Out For Karma: Mass Effect

[Book Three] Chapter 14: One more step forward

[Book Three] Chapter 14: One more step forward

Chapter 14: One more step forward

Hearing her name, the blue eyed brunette began to fight her restraints while saying something agitatedly, the gag however forbade her to be understandable. Jane went for the bed to free her when hearing a command stopped her.

“Don’t do that.”

Turning around, she saw Rick, exiting what she believed the bathroom, as naked as Miranda was. He hadn’t dried himself and water was giving his skin a peculiar gloss that Ashley and her found really sexy as it emphasized his muscles. EDI was the one that went for the kill.

“That’s a bit bigger than the ones in Jeff’s vids.” was all she said as she looked at the appendage between his legs.
““EDI!”” / “Hmmff.” exclaimed the rest of the women in the room.
“Thank you, EDI. Commenting positively on a man’s penis is a strong ego boost for them, remember that.” he said as he began to dry himself with a towel.
“I don’t understand how the size of a man's genitals could be related to their ego.”
“Me neither.” replied the man.

Once dry he went to Miranda and began to undo the knots of the ropes restraining her, then removed her blindfold and gag to finally cover her body with the bed’s sheets before joining her under it as he took her in his arms and began to rub her wrists. The woman was very subdued and a pink hue was present on her cheeks.

“Any reason why you’re here?” he said, looking at his sister.
“I… Hmm… I wanted to talk.”
“And you couldn’t wait, so you bursted in the room all akimbo after destroying the door.”
“I… that’s… not…”
“We heard someone’s muffled cries for help.” Ashley interjected as clearly her commander had not her head in the game.
Turning his head to look at his bed partner he simply asked: “Were you? Asking for help, I mean.” The negative shake of Miranda’s head said it all.
“You can talk now.” Rick ordered.
“I was trying to get your attention, that someone was at the door.”
“Wait a second! ‘You can talk, now.” ?” Ashley interjected.

Miranda’s blush became even more pronounced. She wanted nothing else than to get out of there and make everyone forget, probably with a bullet to the head. She was ‘saved’ however by Rick who put an arm around her waist and brought her close to him.

“No kink shaming. I won’t tolerate anyone bullying you, I won’t tolerate anyone bullying Miranda either.”
“I  wasn’t! I’m just… surprised, that’s all.” defended the brunette.
“Miranda? Not Bubble?” noted out loud his sister.
“If you don’t mind…” he began ignoring her, “Could you please leave the room, so we both can dress.”
“You’re not going to jump through the window, are you?” asked the redhead suspiciously.
“No. Now out.”

Giving one last look at the pair, Ashley and Jane left the room in silence, going through the destroyed door, with EDI in tow looking quite pensive.

“Oh God. This is so embarrassing.” his bed partner said once they were alone.
“I’m sorry. I should have known they would find me. EDI probably put some tracking software in my helmet or my omni-tool.”
“That’s what you get for freeing her.”
“If this is all I get nefariously wise, I’m fine with it.”

Looking up to him she asked the same thing that Jane did.


That was new. He never called her by her name before. It was either ‘Bubble’ or ‘Pet’ when they were in private. That he used her birth given name was an indication that something in their relationship changed, on his side.

“I wasn’t going to call you ‘pet’. That’s just when we’re being intimate.”
“My lower body is filled to the brim and plugged, that’s more than intimate enough.”
“Yeah, but we had an audience. I didn’t want to embarrass you.”
“They saw me naked and tied up in the most compromising position ever. It was beyond embarrassing. Try again because you could have used your nickname for me.”

She insisted, wanting to know why the change.

“I supposed I grew quite fond of you.” he replied with a sigh. “Enough for me to want to keep you.”
“Keep me?” she repeated to verify that she heard him correctly. She didn’t want to raise her hopes up.
“Yes, keep you. By just being yourself you help me a lot. And let’s not forget that you’re my vice-president. See it as an incentive to do an excellent job, something that you could look forward to too. At least until I find you someone who will treat you how you need to be treated.” he joked.
“What if I already found that someone? I’m perfectly fine with you.” she argued.
“Don’t you want to find love?”
“Love? For me?”

She began to laugh at the absurdity of it. Love was something she had never known and didn’t believe was in the cards for her. The fact that she couldn’t get pregnant drastically reduced to near zero any prospect in the love department.

“Don’t laugh, I’m serious! I didn’t believe in it too and yet I got lucky. There is no reason you shouldn’t be too.”
“No one would love a defective woman like me. Fuck? Sure, I was engineered for that but love?”
“You’re not defective Miranda.”
“You don’t know what…”
“I know.”

