Out For Karma: Mass Effect

[Book Three] Chapter 10:  Another one

[Book Three] Chapter 10:  Another one

Chapter 10:  Another one

Everyone back from Grissom Academy and who wasn’t a student in the project ascension was looking at the said students lying on the floor moaning in pain. They were not hurt graveley, except maybe their ego, but they will sport bruises and sore muscles for a few days.
Jack’s deal had been too tempting to refuse. If they, all together, could take down Rick in less than half a minute then it was proof enough they were ready for the frontlines, if not then they’ll act as support. Sanders had been skeptical but Jack knew what she was doing so she didn’t object. Rick had made some interesting points during their argument in the shuttle and she wanted to see the student in action with her own eyes.

If EDI was to be believed, the students lasted 8.61 seconds to be precise.

When she gave the starting signal, Jack’s kids were circling the helmet man and sprung into action simultaneously, sending Pull and Throws. Rick simply answered by creating a barrier without his hands to tank them. Immediately afterwards he charged the one student with the heaviest build, grabbed him and sent him flying towards a pair of brother and sister who were too close to each other and took them out. As he spun around to throw the student he used his non-pivotal foot to send a curved pull catching a fourth one in the air and, after releasing his first catch spined again sending two low powered curved Slam to the two students left standing.

If the time spent to tank the students' attack were removed Rick defeated them in 2.89 seconds.

“You… have potential. You may have Jen as an instructor to help you reach it but You. Are. Not. Ready.” he announced and went to his locker to gear down.

Jane gave a head signal to Ash, who promptly obeyed the silent order and went to tail Rick as apparently she was the one on watch duty this time. Turning her body to look at Jack and Sanders she listened to them talking.

“That was…” began the blonde woman. She couldn’t find the words to describe what she had seen. She had watched Jack in action during her physical test when she interviewed her and the woman had been brutal and effective in the use of her biotics; she didn’t display such control and battle prowess. And she wasn’t a biotic, from looking at her instructor’s face, the man had done something that had left her speechless.
“Damn… a barrier without using his hands…How far did he go?” Jack muttered.
“Shouldn’t you… help them?” Sanders points to the students laying on the ground.
“Nah. He went easy on them, they can get up on their own. They’re not that hurt, well… except their pride maybe.” she replied as finally one of her kids got himself up from the floor with a sullen face and began to pick up his classmates.
“I have to say, seeing you in action convinced me that you were the right person for the job but what he did…”
“Was beyond that.” Jack replied as she indicated to her kids to gather in line in front of them. “Do you understand now?” she asked the students who begrudgingly nodded. “Pop quiz. What exactly did he do?”
“He kicked our asses in a flash, that’s what he did.”
“Rodriguez, you've just been taught by the number one human biotic in the whole galaxy, you can do better than ‘he kicked our asses in a flash’.”
“Wait! Number one? We thought it was you!”
“Six months ago I would have said it was a shared title. I was in power, he was in control. I’m probably still number one in power but in fighting skills I'm definitely second. Now, back to the question.”
“He created a barrier from… nothing.”
“Not true. I was standing behind him so I saw his back, that’s where he channeled it.” denied a second student and Jack nodded in affirmation.
“Putting aside how impossible that is, he biotically charged at me, punching me in the gut, cutting my breathing for a moment then threw me at Seanne and Micheal. Afterwards I didn't know it was already over.”
“He used his feet to catch me in a Pull. And it curved! I still can get how he did both of that! Then with his hands he used Slam to get Cassandra and Larry.” Rodriguez explained as she saw everything while floating in the air.
“I thought you were the only one who could use your biotics with your feet ma’am?” Seanned said.
“Nah. He was the one who taught me and the meditation we do every day in the morning and after class.” confessed Jack.
“He taught you?!”
“Meh, a bit.” Jack replied by showing her hand and using her thumb and finger to indicate how much. The space was very very narrow and that made Jane laugh. “What?!”
“He taught you how to stay in place doing nothing for more than 30 minutes. I wouldn’t call it a bit.”
“Fffff.. You, Shepard!”
“Wait! You were there, commander?!”
“Sure I was. I was training with her. In this very place in fact. Both by Rick and Jack. Good times.” Jane said with nostalgia.
“Yeah it was. Seeing you hit the ceiling because you couldn’t even use your biotic properly was hilarious.” Jack replied with a smirk, joyful at the opportunity to chid the redhead back.”
“That never happened.” Jane denied categorically.
“EDI recorded it so stop pretending.” the ex-convict reminded her.
“You didn’t know how to use your biotics? But…”
“I never knew I was a biotic until a year and some months ago. Jack and Rick tortured me every day so I could use them decently.”
“But… But… you’re so strong?!”
“That’s because we gave her a biotic boot camp from hell. We didn’t have the time to teach her at her own pace with the Collectors around. Half her free time was spent in learning the theory, the other half sweating all she could.”
“That’s great and all but none of that explain how he used a barrier from his shoulders and curved his biotics.” Pringley said.
“Mister Wald is perhaps the most knowledgeable in biotics in the galaxy outside of asari matriarchs.” Sanders finally spoke up.
“And even that is not sure.” Jane muttered but not low enough to not be heard by everyone.
“In fact he was the first prospect we wanted to recruit as your instructor but he never gave a proper answer.” Sanders revealed to the student’s shock.
“I know how he did all of that, Pringley, but I can’t share, sorry. You’ll have to experiment on your own.”
“That’s fine. I understand that he wouldn’t want his skills being well known and used against him. A shame though.”
“Anyway, you got what he did right so congrats. Now what was the most important lesson of that little spar?”
“We’re not ready.” they said dejectedly.
“Yes. One day you will be, I have no doubt about it. Just not yet. Don’t think that I don’t believe in any of you because I do. I’m sure you could do some nasty things to the reapers but make no mistakes you’d die. And that’s a loss the Alliance is not ready to have, not when a single one of you could save hundreds of people.”
“Jack is right. A war is not just won on the frontlines. Without support we can’t do a thing and we’re crucially missing some. What matters is what you do best. Fighting is not currently but protecting others clearly is, so take pride in this.” explained Jane.
“And with a bit of luck you may get to shoot one or two along the way, so don’t be so dispirited.”

