Pick Me Up, Infinite Gacha

Chapter 52

# 52

52. Moving forward again (1)

I put the war horse statue on the fountain.

I was thinking of taking it with me when the schedule was over. Now that Amkena is back, I will be busy again from today. A mountain of work remained to be done.

I was going to the training center where the members were gathered, but Issel followed me.

[Loki, what if the master hasn’t changed?]

“That’s not going to happen.”

I dismissed Issel’s concerns.

It is not known how much it will change, but it is certain that it will change. Going to the official cafe for consultation in the first place means that there was a change of heart. How much I understood the documents I sent you will be seen by watching what Amkena does.

“When is the next chance?”

[The Internet next time?]

Issel asked back.

I nodded.

[It may take only a month, or it may take more than half a year. It depends on how quickly the residual interference force gathers.]

“What is the interference force?”

[It is the source of twisting Mobius’ causality and modifying its laws. When the Master logs in and watches the waiting room or performs activities, energy builds up. As the number of floors increases, the gathering speed is faster. And above all… Jem!]

Isel spun around and raised her right hand.

In his right hand, he was clutching a sparkling blue jewel.

[This is Gem! It is a jewel with the power of creation , the crystal

of interference.]

[of course. Human money has strong grudges. Cyber money is good, but cash is better! If you bring cash to the head office, we give you an additional 1% payment benefit. Didn’t you know?]

‘It’s a second.’

Few people go to the headquarters for just 1%.

In any case, I knew that the tangent with Amkena would not be the last.

If you see any deviations as you continue to lay the groundwork, you can correct it at the next tangent.

If I had a little more time, I was thinking of researching life and death in real life, Moebius, and Pick Me Up. Because there are still many things I don’t know. It seemed like it would take a little more speed to do that. That is, it is necessary to collect what is called interference.

The initial contact is over. It was time to look at the changes.

After saying goodbye to Isel, I entered the training center. The members of Party 1 were scattered all over the place and were training. I came in between Jenna and Aaron, who were sparring.

“Huh, brother?”

“Stop. I have something to say. Bring Iolka.”

After a while, the members of the first party gathered in one place.

I said right away.

“As of this time, the suspension is lifted.”

The three of them looked at me with bewildered faces.

I briefly explained that the Master would change.

Jenna smiled and said.

“I didn’t care what the master was, but that’s fine.”

Aaron silently held the spear.

Iolka looked at the two of them and mine, then sighed and lowered her shoulders.

All three agreed. A system message popped up with a sound effect.

[‘Party 1’ has become operational.]

[Excellent Master. The hero has changed his mind!]

“I’ve been resting too much. Isn’t my body itchy?”

“No, I…”

I stared at Iolka.

“Itchy, itchy!”


The condition of the three is not bad.

As the strike continued for a long time, we unintentionally took a break.

[Han Jenna Aaron Iolka!]

Isel’s voice called for the first party.

play right away. I came out to the square with the members.

Issel was flying around the plaza.

Meanwhile, Aaron whispered.

“Brother, the master said he changed his mind, but there are still four of us. Isn’t one empty?”

“Don’t worry about that.”

I smiled.

Isel shouted once more.


“Are you Edith?”

Jenna tilted her head.

After a while, Edith came out with a questioning expression on her face.

“Why me?”

[The master requested to temporarily join the 1st party. are you going to Will you?]

Edith looked at me and said.

“Have you lifted the suspension?”

“As you can see.”

“Who is the master?”

“You’ll know when you see it.”

After thinking for a moment, Edith came to a conclusion.

“Okay. If you guys are.”

[The ‘2nd party’ has become operational.]

The inability to control the 2nd party, including Edith, has been lifted.

The leader’s will becomes the will of the entire party. It was an impossible decision without high trust in the party.

[Form a party.]

[Drag and drop heroes!]

[‘Edith (★★★)’ joins ‘Party 1’!]

And Edith’s affiliation was changed to Party 1.

Of course, this was a temporary measure.

‘The deadline is until the 15th floor is broken.’

It was concluded that the 15th floor was a small mission requiring one party at the expense of the advance party, the third party. Then there is no need to party. If the teamwork of both sides is right, depending on the master’s intention, a temporary party can be formed by mixing the elite. The standard was to insert a new hero and then foster it from level 1, but due to the strike, the time was delayed considerably.

To pursue efficiency without losing speed.

I am also welcome this way. It is not too late to train new members after clearing the 15th floor. Anyway, the higher the number of layers, the faster the growth rate. This is because new facilities and dungeons will be opened.

“It won’t last long.”

Edith scratched her cheek awkwardly.

“I don’t intend to hold on for long.”

“Then what?”

[Open the space-time gap!]

Knocked up.

The gate in front of the plaza opened.

It was a long outing. The first party, joined by Edith, went into a circular room.

The door closed and an alarm indicating the floor number was displayed.

[The current number of challenging floors in the main dungeon is 8.]

[The door will open in 10 seconds. Get ready!]