She looked him in the eyes to find any deceit but found none. She didn’t even bother asking how he knew, after all knowing things was his thing.

“How could you say I’m not then?”
“Are you decent?” came the voice of Jane outside the door.

The two lovers looked at each other for a moment and Rick simply kissed her on her full red lips.

“We’ll talk another time about it, but I may have a solution to your problem.” he said as he got out of bed and went for his clothes.

Miranda looked at him, wondering if he truly had a way for her to have a child. Considering the many crazy ideas and theories he had that proved factual she dared hope that it was true.
She got out of bed and went to dress too, not having the time for a shower, she’d have to take one later. When she didn’t remove the plugs Rick commented on it.

“You’re going to stay like that under your clothes?”
“No time for a shower and I don’t want to leave a trail while walking.”

He just nodded and put his helmet back on. That had been a surprise to Miranda that he chose to remove it in the first place but she didn’t complain, far from it.
When for the second time the interlopers entered the room without any invitation, both lovers were presentable. Realizing that now wasn’t the time nor the place to have a talk with him, Jane just played catch up with Miranda while Ashley gave Rick a stinky eye.
The brunette was utterly pissed at his actions and quite a bit jealous. Not that he had sex with another woman but because they were supposed to spend the time together like he did with Miranda. Jane’s change of plans has been something that she had okayed but seeing that he had made his own plans disregarding her stung a bit, making her feel as a simple bed warmer when she believed, rightfully, that she was more than that. His interactions with the other woman, which she had to admit was sex on legs, didn’t help with her insecurities regarding her relationship with him.
Noticing the look he was getting, Rick took her by the hand and dragged her outside, saying goodbye to Miranda.

“What is it?” he asked his lover.
“Nothing.” she replied, barely containing her anger.
“Translation: I’m pissed at you because you did something wrong but I won’t tell you because you should know what you did wrong.” he said. “But here’s some news: I don’t know what I did wrong.”
“You’re a genius, you shouldn’t have a problem figuring it out!”

Sighing, he squeezed her hand and took the elevator to the first floor while thinking about it. It didn’t take him long to reach the right conclusion.

“Miranda, huh. Never thought that you of all people would be jealous.”
“I’m not!”
“Uh-huh. If you say so.”
“I say so! It’s about you treating me like a wet tissue! We were supposed to spend the day together in a hotel room and you did but with someone else!”

That made him stop walking on the post.

“I’m not treating you like a wet tissue because I am the wet tissue. One day, some guy is going to sweep you off your feet, give you everything you want and everything you need, and that will put an end to our relationship.”
“I already found that guy.”
“There are many things I can’t give you.”
“For now.”
“I can’t commit.”
“I don’t care. “
“You should.”
“That’s for me to decide. Now we’re going to find another nice hotel and we’re going to fuck until I can’t walk anymore, that is if you think you can.”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because you spend the morning fucking that bimbo!”
“First off, Miranda is not a bimbo. Second, there is no need to belittle her. Third, Miranda’s and I’s activities are not the same as ours. It’s not about sex.”
“What do you mean? You fucked her didn’t you, how is it not about sex?”
“It’s about control. Where you and me it’s about as bestial as it comes with some awesome love making from time to time, with Miranda, it’s about to fullfill her submissive needs. To be controlled, ordered around and used. I’m never rough with her because she doesn’t like it that much, so I don’t really exert myself. Hence why, if we went to a hotel room right now, I’ll rock you world without any problem.”
“...Then do it. But I want to be tied up too.”
“And you say you’re not jealous… Will have to stop by the Normandy then, the rest of the stuff I bought in that sex shop we visited was sent there.”
“Stop by? Nuh-huh. I’m not wasting time going to the ship and then going back out to find a hotel, we’ll do it there.”
“I thought I could treat you to better than just my room.”
“I don’t care about the place, you could fuck me in a small alley and it wouldn’t make a difference.”

Rick just smiled under his mask and thought himself lucky. He released her hand and put his own free one just under her skirt grabbing firmly her ass.

“Don’t tempt me.”

She slapped his hand away and dragged him to the closest Presidium alley she could find.


Jane was standing straight, her arms crossed below her breasts and one of her feet was tapping the ground. She was not pleased as she looked at her brother and Ashley sitting on the bench of a c-sec station. The brunette seemed a bit ashamed and amused at the same time if her efforts to not smile was any indication. Rick though was looking bored and that infuriated her even more.

