Pulling Together a Villain Reformation Strategy

Chapter 92

The spirit stage, as the name suggests, was a huge natural stone platform. At this moment, thousands of immortal cultivators gathered around the stage, with most of the people attending naturally outstanding figures of various sects as well as rising stars.

The heads of several sects entered at the same time. Among them was Jiang Xunyi, who had recently become the number one hottest topic. Numerous eyes immediately glanced over, and the first sect head to arrive immediately gave him an enthusiastic greeting. Yun Xie, Jiang Xunyi, and Jiang Molou stood side by side. They were three of the top five young masters of the era, and they all appeared extraordinary with very different demeanors. The female disciples next to them kept looking sideways, flushing and talking secretly amongst themselves.

Huo Kai stood there for a while and couldnt stand it anymore. He stepped out and murmured, Standing with you, my whole back is scorched by the eyes of the crowd. Ill just stay wherever I feel cool.

Jiang Xunyi also felt his head spin from all the chatter, but fortunately, Yun Xie went from side to side, answering most of the questions for him, and was able to escape his obligations.

There were special seats on the west side of the stage designated for the few people with lofty identities and prestige. On one side of Jiang Xunyi was Yun Xie, and on the other side sat Jiang Molou. Next to Jiang Molou,Zhuo Zhengfan leaned over to smile at him. Xunyi, I remember when you and Brother Yun only used half a stick of incense time to kill all the monsters in the gum maple forest. This was unprecedented, and it was after this that the title the Dual Jades of the Spirit Stage was given to you. Five sword test conferences have passed since then, and no one can catch up to you. I dont know if there will be any rising talents this time.

Yun Xies gaze roved around the area before he laughed softly. I think its difficult.

Jiang Xunyi looked at the faraway dark temple off the east side of the spirit stage, a serious expression on his face. I believe no one will be thinking of the children during this years sword conference. According to my estimate, the trials for the disciples may even be cancelled. He pursed his lips. Do you see? The main focus is over there.

After Jiang Xunyi finished speaking, he suddenly felt something warm on the back of his hand. When he looked over, he saw Yun Xie quietly holding his hand under the cover of their wide sleeves.

Without showing any expression, his thumb gently rubbed on the back of Jiang Xunyis hand in a soothing motion. However, his eyes did not look over, only saying indifferently, It doesnt matter. No matter the amount of gales and waves, being afraid wouldnt do anything. As long as you can keep moving forward, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Huo Kai, who was sitting on the other side of Yun Xie, didnt know who he was aiming this line of speech at, so he continued, Sect Master Yun is right. However, I heard before that this temple can only accommodate one person. Because of this, the amount of people vying for a chance to get in may increase.

Yun Xie and Jiang Xunyi were startled at the same time, asking in unison, Why?

Zhuo Zhengfan replied, How do you two not know? This was calculated by Master Wu Lu himself. He said the ghost temple is too powerful or something, and it will spontaneously attack when an outsider invades. If one person enters, they can be covered in spells, but if there are more people entering, I am afraid it will collapse.

Yun Xie sneered. What calculate the old bald donkey[1]hadnt really tested it out. Isnt this too careless to say?

None of the people next to himstoppedhim from the slander, and Huo Kai even laughed out loud. Although this Master Wu Lu was the younger martial brother of Master Wu Shou, who once stood up for Jiang Xunyi[2], their morality differed by a thousand miles.Compared with his senior brother, Master Wu Lu can be said to be a model of the six impurities. However, he was an elder and had a bright mind, so where things were going on, there he will be.

Even so, there are not many people who have the courage and qualifications to express dissatisfaction with Master Wu Lu. Anyone familiar with Yun Xie knew that this was not the first time he has spoken plainly with disdain.However, even though he took this stance, what Master Wu Lu said could not be completely ignored.

Jiang Xunyi was silent for a moment, then finally said lightly, We can discuss this later.

After saying this, he clearly felt Yun Xie tightly grasping his hand. However, he also knew that Jiang Xunyi had to enter the ghost temple.

As the group talked, a monk with a white beard had already stepped onto the spirit stage.He coughed slightly, and the clamor around him gradually quieted down. Everyone looked towards him, including the girls who had been quietly looking at Jiang Xunyi and the others.

It was Master Wu Lu.

The purpose of assembling the sects for todays sword testing conference in fact is for one purpose. You must also know that the legendary Ghost Temple, which has not been seen in hundreds of years, had inexplicably appeared the day before the conference. This is truly disturbing. Therefore, after discussing with a few more elders, I[3]will postpone the Gum Maple Forest Demon Elimination and Spirit Stage Trial at this time. Now that we have all happened to gather, I will be so bold as to take the lead and ask everyone what you think about this matter.

