Reborn As An Evolving Monster

Chapter 148 Three More Exchanges

'My Stats haven't done a thing but increase since the beginning yet-'

The deadly Spear's tip grazed Mark's cheek.

'I can barely match his speed.'

He was forced to jump back.

'Or, more likely, he's matching mine.'

Zephyr took a step forward.

Clank, Clank; his Armor shouted as it touched the ground.



Mark found the situation incredibly annoying.

He thought about many things, including Nia's last words to him.

He tried finding a clue, about what this "Test" entailed exactly.

But his adversary found no reason to give him the time necessary to do so.

Zephyr leaped forward.

And Mark felt he had no choice but to leap forward in response.

Each one's speed was more or less the same as the other's.

Despite the Berserker Skill actively increasing Mark's Stats each time his Health points took a big hit, Zephyr matched his speed.

Mark had no idea how high Zephyr's Stats were. 

But this, wasn't his first time fighting an enemy whose Stats seemed much, much higher. Which is why he didn't feel as anxious or scared as one might expect. 

Or perhaps, not as anxious or scared as he should have been.

Mark dodged the Spear, and clenched his fist.

But that fist wasn't meant to be more than a feint.

From his left foot, the one closer to Zephyr, Mana was released.


In an instant, Zephyr's lower body was frozen solid.

Mark jumped high and back.

He called out his Inventory.


Zephyr stepped forward, as if the ice wasn't even there.

"Isn't helping your case."

Ice Manipulation-

Instantly, the broken ice turned into a multitude of small spikes.

Uncaring, Zephyr stepped forward as the ice spikes collided with his Armor.

"Bringing toothpicks to a Spear fight?"

A large amount of bones had exited Mark's inventory.

They had been instantly broken and reassembled into three huge spears.

Mark lowered his arm, and the bone spears pierced the air.

With a flap of his wings, Mark did the same. He aimed to position himself behind Zephyr.

"Weak, shallow tactics."

With his right hand, Zephyr stopped one of the spears. And with a swing of his, the other two were crushed.

Mark stood in front of his enemy's back. Perhaps because that enemy had let him.

Between his hands, a condensed sphere made of pure Mana.

Something that he seemed unable to damage no matter what he tried. This wasn't Mark's first time facing something of the sort either.

The sphere of condensed Mana moved around between Mark's hands. It twitched and trembled.

'With most of the Mana I have left...!'

Before Zephyr could completely turn around, his whole body except his limbs was enveloped by the stream of energy originating from Mark.

For a moment, most of his body couldn't be seen.

'Did that get him? Or at least, inflict a bit of damage-'

"I didn't expect the General..."

Mark unconsciously stepped back.

"To be so generous. Giving you the ability to fire off pure Mana..."

Not a dent.

"Was my Armor not specifically made to block Mana-"

A muffled chuckle resonated.

But a second later, it turned into all-out laughter.

Zephyr stared gravely.

"That... Is an Armor specifically made to block Mana? Haha!"

"I see you're still not taking this seriously."

"Oh, believe me. I am. I've never taken anything more seriously... Bahahaha!"

"Mm. Right. Why the laughter then?"

"It's just... It's just..." Mark truly struggled to contain his laughter. "A bit too ridiculous. I find it a bit too ridiculous, that's all."

"Ridiculous?" Zephyr stepped forward. "What is?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Mark jumped back. "This whole thing. Seems like overkill. Can't really see how I could ever win this. Plus, I can't talk to Nia. Would've liked to get some advice. Some advice like 'Be more rational'. Haha!"

Zephyr stopped approaching, deep in thought.

'Did the fear of dying get to him? No... General Draconia did say that he was the unpredictable type. The irrational type...'

Zephyr hated those types of people.

Surely, that must be, at least in part, why he respected Nia so much.

She always acted rationally and logically. Every action of hers is calculated and compared with every other possible action to select the right one.

Whether in a fight or not, that was the way Draconia operated.

The way she, a Descendant of Dragons operated.

Zephyr had, once, stumbled upon the General in the middle of a fight against a particular humanoid Monster commonly known as a Rila.

A very rare Monster Species, known for its Agility and craftiness.

Despite having similar builds, yet, in comparison, lacking in Agility, General Draconia had managed to deal with the enemy with relative ease.

The day Zephyr joined Gaavah's Army, choosing which General to serve was an easy decision.

She was a Descendant of Dragons.

A Descendant of Monsters.

Yet, for her, logic and rational ruled above all else.

Zephyr respected and admired that greatly.

The General was respected.

The Candidate associated to that General on the other hand...

'No two ways about it. That Armor is trouble.'

A Monster that smiled nervously in the face of Death.

Zephyr hated that.

"Three more exchanges."


"Three more. If you don't show some promise..."

Zephyr leaped forward.

"You'll die."

The smiling lips on Mark's face twitched nervously.

'Meaning I haven't shown any this far?' He asked himself as he dodged the Spear.

"Focus." Zephyr uttered as his fist connected with the Monster's chin.

Upon impact, Mark was stunned for a moment. Still, he managed to bend his body at the right time for the Spear to only slash the scales that covered his left thigh.

And as the Spear moved once more, Mark jumped back.

"Running away hasn't helped you before. And it won't now."

An idea had entered Mark's mind. Something he didn't want to think about.

Even though it would allow him to compete against the enemy.

It could finally give him the edge he needed against Zephyr.

"Don't even think about it." The latter warned.

Mark, whose hand had absent-mindedly moved towards the Underling Necklace around his neck, froze.

"The moment you get them out, with any purpose in mind other than devouring them, I'll kill them."

Mark clicked his tongue.

"If I'm to die anyways, then what's the harm?"

Zephyr stayed silent.

"Die anyways? Says who?" He stepped forward. "I might have my reservations, but the General believes, not only that you can, but that you will pass this Test."

"Nia has faith, huh? A lot of good that'll do me." 

Sarcasm. Something Zephyr didn't like either.

The two moved towards one another.

Both, were tired of repeating the same succession of actions over and over.

Both, were eager for it to end.

Mark was in full control of his body.

Yet, the Berserker[#] Skill was still active.

A fact he was not aware of.

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