“You got caught having sex in one of the Presidium’s Alley.” Jane stated trying to hide her irritation.
“No.” replied the man.
“Because Bombshell got caught.”
“Hey!” the woman in question protested.
“It’s true, you were too loud. I was just an accessory to the crime.”
“Who’s fault was it that I was too loud?!”
“Well... yours, obviously.”
“I beg to differ, hadn’t you hammered me that hard, I would have been able to keep it down.”
“THAT’S NOT THE PROBLEM HERE! YOU. HAD. SEX. IN PUBLIC!” Jane interjected. “That’s not the right place for that!”
“Oh, being deep inside Ashley is the right place otherwise she wouldn’t have been so loud.”
“See! That’s all your fault!”
“THAT’S NOT THE POINT I WAS MAKING AND YOU KNOW IT.” the redhead was at her wits ends with their unrepentant attitude. “I’m of a mind to let c-sec put you in a cell right until we leave.”
“Skipper!” Ashley replied horrified.
“Waste of time, I’d be out in an hour at best.” commented Rick.
“I doubt that.” said the c-sec officer who had been watching on the side. “Without the commander spectre status, you’ll actually be held until your trial.”
“Challenge accepted.”
“No we don’t, you idiot!” Ash said, smacking his helmet.
“You know, what? Officer, I’m taking her with me, you…” she said looking at Rick. “You stay here until it’s time to go.”

Her brother just shrugged his shoulders, not caring one bit. Jane used her spectre status to bail Ashley out and tear her up a new one once outside the station.

“I still didn’t have my call so if you don’t mind….” he said as he turned on his omni-tool.


“WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” the redhead exclaimed as she saw the man she had left in custody a few hours ago, training his biotics in the Cargo Bay of the ship.
“Training, duh. Can’t do that anywhere else on the ship, not enough space.”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it!”
“I know people. Five minutes after you left with Ashley, I was out. I even received an apology from the officer; now that was weird.”

Jane took a deep breath and began to count backwards from ten. At zero she exhaled and let the matter drop, she had more important things to deal with.

“My cabin, fifteen minutes.”
“Wow, no.” he denied on the spot. “I’m not that kind of guy.” he joked.
“To talk.” she replied with a glare, clearly not in the mood. “You got caught having sex twice with two different women on the same day, once in public, so yes, you’re that type of guy.” Jane added and took the elevator.

The first thing she did was to take a hot shower. That had been a very long day that she had. Finding out her mother was alive to begin with, her brother blowing up, again, talking about subjects she didn’t want to talk about with her mother. That would have been more than enough for her but it wasn’t.  She had been jealous of Miranda and Ashley. Sure she was fine with just having Rick as her brother but having constantly a reminder that she could not have the way she wanted the man she loved rubbed into her face was taking its toll on her emotionally and she really didn’t need that with the war going on when everyone was looking at her to save them.
As a result, she was frustrated and mad. The cherry on the cake however was her despair; that she had lost her one chance she had been given. She wasn’t sure she could go on properly if she’d lose him again, figuratively or literally. She would do her job, there wasn’t any doubt about that but would she still have the fire that pushed her beyond her limits? That allowed her to succeed where others failed? She didn’t know.

Turning the water off, she quickly dried herself and exited her bathroom. Picking her discarded clothes on her desk  she went to the bedroom area of her cabin and noticed a big box wrapped as a gift on her coffee table. Quickly dressing up, she sat down on her couch and carefully tore down the paper. She almost let out an undefined squeal when she saw that it was a cage with the cutest hamster she had ever seen in it. The little thing had a small wooden house in the corner, a wheel to exercise and a small water tank and bowl for the food.
Getting up to put it near her desk, she finally noticed that her aquarium was not empty anymore but had some fish in it. She wondered for a moment who did all of that but by process of elimination found no one. That wasn’t the style of any of her crew, with the exception of Traynor but she wouldn’t have dared to intrude in her room uninvited like that.

“EDI, were you the one who bought me the hamsters and the fish?” she asked the AI.

That wouldn’t have been the first time Jane had received a gift from her. Her N7 hoodie was proof of that.

“No, commander.”
“Then I have no idea who did it.”

That had been an unexpected surprise. He hadn’t even been on her list of suspects considering how their morning went.

What does that mean? Is it a bury the hatchet gift? An apology? Or a…”

Her thoughts were interrupted when the door to her quarters opened. Turning around she saw her brother walking past her desk to the bedroom area and sat on the couch in silence.

“I didn’t know she would be there.” she said as she stopped at the top of the small stairs of the space, looking at the side of his helmet.
“I know.” he replied simply not moving an inch, his gaze focused on something on the opposite wall above her bed.
“She had questions…”
“And you told her and she advised you to put me down once and for all.”
“No. Yes to telling her, no to her intentions. Quite the contrary, actually.” Jane replied as she sat down next to him but putting enough distance between them so he wouldn’t feel caged.

His tone has been flat and accepting but the redhead knew he was  being sarcastic.

