Parallel World Pharmacy

Volume 2 - Ch 8

It was high noon of the day. A father was carrying a young girl on his back, and was knocking at the gate of a certain physician within the San Fleuve Imperial capital.

Please examine her! Doctor Donald! Please examine her!

However the gate of the physician was firmly shut, the silence reverberating inside the clinic.

I ask of you please! My child has a high fever! This is strange, shes becoming limp, this is strange!

The voice of the father that was screaming frantically could be heard echoing throughout the street. Although he had a pitiful expression, passersby just turned a blind eye and went on their way as nobody wanted to be involved.

The clinic of Doctor Donald is on a holiday until next week.

A calm boys voice was heard from behind the father. Behind the man called Pierre, was a boy who was holding a pouch from a bakery on his way home.

When Pierre saw the boy, he trembled. He was not a simple boy.

Although the boy wore a black coat, within it he was wearing a white doctors gown with a stand-up collar, while a golden badge with a crown symbol was affixed onto it. It was none other than the official proof of being a part of the Royal Court Apothecary. The child shop owner of the Diversis Mundi Pharmacy, seemed like he just finished shopping and was going back to the shop. It was a pouch from a popular bakery.

Damn, of all the things, a troublesome person had appeared.As Pierre steps back.

Is your child okay?

The child shop owner worryingly approached and talked to him.

Third Class Apothecaries and similar of this world would rub their hands as they got closer to examine a patient and would advise expensive medicines, but this boy, he sincerely looked worried.Is he a soliciting a business?, Pierre was vigilant.

We well You see

As for the father, Pierre, he was an apothecary and a member of the Apothecary Guild of the San Fleuve Empire. For her daughter who was having a high fever, he had used expensive medicinal herb and ointment from the guild, but it wasnt effective, because she wasnt responding anymore. As her state was deteriorating and her consciousness was becoming hazy, he decided to depend on a physician.

I wonder if the boy is aware that Im an apothecary from the Apothecary Guild, the father suspects. The Apothecary Guild had been openly hostile to the Diversis Mundi Pharmacy, as the Guildmaster notified all members to stay away from the Diversis Mundi Pharmacy. Also, he heard that it was the Apothecary Guildmaster Verons plan to crash two wagons into the pharmacy, which caused the pharmacy to close for two days. Pierre thought it was unfortunate when he heard it and felt sympathy.

However, he cannot disobey the policy of the Apothecary Guild. If ones membership was revoked, their business permit will be confiscated on that same day.

Therefore, being spoken by the child shopkeeper of Diversis Mundi Pharmacy, would be trouble as it would be seen by the surroundings as being close.

Let me examine your child. I am the apothecary of the Diversis Mundi Pharmacy, Falma.

He opened his coat, and showed his name tag. Although it was natural for pharmacist in Japan to wear their name tags, it was not common for this world.Its probably pride in his work, Pierre guessed.

The child shop owner said to follow him back to the pharmacy, but Pierre was reluctant.

Whats wrong? Your child, seems to be really ill.

Her face was flushed red, it was clear to everyone she was completely limp.

Well, but.

He couldnt become indebted to the Diversis Mundi Pharmacy, but where could he consult a physician? He was going to refuse the offer, but Falma strongly persuaded him to better hurry and so he put on his hat and lowered it to cover his eyes so as not to be identified by the pedestrians as he followed the child shop owner, Falma.

Diversis Mundi Pharmacy closes its gates during lunch break, the shops front sign being made of splendid stone. The golden emblem of the Royal Charter that was newly installed was dazzling. Probably because they encountered a surprise attack, there were three Knight Guards in plain clothes. It was a world of difference compared to the fathers dirty and sooty wooden pharmacy.

However, Falma didnt enter the main gate, as he walked towards the alleyway to the back entrance.

Please come in over here.

Ah, a person who looked poor shouldnt enter a splendid nobles shop from the main gate, Pierre was ashamed. Upon entering the back entrance, there was a spiral staircase to the second floor. Beds were lined up upon entering the examination room, and Pierre was instructed to lay her on the bed.

Let us begin the medical examination. First of all, the father should wear this.

Pierre was handed a mask. To him, he didnt understand what the meaning of covering the mouth and nose was. However, it was a tradition to abide by the persons instructions who was conducting the examination.

We entered the back entrance so as to prevent spreading the disease to other people.

Falma explained. It seemed it was not because of social status or personal appearance.

Falmas white doctors gown was now visible when he took off his black coat, and he brought out his note. It was a patients chart. The name of the child, age, medical history, when was the last time she ate, since when has she had her fever, and so forth were asked in detail. The examination ended with the father questioning the reason behind knowing such trivial matters. Pierre was impressed at the collected article of accurate information.

