Reborn as the Enemy Prince

Chapter 86

Chapter 17. The Step (6)

Actually, Calian was not good at lying.

It’s true.

Thanks to this, less than a year after taking possession of Kalian’s body, there were already two people who fully knew Kalian’s past. Of course, it’s Alan and Kirie.

Moreover, Sleiman saw through Calian’s secret even though he did not tell him, Planz was getting close to the truth, and Arsene also sensed, although not exactly, that something special was hidden in Calian.

It was no longer a big problem for them to learn Kalian’s secret. So Kalyan just gave up on denying it.

But Lemain’s case was different.

If there is one person in this world who should not know Calian’s secret, it is Lemaine.

Because of this, it took Kalyan over a week to find a suitable excuse for how he got on the path of the sword.

“So, I gained great enlightenment at Sispanian’s Nest, and after that, I learned the way of the sword while sparring with Slayman. Are you saying that’s what you want to say?”

Calian nodded in response to Alan’s question.

Then Alan looked like he had heard a very interesting story and blurted out.

“Why don’t you go and talk to me? I want to see some swear words coming out of that mouth.”

A guy who thinks he gained enlightenment after learning self-defense.

A guy who would say that he learned the laws of the sword from a dragon.

Calian sighed.

“Then how should I explain it?”

Anyway, it’s already been three days since Plants woke up.

It was difficult to stay in Planz’s room any longer. He told me to leave as soon as I opened my eyes.

In the end, Calian went to Arfia Palace with Alan without any preparation.

LeMaine, who heard that Calian had visited, hurriedly finished breakfast and returned to his office. Because his face was so gaunt, Calian felt very sorry. Now that I think about it, I wonder if he hid the fact that Plantz had woken up for three days because he couldn’t find an excuse.

“I see you, His Majesty the King.”

In response to Calian’s greeting, Lemaine motioned for him to sit down. After Calian sat down across from Lemain, Chamberlain Raoul came in and set down tea and fruit. Afterwards, as soon as the sound of Raoul leaving and closing the office door was heard, Lemain’s mouth opened.

“I heard you’ve been having a hard time these days.”

He was saying this because he thought he was in that room taking care of Plants. These words really pricked Calian’s conscience, so he answered quickly.

“Brother Plantz woke up well. He is fine.”

Lemain looked very happy at those words, but then his eyes looked worried again.

“Is it okay?”

Since I had just said that my body was completely healed, this time it was probably a question about something else. Because Silike’s dagger inflicted long and deep wounds not only on the body.

“Fortunately, I don’t seem to have anything else on my mind. Still, I think it will take some time for me to feel completely fine.”

It seemed like he had no intention of following Silike right away, so that was a good thing. However, no matter what, it would take a lot of time for the wound to heal.

“Okay. I’m just grateful that you care.”

“No, Your Highness.”

Calian smiled wryly without realizing it.

Calian himself never thought for a moment that he would help Plants this much.

Lemain, who had put aside his worries about Plants, took a moment to choose his words to bring up his next concern. Calian patiently waited for Lemain to continue his words.

“There is a lot of talk inside and outside the palace about what you showed on that day. There are many people who are curious. Of course, including me.”

Calian just nodded quietly.

“So, I heard the story from Siegfried’s child.”


Calian quickly apologized. It was about the worry that Jan put on Lemain.

oh my god. Let alone that he really thought that way, Calian had no idea that he would convey such thoughts to Lemain.

“Let me explain again.”

After saying that, Calian slightly bowed his head towards Lemain and held out his hand. And it seemed to create a very small lump of magical power.

As always, a sphere shaped like a bunch of transparent glass pieces was placed in the palm of my hand.


When what he had briefly seen that day appeared before his eyes, Lemain once again looked surprised and gave a brief exclamation.

Calian made it into a small knife with a dull blade and imbued it with aura. And then immediately dispersed. This is because it was difficult to show the weapon for a long time since it was in front of the king.

“Being able to use magic and aura together gives me this talent.”

It’s just a talent.

Lemain laughed at Calian’s words.