“It’s the truth. Well about what she told me. About her real intentions… I think it’s true too.”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“She didn’t care that I was a biotic, in fact she looked remorseful…”
“If that’s what you want to talk about, I’m leaving.” he said as he stood up and was grabbed gently by the arm. “She’s no one to me and I have no intention to change that, she made her bed and she’ll have to lie in it..”
“I know. I was quite clear with her that you will probably kill her but she doesn’t care one bit. She’s adamant to bring you back into the family.”
“Her funerals.” he said as he took a step forward but Jane grabbed him harder, stopping him in his tracks.
“I also told her that if I had to choose between the two of you, she’d lose every time.”
“Good for you. Now let me go.”
“Not yet. I have two more things to say to you.”
“Then out with it.”
“First, I’m sorry for being overprotective. I… I can’t lose you again. I never got over your disappearance, only work kept me going. When… you…”
“Tried to take my own life. It’s not difficult to say.” he interjected as she couldn’t get herself to say the words.
“It is… Do you know how it feels to see the most important person in your life, the one you love the most reappearing out of the blue after nearly two decades to see them trying to kill themselves? To learn that they wished for it? Had done so for most of their life? Awful doesn’t even begin to describe it. The simple thought of you even trying it again… I couldn’t have that.” confessed Jane, as she pulled down on his arm so he would sit, which he did. “So I put someone watching you, just in case. Words are meaningless after all and your action didn’t inspire much trust in proving otherwise.”
“I’m a man of my words.”
“I know but just like you reacted this morning, I reacted badly without thought other than protecting you.”
“I don’t…”
“Need to be protected. I know but I’m your big sister, I’ll protect you even if you don’t need it.” she replied as she put her hands on each side of his helmet. “No more surveillance, well physical at least, I’ll still have EDI report to me if you’re being stupid again.”
“You’re still  spending your night with me, though.” she replied with a small smirk.
“Not fair.” he replied, making her laugh.
“Well, since I can’t seem to be a good sister, I’ll aim to be a good lover. It will be easier if I have you by my side.” she declared as she suddenly straddled him.
“You’re mad.”
“I’m in love. Besides, I don’t know why you’re saying that when you told me that you never cared about us being related.”

As she was talking boldly, her left hand moved a bit and activated the pad on the side of the helmet, entering the password to the locking mechanism. Once unlocked she removed the head gear and looked  him dead in the eye. If she had to be honest she had been surprised he hadn’t stopped her from doing so. That gave her hope.

“Sister or lover, doesn’t really matter. I’m fine with either. True, I wish for both but I’ll settle for one if I have too. As long as you’re in my life.” the redhead stated with a smile.
“You’re driving a hard bargain. I’m not sure I could ever let you be either.”
“Let me?” she asked with a brow raised in a ‘You’re kidding right?’ tone, prompting him to sigh in defeat.
“Good luck then because there is a lot of pain and trauma that you caused, that you need to deal with. And I won’t help you with it.”
“It’s fine. Nothing is worth it if you don’t have to work hard for it.” Jane replied as she locked her arms behind his neck and rested her forehead against his.

They stayed like that in silence for a moment, enjoying each other's presence.

“Thank you, for the hamster and the fish.”
“Take it as an apology for this morning.”
“I wasn’t sure it was one but I’m quite pleased.”

He nodded slowly  and put his hand on her hips to get her off him but she put all her weight on his lap and used strength in her legs to hold on to him.

“You’re not going anywhere. Not after spending your morning with Miranda and your little escapade with Ash.”
“I’m not having sex with…”
“That’s not what I was coming to. While I’d like nothing more, a good cuddling session will do.” she said as she pulled his head down to her ample breasts.
“Fiiiiine.” he replied petulantly as he brought his head back up.

He reached behind her with his hands, grabbing her ass firmly then stood up. Taking a few steps towards the bed they quickly laid on it. This time instead of having her body a bit higher than him so she could smother him with her assets, she stayed at the same level for a moment. She cupped his cheek lovingly with one of her hands.

“I love you.” was all she said before kissing his forehead and moving her body down to bury her head in his chest while putting her arms around him. Rick said nothing and didn’t move an inch until finally, he let his head rest on top of hers, perhaps in a sign of acknowledgement.

They don’t know how long they stay like that in silence but it lasted a long time. Long enough for Jane's stomach to grumble loudly.

“I suppose it’s dinner time.”
“I wouldn’t mind a snack.” the redhead replied as one of her hands reached for the top of his pants between the two of them.
“Enough. I’m already related to one whore, I don’t want to be related to a second.” he replied as he pulled away from her.
“She’s not.”
“A whore. Apparently, dad and her married because I was their happy accident. They were fond of each other but there was no romantical love. Dad had his own secret boyfriend and mom was free to do whatever she wanted, or rather whoever.”

