Past Life Returner

Side Story 4: That Day (4) - Korean President

Side Story 4: That Day (4) - Korean President

「The Constitution. Article 77, Clause 1.

The president may declare martial law in accordance with the provisions of the law in times of war, armed conflict, or a national emergency equivalent to these, when there is a military need to employ armed forces or a need to maintain public peace and order. 」

「The Martial Law Act. Article 10.

Upon the declaration of emergency martial law, the martial law commander supervises all administrative and judicial affairs within the martial law area, and certain crimes within the emergency martial law area are tried in military courts.」

This was the second time martial law had been declared since the current government had taken place. The first one was half a year ago on the Day of Advent, and the second one was happening now as the Final Battle unfolded.

Emergency martial law was immediately imposed the moment the evil god appeared in his terrifying form. There was no time even to prepare a declaration or an address.

Then, an officer came to the Korean President with a proclamation to distribute to the citizens.

Emergency Martial Law Declaration

Since humanity is facing a desperately dangerous crisis, riots are spreading nationwide, armed and violent crimes are proliferating, and societal order has been disrupted to a great extent. The government hereby declares national emergency martial law to restore public order, protect the lives and properties of citizens, end the national crisis, and maintain constitutional order.

1. Type of martial law: Emergency martial law

2. Martial law area: Nationwide

3. Implementation date: XX. XX. XX:XX. 2018

4. Martial law commander: Army Chief of Staff, Army General XXX President」

Desperately dangerous crisis?

The president felt a throbbing headache. What had been anticipated had come to reality. This declaration assumed the scenario of Odin’s defeat against the evil god and the Awakened’s defeat in the Final Battle.

The martial law command had been consistently persuading this issue, and seeing that they had even prepared a proclamation, there could be no further delay. It was because the executive branch needed to consistently maintain a cooperative relationship with the martial law command.

The president asked the officer, “What do you think? Do you think we can control them?”

He was referring to the elites of politics and business from countries worldwide, who were currently entrusted to the World Awakened Association's headquarters. They were known as national politicians and entrepreneurs to civilians, but they were genuine members of the Bilderberg Club.

Coincidentally, most of them were in this country already. The officer began to reiterate the explanations he had given several times to the heads of the world’s two largest financial groups, the U.S. president and the chairwoman of the Jeonil Group, Jamie.

“If we fail, it is not just this country, but all of humanity will never go back to normal life.”

He also had the same thought with the martial law command.

1. If Odin and the Awakened actually lose, humanity will have to confront the evil god with only a human’s abilities and strength.

2. All of humanity must unite, facing a common enemy.

3. In such a case, operations should be coordinated under a single focal point.

4. However, a ‘global alliance’ is realistically hard to expect due to inevitable conflicts of interest between countries.

5. Therefore, creating such an alliance might be the only hope worth banking on even if forcibly.

That was the officer’s explanation under the pretext of protecting world leaders who had come to this country. The president asked before making a decision, “Is the strange phenomenon still going on?”

He was talking about the spectacle that was occurring in the airspace near the association’s main office. According to the legendary financier Jonathan Hunter, now known as the King of Hell, it was a phenomenon where Odin and Evil were in conflict.

The officer answered that it remained unchanged. This played a significant role in the president’s decision to participate in the perilous plan of the martial law command.

There must be no nuclear explosions on our territory at least.

Even if they were to perish by the power of evil, there should be no nuclear blaze on the Korean Peninsula. The thought of missiles flying in from as far as the United States and as close as Russia and China causing consecutive explosions made chills run down his spine. The Korean Peninsula and everyone living here would never be able to withstand the nuclear bombardment.

Therefore, they needed to somehow detain the club members before they fled to their home countries.

“Let’s pray that this proclamation will never be used.”

The day the proclamation distribution was decided upon was when humanity faced the brink of the apocalypse. On the day Odin and the Awakened were defeated, the martial law forces of this country would have to prioritize securing the members of the Bilderberg Club.

“There is something I have not told you yet.”

“What is it?”

“The martial law forces have decided in an internal meeting to send a special forces unit in advance. It is under the pretext of defending the World Awakened Association's headquarters. The reason for choosing the special forces over the thirty-fifth Division is…”

The president shook his head.

“It’s alright. Please tell them that I have the same intention as them. Everyone has worked so hard…”

However, right then…


The door burst open, and a startled voice suddenly rushed in.

“It’s over, sir! It’s over! Just just a few minutes ago… Odin!”


The Awakened were right. Odin was an East Asian with black hair and black eyes. His face was distinctly Korean! He looked young, different from the image the president had in mind, but considering that he had not aged for decades, it was understandable.

The president felt like all strength was draining from his body. He was about to gamble on the fate of this country, and further, the entire humanity. Even if he succeeded in that, humanity’s demise was guaranteed if Odin were defeated.

Therefore, that gamble only had meaning in eliminating the scenario where this nation and its citizens were shattered by nuclear bombs. There was no way they could confront such an evil god.

How could we, humans, dare to fight against a god…

The president recalled the terrifying eyes that looked down upon the world two days ago and felt another chill running down his spine.


It was a cry of relief.


It was a cry of joy.

“Sir! It’s over. It’s all done! Odin has won!”