‘The 8th floor.’

recalled the memory.

It was a stage featuring 27 goblin riders.

The field is plain. Thanks to Iolka, there was a history of suffering quite a bit.

A dazzling light emanated from the mirror on the left side of the room.

When the light faded, the familiar plains came into view.

Dugu dugu dugu.

The sound of the ground shaking from behind was also familiar.

I drew my sword and shield and said.

“Do you know where it is?”

“It’s on the 8th floor.”

Aaron pointed his spear at the rear.

Jenna put an arrow through the protest. Iolka was still breathing.

“It’s time to show the results of your training.”

Just because we went on strike didn’t mean we were just playing around.

In parallel with conditioning, he continued to practice real-life training. Even though I couldn’t level up, I never wasted a single day.

“I know.”

Iolka stretched out her right hand, fluttering the hem of her dress.

There were goblin riders charging at us.

Iolka’s eyes glowed blue.

【Turn over!】

“Kia Ah?!”

The ground in front of the goblin turned over and rose up.

Dirt and stones scattered and swept away the Goblin Riders who were in the lead. At once, the ranks were disorganized. It was a technique that applied telekinesis.

ping! Ping ping ping!

Jenna lowered her stance and fired an arrow like a rapid-fire cannon. The process of taking the arrow out of the quiver and pulling it into the string continued like water. It was the effect of rapid fire, an archer-type skill completed through long training.

The target is the goblins who point their crossbows at Iolka.

The arrow pierced the goblin’s vitals without missing an inch. Not a single one succeeded in firing a bolt.

Iolka continued casting without being checked.

Ordering takes only 10 seconds.



The flames from the ends of Iolka’s sleeves spread out in a wide fan.

The flames hit the ranks of the goblin riders head-on.

A goblin engulfed in fire wallowed with a wolf.

The wolves that were galloping behind them hesitated and retreated. Iolka’s flames, which had consumed several goblins and wolves, wriggled like a living snake and expanded its range.

The date line collapsed in an instant.

The rushing power, which was like a sharp awl, lost its direction. Now, what was over there was no goblin riders, but mere goblins and wolves wandering around in flames.

“It’s the final stage.”

I turned the sword around and dug into the wires.

The flames spread to the feet. I don’t care. I didn’t learn fire resistance with foam. One by one, he slaughtered the goblins and wolves who were engulfed in flames. A few of them rebelled, but they trampled lightly. Aaron also participated in the cleanup.

I thrust my sword into the back of the goblin’s head as it crawled across the floor.

this guy is the last one

[Stage cleared!]

[‘Aaron( )’ and ‘Iolka(★★★)’ level up!]

[Reward – 3000G Wolf Skin]

[MVP – ‘Iolka(★★★)’]

The battle is over.

I brushed the blood off the sword and put it in the sheath.

“…why did I call you?”

Edith muttered in a broken voice.

I laughed silently and got out of the space-time gap.

Definitely different from last time.

At that time, I had to allow the goblin rider to rush several times.

Xena’s shooting speed was not fast enough to suppress the goblin’s crossbow, and Iolka, who insisted on casting fire magic for 1 minute, was a good target. But now it is different. Combat has become much more flexible. As a result, 27 Goblin Riders were annihilated without completing a single charge.

‘I just need to raise the level.’

Edith hasn’t adapted to the style of our party yet, but basically has great sense. So, as you battle over and over again, you will find your role on your own.

[Roderick Usher Digital Camera!]

As soon as the first party returned to the waiting room, Issel called the members of the second party.

Two people came to the square, with Roderick as the lead. It seemed like they were trying to raise the level of the 2nd party. Edith shook her head and walked towards the second party. I asked Edith.

“Are you going to take two hits?”

“The two Tangs didn’t do anything.”

Edith smiled bitterly.

Then he looked up at the sky and whispered something.

[‘Edith (★★★)’ wants to join the ‘2nd Party’.]

Soon, Edith’s affiliation was changed to the 2nd Party.

For the time being, she will be busy going back and forth between the 1st and 2nd parties.

The space-time gap was closed.

“I’m sure today will end here, right? I lost all my strength from using magic.”

Iolka stretched out.

I said looking at Jenna and Aaron.

“What are you guys going to do?”

“It’s training. It’s the 15th floor soon.”

“You are not tired.”

Iolka sighed and walked towards the inn.

I grabbed Iolka’s sleeve.

“Why again?”

“It’s not over.”

“You’re trying to make me run? I’m tired of using magic.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t use your body.”

“I don’t believe you. Do you think I’ve been fooled once or twice?”

I dragged the frantic Iolka to the training center.

There was something that had to start when the wizard joined the waiting room. At the very least, it was too late.


[What’s going on?]

“I need to do some research.”


Isel nodded and disappeared.

Then a tip came to mind.

[There are people who can do master research.]

[How about starting research? The results obtained from research are the basis for smooth operation of the waiting room!]

Amkena opened the control window and touched the research tab.

I took Iolka to the training camp.

The door to the magic hall was open.

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