Calian looked at Lemain’s face for a moment and then opened his mouth. He then explained that although the cause was unknown, he had memories of a prosecutor who had died and disappeared someday.

It was a statement that was difficult to say both true and false.

“I once crossed swords with Duke Siegfried. The Duke said that the swordsmanship I use is the same as that of the Knights of Secretia.”

Kalian was well aware that this was too much nonsense, so he mixed in Slayman’s name to give it credibility.

When on earth did Calian meet the Knight of Secretia? So, if Calian knew how to use their swordsmanship, it would be difficult not to believe him.

“Since when did you have such powers?”

“I started to have memories a little while before your highness’s birthday. And the thing I just showed you was able to be used after we arrived in the Duchy of Siegfried.”

Then Lemain suddenly let out a short laugh.

“They said it would be me, not you, who had their neck taken away. Sir Manasil knew about this.”

“I’m sorry for not telling you in advance.”

Lemain let out a short sigh and took a sip of tea. And he said this while looking at the royal palace outside the window.

“I know that if you weren’t in the palace, you wouldn’t have had any reason to hide it. I don’t plan on reprimanding you for hiding it, so don’t feel sorry.”

Lemain, who said that, turned his head and looked at Calian.

“I’m glad that I didn’t learn self-defense techniques.”

“…… sorry.”

Calian’s head bowed. Jan is truly Jan.

“No. However, it would be difficult to tell everyone about the process by which I gained power.”

The only thing they wanted to say was that they had entered the path of Calian’s sword, without mentioning the process. Since we still don’t know what state Gray is in, the news that Calian has become the sixth sword will spread.

“I will announce it at the Balkan founding ceremony.”

Due to Silike’s incident, Balkan’s founding ceremony was slightly postponed. I heard from Jan that it was scheduled to take place in about a week.

Calian nodded without refutation.

Because he showed his strength in front of so many people, Kalyan’s story would have already spread to all countries on the continent through Sejak. So I couldn’t stop it. Now that things have come to this, I can only be glad that there is now a way to properly train.

“And I thought about the moving magic circle you mentioned earlier.”

It was a story related to the magic circle of space movement. Calian looked at Lemain with shining eyes. LeMaine opened his mouth with a slight smile, as he seemed to be waiting for an answer.

“I’ll accept it. He’ll do whatever he wants too.”

Originally, Lemain wanted to refuse, saying it would be difficult.

However, the story spread that Calian had taken the path of the sword. If so, it was clear that Marquis Evan Briesen would start to be on guard. Therefore, Lemain came to the idea that if Siegfried and Kairisis were connected, there would be less nonsense in Briesen.

Also about Randel.

Of course, Lemain was unaware that Randel was a priest. However, I knew that Calian and Randel’s reactions at the time Plantz fell were very different.

Kalian ran to Plantz and Randel went outside.

– Randel will be quiet until Prince Calian vacates that palace. If you go then, you will be able to see inside Randel.

A small wrinkle formed between Lemain’s brows as he thought about Alan’s words for a moment.

That day, Randel almost revealed his true feelings. He was saying that he would view Calian and Planz as competitors rather than brothers. It became clear even without looking at how Randel would dispose of Calian and Plantz if he ascended to the throne.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”


Will the power given to Kalian really be beneficial?

Or will it be another poison?

There was a look of worry in Lemain’s eyes that could not be washed away.

* * *

Everything related to Silike was erased from the palace of King Kairis.

In the list of the reigning queens of Kairis, which begins with the great name ‘Sigmund Khan Sispanian’, two lines are drawn above the letters Silike Briesen. The greenhouse that Silike had built had been completely dismantled and removed, and repair work was also in progress at the area where the accident occurred.

Similar measures were taken against those associated with Silike. Those guilty were sent to prison after considering the existence and severity of the crime. Even if they were not guilty, they could not be kept in the palace, so they were all sent out of the palace.

As a result, all of Planz’s servants and maids were thrown out of the palace. This is because all of them, without exception, were Silike limbs. Accordingly, the palace’s head of internal affairs sent a letter to Plantz asking whether he intended to select new chamberlains and maids himself or whether they should be assigned by the palace.

