Reborn As An Evolving Monster

Chapter 130 The Eyeless Hawk

Mark, his Underlings, and the Fire Spirit stood just beyond the Boss Room's doors.

He looked around.

'Expected it to be different since it's the last one but...'

It was mostly the same as every other Boss Room.

The main difference being the presence of four huge pillars linking the floor to the room's incredibly high ceiling.

"Sure you want to fight now? She might have just thrown you off your game."

'She hasn't. If anything, I'm more determined than ever right now.'

The Final Guardian was on the other side of the large Room.

"It hasn't noticed us yet."

'Guess that's how much the Corruption has messed with its head...'

Mark raised his left palm slightly.

'Good for us.'

A dark liquid appeared above that palm.

Rapidly, that liquid turned into a weapon.

'You said it decreased the cost of Magic Skills involving Corruption but...'

[Your Title "Evolving Monster" smiles widely.]

'This isn't just decreasing. It barely used any Mana.'

Mark tightened his grip on the weapon.

"A bit cruel, don't you think?" The Fire Spirit snickered.

'Yeah. That's why...'

Mark pulled his left arm back.

His right foot rose above the ground.

[The Skill "Berserker[SS]" activates!]

[Your Endurance Stat temporarily increases by 40%.]

[Your Agility Stat temporarily increases by 20%]

[Your Strength Stat temporarily increases by 10%.]

A purple Aura covered his body and the weapon he held.

With a loud CRACK, his right foot hit the floor, and the "Dark Corrupting Spear" left his hand.


'It's better with her on the other side.'

The Guardian immediately opened its two mouths.

The intensity of its cries cracked the ground below.

"Not fighting Fire with Fire this time, huh?"

'If it's already halfway dead due to the Corruption then...'

Mark disappeared from the Spirit's side.

'I'll just add more until it drops.'

The Guardian's body turned towards the intruders.

Two of them.

One was approaching rapidly.

With an effortless leap, the abomination found itself thirty meters above the ground.

It spread its wings.

'Aerial battle? Should I...'

Wind Blast-

A third of the Boss Room was instantly turned to ruins.

Wall and floor had been destroyed.

Mark's right leg twitched as he stared at the devastated area he stood on moments earlier.

He had barely managed to dodge, despite the Berserker Skill already activated, although not fully.

The Guardian's feet hit the ground at the center of the room.

Its completely dark eyes seemed locked on Mark.

Both upper heads opened their mouths at once.

The next second, flames appeared in front of the protruding head.

A being made of flames.

"It has no pupils. Can't tell where it's looking. Can it even see? How curious." The Spirit commented.

The Guardian immediately swung its arms at those flames.

"Mmm... That's what this Corruption does, huh? My love for that Berserker is decreasing."

The eyeless hawk opened its mouth.

The screech it let out towards the ceiling formed a growing sphere of violent winds around the Guardian, scattering the being made of flames.

Once its screeching ceased, the sphere disappeared.

And the being of flames reappeared.

"Your offensive power is incredible, but..."

A weapon passed through the Fire Spirit's body.

"Doubt you'll be able to do much."

The Guardian's body had been pierced for the second time.

'It moved at the last second. It can definitely see.'


The Dark Corrupting Spear turned into the liquid it was made of and entered the wound on the Boss Monster's chest.

"More Corruption entered its body. But it doesn't seem like the pain-"


The Guardian wasn't moving, Mark took the opportunity to circle around the Boss Room. Standing behind it and, therefore, out of its third head's field of vision seemed like a better position to take.


Mark ignored the laughter emanating from one of the Guardian's heads.

"It's laughing. Can't tell if that means the Corruption is doing its job or-"

A head without eyes, lips, or cheeks snickered.

The Fire Spirit noticed that Guardian's third head wasn't letting out tears sporadically anymore.

Torrents of dark tears were flowing down that head's eyes.

"Well, shit-"


The eyeless and womanly head opened its mouth wide, and the Fire Spirit was forced to disappear and widen the distance.


The liquid hit the ground with a Splash.


The snickering continued, as the remains of a dark liquid went down the Guardian's eyeless mouth.

"It's not fully Corruption Magic, but it's a liquid with Corruption in it. Did it just throw up?"

Mark had noticed that the tears falling from the Guardian's body couldn't be referred to as tears anymore.

'It might be working. Or this might be its way of getting the Corruption out.'

He extended two palms towards the Guardian's back.

Great Fire Ball.

Two blazing spheres of flames appeared in front of those palms.

Flame Of Chaos.

The Flames quickly turned reddish.

But before the attack could be shot,



With insane speed, both heads above the Guardian's shoulders spun around 180 degrees.

At the same time, a stream of fire from the Fire Spirit approached the other side of the Guardian's body.

Mark shot the attack, and the eyeless hawk opened its mouth.

Smoke covered the area around the Boss Monster.

Mark changed his position before that smoke could settle.

"That head is trouble." The Fire Spirit said as he hovered by Mark's side.


Inside the cloud of smoke, snickering.

"It won't even get rid of that smoke. It might be blind. Just have a different way of... Seeing?"

Mark let two Underlings out from the Underling Necklace.

The only two he felt comfortable letting out after witnessing the Guardian's first attack.

Both Wolves, Light and Grey, leaped into the smoke.

Before they could take a step closer, the hawk screeched.

The Wolves were forced to jump back due to the approaching sphere of wind.

Behind them, the Fire Spirit.

From above, a dozen spikes made of bones pierced the air.

The hawk raised its head, so that its beak could face those.

But before it could screech,


The area between Mark's feet and the Guardian's had been frozen.

Ice was slowly making its way up the Boss Monster's feet.

All the same, the hawk screeched.

All ice, whether in the form of spikes or not, was turned into nothingness.

'Guess that head will be trouble after all.'

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