Parallel World Pharmacy

Volume 4 - Ch 2.2

TN: Check out the Table of Contents for links to the raws

The Empresss meal was open to the court.

The meal was informal, but still prepared elegantly. The Empress sat at a round table near a window which had been left open. After observing that the Empress had been seated, Falma and Palle both took their seats as well. Servers then brought wet napkins with which they wiped their hands. Finally, Falma and Palle used their water divine arts to fill their fingerbowls and cups.

As the Empress was a fire-based divine art user, a dedicated water-based divine art user stood by to provide water for her.

There were many court officials waiting around the Empress. To have a meal while being watched by so many people, Falma wasnt surprised to find that it was like dining in the court of Frances Louis XIV.

Falma, youre here! Did you come to examine my mother?

The Prince entered and welcomed Falma.

Come hunt rabbits with me

Its been a long time, Your Highness. We can go rabbit hunting later, but before that, please allow me to examine you as well

How do you know His Highness?Palles eyes seemed to ask.How can someone unqualified like you provide medical examinations to the royal family?

10 plates of hor doeuvres, 3 plates of meat, 2 plates of fish, and 4 plates of entremets. They were brought out on high quality silverware, and there were small marks indicating that a food taster had already tested it. The food was even more luxurious than what could be found on the dining table of the de Medicis family. It was truly worthy of being called a royal meal. Falma and Palle chatted with the Prince and the Empress while enjoying a slow meal, as Claude reviewed the textbook in a side room.

Thank you for your hard work, why dont you come and join us?

Yes, thank you for the invitation. Ive more or less read through the entire textbook. I have just one question, where did Falma-shi learn this knowledge?

Falma and Claude stared at each other, but Falma kept quiet.

cant you tell me?

Claudes attitude had changed, as though Falma had just insulted him. Noticing this, the Empress quickly jumped to Falmas defense.

Ah, Claude. Dont bother the boys

TN: -shi is used to refer to your teacher/master, like (shishou)

Its true. Right now, this is less of a textbook and more of a compilation of my wild ideas

Falma suddenly agreed with Claude.

Geh- Falma?!

What are you saying?thought Palle who, flustered, had tried to rebuke Falma. However, Falma continued to talk.

As cases are collected and more and more scientists and pharmacists begin to use science-based techniques, we can analyze the results with statistics. If the techniques are found to be effective, then weve improved our knowledge

Then, Falma turned to face the Empress.

This is the first scientifically-accurate textbook


The Empress was overwhelmed by Falmas words.

Ah! As far as the section on leukemia goes, Ive personally verified it with my own body

Palle also jumped to Falmas defense.

Upon hearing those words, a curt smile formed on Claudes lips. He returned the textbook to the Empress just as Falma suddenly remembered,

Ive also prepared a copy for the Chief Physician. I hope youll accept it

I appreciate it, thank you

Claude expressed his gratitude as he accepted the textbook.

Verifying this will take at least a hundred years, no, two hundred years

Claudes intuition is correct, agreed Falma. Currently, the technology required to verify the techniques in the textbook simply didnt exist in this world.

Falma appreciated Claudes sincere attitude when confronted with new information to learn.

The Empress listened to Claude and pondered for a bit,

In that case, Ill leave verification of this textbook to you and the imperial court physicians. Prioritize objectivity above all else and let mistakes be immediately discovered and corrected. If it truly takes two hundred years to verify, then we shall begin immediately

As you command, I cant be uninvolved with this book

Claude winked at Falma.

Falma and Palle, who didnt understand what Claude meant, blinked.

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