Parallel World Pharmacy

Volume 1 - Ch 5

Falma somehow tried to deceive her but,

The wand doesnt have to do anything with this! You, what has become of your Divine Power? I mean, is your body OK?

Ellen got a bag and retrieved an instrument that looks like a stick made of metal.

It looks like a thermometer that simply indicates the divine power, holding it will show a color corresponding to the ability and the amount of divine power.

A persons usable Divine Power is limited, so when training, one has to watch out for their Divine Power level.

Falma used a grand Divine Art, if he used up all his power, he may collapse.

So Ellen was concerned about it.

She was so concerned that she became teary eyed.

Although you got lucky. please put out both of your hands! Master Falma. You may have used your lifes worth of divine power! That was excessive!

This is?

Listen up. Ill explain later, just hold this!

When Falma grasped it with both hands, it began to emit a soft white light.

An intense force started to rise up at the hollow core gauge that looks like a mercury thermometer, He shook it off in an instant.

Colorless, and broke through the limit..!

Ellen stepped back in amazement, her glasses fell to the ground and ended up stepping up on it.

The expensive lens was sadly smashed, but Ellen didnt care about that.

Umm, your glasses is broken

Its just not possible

Falma picked up the frame of the glasses that was missing its lens.

In what way you could break the limit?

Ellen was confused at Falma, that was oblivious to the implications.

I would like to hear about this by the way, theres nobody who have a Divine Art that can exceed the Divine Power meter

Ellen rolled up Falmas sleeve, and stared intently at the marks left by the lightning strike.

Even though Falma covered it by the tunics long sleeves, it was found out because it emitted a light that broke through the clothes clearly.

It seems Ellen was becoming more worried as she stared at it longer.

This mark, no matter how you look at it, it looks like the holy crest of the Medicine God

That is. Thats what Lotte also said, but youre just imagining it. Anyone will have this if they got hit by a lightning

Falma knew when he checked the book about the holy crest of the Medicine God.

It certainly resembled closely, but for Falma, it differed from his own opinion of The scar shaped like a Lichtenberg figure because of the lightning

When you use Divine Art, do you feel hot inside your body? Do you have shortness of breath or having some kind of palpitation?

There was no such feelings, only there was a sense that the power flows in from another world. Its probably why I dont get tired

As I thought so.. An art from another world. Usually using too much divine power will cause you to collapse and sometimes death, yet you still have divine power that still exceed the divine power meter

Ellen looked sexy as she fold her arms and wondered what kind of power it was.

Master Falma. You must never hold a divine power meter in public from now on. You must not show it to your father either. Also, you must not use Divine Art at full power

She was brooding.

Because her glasses was broken, she was checking the book so close she could lick it. She confirmed the definition of the attributes and expressed her thoughts for now.

Seems like you fall under the Major and Minor Non-Elemental attribute

She seemed to understand easily the attribute by the color emitted by the divine power meter.

Because it was white, that meant it was Non-Elemental.

Is Non-Elemental rare?

He just heard earlier that there was no one who was a Non-Elemental user for hundred of years.

Rare is an understatement. It is an unknown ability that said to have much more divine power that the Empress. Are you perhaps interested in getting the throne? It will be become that kind of story

But isnt the House de Mdicis a family of Apothecaries?

Talking about becoming an emperor suddenly, Falma stood petrified while holding the glasses.

It does not matter

There was a throne succession system for the emperor of San Fleuve Empire.

Family status and guardian deity are took into consideration for the strength of the divine power, a legitimate child of a noble who greatly excel in abilities will be selected by the church committee.

In Falmas case where he already surpassed the divine power of the Empress, and the de Mdicis family status was enough already. He had all the qualifications to become an emperor.

However, it would be inconvenient for the reigning Empress, in fact he was told he might get assassinated by the Empress.

So, are you interested?

Not at all. First of all, Im not good at politics. It would be terrible if they leave the politics to me

As he was naturally a man of science, he was certainty not into liberal arts.

It is a fact he cant do what was unfamiliar to him.

Then its better to be silent about it right? Lets stop the lesson for today here. Although we didnt get into the second half of the lesson

Ellen seemed to be relieved that she now knew Falma didnt have any ambition.

Thank you then. About this one. This glasses, dont forget it to bring it home. Because it still can be used if the lens are replaced

However, Ellen didnt move from her spot.

Are you not going home?

If I dont have my glasses I cant see anything. Although there is a spare glasses in the mansion

Shall I walk you to the mansion?

Falma lead Ellen by hand and the crossed the bridge to return to the mansion from the herb garden.

He doesnt know how far can Ellen see with her vision, she seems not able to see at all.

There is a step here, be careful

She pulled the hand of the woman who is taller than him, and escorted her across the bridge from the riverbank of the herbal garden to the mansion.

The delicate hand of Ellen was cold.

She doesnt seem to be sensitive to cold.

Your hand is trembling, are you OK?

Ye, yes?

The silence continued for a while and the atmosphere of awkwardness sets in.

Hey master Falma, dont you think you were given power during the lightning strike?

Falma braced himself.

Ellen told him that yesterday was the strongest influence of the Medicine Goddue to the configuration of the stars.

That Divine Art a while ago, no human is expected to do that

Falma was clearly informed and anxiety sets in, he stopped walking.

Perhaps your guardian deity, the Medicine God,possessed you. If Im not mistaken, your heart beat was stopped by the lightning and your personality changed also

(So its like that huh?)

Falma understood that it was fear she felt towards him.

A man with too much power was not treated as a human anymore, it was fear of the divine possession.

I would like to believe that you were still the master Falma that I knew before, however you are completely different

For her to think that way, or rather she would have been instantly killed at point blank range by him if error was made on the adjustment of the Divine Art, thinking about that her hand trembled uncontrollably.