The students nodded in acknowledgement, their spirits lifted up by their instructors. Jane indicated that they should go to the crew deck and have a bite. Once the adults were left alone, Jack turned to Shepard.

“What’s with Dickhead? Why does he need a babysitter?”
“I… can’t say, it’s private.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it. EDI, why is he under watch?”
“I’m sorry, Jack, I will not answer that question.”
“Fine, I’m asking him, we need to have a talk anyway.”
“Why not?”
“Rick… is not… is not in a very stable state of mind right now.”
“Why? What happened?” Jack insisted, not relenting.

Jane sighed and did relent.

“A few days ago we were on a mission on Eden Prime and he visited his old home.”

Jack’s eyes widened and connected the dots, realizing what Jane was not saying.

“The fucker tried to off himself?! Really?!” she exclaimed and Jane just nodded. “That… idiot.” she said as she went to the elevator, to have some words with who she considered her friend now.

That left Sanders and Shepard together. The former too, had some questions for the commander. While she was not in position to ask about the man David spoke highly about, with a hint of sadness, she was still curious however another matter that she believed more urgent came first.

“Perhaps now is the time to ask you why you and your team were surprised to see me?”

For the second time in less than five minutes Jane sighed again. She didn’t know how to broach such a delicate subject.

“It’s a sensitive topic, so we better have it in private. We’ll need Rick there though.” she said as she made her way to the lockers and geared down.


Rick was in his quarters looking in silence at a familiar big chest. Not Ashley’s, no, but a real chest made of wood with everything the woman could save from the fire of his home in it.  She had given it to him some day ago and he didn’t have the strength to look at it. Now, however, now, he had an opportunity.

“Are you going to open it or not?” she asked.
“No. Not me.”
“Not you? Who else? I mean it’s all hers… and yours.”
“No, there is another.” he replied cryptically.

She was about to demand an explanation when the door to the room behind her opened, revealing Jack’s entrance. A pissed Jack but a controlled one.

“You and I need to talk.” was her declaration.
“We do.”
“Privately.” she added, looking at Ashley.
“She stays, it concerns her too.” he replied, turning around and looking at the ex-convict while his lover was giving him a puzzled look.
“What do you…”
“Six months ago when we raided the Shadow Broker ‘s lair….” he began interrupting her. “I found files on everyone on the crew. Among one of them was a transcript of a Cerberus audio communication about a child being passed as dead to her mother during an hospital visit because her biotic potential was off the charts.”
“Me.” Jack stated.
“Yes. That happened on Eden Prime in 2165. The date and location reminded me of something, so on a hunch I asked my friend Liara to find anything she could, on you.” He raised his hand, stopping her to interject and went on. “ She did find something. Notably your real name : Jennifer Andersson.”