At her brother’s brow raised she continued to relate most of the conversation she had with their mother but left out the part about his father.

“She might be an awful mother and an unpleasant person but she’s honest. Not unlike…”
“Me. That’s alright, I won’t be mad if you say I have some of her traits. She gave birth to me, so it’s expected. I don’t like it but I can’t change it, so why bother being upset about it?” he finished her sentence with.
“Even if I say that during our whole time together, I mean with you as Rick, you reminded me of her sometimes? Most notably when you were being ruthless and uncompromising.”
“Yeah, it’s fine. I don’t consider that something I got from her anyway.” he replied as he went to the coffee table to grab his helmet and put it back on.

From who then?

Jane got out of bed, put on some socks and her boots then grabbed her N7 hoodie she was fond of before joining her waiting brother in the elevator. When they arrived on the Crew Deck, they saw a small gathering at one of the tables. Mording, Eve, Wrex, Liara and surprisingly Javik were having dinner and discussing. Grabbing some leftover food in the kitchen, Rick sat next to his asari lover and Jane next to him. When the prothean used the word ‘primitive’ one too many times Rick had had enough.

“It’s impressive that you describe our different species as primitive when the prothean themselves are primitive too.”
“Rick, you can’t say that!” Liara protested.
“My people were roaming and ruling the galaxy when yours were still living in caves.” replied the alien.
“Yes, an empire, I am aware, which proves my points actually.”
“I don’t see how.”
“In human culture, any empire that rose, did it through strength, leading to slaughter and enslavement. I’m sure it’s the same, for the salarian, krogans and Turians’ history.” he said looking at Mordin who nodded in affirmation. “So basically, the protheans didn’t go beyond the natural order of things. They did like many before. They were the first of their cycle to reach the stars, find the citadel and take for themselves the knowledge and power of the reapers and the previous civilisation which is the natural order of things. They unknowingly were groomed like one do for an animal destined for the slaughterhouse, as the reapers intended. Be it their rise to power or their fall, they never went beyond the pre-ordered order of nature and were not masters of their own fate.” he finished as he put some food in his mouth.
“And you believe that the species of this cycle are?”
“Yes. Or at least two of them proved so.”
“Which one?” Jane asked.
“Asari and humanity. Both delayed a Reaper invasion. Especially the Asari.”
“We did?!” Exclaimed the present asari.
“Rachni.” Mordin said out of the blue.
“Correct.” replied Rick eating another piece of his food.
“We exterminate the rachni.” Javik announced but was ignored.
“I don’t get it.” Wrex stated, suddenly interested in the conversation when the krogans’ magic word has been said.
“Asari differed from usual pattern. Made friends, allies instead of conquest.”
“Again, correct.” Rick replied and explained further when everyone looked at him for an explanation. “Asari went against the natural order of things. They were the most advanced and instead of conquering any species with their technological advantage made alliances. That’s why when the reapers started their invasion with the rachni….”
“Wait a minute! The Reapers used the rachni?” Jane asked.
“Yes. Remember the queen talking about a yellow sour note turning other queens and their children mad?” the redhead nodded in affirmation. “It seems like indoctrination to me.”
“Asari befriending Salarians allowed to stand ground instead of diminished army getting slaughtered. Salarians, uplifted krogans, victory ensued.”
“This also means that the asari survived their cycle and that another cycle began. The cycle we’re currently in is in fact two cycles happening at the same time. And that’s why the Reapers are going to lose.”
“I don’t see how…” Jane began, not sure how to formulate her question but Rick understood it instinctively.
“Asari were the leading species of their cycle, but it took time to get where they are now, along with the salarians and the turians…”
“Humanity leading race of their cycle.” Mordin added.
“As humanity is relatively new on the galactic scene they are not yet groomed indirectly by the Reapers.” EDI said from the speakers beginning to understand where Rick was going with his thought.