Your power, can you control it completely? Will you not go on a rampage?

I dont fully understood it, but Im sure I can control it

Even though he was given power, Falma didnt think he would abuse it.

(Ill be proficient at curing injured persons)

He doesnt believe on something like a soul, even if he got reincarnated and his personality was the same.

Thats right, when you drop your glasses, you should do it this way

When Falma thought about it, he released Ellens hand, he made a sign of circle with his forefinger and thumb on both hands, and placed it on his eyes like glasses.

The mood on that spot unraveled and Ellen rolled about in laughter spontaneously.

Pfft, that was funny

This hole is getting smaller. I think I was deceived

Ellen cant help it but followed his lead and made a shape of glasses and placed it in front of her face.

Its getting smaller furthermore, its now a pinhole

Eh? Eh, eh? Wait, eh, eeeehh!?

When she said so while doing it, Ellen screamed.

She smiled delightfully.

I can see! I can see far away! how do you know such a thing!?

On the contrary, Falma doesnt know how and just shrugged his shoulder.

If the field of vision is narrow, I can see very well!

Two people spoke to each other while imitating a pair of glasses.


(Whats this?)

Falma was surprised with another thing while looking at Ellen that got curious.

When looking at Ellen over the ring, her eyes and left hands fingertip was glowing a bluish white color.

Is something on my face?

Ellen stroked around her cheek with her finger.

He took her hand unconsciously.



When Falma saw Ellen through his circle of finger, the second joint of her left hands middle finger seemed to glow a bluish white color.

When he put away the circle of finger, it went away.

He can only see it with the circle of finger on his left hand.

Falma touched the part of Ellens finger where it was glowing.

Ouch, ouch! What are you doing!?

Ellen screamed and became teary eyed.

Eh? But I didnt put too much force on it

There, my finger got hit this morning and its painful.How did you realized I sprained my finger? I didnt even bandaged it!


As soon as Falma said so, the pale bluish white color turned into an All white color.

After trying a variety of things, he got results. If he make the sign of a circle on his left hand and supply divine power on it, the patients affected part glows bluish white, and the color changes if he guessed correctly the name of the disease or whats wrong with it.

This is surprising

Its like the Divine Eye of the Medicine God. Master Falma, it is as I thought so, ah!

The Medicine Godhad a legend that it can detect all kinds of illness, and will bestow any kind of medicine depending on the symptom.

Ellen pointed in horror at Falmas feet, as she opened and closed her mouth wordlessly.

You dont, dont have a shadow!

Under Falmas foot in front of her, there was no shadow.


As expected, Falma screamed at this.

I wont, I wont say anything. I wont tell anybody that you are the reincarnation of the Medicine God, I wont say you are something like a monster, therefore. Help meeeeeeee!

Ellen seemed to finally felt great danger to herself, and ran away quickly while occasionally tripping.

She seemed so frightened that she threw away the frame of her glasses again.

What should I do?

Falma was honestly at a loss.

It wont be noticeable in the mansion where there are many shadows and its dim, but outside where its considerably bright, Falma will stand out not having a shadow.

He had no choice but to believe that Ellen will keep it a secret

Still, one day he will get exposed as not having a shadow and will certainly get persecuted.

He got a headache while thinking so.

At the steps after crossing the bridge, he can see the figure of Ellen falling down magnificently ahead.

It would seem to take quite a while for any word to remove the misunderstanding.

Welcome home!

Im back

Falma returned back to the mansion after killing some time until it was evening, Lotte was warming up the room when he looked at her using the [Divine Eye].

Then the hand of the hard working girl, who does laundry and kitchen work, was emitting a dim blue light, he discovered a lot of chapped skin.


The blue light in her hand turned into white.

That was seemed to be the correct answer.

He immediately created a moisturizing agent which primarily was a lotion with added floral fragrance, placed it on a vial with a lovely ribbon which a girl will surely like.

Waah! What is this?

Because Im grateful to you, this is your present. Apply it to your hands before going to bed. Your skin will become smooth after a while. You can even apply it to your face

Yes! Im so glad!

Lotte was so delighted that she wasnt able to say anything anymore.

She seemed to want to dance for joy.

Can my mother use it too? Mothers hand is also rough and dry

Lotte raised the vial so high while spinning around, her innocent smiling face was bursting with pleasure.

Of course

The next day, Lotte and her mother went delightfully to Falma to show him their smooth hands.

This is wonderful! Everybody wants to buy it!

It was said that until now that there was only expensive oil and ointment for hand care.

As for those expensive medication, the sales was being monopolized by the Apothecaries Guild.

Madam would sometimes give medication to mother, but those medicines are so expensive a commoner doesnt have access to it

While looking at the back of Lotte who greeted him delightfully and was returning back to the attic, he thought that the common people must be able to buy medicine with peace of mind. If he was to offer low priced medicine to the commoner, each and every one of them might be glad.

He originally was a pharmacologist with a strong dedication and risked his life to develop innovative drugs to cure people.

He would like to help the people of this unsophisticated world with the technical skills and knowledge he had.

Also, Falma doesnt want to stand out let alone having no shadow, lest he be branded as a heretic who is not human anymore.

In order to avoid being feared as a monster or persecuted enough to be killed. Wait, to be accepted by everyone around him even in the worst case that he got exposed, he must become an existence that must be necessary for them, and be fully aware of any danger so he can work diligently.

To be able to spread the medicine and serve the people of this world, he needs to open independently a pharmacy in the future, and entrust his brother as the aristocrat business partner to fund his material creation.

Falma had began to thought up a plan for future prospects

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