Originally, temporary assistants would have been sent first until Planz made a decision, but Kalian refused on Plantz’s behalf. He added that his servants and maids took turns checking on Plants.

Thanks to this, Plants was receiving help from Calian’s servants and maids without being assigned a new servant. Moreover, even after waking up fine, he pretended to be ‘still in a coma’ and had not yet responded to the letter from the person in charge of internal affairs.

Because Kalyan didn’t come out.

Because I never thought about leaving!

‘I ruined everything because of you, so please understand this much.’

In fact, it was said that Plantz was the reason why people noticed the power that Plantz had not even seen properly, so Plantz could not push Kalian, who was sitting on the third and fourth floors through the window, and just endured it.

So, I held it in without even being able to ask the question, “Are you really my younger brother?”

Anyway, as a result of those things.


The cat kept coming.

This was after Calian finally went outside, saying he wanted to meet Lemain.

As I was left alone, staring blankly at the glimpse of Heisia Palace outside the window, the cat jumped up onto the bed. After following Hina while she was cleaning a few times, he made Plantz’s room and the bed his own territory.


When I first saw it, it was as big as my palm, but it has already grown by one and a half times. Nevertheless, he was moving in and out freely through the gap under the door.

I only knew it when I saw the cat.

The gap in the closed door was that big.

‘I am Prince Calian’s cat.’

Plantz, who was looking at the letters written on the necklace, chuckled. Then I looked at the door for a moment. It was because I thought I would soon hear a knock on the door.

– smart.

Sure enough, it wasn’t long before someone knocked on the door. Plantz, who was in a ‘coma’ state, did not respond, and soon the door was carefully opened and Hina came in.

Then, with a helpless expression on his face, he spoke sign language to Plantz.

– sorry.

I’m sorry, thank you, I’ll clean, I’ll prepare a meal, etc.

Plantz learned some sign language. I was worried about writing it down in my notebook and showing it every time, so I just learned it.

Anyway, Hina’s words were an apology for the cat coming in again, and Plantz responded briefly.

“Leave it.”

It wasn’t difficult to let a cat play at your feet.

– Thank you, good prince.

Plantz only understood the words thank you, and Hina smiled.

As always, it was a smile that erased all the shadows that filled my heart.

Before he knew it, Planz had forgotten about Heisia Palace and was just looking at the cat at his feet.

* * *

Time passed again.

As if to erase what happened at Wilhelm Pavilion, Balkan held a grander founding ceremony at the same venue.

Plantz was recovering well.

By entering Wilhelm’s coffin with Calian where the accident occurred, he announced that he was alive and well and that the two princes were completely holding hands. So Randel stopped for a moment.

Alan Manasil, who wore his usual attire instead of his new fancy clothes, was granted the Latran estate, which had recently lost its owner, and was enthroned as a count.

Therefore, the place was now supposed to be Manasil Estate, but Alan, who hated that kind of thing, decided to keep the name of the territory as is.

Arsene’s eyes became a little red.

Only Arsene and Alan knew whether it was because of the excitement of being officially appointed as deputy commander of the Balkan army or because of fatigue from working overtime again.

Aizen Aprin, who led the knights of the Van Vriesen faction, was making every effort to train knights. The same was true for the ten knight families who agreed to join him.

Marquis Briesen closed the gate for a moment.

Evan went to training thinking about the fact that he could not feel Calian’s aura at all on the day of the accident. Of course, that was because Calian erased it with magic, but this was a fact Evan did not know.

After completing the founding ceremony of Balkan, Lemain officially announced the birth of the sixth sword in Kyris. People cheered that the third prince, who resembled Sispanian, had entered the path of the sword.

– May the glory of Serenti be upon Kairis!

Winter came and passed.

As the ice that frozen the tranquil Seneu River melted, the scent of Fredia flowers, heralding the beginning of spring, spread everywhere.

Just like that, the scent of Renier was erased and a new spring came.

The Marquis Briesen’s gate was opened again.

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