Ashley gasped at the news, making Jack wonder what it was all about.

“Daughter of colonists Matthew and Sandra Andersson, and little sister of Analysse Andersson.”

Jack, or rather Jennifer’s jaw reached the floor in shock. She didn’t think that one day she would know who she was, even less finding out about her family. She had flashes of some very blue eyes but that was it. Seeing Rick pick up a wooden chest and hand it to her, her mind went back on track.

“That’s all that’s left of her after I burnt everything down. You can thank Ashley for that. However I don’t need this to tell you that…”
“Rick, the commander wants you to join her in her cabin.” the voice of EDI came from the speakers.

“Tell her I’ll be there when I’m done here, please.”
“She insisted on now.”

Sighing, Rick looked at Ash.

“Can you answer her questions?” he asked and the brunette nodded in affirmation.
“Why her?” inquired Jack.
“Analysse was my best friend.” Ash replied as Rick exited the room.
“He’s not messing with me, does it?”
“No. He never messes around when it’s about her. So if he says you’re his sister in law then you are. Come on, let’s get to the bedroom, we’ll be more comfortable.”

Jack followed her and was amazed by the change of the area. A far cry of what it used to be.

“Damn, that’s really different from my memories.”
“He remodeled the entire place for his needs.”
“And his needs include a queen size bed? Don’t see Tali around or the cheerleader to wet his dick.”
“Let’s say he’s not missing company.” Ash replied with a knowing smile as she sat on the bed.

Doing likewise, the ex-convict put some distance with the other woman and put the chest between them. Opening it, she saw many different things, but what caught her eyes first was a white dress and a picture of a very beautiful woman. Picking it up to have a better look she asked her first question.

“Is that her?”
“Analysse, yes.”
“We look nothing alike.”
“Besides the height? No, not much. She was a bit taller than you but you do have the same brows and cheekbones.”

Ashley put her hands in the chest and searched a bit before getting out a paper photo album.

“While you both are a mix of your parents, she took more after your mother and you after your father.”

Opening the album, she turned a few pages with pictures of an echography and a baby until she found one with the baby and its parents. The man was very tall. Not as much as Rick but way above 6 feet. His hair had the same brown color as hers, so were the eyes. He looked young and very lean. On his side was a short woman but Jack knew it was an optical illusion, as the man was just so tall. The woman was healthy and had the same plentiful assets that the one she had seen earlier.

Turning the pages a bit she saw other photos of the baby growing up and turning into a child until pictures of the mother of the family being pregnant appeared. A few pages later and the child, a girl, was in the arms of her big sister, sitting in her lap on a small swing. Both were laughing heartily.

“That’s me.” she said, tracing the picture with her fingers gently, recognizing her younger face.
“Seems like it.”
“We look happy.”
“You do.”

Jack went through others pages but there were no more pictures of her, or anyone else for that matter in fact the last picture was another echography.

“That’s his daughter.”
“Your niece, yes.”

Jack looked at it with sadness, both for Rick and for herself as she will never get to know her.

“My parents.. They’re dead ain’t it?”
“From what Analysse told me, her … your father died in a warehouse incident a bit less than a year after your supposed death. Your mother followed him a few months later because of what Analysse believed was a broken heart. She always thought that losing you and your father so close in time was too much for her.”
“So I’m all alone now.”
“I know the idea can be unpleasant sometimes but you still have Rick.” Ashley joked trying to lift up the mood. It worked as Jennifer snorted.
“Can’t believe Dickhead is family. Or was.”
“Is. He’s still wearing his wedding ring. As far as he’s concerned he’s still married to your sister. Probably until the day he dies.” she said in a defeated tone that was not missed by Jennifer.
“You love him.”
“I do. He’s an acquired taste. At first I didn't understand what Anlysse saw in him but with time…”
“And he has a big fat cock.”
“That he does, and he knows how to use it well.”
“You slept with your best friend's husband?” exclaimed Jennifer.
“Still do. It’s… complicated, so hold back on any judgment for now. At least until you know more about her.”