“Yes. When humanity met the Turians and then discovered the existence of other species that have been roaming the stars for more than a millennium it felt threatened and unsafe.”
“Led to quick expansion and technological development to remedy to it.”
“Faster than any other species to date as in less than thirty years they got a seat on the council while other species like the Batarian, didn’t.”
“Where all the other species have been there for centuries and their place was settled on the galactic stage they were more or less stagnating as they have been influenced too much by Reaper technology. Humanity on the other hand was in panic.”
“Didn’t follow Reapers established plan of development.”
“Which explains why humanity has been successful for the past three years in stopping an invasion. As they were not acting as expected and possibly as no other species did before, the reapers didn’t know and still don’t know how to deal with them.”
“Humanity was not in a stagnant state which they expected to find, it was hungry for recognition. That also explains why they went directly for us once they were done with the Batarian instead of going after the Salarians who were closer.  Humanity, despite being barely as advanced as other species, represented a greater threat and needed to be eliminated right from the start. Didn’t work out as well as they may have expected. Sure they took Earth but we’re still there defying them.”
“Reapers not expecting that indeed.”
“Probably not, as humanity represents an anomaly they have never encountered before hence do not know how to properly deal with it but by their usuals way.”
“And that’s why they’re going to lose. All thanks to the Asari going beyond the grooming the Protheans and the Reapers did, going beyond their nature which makes them no primitive.” Rick concluded by looking at Javik.
“What are you saying?! The asari were not groomed by the prothean!” Liara protested.
“You probably were, there is plenty of proof leading to this conclusion.”
“Natural biotic. Unheard of, no other species.”
“The prothean data from Mars spoke about protheans studying primitive species and potentially educating them to defeat the reapers in the next cycle.”
“That’s not true!” the asari vehemently protested again.
“The odds are high that it is. I don’t know why you are upset. Out of the many primitive species, yours was chosen because you were the best among all of them. From the way you charm others by unconsciously bewitching the people around you to look like you have some of their species' physical traits to your way of reproduction. Let’s not forget your longevity. You were perfect for creating a new empire and leading the charge against the reapers in your cycle, and as far as I’m concerned, you still are.” Rick added at the end of his explanation before removing the jaw part of his helmet and giving her a kiss on the cheek while grabbing her hand under the table.
“Do you know what you're saying?!” she replied as she removed her hand, clearly not appeased. “You’re saying that my people never discovered anything by themselves, that…. That… We’re frauds! Some puppets that…”
“Javik, if my theory is true, how would your people have uplifted the asari? Culturally wise I mean.” he asked as he kept looking at the asari he loved.
“We would have educated them in the way of the empire. Conquer the galaxy, assimilate the useful species, get rid of the weak ones.” replied the alien.
“And the asari didn’t do that. They went their own way and it paid off greatly. It gave the galaxy a chance to defeat the Reapers. You’re no puppets. Nor are you a fraud, every species traveling the stars was influenced by prothean and Reapers technology, yours has been a bit more, that’s all.”

Liara clamped up and left the table for her room, still denying it. Her sudden but not unexpected action made Rick sighed. Standing up he spoke some more.

“I missed talking with you Mordin, it’s always so refreshing and stimulating. Have a good night everyone.” he said and walked towards Liara’s room to have a conciliatory talk.
“Refreshing and stimulating? Weirdo.” Wrex commented.
“Some people use their brain more than their fist, Wrex.” chidded Eve.
“Ha! You never saw him charge the battlefield to explode the head of an enemy against a wall with his bare hands!”
“Javik?” Jane asked the prothean as he seemed in deep thought. “Everything okay?”
“Yes, commander. I was lost in thought about what your brother said. Was there any truth in his words?”

Jane paled at the mention of Rick being her brother and quickly answered his question as best as she could, hoping the others would not have noticed. She cursed the prothean ability to see things with his touch.

“He rarely speaks out of his ass. If he says something then it’s because facts point that way. Is it true or not? I don’t know, but he’s usually right.”
“Uncanny ability to find the truth from unconnected clues.” Mordin chimed in with a nod.
“So we’re all going to ignore the brother part?” Wrex bluntly said.
“What? That explains many things!”
“Same affinity for destruction notably.” commented Mordin on the side despite having known for a while along with Eve.
“Ugh… Javik never refers to Rick as such again.”

Jane sighed and began to explain the situation leaving out the part about Rick’s own father. She wasn’t sure it was a good idea, especially with the chief of a different species but in the end she decided to trust her guts, as she always did, and to trust Wrex.

“Secrecy understandable, could lead to drop of morale, changes in Humanity’s image from other species. End of already tentative alliance.”
“Your mother is lucky she’s human, Shepard.” Wrex answered with gritted teeth.

Children were sacred for the krogans which was not surprising when only one in a thousand lived. One abused by their own mother was perhaps  the greatest sin one could make in their eyes.

