon.

It hurts, let go!

My arm was still twisted in a lock and is now unarmed. For a swordsman, your grip is also your lifeline. If you drop your weapon in the middle of a fight, your survival would drastically drop.

However, that would depend on the actual situation.

Seeing that I dropped my weapon, the man also sheathed his sword while taking out something on his pocket. I dont know what hes trying to take out, but it is a fact that his combat power have drastically dropped. What he didnt realize is that I havent lost my will to fight yet. It was a misjudgment of fatal proportions for my opponent.

Manipulating the yarn on my side, I wrap it in a stone and swing it immediately. The amount of strength the yarn manipulated by thread manipulation possessed is about as strong as my strength. Because what I used was just a small stone, it was not strong enough to neutralize the man. However, there are other targets here besides these men. Unfortunately, they were not humans.

It was the horse that was connected to the carriage. The carriages axle was already broken and disconnected, so the carriage itself wont be able to move that far. But within that few meters, the man was there.

As soon as the stone hit it, the horse was startled and moved in surprise. And it reacted more vigorously than expected.

As a result, the man immediately moved away to avoid being hit by the carriage. It was also at that moment that my arm was released. Just before it passed by the man, the axles reached their limit dislodging and creating strange noises, then rolls over along with the horse heading towards the man who tried to escape.

Uwah!? Ugyaaaaaah!

Hollow may they be, it was loaded with man large trees. And yes, he was not able to properly dodge the crash. After the crash, a pool of blood streamed under the collapsed carriage and flowed towards me who barely escaped the crash. With this amount of bleeding, he would probably die in a short while.

This, this brat I will definitely kill you

At that time, the man that I attacked first stood up. However it was already a game over for him. Watching the wound on his leg squirting out large amounts of blood, I realized that it seems like I have successfully hit a major blood vessel. If I leave him as is, he would also probably die soon. However, I also couldnt just leave him like that without finishing him off.

The man was standing unstably with just on undamaged leg. Using a bit of my tricks, I would be able to win this immediately. Without being noticed, I manipulated the yarn and tied around the mans leg.

I then tied the other end on the struggling horse. As the horse continued to struggle, it also continued to tangle more yarn. Eventually, the mans leg was pulled and he was dragged away.


I took the weapon I used before and cut off the remaining thread connected to me.

Though its sharpness is not that great, it was good enough to cut off the yarn. After all if I didnt cut that off immediately, I would have been dragged along. I then approached the struggling man and hit head with the back ed of the weapon for him to lose consciousness.


That was the last of that man before losing consciousness. With this the immediate threat should have been neautralized. Now if only,

Fuho what the heck happened here

Yes, if the three of them fought against me, it would have been really dangerous. However, I was able to survive because the 3rd person returned to the station when the battle started leaving the two to handle me. Thanks to that I was able to dispose of the two with a bit of a struggle.

The two were probably quite confident and looked down on me. However, thanks to that I was able to neutralize both of them leaving the last one behind.

Now then, shall I make an escape

Ooops, you think Ill let ya escape that easily?

The moment I tried to escape, the third person came out of the station and blocked my way. The man was armored and equipped a large shield and sword and was seemingly more prepared compared to the previous two.

However, even if he tried to block my way, there was quite the distance between us. It was a wide open space where I could easily escape even if blocked by one person. My escape couldnt be prevented is what I thought.

Of course I will be able to escape. With this distance, I would be able to move faster idiot

Haaah? You sure are a foul mouthed brat. Well, whatever. However, if you do that, I will burn down all of these Caskets along with everyone over here


I could smell a strange chemical from the defeated men. Its probably something they used to kidnap those elves and also have them stayed in a fainted state while trapped in that tree. And if fire was set on that place,

Are you trying to kill everyone!?

Of course. They have already seen my face so why not. Theres no reason for me to keep them alive. However if you stay behind then it would be a different story

So that means you wanted to fight me

Its also fine to Surrender like an adult you know?

I definitely refuse to do so!

It couldnt be helped, I shouted and stepped forward to fight the man.

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