Falma politely told Pierre to place the little girl on the carrier at the corner of the examination room. When the little girl was placed on the box-type carrier, something like a scale attached on the side of the box moved. The shop owner was reading it.

What are you doing?

Im measuring the weight.

Isnt weight measured in a scale balance, Pierre was surprised.

One week later, at the headquarters of San Fleuve Apothecary Guild, dozens of apothecary representatives were gathered in the conference room as the monthly assembly was being held.

All of the stores experienced a sharp drop in sales across the board?

The guild leader Veron, who was inquiring about the slump in performance of the guild affiliated stores, was not amused.

It is the fault of the pharmacy that was off-limits.

Thats annoying! It may just be a hobby of a noble, but its really getting on my nerves.

Diversis Mundi Pharmacy. At first they assumed that the off limits nobles pharmacy with an eccentric name would go out of business immediately when it was founded. So the Apothecary Guild took a stance of wait-and-see. However, what they came to realize was that the opponent was very tough, as it transformed into an unprecedented threat.

Although it was a nobles shop that was formally called a Royal Chartered shop, the pharmacy had no shortage of customers that were commoners. In addition, there were queues of people waiting outside the shop for their prescription. They dont complain either, as they just chat while waiting in line. There was an awning outside the shop, with chairs for the patients, all lined up. They were served with water and candies while they waited.

In less than half a year, the second shop that specialized and cosmetics and skin care, Medique, was made public. It was said that a third shop that specializes in dental care would open soon.

The most humiliating thing about it was that Vernons wife bought whitening cosmetics from Medique in secret. Recently, her white skin was always pointed out and praised. He smashed it all and threw it away.

The re-opening of the business was strangely quick.

I wonder if it has to do something with the financial power of the Archduke. Since that pharmacy is backed by the famous Royal Court Apothecary.

The Empress too. Ever since that incident, Imperial Guards were patrolling that area every day.

It was said that it only took two days to recover from near total destruction. Because the wagon that crashed the shop was extremely contaminated, they estimated it would at least take the pharmacy out of commission for a month, it seemed that estimate was too optimistic. Of course, it was Veron who hired people of the underground organization to crash the wagon.

Whether you knew it or not, Vernons pharmacy had received a three week business suspension as pinpointed by an imperial edict. It was because it was exposed that his pharmacy was selling medicine containing lead that was prohibited. Not only that, from some reason the Church often comes to do spot inspection, the Head Priest of the Diocese of the Imperial Capital can be seen frequently in and out of Diversis Mundi Pharmacy. With these, he cant touch that pharmacy anymore.

In any case, when Diversis Mundi Pharmacy was established, the sales of the shops affiliated with the Apothecary Guild suddenly dropped.

40% of their customers were taken. Their regular customers also went to Diversis Mundi Pharmacy.

In addition, products that contains mercury or lead were prohibited by the Empire through an Imperial Edict, so they cant deal with some medicines containing those anymore.

Her Majesty must have been brainwashed by that pharmacy.

Veron bitterly said so. The other members also agreed.

Would you please share what you think of that pharmacy? Mr. Pierre.

Among the apothecaries who were bad-mouthing Diversis Mundi Pharmacy, he asked the poor apothecary, Pierre, who just sitting on his seat and kept silent, for his opinion. Pierres shop was the first one to suffer from decreased sales because it was the closest to Diversis Mundi Pharmacy.

Since Pierre was silent the entire time, it naturally attracted attention.

What is your opinion? Isnt your store the one that got heavily affected by this?

Pierre was suddenly cut-off.

Who among us apothecaries have ever entered Diversis Mundi Pharmacy?

I wont even dare to go there since that is business competitor.

The apothecaries snickered.

You should at least go and see it once. It almost looked like a sanctuary.

Pierre stood up vigorously from his seat.

Once you visit that place, you will understand the feelings of the customer as to why they wont come to our shop anymore.

Dont tell me, Pierre Did you go to that pharmacy?

A directive had been issued that they shouldnt go near that place. Breaking that directive was going against the guilds policy The assembly hall was in uproar.

Yes, I admit I went there. I went to that shop.

Pierre said passionately.

How good was the treatment provided by the shop owner of Diversis Mundi Pharmacy? Lets just say that after Pierres daughter recovered, he made up his mind to revisit the pharmacy. He looked at all the items that was sold in the shop, and bought numerous candies. He listened to stories directly from the patients who visited the pharmacy. The child shop owner said hello and asked Did your daughter recover?, and they chatted for a while.

The more Pierre learned about the shop, the more he felt that this pharmacy shouldnt be ostracized and all pharmacies should become like this one. He thought that it wont be profitable because the medicines were cheap, but due to the sheer amount of customers that came, it made a profit. The apothecaries should humble themselves and insist on letting the pharmacy teach them the medical treatments and medicines sold there.

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