Primordial Villain With A Slave Harem

Chapter 155: Wizard Potion

With the payment done we only have one more stop left for the day, and the one I'm most excited about; visiting an alchemist.

"I really don't want you to do this, Quinlan…" Ayame speaks up with clear nervousness in her tone.

"Ghost isn't sure Master should drink poison either…" Blossom whimpers while strengthening her grip around my palm.

I let out a low chuckle and grab both of their waists and pull them into my embrace and to my surprise I face absolutely no resistance in doing so. "I'm overjoyed to see that the two most important people in my life worry so much about me, but we've been through this before. Your man is a stubborn one who really wants to become a spellcaster."

I hear a quiet grumble of "you are not 'my man'" from my adorable samurai, but of course, I ignore her before continuing. "As I said before, I'm also not eager to live-test the limits of my strange race and its poison ingesting capabilities, therefore we will ask an alchemist, maybe they have some tricks up their sleeves to help me boost my chances of survival."

That's right; just because I'm a primordial, the supposed 'master of adaptability', doesn't mean that it's smart for me to carelessly drink the elixir that should rightfully kill me on the spot, so if I can help it I will look for alternatives first.

Blossom only whimpers again and nuzzles her masked face into my chest in response, while Ayame reluctantly agrees with a simple 'alright…'.

The search for the [Mystical Elixir of Awakening] leads us through the winding streets of the market district, into a maze of alchemical shops and magical curiosities.

The first shop we enter is small, the air thick with the mingled scents of dried herbs and burning incense. Wooden shelves line the walls, crammed with bottles, jars, and small pouches filled with strange, glowing substances. A large cauldron bubbles away in a corner, emitting wisps of steam that curl lazily toward the ceiling.

The shopkeeper is a gaunt, middle-aged man with sharp features and a suspicious glint in his eye. He looks up as we enter, his gaze narrowing slightly as he assesses us.

"I have a client who wishes to purchase a [Mystical Elixir of Awakening]," I say, keeping my tone neutral.

The man nods slowly. "I do have a few in stock, but that's a powerful potion- rare, and expensive."

"I'm aware," I reply. "But I'm also curious if you have any supplementary spells, potions, or advice that could help an adult achieve the same outcome. You see, the client is-"

His face darkens as he cuts off before I can finish. "No," he says flatly. "That elixir is meant for children only. Adults have no business meddling with it. In fact, I think I've changed my mind- I won't sell it to you."

I frown but keep my composure. "Are you certain? The client is willing to pay generously for any assistance."

The shopkeeper's eyes flash with something akin to fear or perhaps anger. "I said no. And now I suggest you leave."

Without further argument, we exit the shop, frustration simmering beneath my calm exterior.

The second alchemist shop is larger, with an open floor plan and a high ceiling adorned with hanging herbs and magical trinkets. The shopkeeper, a rotund woman with a friendly demeanor, greets us warmly, but her mood shifts the moment I mention an adult using the [Mystical Elixir of Awakening].

"No, absolutely not," she says, her tone firm. "That concoction is only for children. Adults can't handle its power- there's no shortcut to becoming a Wizard. If you ask me, I think it's best you give up, though I will happily sell the elixir to you should you wish to experiment."

Although irritated, I can't help but chuckle inwardly. No wonder her shop is much more grandiose than the previous one, she happily sells an elixir that's basically lethal poison for her customer even when she's 100% sure a person will die as a result of her greed.

As we step out of the store I feel obligated to turn back towards the shop and nod my head respectfully, for I would've done the exact same in her position.

Money is money.

The third shop is a dingy, dimly lit place with heavy air and the smell of musty books and something foul brewing in the back. The shopkeeper, an elderly man with a wrinkled face and beady eyes, listens to my request before sneering at me.

"I've had enough of idiots like you. There's no way an adult can become a Wizard, no matter what you try. If you're asking such stupid questions, I won't sell it to you. Get out."

Well, it's safe to say that things aren't going exactly as I'd hoped.

As we walk down the narrow street, heading toward a fourth alchemist shop, I feel Ayame tug at the hem of my robe.

"Quinlan," she says quietly.

"Yes, I'm aware," I reply. My senses have picked up on the presence of a figure tailing us since we left the first shop. Whoever it is, they are absolutely horrible at spying on others if even I managed to catch them in the act as soon as they started.

We exchange a silent glance before turning into a dark alleyway. The narrow passage is flanked by tall, crumbling buildings that block out most of the light, casting long shadows on the cobblestone ground.

As we come to a halt in the alley, the three of us turn to face the entrance and wait, ready to pounce. The figure following us hesitates momentarily before cautiously stepping into the shadows. The moment they're within reach, I lunge forward, gripping their throat with a swift motion and then I push them into the wall while my two ladies restrain the newcomer's hands.

As their back hits the structure with a loud, painful thud, they gasp for air while attempting to cry out in alarm and struggle with very little result.

it's clear they're no real threat. My grip tightens threateningly around their throat for a moment before I loosen it slightly, seeing how easily they falter.

So far I can make two observations, one, it's a woman and two, she's extremely weak.

I then make a snap decision; with a powerful yank, I tear off her dark robe, the fabric giving way easily in my hands. The clothing item falls away, revealing the woman beneath, and what I see is striking.

She's an adult woman, perhaps in her mid-twenties, with a figure that's a stark contrast to Ayame's athletic and well-defined physique. Where Ayame is lean and extremely fit, this woman is soft, her body full and inviting in a way that suggests warmth and comfort. Her ample breasts rise and fall with her rapid breathing, and her wide hips and thick thighs exude a sensuality that's almost maternal.

She's not fat- no, she's just padded in all the right places, her body curvaceous and plush, as if made to be held and cherished.

Her skin is smooth and unblemished, a creamy contrast to the dark alley surrounding us. Beneath the discarded robe, she's dressed in a rich white attire that clings to her body, highlighting every curve. The fabric is luxurious, adorned with ornate details and shimmering in the faint light, making her look even more out of place in this grim setting.

The white of her dress against her soft, voluptuous form gives her an almost ethereal quality, as if she's some kind of celestial being who's been thrust into a world too crude for her, which is further accentuated by her beautiful, long platinum hair.

However, it's the fear that dominates her features. Her amber eyes are wide with terror, her breath coming in shallow, panicked gasps as she stares up at me while being utterly at my mercy. The richness of her attire only heightens the contrast between her apparent status and her current vulnerability, making her seem even more fragile, as if she might break under the weight of her own fear.

Despite her obvious terror, there's something undeniably captivating about her, something that makes it hard to tear my eyes away.


"What do you want?" I demand as I ease my grip on her throat just enough that she is allowed to speak clearly.

She gasps for air, her voice shaky and pleading. "P-please, I-I'm not here to hurt you," she pleads in an extremely desperate tone. "I overheard you... you're looking for the [Mystical Elixir of Awakening]... for an adult."

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