Path of Absolute Transcendence

Chapter 137: 137. Mission

Kai's footsteps echoed in the silent corridor, a stark contrast to the turmoil that churned within him. The revelation from Jiang Chen had left a bitter taste in his mouth, one that not even the finest wines of Lotus Pavilion could wash away. They were mere pawns in a grander scheme, bait for a high-level demon, and Kai's pride smarted at the thought.

He clenched his fists, the frustration simmering beneath his calm exterior. Yet, he swallowed the protest that threatened to spill from his lips; his current strength—or lack thereof—muffled his voice of dissent.

Jiang Chen's words, "Come back tomorrow; we will need to kill the remaining demons," hung in the air like a decree, leaving no room for argument. Kai merely nodded, his resolve hardening. Tomorrow's group expedition would be a chance to prove his worth, to shake off the shackles of perceived weakness.

The walk back to his quarters was a silent affair, with Ye Lin at his side. They shared the path but not words, each lost in their own contemplation. As they parted ways, Kai's hand lingered on the door to his room, the wood cool under his touch. With a soft click, the lock slid into place, sealing him away from the world.

Inside, the room was his sanctuary, a place where he could shed the weight of expectations and embrace the solitude that cultivation demanded. Kai settled into his routine, the familiar motions grounding him as he sought to refine his cultivation to its utmost limit.

His mind's eye focused on the breakthrough that beckoned, envisioning the surge of power that would catapult him to the peak of the next realm in one fell swoop.

Dawn's first light crept through the window, painting the room in hues of gold and amber. Kai rose, his body a map of new-found determination. Today, he would not partake in the complimentary breakfast provided by the pavilion. Instead, he craved the robust flavors of a tier 3 beast, a luxury he had indulged in during his time in the Abyss World.

The memory of that taste lingered, a reminder of the strength he yearned to possess.

The soft knock at the door heralded the arrival of his breakfast. The maid entered, her movements graceful and silent as she placed the steaming dish on the table. The aroma wafted through the air, rich and enticing. She poured a special alcohol, its amber liquid catching the light, and then took a seat opposite Kai, her presence an unspoken offer of company.

Kai, however, found no comfort in the company of strangers. With a polite nod, he dismissed her, and she retreated with the professionalism of one accustomed to the whims of the pavilion's guests. Alone once more, Kai savored the first bite, the flavors bursting across his palate. He had to concede, the chef's skills surpassed his own.

As he ate, a new determination took root within him. "I will increase my cooking skill to a high level," he mused, the thought solidifying with each mouthful. For now, cultivation and cooking were his twin passions, the only pursuits that ignited a spark of interest within him.

The meal concluded with a sip of alcohol, its warmth a pleasant contrast to the cool morning air. Kai rose, his steps light and purposeful. He left the pavilion and same place as yesterday.

As Kai approached the gathering point of the demon slaying team, the early morning mist clung to the ground like a shroud. The air was thick with anticipation, and the scent of damp earth mingled with the metallic tang of unsheathed steel. Ye Lin was already there, her silhouette etched against the dawn light, the sword she cradled against her chest gleaming with a life of its own.

Kai watched her for a moment, perplexed by the reverence she showed for her blade. To him, a weapon was a mere extension of one's will, a tool for survival, nothing more.

Yet there she stood, a sentinel, her devotion to the sword unwavering as if it were the very breath in her lungs. Kai's gaze shifted, taking in the rest of the scene before him. The clearing was alive with the subtle movements of seasoned warriors, their presence a silent testament to battles fought and won. Among them was Yue, an enigma wrapped in the guise of a mortal girl.

She wielded no visible power, her stance unmarked by the telltale signs of cultivation that Kai was accustomed to. It was a puzzle that gnawed at him—how could one so seemingly fragile command such respect?

Kai's thoughts were a whirlpool, drawing him deeper into contemplation. The path of the sword was a noble one, but without the foundation of Qi, the fortification of the body, and the nurturing of the soul, it was a path that led to a precipice. How could she not see that the body's limitations were chains that no amount of skill could break? The fragility of life was a foe no sword could slay.

His reverie was broken by the arrival of Jiang Chen, accompanied by two figures whose age was etched into their faces like lines on a map. They moved with a grace that belied their years, their eyes holding the quiet confidence of the ancient trees that surrounded them.

Jiang Chen's introduction was brief, "These are Jiang Tai and Li Mu, pillars of our team." Their nod was a silent welcome, a gesture that spoke volumes in the economy of warriors.

Jiang Chen's voice cut through the morning stillness, "We are six. That is the entirety of our force." His words hung in the air, a challenge to the notion that strength lay in numbers. "Quality over quantity," he said, and Kai felt the truth of it resonate within him. The team before him was a blade forged in the fires of countless battles, honed to a razor's edge.

"You two are fortunate," Jiang Chen continued, "Our captain's decision to recruit you is a rare one." Kai looked at Yue, her presence commanding despite her unassuming appearance. She was a mystery, her strength an invisible current that pulled at him. He could not fathom her power, but it was a force that seemed to eclipse even the seasoned Tier 4 warriors that flanked her.

In the hushed prelude of dawn, the demon slaying team assembled, a tableau of readiness against the backdrop of an awakening world. Yue stood at the forefront, her voice the harbinger of their mission, "Our task mirrors that of yesterday. You two will draw out the demons, serving as bait for the greater threats that lurk beyond our sight. Fear not for your lives; we stand vigilant."

Her declaration left no room for dissent, her confidence an unyielding force that brooked no argument. Kai's smile was a wry twist of his lips, a silent acknowledgment of the futility of resistance. Yue's will was iron, her decisions absolute.

It was then that Jiang Chen interjected, his suggestion slicing through the tension, "Form a team, you two. Cooperation will ease the burden of the task at hand." His words were a lifeline in the sea of uncertainty, a strategy to mitigate the peril they faced.

Kai's eyes sought Ye Lin, searching for a hint of her thoughts. Her nod was all the answer he needed—silent assent, a wordless pact forged in the crucible of necessity. They would stand together, united against the darkness that awaited them.

As they had the day before, Jiang Chen bore them aloft, the world shrinking beneath them as they soared toward the desert. This barren expanse was a no-man's-land, a buffer between the North and South continents, its sands a silent witness to the specter of war that never quite materialized.

Kai's mind turned over the enigma of the desert. It was a forbidden realm, a place where neither human nor demon dared tread lightly. The core was a void where many had ventured but none returned, a mystery that whispered of untold dangers.

Yet, the demons had breached the divide, infiltrating the North continent with a subtlety that belied the desolation of the desert. How had they circumvented the lethal embrace of the sands? The answer lay in the periphery, the areas untouched by the ban—a desert in name but not in nature.

This vast expanse was ensnared by a natural chaos formation, an invisible labyrinth that rendered conventional attacks futile and ensnared the unwary in its deceptive embrace. It was a place where the very fabric of reality seemed to warp, a maze with no end.

Kai pondered the implications, the strategic advantage such a place held. It was a natural fortress, its defenses woven by the hand of the world itself. To navigate its treacherous terrain required more than skill; it demanded an understanding of the chaos that ruled there.

As they descended, the desert stretched before them, an endless canvas of shifting sands and distorted air. The sun climbed higher, its rays a harsh glare that bleached the colors from the world. The heat was a tangible thing, a weight that pressed down upon them with the promise of a grueling day ahead.

Kai and Ye Lin stepped onto the sand, the grains a scalding carpet beneath their feet. They moved with purpose, each step a defiance of the desert's claim to their fate. They were bait, yes, but not helpless. They were warriors, and they would not yield.

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