After this speech, Master Wu Lu paused intentionally, and whispers started up around the venue. However, no one stood up to talk.

Everyone can see that this matter seemed simple, and yet was hard to handle. The main problem was the legend of the rare treasure hidden within the temple. According to the legend, it may even help you directly ascend. However, although this sounded nice, how many people can be guaranteed to able to leave in one piece?Whats more, even if you desperately fight and get this legendary treasure, who can guarantee that it will not instigate conflict, leading to murder?

Jiang Xunyi smiled coldly and tapped his knuckles on the armrest of his chair. The worst situation would be that someone struggled desperately to get through the temple, but its revealed that there was nothing there. When they come out with empty hands, they will be suspected of embezzling a treasure and will immediately become everyones target what do you all think Wu Lu intends?

Yun Xiereplied,Look at his cross eyes. With one glance, you can tell his eyes have widened at the sight of profit. If it has to do with treasure, how could he not covet it? He probably wants the one entering to act as a sacrifice, taking all the treasure afterwards.

After he said this, his eyes glanced at Jiang Xunyi intentionally or unintentionally. He took out a folding fan from who-knows-where and waved it. Therefore, only fools would want to go in.

They had already quarreled over this matter earlier. At first, Yun Xie looked on the bright side and felt that it wouldnt be a big deal as long as he entered with Jiang Xunyi. The two of them can live or die together. However, now that he heard that only one person could enter, he immediately became worried and quickly opposed Jiang Xunyi.

Huo Kai didnt know, so he laughed as he said, You two have good minds and can see straight through. In that case, we shouldnt be the fool that rushes in. Besides, the old bald donkey is the one who cares about whatever treasure there is. Lets just sit and watch the excitement.

Jiang Xunyi:

He felt countless damn arrows in his knees[4].

Friendly reminder: Entering the ghost temple is an important part of completing the mission and protecting the plot. If the host does not go through this step, the protagonists life may be in danger, and the world will collapse and the mission will fail. May the host please be vigilant.

Jiang Xunyi slowly closed his eyes and didnt respond.After a while, he let out a deep breath, feeling a little tired. He felt his temples warm slightly, and he opened his eyes to meet Yun Xies worried and distressed gaze.

Yun Xie was rubbing his temples carefully, softening his voice unconsciously to say, Have you not rested in the past two days? Look at the black circles under your eyes. Why dont you rest first?

At the sight of Yun Xie, Jiang Xunyi smiled slightly, raised his hand and grabbed Yun Xies hand. Go and sit down. Im not that fragile.

Huo Kai was stunned and couldnt help turning to Jiang Molou. Molou, Im speechless at the affection between your senior martial brother and Sect Master Yun.

Jiang Molou rolled his eyes.

Zhuo Zhengfan sat on the side silently as an audience member and said in his heart, Stupid fool, youre asking for it[5]!

It wasnt until the whispering gradually subsided that Master Wu Lu continued. As the saying goes, Dont enter a tigers den to get tiger cubs. From my perspective, due to the fact that we do not know anything about the interior of the temple, we still need to enter. However, as everyone should also know, in order not to disturb the evil spirits and cause disasters, only one person can enter for the time being this, lets see, who do you think we should send?

After this line, the crowd started clamoring again. Just as Jiang Xunyi said, some people cherished their lives while other people were greedy for money. In general, everyone felt that they couldnt go to their death, but they also couldnt watch anyone else get treasure. For a while, everyone quarreled.

Jiang Xunyi was not in a hurry at this time, calmly sitting there with his eyes closed, as if he hadnt heard anything.

An old man with a white beard and hair said, trembling, From what I think, it should be a young person to enter the temple. After all, young people can move fluidly and they should also gain experience. Old men like us should, at most, just look at the excitement.

Zhuo Zhengfan was confused. He doesnt want to fight for it?

Yun Xie snorted. Can this be counted as not fighting? He plans to change the rules because the younger generation is limited by seniority and can be suppressed. It is also easier to send them to die. Really damn wicked.

What you say comes back around, because right after, someone asked, Sect Master Yun, Young Master Jiang are the two leaders of the younger generation. I am unsure what you think of this?

The author has something tosay.Thank you for the landmine, may the test gods bless you, bless all the little angels. I will pray for you, dont be nervous, okay.

[1]A derogative term for monks

[2]In chapter 46-47, Master Wu Shou stood up for JXY when the others were accusing him of assault

[3]He calls himself which is a way to address elderly monks

[4]Arrow in the knee popularized by Skyrim, in slang it represents something that held you back

[5]He just said , I dont really know what that means but I guessed TT

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