Jennifer looked at her for a moment then nodded.



As Ashley and Jennifer were talking, Rick arrived at the captain’s quarter. He saw Jane and Sanders sitting on the couch within a safe distance and decided to sit on the bed instead.

“Good, you’re here. We can start…”
“Who’s your father?” Rick immediately asked bluntly, cutting off his sister.
“I’m sorry? What?” Kahlee asked shocked and confused, that was not what she expected, in fact she didn’t know what to expect at all.
Who. Is. Your. Father.” Rick insisted.
“Why do you want to know that? Commander is that why you brought me here? To talk about my…”
“That’s why.” Rick said, removing his helmet.

Kahlee froze at the sight. She recognized his face, she had seen it often after all. There were some differences, true, but the nose, jaw, brows… the eye and hair color. Everything matched her own face, just more masculine. It also matched someone else better.

“That’s… impossible.” she whispered her wide eyes fixed on the man.
“One last time. Who is your father? Or should I say ours?”
“He… He would have told me if…”
“That he got a whore pregnant? I doubt it. Males tend to not brag about those kinds of feats.”
“My father wasn’t seeing whores! “ Kahlee defended.
“Yet, here I am.”
“He was a widow and saw no one after his divorce. He would have told me if he had met someone.”
“So either he didn’t tell you and didn’t care about me or he didn’t know I existed. Great.”

He stood up and went for the door leaving behind his helmet. Jane called his name and told him to wait as she tried to follow him but he was already in the elevator when she reached it. She ordered EDI to keep an eye on him and to put someone of the team watching him as apparently Ash wasn’t available, which she will have a talk with her about why later. Getting back to her quarters she saw Kahlee standing up in the middle of the room.

“I’m sorry, it has been difficult for him recently.” Jane said.
“I… understand. It’s undeniable that we are related. The blonde hair alone would bring forth questions as there are so few blondes left. But his face… It’s almost all my father, almost all me. I just… I just can’t believe he would keep me in the dark about having a younger brother.”
“I learned recently that there are the parents you know and the people they are, so believe me I know what you’re feeling.”
“What I don’t understand is why are you here? How are you involved? He didn’t need you to be present for asking me.”
“That’s because he is my brother. Or rather half brother as I discovered a few days ago.”
“You can say that again. It’s confidential so please…”
“I understand, commander, you don’t have to worry about me blabbing. I know what damage this information could do. It could be even worse if he’s my brother too.”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s confidential too, for my own protection but considering the circumstances... My father was Jon Grissom.” she revealed after a moment of hesitation.
“This is a nightmare.” Jane said as she sat down putting her head in her hands.

Being the son of one hero of the alliance was one thing, especially when the said hero was a neglectful racist mother (or was for the latter) but also being the bastard son of the most revered hero in the Alliance who either didn’t know or didn’t care, was the cheery made of vomit on top of a cake made of shit.

“Perhaps the first thing we should do is confirm it?” Kahlee proposed.
“Yes, but then what?”
“Then, depending on the results, we talk. About this situation, my father, your mother and him. If he’s my brother, I’d like to get to know him. He would be the only family I have left.”
“Good luck talking with Rick…”
“How so?”
“He doesn’t like strangers much, doesn’t trust easily and despises any talk where he doesn’t learn anything new, especially the emotional ones like this one.”
“Then I suppose it’s a good thing I’m used to dealing with that kind of man.” professed Kahlee and explained when Jane looked at her with a brow raise. “My father was very sullen and stubborn.”


Ashley was telling Jennifer of her sister, to be more precise they were talking about the white dress in the chest which turned out to be a wedding one. Chuckling when she shared that sometimes Analysse put it on just to relieve her wedding night, she immediately stopped when she heard Rick entered the quarters and began to trash the workshop area.

“Ric, what’s wrong?” the soldier asked while a very shocked Jennifer saw the man for the first time without his face hidden.
“I need some time alone, please leave.” he said as he leaned with his arms on the workbench, showing them his back. “You can take the chest with you.” he added and went quiet.

Ashley was about to protest but decided otherwise and went to pick up the chest. When she came back she looked at Jennifer who had kept her eyes on the man silently. Bumping her shoulders with her own she brought her out of her reverie and signaled towards the door. Once outside the ex-convict could help but ask.

"What the fuck happened with him?"

