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3 hours ago
The salaryman who had a dream of becoming a CEO has finally succeeded. However… ... Read more The salaryman who had a dream of becoming a CEO has finally succeeded.However…There was no one.No one was around to celebrate his success.Then on his first day of work, news of the death of a former colleague that he had laid off came.Additionally, his family left him, who was only concerned about the company.The life he thought was right crumbled right in front of him.Where the heck did it all go wrong?Then, another opportunity came for Han Yoo-hyun, who had plunged down into despair.This time, for sure.He was going to live properly.He was going to change it all with his whole being.The new life that Han Yoo-hyun was creating.That valued life that will outshine any other is unfolding now! Collapse Adapted to Manhwa, Age Regression, Businessmen, Calm Protagonist, Friendship, Jack of All Trades, Loyal Subordinates, Male Protagonist, Mature Protagonist, Modern Day, Past Plays a Big Role, Second Chance, Time Travel To be honest, i pretty disappointed in MC character. Idk if its only me or what, but MC giving the pushover vibes more than anything. I also quite dislike the habit of MC being flatterer. I know in real life,sometimes its like that, but for goodness sake, im diving into webnovel to escape reality not to face it. lol. Overall : 3.5/5Plot : 4 - Kinda unique plot as webnovel rarely talk about the corporate life from lower tier salary man POVFor me this novels lacks that excitement like any other novel, instead it makes you to reflect more on yourself, especially if you're working in a similar environment. Prop to Author to includes the office politics, toxic workplaces and the complexity of corporate management branches and hierarchy. I like the novel, but its not my cup of tea. So im gonna drop this novel and leave. P/S: Big Player from Gangnam have similar stories like this. except theres a harem tag. lol I read the webtoon and it was really good, same it just has around 120 chapters A real man is kind, not a f#cking pushover. know the difference Author Which part of the novel is the mc a pushover are you reading something different Read 113 chapters and it is a good novel. Quality wise also good. It focuses a lot on psychology and it is well done in that regard but the whole goal of 'I won't earn money and I won't do anything on my own and live for others instead of me' theme sounds fine because his entire previous life he focused on his career instead of friends and family but now he went full 180 and it makes it sometimes frustrating to read because why would I earn some money if it destroyed my life previously.Another complained I had is that the novel is hard to follow sometimes because of the Korean names and the amount of characters. Some potential has been missed aswell because in the early chapters he wanted to use his future knowledge to start his own company but he never did use any future knowledge besides to help his friends out and not himself.3.5/5 excellent novel but hard to follow sometimes and no clear direction and no story progression hampers it a lot. It is elementary, fellow daoist. Because hindsight is 20/20. We may not understand we are wasting our precious resources until it is too late. People coming from poverty strives to not go back to that situation. Sometimes it blurs what is important. But after his death MC is given a "unique" chance to live his life again. He knows that more money does not equal better life. So, in this regression, he instead focuses on improving the lives of others. Realistic, if I may say so. I agree and that is why I said the premise is fine but it becomes an issue when he keeps helping characters that have no depth so far so who cares if the mc helps this random person out. At that point it is reading about an mc that tries to be an hero and there is a reason anti-hero mc's are getting more popular over the years because heroes feel superficial.It would be more interesting if we had a few chapters about his previous life and all his relationships that he screwed up because then when he actually helps them out it will feel meaningful compared to introducing random characters and say oh he was a nice guy and I cut of our relationship because my focus was on my career so lets help him and x chapters later the same thing happens again. Do that 5x times and that is this novel so far. webtoon is good What's the point of fighting so hard to rise to the top, if there's no one to celebrate it with you? You're gonna celebrate it yourself... (I don't know if the grammer is right or not? ) Your grammar is 👍🏽 "Your grammar is Indian 👍".Indeed. Honestly, one of the better modern day novels imo, but what do yall think about this? My friend . It's a wonderful novel. I like the realism of events. There is some exaggeration. But it's still great. it's recommended. Finally my favourite manhwa here... Novel gonna be fantasticAlso check Real man manhwa out Join the ranobe discord, link in my profile Since you said so I shall read it Well everyone has different perspectives... Some of my fellow readers don't like this manhwa and some does.... Really good, check it outThe manhwa is always extremely good