“I know. Believe me, I know, you don’t know how many times I just wanted to punch her over the years. For what it’s worth, she’s making her very best to make amends.”
“In my cycle we would have tied your mother to a pole under a scorching sun and let her rot. Abusing children when we were so few left was taboo especially since we needed soldiers.” Javik commented but then refocused on Rick. “I do not understand why he’s on his ship though. He’s unstable, I saw his multiple loss of control. He’s a ticking time bomb, not worth the effort. Sending him to the frontlines with his abilities would be better.”
“Because as you saw, he’s smart. Smart enough that his mind is more valuable than his prowess in combat. To this day he’s the only person I know who outsmarted a reaper allowing us to save the citadel with less than twenty thousand dead out of eleven millions. We can’t lose him, and I’m not saying that just because we’re related.”
“Then fix him.” was the simple and short reply the prothean gave before standing up and leaving the table for his quarters.
“You know, it’s always something with you or him.”
“What?! It’s true!”
“.. You’re not wrong. I just hope that once we’re done with the Reapers I can enjoy a long and peaceful vacation. Perhaps at the beach?” she asked with a smile at Mordin.
“As if. You’ll somewhat discover a new species hell bent on conquering the galaxy.” Wrex joked, making Jane laugh derisively.
“Yeah, probably.”


“Are you sure, you don’t know what she wants?” Jane asked as she walked side by side with Rick.

Aria had sent her a private message, an invitation of sorts for a meeting at the Purgatory, a nightclub on the presidium. Jane had asked her brother a few times if he knew what it was about but answered negatively. The last time he had seen her was when they were on Omega to deal with Samara’s daughter, Morinth.
Entering the place, Rick chuckled at the sight.

“What’s funny?”
“She’ll be in a bad mood. Everything she hates is here. Bad music, not very good dancers, and the aesthetic… I’m not even talking about it. If she’s here then the other nightclubs must be worse. I’m so going to have a field day.”

Going up the stairs leading to the upper level of the nightclub they immediately saw Aria sitting alone on a couch having taken possession of an entire section of the nightclub. She was being harassed by some human woman and Rick almost felt sorry for the idiot for going against his mother. In silence he sat himself down right next to Aria and gave her a greeting kiss on the cheek, ignoring the vociferation of the human woman. The Queen of Omega seemed to have had enough  and ordered her human assistant on the side to contact councilor Tevos, who was bothered at first but quickly changed her tune when she saw Aria and Rick sitting hip against hip. Never in her wildest dream did she think that the two were that close. Anderson had shared their connection but nothing indicated such a close bond. While she was afraid of Aria, as any asari in their right mind should, she was also afraid of Rick’s abilities, notably his mind. She knew that he was a good man who did the right thing but his intelligence alone could start wars. The fact that the two of them seemed to have a close bond terrified her.

“Gorgeous.” Rick greeted.
“Gorgeous?” Aria asked with a brow raised. “You fucked her?”
“Nah, didn’t have the time to turn on the charm.”

Their small talk was done while looking at Tevos who felt like a prey in front of two predators. Wanting to get rid of that feeling and of the two of them, she asked what she could do for them.

“It seems immigration has a problem with me being here.” explain Aria.

And just like that, immigration didn’t have a problem anymore as Tevos quickly dismissed the immigration agent then said her goodbye and cut the transmission. Jane, who had been watching on the side, finally took a seat and looked at the pair.

“Not the queen just on Omega, huh?”
“Live as long as she has and…” Rick stopped in his jest when Aria grabbed him by the balls, literally.
“Mind repeating, that? I didn’t quite hear you.” the asari dared.
“Does that count as a handjob?” was his snarky reply and to his surprise she didn’t squeeze harder and instead release her grip.
“I don’t have time for this. Shepard, I… need your help.” The queen confessed, prompting Rick to turn his head to the side so fast to look at her that Jane believed it was a miracle his neck didn’t break.
“What happened?” the man asked.
“What did they do?” Jane inquired.
“After luring me out of Omega they took control of it.”
“What?! You never leave the station!”
“And here I am, in his hell hole.”
“I thought it was because of the reapers, not those morons. How did they succeed?”
“They captured her? How?!”

Her ‘no’ has been curt and dry and Rick immediately understood what she was implying.

Who?” he asked in a cold voice and tone, that both Aria and Jane could recognize despite his synthetic voice.
“Kai Leng. The Illusive Man’s right-hand man.”
He’ll die.” proclaimed her son as he stood up and left for the bar on the opposite side of the level.
“Who’s Liselle?” Jane asked without any tact.
“My daughter. I want them all dead Shepard, every single one of them, especially Kai Leng and the Illusive Man. Unfortunately I know it would take time. Time that we don’t have with the Reapers around.”
“Is that why you asked me to meet with you? I have better things to do, like a war for our survival to win.”
“It isn’t though it’s not unrelated. You help me take back Omega and every ressources at my disposal is yours. Credits, man power, technology; ask and you will get. The whole might of the Terminus.”
“That’s… generous of you. The other leaders of the galaxy are not so invested in helping me.”
“I’m no fool, commander. I understand full well that cooperation will be the key to our survival. It will cost the others dearly, especially the asari. Goddess damned matriarchs sitting on their asses thinking they are better than everyone else.”