"I have no idea, it’s one thing after the other recently."

"You think he fought with Shepard."

"I don’t know. I’ll ask her when I see her."

"You know what? Fuck this." She said as she went back inside the room.

She didn’t find him where she left him so she went to the only place he could be: the bedroom.

Seeing his face had been a triple shock. First because she was seeing his face, second because he was rather handsome and she understood why the woman who was her sister went after him and third because he was almost like a male version of Sanders.

“What got your panties in a twist?”
“What part of being ‘I’d like to be alone’ don’t you understand?” he said, laying back on his bed, his eyes closed.
“None but you can’t expect me to not bug you when you upset my whole life. You being the last related member of my family still alive aside. I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or not.” she replied as she heard Ashlely sitting on a chair in front of the workstation on the other part of the quarters.
“The answer is no. If you knew who my family was you’d bail out faster than you can swear.”

Jennifer looked at Ashley for confirmation as she seemed to know him really well. The soldier’s wince and hesitant nod gave her the answer she wanted.

“That bad?”
“A whorish mother, hero of the alliance. An abandoning half sister, also a hero of the alliance. An uncaring father who probably didn’t know I existed and another half sister who didn’t know I existed either.” He said as he raised one finger for each iteration.

Once again Jennifer turned her head to look at Ashley who had surprise all over her face. That didn’t help her one bit and decided to be more proactive by entering the bedroom area and closing the door, leaving her and Rick alone.

“So that bad… Huh.”
“Honestly, you’d better make your own family.”
“Well you see… I don’t give a shit.” she said as she sat on the bed, facing the door and back to him.
“Suit yourself. Don’t come bitching because you can’t get out of the mess.”
“You’re the only link I have to my family, to my sister, I’m not giving it up.”
“Told you to ask Ashley.”
“Yeah, but she just was her best friend. You were her husband, you should know her better.”
“What is this? Jen’s therapy 101?”
“Hey! Blame Shepard on that one! With all her speeches and bullshit, I’m dependable now.”
“Always that bitch’s fault.” he grumbled in anger.
“Come on, she's not that bad.”
“Remember the sister that abandoned me? You get one guess at who it is.”
“No shit?!” Jennifer said as she turned around to look at him to see if he was messing with her. He clearly wasn’t. “Damn! I didn’t think she was capable of that. Not with all her spiel about nobody being left behind.”
“Had you asked, I would have told you, I learned that lesson at ten.”
“I’m skeptical about it.”
“That’s your right.”
“So that’s why she called you up? To talk…”
“No.” he interjected. “It was to have a talk with Sanders.”
“She’s your other sister, right? You look too alike to each other to not be related..”
“Yeah. Meaning her father is also mine. Probably.”
“And she didn’t know?”
“Apparently not.”
“You were right, that’s a mess.” she turned back facing the wall and sighed.
“Told you so. It’s confidential information by the way so you know…. Walk away.”
“Nah. I love the drama between you and Shepard too much. Besides, you’re kinda the closest thing I have to a friend and as I said family, so I ain’t giving you up.”
“You’re mental.”
“Blame those Cerberus fuckers.”
“Team abused kids for the win?”
“Team abused kids for the win.” She confirmed with an amused smile.

They stayed in their respective position for a while in silence, until Jennifer asked an unexpected question.

“So… Did you fuck your own sister or not?” she said with a smirk.


Ashley didn’t like one bit being locked out of Rick's bedroom. Not when a woman she didn’t know was with him when he was in one of his moods. She was not jealous, she just didn’t like being out of the loop about the man she loved. At least that's what she kept telling herself. So she just sat there waiting until Shepard and Sanders came into the room.

“EDI told me he was here.” the redhead said and the brunette pointed to the bedroom door with her chin.
“With Jack, or Jennifer, not sure which she wants to be called.”
“Jennifer?” Jane inquired.
“Jennifer Andersson, her real name. Analysse’s little sister.”
“What?! You’re kidding right?” exclaimed the redhead in absolute shock.
“That’s even more development.” commented Kahlee.
“Including you, yes. Who are you to him anyway?” Ashley asked, looking at the blonde woman who in turn looked at shepard questioningly.
“That's alright she knows who he is. Ash, Kahlee is perhaps Rick’s other half sister. From his father's side.”
“Yeah, I could have figured that out myself. What’s next? What outrageous thing is left to discover about your family, Skipper? A deceased twin that’s actually alive?”
“I don’t know anything about a twin but my father was Jon Grissom, is that good enough?” Kahlee revealed.