The man who shouted was overwhelmed by emotion, so he sobbed uncontrollably. Tears welled up in the president’s eyes as well. Then, he did not doubt that the current and future generations of mankind owed a huge debt to Odin. He was the hero of the nation and the hope that saved the lives of everyone.

However, the elation did not last long. It was when he was boarding a helicopter to the association's headquarters, pressured by the officers’ urgency. Suddenly, a thought struck him.

Can I call the one who defeated an evil god a fellow human?

He had killed a god. He was a leader and figure of fear to the Awakened, with superhuman abilities and multiple special powers. Even the Awakened, who referred to themselves as ‘citizens of the savior’s city’ worshiped Odin as a religious deity. In fact, Odin had proved that he deserved a title of ‘god’ by defeating an evil.

Now, the masses would worship him as a god. Regardless of how he referred to himself as ‘us humans’ in his speech, the public would not perceive it that way.

Then, what kind of god would he be? Was he an omniscient and omnipotent god? Did he harbor evil like the Awakened feared of him?

Whatever the conclusion was, the future of humanity with a living god present was unpredictable. It was either overwhelmingly heartening or terrifying.

“Let’s not land.”

The president requested the take-off to be halted.

“We are not ready to meet Him. We cannot leave such a first impression in this state.”

The others did not know who he truly was.


The president could not revel in joy even though he returned to his office. Just then, a call came in. It was from Park Choong-Sik, the old tycoon of the Jeonil Group and the President of Finance. Every time the president had a direct conversation with him, he had no pleasant memories. Therefore, his face stiffened instantly.

He was concerned about what kind of pressure would come from the Jeonil Group during this emergency. It seemed that the group was urgently contacting him, probably wanting the government to arrange a face-to-face meeting with Him.

However, although it was known that His homeland was Korea, one’s home was not important at all between Awakened, especially when dealing with someone referred to as a ‘living god.’

The Jeonil Group must know that.

<Hello, sir.>

The president answered the call.

<Congratulations. The government has rescued our citizens.>

<How is that the government’s doing? You are giving us too much credit. Haha.>

<Thanks to the continuous support our group has received from the government, we were able to achieve this success. But we have not thought of one thing.>

<Sir, it has been so chaotic that I don’t understand what you are talking about. What are you trying to say?>

<Do you remember President Na of the Jeonil Bank?>

Although Jeonil Bank had been established with foreign capital, it had grown under the Jeonil Group and become the country’s top bank since the IMF crisis. Therefore, all the previous bank presidents and their policies were things people needed to study upon entering the presidential office.

Among them, remembering the name of the president right before the current one was not difficult. He was a shadowy presence in this country. He had the same name as the Jeonil Group, whose presence was so massive that removing them meant the death of the country.

<Yes, I remember the former Jeonil Bank President Na Jeon-Il.>

Na Jeon-Il. He was their president who listened the most to the government. Such a person had not existed before him in the Jeonil Group, making him all the more memorable. The president had never met him, but always had gratitude and some regret towards him. He was able to breathe better thanks to Na Jeon-Il’s policies during his tenure and appreciated how Na Jeon-Il recommended a pro-government stance as his successor.

<Why would I not remember him?>

The president smiled for the first time since he arrived at the office. However, the opponent was the old monster of Jeonil Group, so he had to hide his joy.

He thought that the president Na Jeon-Il had retired because of this old asshole’s pressure. Normally, someone with his credentials would have been hired by a major company in the same industry after retirement.

<But what does he have to do with anything?>

<He is a great fortune for our country, Mr. President.>


<The only child of Na Jeon-Il.>

<Pardon me?>

<His name is Odin… He is actually Korean.>

The president’s eyes dilated and began to shake.

<Are you listening, Mr. President?>

<Please continue.>

<Na Jeon-Il is requesting protection from the government.>


I can’t believe that He was the only child of the Jeonil Bank President Na Jeon-Il…

It was widely known that He was from Korea. That must have been why Korea could become a permanent member of the UN Security Council under US leadership.

The president repeatedly crossed and uncrossed his legs in the car as he was restless. It was partly due to the excitement of meeting him, but also largely because of the hope that just a little nudge from him could resolve the dire situation in the country.

The officers had always said that Korea’s entry as a permanent member of the UN was the biggest achievement of the government in history. In fact, he had considered that as the greatest success of Korea before. There was no doubt that Korea could share the most powerful authority in the world with other top countries. The Korean government was holding the greatest power they had ever had!

However, the grim reality of this country was…

“Could you please hurry?”

All the traffic lights between the Blue Houses and their destination were all set to green. The car only had to speed up.

He quickly arrived at the destination. The security personnel he sent in advance were dispersed throughout the apartment complex. The president neatly fixed his attire and checked his appearance in the mirror.

He got off with his pounding heart, then he heard a voice.

“He is inside the apartment right now, sir.”

There was also a voice warning that if there was any commotion, he could expect severe punishment. The president turned his head toward the direction of the voice. A young woman was standing nearby, seemingly having bypassed the security line. Her fierce eyes reminded him of the harshness of mid-winter.

Also, the only ones who were holding swords instead of guns were the Awakened.

“Who are you…?”

“I am a citizen of the Savior’s City. Do not make me repeat myself. Do not make a fuss and get the fuck off.”

Her gaze was aggressive, filled with agitation.

“Right now.”

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