At that moment, Rick came back with a drink in each hand and gave one to Aria as he took back his seat next to her.

“What’s the plan?”
“I made some deals with the mercs but there are some complications that I need you to take care of.”
“Alright, I…”
“Not you, her.” she said looking at Jane.
“Why me?” the redhead questioned, perplexed.
“Because, that little shit right here, will probably blow up to smithereens the negotiations by killing some of them. Hell, the deals may go sideways just because they saw him, thinking that I sent him to clean them up.”
“To be fair, you did send me to clean them up, sometimes.”

Aria looked at him with narrowed eyes but said nothing else. Jane stood up and went to work as she couldn’t pass on the opportunity to have the full might of Omega and the whole Terminus behind her against the reapers. Looking at Rick he signaled her that he was staying and motioned for her to go on. She hesitated for a moment, not wanting to leave him alone but relented  and exited the nightclub alone.

“She knows.” remarked his mother. “I’m surprised you told her.”
“I didn’t. Things got hot on Mars. Got hurt and my helmet had to be removed. Why didn’t you tell me? I was a message away.” he answered then changed the topic.
“We were both busy. Especially you. Did it pay off?”
“Hypothetically, yes.” he replied and explained further as she looked at him intently. “What the alliance is building has never been done before, the protheans were missing a crucial component for their weapon and couldn’t complete it. We don’t know what that is and we don’t know if the thing works or what it even does. We’re going in with a lot of faith because this is the only thing we have.”
“If anyone can find the answers to these questions, it’s you.”
You are putting a lot of faith in me.”
“I know my son.” she replied with a small smile.
“Gee, thanks for the pressure, I think I didn’t have enough on my shoulders.”
“We both know the harder the challenge the harder and better you work.”

Rick just sighed and rested his head on her shoulder.

“What are you doing?”
“Finding comfort from my mother.”
“In public?”
“I don’t care anymore about being your dirty little secret. It’s not like anyone would say or do anything. No one would dare touch you or me. I’m too important now.”
“And why, pray tell, do you need comfort?”
“Yeah, I call bullshit on that one.”
“Ugh… I found out who my father is and that I have another half sister from his side.” he replied truthfully as he showed her a picture of  him and Kahlee on his omni-tool. It had been taken by the woman a few days before they arrived on the Citadel.
“Definitely your sister, you look too much alike. Your father then?”
“Jon Grissom.” answered her son, making her laugh.
“The alliance is so screwed.”
“Yeah. There are other things that happened…”
“Such as?”
“Met my birth giver, for one. I… blew up and ran away. Carrot Top spilled the beans and now she wants me back. Apparently she’s sorry.”
“And? What are you going to do about it?”
“Nothing. I already have a mother and I’m pleased with her. More or less.”
“More or less?”
“Mm-mm. She never popped my cherry while constantly grabbing my crotch, a big meany I tell you. Now what are you going to do about it?”
“Why should I do anything?”

At that, Rick lifted his head from his shoulder and looked at her.

“You will let her take me away?”
“If she’s genuinely remorseful…”
“You’re kidding, right?!” he exclaimed in anger as he stood up straight.
“Oh, I won’t let you go. You’re my son and I’m keeping you but I’m not adverse to sharing custody. I know how it feels to want to reconnect with a child you failed because I am an awful mother myself.”
“And you would let her?! Where is the hard ass woman you don’t fuck with?”
“She got softer when it’s about her son. I’m blaming you.” she replied as she grabbed his arm and made him sit back down. To prove his discontent he laid on the couch and rested his head on her lap.
“I still think it’s a trap to get rid of me once and for all.”
“Perhaps, in that case, she’ll die.”
“... you’re the best.”
“I am your mother. Nobody else could have handled you.”
“Analysse did it better, she wasn’t mean.”
“She was your wife.”
“Was. You need to let her go.”
“No. Never. I can’t.”
“You can.”
“My relapse on Eden Prime a few weeks ago proved otherwise.”
“You relapsed?!” she exclaimed, grabbing him by his newly bought shirt.
“Nearly succeeded. Stupid people brought me back.”
“Smart people. We can’t win this war without you and I don’t want to lose another of my children. You’re the only thing I have left.”
“Not after we take back Omega.”
“That’s not the point.”
“It is. You just don’t want to say it.”
“You know damn… No, I’m not playing your game. You’ll find no sympathy from me other than a well deserved and needed kick in the ass.” she replied as she let go of his shirt.
“And I love you for that.” he said as he put a hand affectionately on her cheek.
“You better.”

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