Ashley looked at her as if she had two heads then sighed.

“You know what? I need a drink or a few dozen.” she said as she left the room.
“That’s not what I expected.”
“She’s been by his side in his darkest moments, it’s affecting her too, especially since she loves him and was his wife's best friend.” commented Jane.
“I see.”

The redhead knocked on the door and it was Jennifer who opened the door.

“Jack, is he alright?”
“Not really. But again, who will be in his place?” the ex-convict replied as she exited the bedroom and closed the door behind her. “So sisters, huh?” she said looking at both women.
“He told you?” Jane asked in shock.
“Former abused kids stick together and I’m a good listener. We both agree to blame you for that last one.”
“Abused?!” Kahlee exclaimed in both shock and outrage,llooking at the redhead.
“Not by me!” defended Jane.
“He did say, you abandoned him.” Jennifer retorted.
“It wasn’t like that! I enlisted!”
“I think we all need to sit and talk.” proposed the blonde.

Suddenly the door to the bedroom opened revealing Rick.

“Could you tone it down or just shut the fuck up? Some people are trying to deal with things and brood in peace, here.”
“Hey! I was getting out!” protested Jennifer.
“And you’re still here. Now shooo.” he said as he waved his hand petulantly, clearly indicating that she was dismissed and to go away.
“No, we have a lot to talk about.” refused Jane. She had too many questions and she didn’t have the patience to wait for the answers.

“Which would not be necessary if a DNA test proved negative.” Kahlee said.
“Wow, negative DNA test? Really? Lying your hopes a bit too much, don’t you think?” he said in a flat tone.
“N-no. I just want to confirm it. That you’re my brother I mean.”
“Don’t need one to know the obvious. Don’t need another sister either; one was more than enough.” he said looking at the sister in question.

Jane just sighed, tired of the animosity towards her. Clearly the ‘patience, time and love’ that Liara advised wasn’t working. In truth it only had been a bit less than a month but she wasn’t that patient of a person. Regardless she had enough.

“We, and that includes you, are going to the Med-bay to take that test.” She said in an authoritative tone.
“Nope.” he said and closed the door to their faces.
“Do you mind blowing up that door and dragging him out?”
“Commander?!” Kahlee exclaimed.
“Nah.” replied the ex-convict and charged her biotics.


“Was it really necessary?” the blonde woman said as she looked at a tied up Rick on one of the med-bay beds with eyes promising murder.
“Yes. I’ve been patient, I tried to reach him but he just…” she stopped and just exhaled. “Sometimes you have to force him to do things. Besides, he already hates me anyway.” she finally said.
“I could have waited until he was in a better state of mind.”
“No. We needed to do that now or he would just have ignored and repressed it.” she replied then looked at her brother. “Don’t look at me like that, you know it’s true.”

All she heard was some grunting, which to the surprise of Jennifer and Kahlee, she understood.

“I don’t care. You need help! I know it,  Ashley and Liara know it, even EDI knows it! And most of all you know it.”
“No, because you either refuse to admit it or worse you know and do nothing about it.”
“You're my brother! It concerns me. It always has and always will. Now if you weren’t such a stubborn idiot, we wouldn’t be in this situation.”

Realizing she let the cat out of the bag in front of Mordin and Eve, she quickly asked them to not say anything. Eve didn’t care one bit about it, though was interested in the distraction while Mordin just wanted to go back to creating the cure so in the end both agreed.
The results came and were as expected.

“No, we’re going back to my cabin and talk about this… this mess.”
“It’s amazing how you can understand him.” Jennifer said.
“He’s both simple and complex at the same time.”
“That’s contradictory.”
“Not really, simple when his heart talks, complex when it’s his head.”
“Perhaps we could untie him now that the test is over?” Kahlee asked.
“I heard that!” Jane replied with a displeased frown while Rick began to laugh. “No, not yet.” she answered the blonde woman.

They went back to the captain’s quarters with Jane and Jennifer dragging him to the elevator under the eyes of a confused James and Steve and a smirking Garrus. The two ladies dropped him on the bed and Jane took the lead.

