Path of the Extra

Chapter 30: White Haven [4]


Azriel couldn't recall anyone with that name.

"Yes, Dante. The way he arrived here was... interesting."

"He said he found some altar in the void realm, namely in a place called the Asura Mountains. The moment he arrived here, he thought I was some angel or something that would bless him with powers..."

"And so I just went with it."

Azriel just looked blankly at him this time.

'So he lied...'

"In exchange for him being my information source and doing me a favor, I told him when the time was right, I would bless him."

"What favor?"

"You see, he has a skill where he can track a person with their blood, so I gave him yours... A few days ago, he finally found traces of you in France, only for you to disappear again suddenly."

Azriel narrowed his eyes.

"All the military bases got wiped out a few days ago... was that because of him?"

Nol merely nodded calmly as if it wasn't a big deal.

"It was. He had to keep face since he couldn't just go there and return empty-handed to the organization he belongs to."


Azriel was getting an extremely bad feeling.

"What organization does he belong to?"

'Please don't say it...'

"Hmm, I think the name was Neo Genesis."


Neo Genesis, an organization that has been around since the first void generation. For some reason, they are hell-bent on letting Earth get consumed by the void realm.

Also, the organization would be responsible for the destruction of almost half of Asia...

Azriel even already knew what the next main event was going to be.

Right after the entrance exam, they would go on a trip... and of course, Neo Genesis will attack, intending to get rid of the future heroes.

"Haaa... that person, can he still track me?"

Nol shook his head, making Azriel feel relieved.

"No, his skill only works when he consumes your blood and needs to recharge every month. So we only met once a month, and I didn't give him any of your blood anymore at our last meeting. I was done searching for you."

"This invitation was supposed to be my last effort..."

"Who knew you and I would meet again at the very last moment?"


"That person Dante... to wipe out all the military bases in France, what rank is he in Neo Genesis?"

Neo Genesis had a strict hierarchy that everyone followed:



Void Spawns


Void Commanders

Grand Executors

Heptarchs: The second-highest rank, consisting of seven powerful leaders, each referred to as a Head.

Supreme Archon: The absolute leader and mastermind behind NeoGenesis.

"Well, at first he was only an Enforcer when we first met. Now he has risen to the rank of Void Commander. Heh, he might get promoted to Grand Executor with that stunt he pulled in France."

Azriel didn't really know how to feel anymore. Those soldiers in France... they basically died because of him.

'Right... this won't be the first time someone will die because of me, will it?'

He knew just what type of world he was in.

The morals of his previous world... they wouldn't work here.

"I told him once he becomes a Heptarch, I would bless him with immortality. Pfft, as if I really could do that."


'What a shameless bastard...!'

Didn't he realize he had just made a future enemy?


"Does he know my name?"

Luckily, Nol shook his head.

"No, I only gave him your blood and strictly ordered him not to identify it. He could only find out who you were if he found you."


"Do you still have Dante's blood?" Azriel asked.

Nol nodded.

"Yes, I still have some stored inside this ring, along with a bit of yours."

'Having someone inside the organization could be extremely useful.'

'It doesn't seem he can help me with my missing memories...'

How was this supposed to be just a side event?

It felt just as important as a main event!

"Anything else I need to know?"

Though he really hoped this was all.

He might actually go crazy.

"Nah, not that I can recall at the moment. Why? Do you want to go back?"

Azriel nodded.

"Yeah, my family must be worried by now..."

'Mom is totally going to kill me...'

"Your family, huh... right, master is a prince as well. Of course, he is."

Azriel felt uneasy seeing the strange admiration in Nol's eyes.

"Alright! Let's go meet your family!"

Nol suddenly shouted, standing up and walking toward where Azriel had entered.


Meet his family?


Azriel stood up and chased after him.

"Didn't you say you were stuck in this place?"

"Hmm, oh yes, I was stuck in this place. Not anymore though."


He looked suspiciously at Nol now.

"Just yesterday, I finally managed to break the seal that was keeping me here. Now I can simply leave with the same way that brought you here."

'Just yesterday, huh...'

The timing was perfect... almost too perfect.

"It's funny, isn't it, master? If you hadn't accepted my invitation today, I would have left this place tomorrow... perhaps it's fate, no?"

"Perhaps... but... you are free now, aren't you? Why... why do you want to follow me?"

Nol could finally leave this place, yet instead, he waited for Azriel to come.

And now that he did, he intends to go with him to his family.

'Is that really what he wants?'

"Because you are my master."

Azriel looked at him, wide-eyed at the sudden serious look Nol was giving him.

"You might have forgotten your memories, but I haven't. No matter what, you are still my master, the one who taught me everything, and I intend to follow you till your death. Besides, staying with you, master... I doubt it would ever get boring."

It wouldn't.

"Is that really what you want?"

"It is."

Nol's voice was filled with confidence as he looked at Azriel seriously.

Azriel couldn't detect a hint of deception in Nol's voice.


In the end, he could only release a tired sigh.

'How am I supposed to explain this to Mom and Dad...'

Truly troublesome.

"What is your mana core level, actually?"

"Hmm? Oh, it's level 2. I am a grade 3 intermediate somehow."

'So, the same as me, huh... but how?'

It's not like Nol has killed a void creature before.


'The mana in here... is it possible that because he has lived here for as long as he can remember, he adapted enough to consume the mana in the air and become a grade 3 intermediate?'

That would probably be the only thing that makes sense.

Azriel was honestly getting too tired and just wanted to get away from this place now.

"Fine, let's go... just don't cause any unnecessary trouble, alright?"

Hearing Azriel's words, Nol beamed with delight.

"Of course! I would never cause trouble for master!"

'I don't believe him...'

How could he?

This guy changes attitudes way too easily.

Just a while ago, this entire building was trembling with his rage, and now? He had become obedient.

Azriel could only shake his head and pray... pray that his parents wouldn't kill him themselves.


"Whoa! So this is what Earth looks like, huh?"

Azriel watched Nol, who was mesmerized by his surroundings. They had just teleported back to the Crimson estate, landing in the backyard.

'You haven't seen half of it,'

Azriel thought, realizing Nol truly had never left White Haven.

How had Nol, with his unique skill, ended up imprisoned there?

It was a mystery.

Azriel noticed the sun already rising.

"Two hours is still better than two years, I suppose."

Suddenly, a cold, chilling voice cut through the air behind them, making both Azriel and Nol freeze.

Goosebumps prickled their skin as they slowly turned around.

A devil stood there.

In the form of his mother.

His poor father had already fallen in battle, slumped against a wall with his eyes closed...

Azriel swallowed hard, his mouth dry as dust. It felt like the entire garden was burning under her gaze.


[AN: Extra character illustrations are now available on the Discord server!]

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