Primordial Villain With A Slave Harem

Chapter 151: Newcomers

I'm wondering if I have to fulfill all three to gain full access to the saber or if only one is enough…

Well, only one way to find out.

I glance back at the man but he just stares at the saber with disinterest, seeing nothing more than a simple, strange but average blade. He did say he tried everything in his arsenal to identify it, so it's clearly beyond his capabilities, therefore his loss of interest is understandable.

I glance towards Ayame who has been observing the saber silently since I first approached it. She must've realized that I've identified something interesting thanks to my unique race that the blacksmith couldn't hence my interest. "What do you think of this weapon?" I inquire.

She ponders thoughtfully for a moment before responding. "A saber could be a good choice- it's relatively lightweight, good for both offense and defense, and is ideal for a person like you who wants to wield your blade in one hand. Furthermore, although vastly different from a katana, I can still give you more tips for it than if you chose a halberd or something completely different.

We can also begin training you in earnest with friendly sword duels which will improve your skills much faster than exterminating monsters or badly trained humanoids."

"Great." I reply before turning to the shopkeep. "I will take it."

He nods disinterestedly and replies with a simple grunt. "Sure."

After examining the sealed saber and making the decision to purchase it, I notice a set of throwing knives displayed nearby. The knives are simple, with slim, balanced blades perfect for precision throwing. Given that I have the Assassin's innate spell [Knife Throw], these would be an ideal addition to my arsenal, after all, I'm lacking in range for now.

I pick up a set of ten, testing the weight of one in my hand before nodding in approval. The price is reasonable, considering their common status, and I decide to add them to our haul.

Next, Blossom's nose leads her to another display- this time, it's a carving knife. The blade is sharp and slightly curved, clearly designed for butchering. Blossom's existence sparks up as she lifts the blade, handling it with tender care. Even without seeing her features I can easily imagine what her face looks like right now.

"This knife reminds Blossom of the one her mother had…" She mutters, her voice filled with nostalgia. "She used it for butchering the prey Blossom caught as a child."

Seeing how much this simple tool means to her, I don't hesitate to add it to our purchase. It's not a fancy weapon, but it's something that will make her happy and it's not a waste at all to have a dedicated butchering tool should we be forced to live out in the wild or harvest our loot from slain monster carcasses.

With the saber, the throwing knives, Ayame's katana, Blossom's claws, and now the carving knife, we've definitely splurged a bit here. The total cost adds up to over 4 gold- Ayame's katana alone was 2 gold, Blossom's claws were 1.6, my sealed saber was only 35 silver, and the rest of the items, being of average quality, didn't cost much at all.

Despite the rather suffocating expenditure, I feel satisfied with what we've acquired.

As we gather our purchases, Ayame suddenly pauses, her eyes narrowing in thought. "Wait," she says, turning to the blacksmith, "do you have any maintenance tools? I want to take care of our weapons instead of bringing them in for repairs."

The blacksmith grunts in approval, as if appreciating her dedication. He reaches under the counter and pulls out a small wooden box, opening it to reveal a set of tools- a whetstone, oil, cloths, and other essentials for weapon maintenance.

"This set will do the job," he says, pushing it toward us. "Good tools for anyone serious about keeping their weapons in top shape."

Ayame inspects the contents carefully, nodding with satisfaction. "Perfect. We'll take it."

As I'm about to step closer to hand over the payment to the blacksmith, the creak of the door opening behind us draws my attention. I turn to see two figures- a male and a female- stepping into the shop. They both appear to be in their late twenties and there's an air of confidence- perhaps even arrogance- surrounding them.

The man is tall, with a lean, muscular build that suggests a life dedicated to melee combat. His dark hair is slicked back, and his sharp features are accentuated by a smirk that doesn't quite reach his cold eyes. He's dressed in fitted, high-quality armor that's clearly been customized for both protection and style, with a sword strapped to his side.

The hilt of the blade is ornate, and he rests a hand on it casually as if it's an extension of his own body.


Beside him is a woman with long, long auburn hair cascading down her back in loose waves. She's wearing a deep crimson robe embroidered with intricate golden patterns that shimmer in the dim light of the shop. A staff is clutched in her hand, the top adorned with a crystal that seems to pulse with a faint, magical glow.

Her expression is haughty, her green eyes scanning the room with a mixture of disinterest and disdain. Unlike her companion, she doesn't bother with a smirk- her lips are pressed into a thin line, as if the very act of being here is beneath her.

It's immediately clear to me that she's a mage-type, and I can't help but study her for a moment with interest. It's the first time I've seen a wizard up close, and there's something intriguing about the way she holds herself, as if she's constantly aware of the unique power she wields. The staff, the robes, the aura- she's the embodiment of the term 'entitlement'.


After all, her being a wizard can only mean that she'd led a life of privilege, since her parents could afford the expensive potion while she was a young child.

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