“I want you to promise to listen and talk and not lash out like a five year old.”
“Whenever you want, my door is always open.”
“I don’t care. Jack, he’s my brother so I can’t punch him…”
“No!” Kahlee said as she put herself in front of Rick.
“Yeah, no. I’m sorry Shepard, punching him  and tying him up because he’s acting like a stupid moron is one thing, punching him because you don’t get your way is another.”

Jane let out a frustrated and defeated breath but nodded. It was Kahlee that got it when she began to untie him.

“Please. I want to know.” she said looking in his eyes.
“Jon Grissom.” Jane replied curtly.

The name shocked him and his eyes went as wide as saucers before finally laughing hysterically despite the gag.

“What’s so funny?” the redhead inquired.

She kept silent and it was Jennifer that asked.
“What did he say?”
“I don’t know.”
“Perhaps removing his gag should have been my first priority.” Kahlee said as she undid the last knot around his hands. He still wonders where they had found some rope so fast and how did they know the knots.

“Thank you.” he said, massaging his wrists. Then he brought one of his hands on his jaw and did the same. “You may not look like her but you punch the same.” he shared with Jennifer a small sad smile on his lips. “Would she have too?”  he wondered in a whisper, his eyes unfocused and not smiling anymore.
“Rick… can I call you that?” Kahlee asked and got a shrug for an answer. “I’d like to talk.”
“Whatever for?”
“Because you’re the only family I have left, and I’d like to get to know you.”
She said with genuine sincerity.
“...Ask away.” he said calmly.
“Just like that? She just asks and you agree?!” Jane interjected in bewilderment.
“In the last ten minutes, she’s been a better sister than you were for the last sixteen. I believe she earned it.”
“You were gone!” She protested with hurt in her voice.
“Don’t blame me, you’re the one who left. First.”
“Please, can you two stop for a moment?” questioned the blonde woman.
“What happened, exactly?”
“You’re going to need to be more specific.”
“It was an open secret in the military that you disappeared but nobody knew what happened. Most thought that you were dead somewhere or had been kidnapped.”
“I just left.”
“You just… left?” she repeated, not sure she heard correctly. “Why?”
“Better question is: why not?”

That earned a slap on the back of his head by Jennifer.

“You get one every time you’re being an idiot.”
“Why are you still here in the first place? It’s a family matter.”
“Yeah, and I’m family now, so get used to it. Now answer the question properly.”
“Ugh… Fine…. I left because there was nothing good for me anymore. What was I supposed to do? Keep being a victim of the bullying from those retards at school? Be taught by incompetent teachers who closed their eyes to the bullying and sometimes encouraged it? Be constantly reminded that I was ignored by the woman that gave birth to me for being a biotic every time I came home and no one was there? No. Nuh-huh. No way. Fuck that. Fuck them. So I took my shit and left.”
“Just… like that?” inquired Kahlee in surprise.
“Yes. Nobody gave a shit about a biotic kid so at the next ship’s stop,  I just walked out and never came back.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Jane asked for the first time that it wasn’t only at home that her little brother was miserable.
“So they could bully me even more after you ‘take care’ of them? No thanks.”
“How did you survive, exactly? I mean, you were just a child.”
“A child with a genius intellect.” he corrected.
“With your mother in the military, they should have noticed that. You should have been taken care of well.”
“Discrimination against biotic and the whore didn’t know because she didn’t care.”
“Why do you call her that?”
“She was married when she conceived me and only her career mattered. Knowing she fucked your father, doesn’t disprove what I believe she did; that she slept around to get up the ranks’ ladder.”
“She was married?!” exclaimed the blonde woman. “I can’t believe my father would do that. Sleeping with a married woman.”
“Welcome to the club of disappointed children.”
“That is something that I wish to ask her, myself.” Jane commented.
“What happened then? Where did you go? What did you do?”
“I left Alliance’s space and earned money doing some hacking job.”
“That’s a secret.” he said as he took his helmet on the bed right next to him and put it on.

Standing up he began to walk to the door when Kahlee stopped him. She didn’t have the time to formulate a new question as he spoke first.

“Anything else, you can ask the bitch of fire over there.”
“But I want to hear it from you.”
“Then wait until I’m in the mood to speak more.” were his last words as he exited the room.

The three women looked at the closing door  each with their own thoughts in their heads.

“So, that’s how being in a family feels like…” Jennifer commented.

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