Path of the Extra

Chapter 28: White Haven [2]

"A church."

That was Azriel's first impression the moment he teleported here, leaving an obsidian black cross beneath his feet.

The walls gleamed with pure white marble, high arched windows admitting a gentle white light. The entire hall exuded peace and tranquility.

Everything around him was the same color.


His own body had become shrouded in black, as if he had become a shadow itself.

The further he walked, the more he admired everything around him.

Or better said, the lack thereof.

Azriel was excited...

This wasn't something that belonged to the original plot of the book.

It was something new.

Something that hadn't happened yet or wasn't supposed to.


[ • Side Event: Broken Bonds.]

[ • Side Quest: Accept the invitation to White Haven.]

[ • Event Experience: Ungainable.]

[ • Quest Reward: Gainable.]

-> [Void Mind]

The reward was something he definitely needed.

[Void Mind]: Allows the user to achieve a state of emotional detachment and clarity. In this state, emotions do not cloud judgment or decision-making, enabling the user to think with almost full rationality and focus.

With this skill, he could sell his story of being in the Void Realm for two whole years even easier.

He wasn't the person everyone thought he was after all...

And not being overwhelmed by his emotions in battle was definitely something Azriel needed.

Walking further, he eventually came to a pause.



Sitting behind a white-marbled round table was... a figure clad in shadows.


...playing chess by itself.

Gazing at the shadowy figure, Azriel had to guess by its body language that the person, or thing, was...



'So, is he the one who invited me?'

But why?

This entire place was odd to begin with.

The mana density was extremely high, yet Azriel, for some reason, could not consume any of it.

It wasn't just that.

He couldn't even use his powers here.

'Like a no-kill zone in a video game...'


Does that same rule apply to the figure in front of him?

If not, then Azriel is as good as dead.

Noticing his gaze, the shadowy figure turned its head towards Azriel.

Ba... Thump!

Azriel could hear his heart pounding loudly in his ears.

'Surely it won't kill me... right?'

It wouldn't make sense.

Why would the system give him a quest where he would have to die?

'Though I still have [Redo]... but still.'

He didn't want to use it.

Not this early.

"...You actually came."

Though he couldn't see his face, Azriel was sure the figure was...


Its voice was filled with disbelief.

"Of course I would. It would be rude not to, after inviting me in such an extravagant way."

'Though I would have preferred a letter instead.'

For a few seconds, there was no response. Only silence filled the hall.



The hall shook violently, the marble floors vibrating underfoot. Chandeliers swayed wildly, their glass pieces clinking together like sinister wind chimes.

Cracks spread across the ceiling with a sharp, splintering sound. The walls groaned and creaked, as if they might give way at any moment.

A deep, ominous rumble seemed to come from everywhere around him, making it feel like the building itself was alive and in agony.


It took everything Azriel had not to lose his balance.

"Rude!? Ha! Rude, you say now!?"

Azriel didn't even have to look at the figure. Just its voice was enough for Azriel to know that it was...



But why?

What did he do to offend it?

"After all this time, you finally come back here? And this is what you say!?"

The figure's body was trembling, seething with anger.

'What is he talking about...!'

Azriel couldn't understand what it meant in the slightest.

The figure stood up and started approaching him.


Even though the entire building kept shaking, the shadow seemed unbothered.


Ba... Thump!

Each step echoed through the hall.


Ba... Thump!



Ba... Thump!



Ba... Thump!

Seemingly in sync with his pounding heart.



Ba... Thump!

He was only an arm's length away from Azriel.

The hall stopped trembling.

Silence fell like a heavy shroud, the air thick with tension.

Azriel could feel the figure's cold breath, on his skin.

Ba... Thump!

The only sound was that of his racing heart.

Ba... Thump!

"Don't you have anything else to say?"

The shadow's voice was eerily calm, as if another person had taken over.


Azriel did his best to keep his voice from trembling.

Ba... Thump!

His heart was beating so loudly he was afraid the person in front of him could hear it.

It was obvious...

The rules of this being a no-kill zone didn't apply to the shadow before him.


Confusion could be heard in its voice.

"Why are you so angry at me?"

Azriel glanced at the dark hands of the shadow, which were clenched tightly, as if trying to keep its emotions in check.

"You don't know...?"

Azriel shook his head.

"I don't."

'Just what the hell is going on here...'

Azriel gritted his teeth.

This entire situation was confusing.

"...Do you know who I am?"

Hearing his question, Azriel really wanted to punch him.

'How should I know!?'

He was the one who invited him here!


"I don't."

Azriel shook his head again.

He couldn't lash out at him.

Not yet...

The shadow put his hand on his chin as if thinking deeply.

"You don't seem to be lying, huh..."

'Of course not...'

"What about now?"


Both Azriel and his shadow form suddenly disappeared with a wave of its hand.

'What the...'

Standing in front of him was a boy who looked about the same age as him.

He had silver hair that shone like moonlight and blood-red eyes that seemed to glow like pools of crimson fire.

He was strikingly handsome, with a mix of elegance and something unsettling that made it hard to look away.

"How about now...?"

The boy was looking at Azriel with a hint of anticipation and anxiety.

Ba... Thump!

Azriel could hear his heart beat once again, yet this time it wasn't out of fear.

'What is this...'

He couldn't understand.

It felt like he recognized the person in front of him yet didn't at the same time.

Like he was about to grasp onto something yet it would pull away at the last minute.

It was...


Incredibly so.

"I see... I finally understand everything now."

Azriel could hear the sadness and disappointment in the boy's voice.

For some reason, his heart felt heavy.


Nothing made sense anymore.

"Let's sit down first... We have a lot to talk about."

Turning around, the boy walked again towards the round table.


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