Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Volume 1 - Ch 2

(it, its agonizing..)

I cant breathe, my chest feels really tight.

I wonder whats happening?

Ahh, thats right, I died in a train accident, didnt I.

No, the fact that Im still feeling so much pain probably means that Im still alive?

Did I get saved in time!?

The tight feeling around my body somehow loosens around my head area.

I cant open my eyes. Moreover, I am still unable to breathe.

I hear the voice of a young man.

For some reason the voice seems really distant.

Its probably one of the people that was caught up in the train accident?

The tight feeling around my body was gone.

It felt like I was being pulled from my shoulders and my chin up towards my head area.

Is this perhaps? some kind of treatment?

My eyes still wont open. Moreover, I still cant breathe yet.

Its painful.

And my body was covered in some sort of warm water. Is this a bath?

(It tastes bitter, eww)

Cough, Cough

After I choked and coughed I became able to breathe. Whats this? I feel the taste of blood.

Cough, Coughh

I seem to have vomited out some sort of liquid or maybe it was blood from within my mouth and now I was able to breathe.

The voice of a middle aged woman. Because I cant really see, I am not able to confirm that it was indeed a middle aged woman.

Now it was the voice of the young man whom had spoken previously.

(Perhaps I am still being treated in the hospital? Was that me vomiting my own blood?)

Exactly, what happened to me?

It still hurts. Am I still waiting for them to bandage me up?

(Oi! Did I survive?! Which hospital am I at?!)

Uge! Ugyaa Ugyaaa!? Ugyaaaaaa?

(Huh? I cant use my voice properly?)

Ugooaaa? Uhiyaaa?

This nurse, what the heck is she even saying to me? Please talk in Japanese.

(Shit! What the hell is going on?!)

Ugiyaaaa! Ugigyuuu GyaaaaAA?

It seems I am not in any grave danger. Even the shoulder which I hit really hard is not painful at all.

And I am beginning to understand why I am not able to talk properly. Its because Ive become a baby who was just born just now. The reason why my vision was so blurry when I first opened my eyes and I couldnt really see anything is now understandable.

I was trying to feel my body and when I did I saw my cute and chubby hands with lovely little fingers attached to it, and even my arms were cute and puffy. Although I couldnt really move my body properly, My movements arent getting obstructed by anything and I dont feel any remnant pain. Although I was able to bring my hands up towards my eyes so that I could more clearly inspect them, I couldnt keep them up for long. It was also impossible for me to toss and turn about.

It would seem that my body is not very strong. Is it because Im a new born, is this how weak a baby is supposed to be? I tried to move my body as much as possible however I couldnt really put any strength into any of my limbs, I felt really lethargic and couldnt move very well.

And, there is this man who keeps on peeking at me and, talking to me in a language I couldnt understand. As expected it was the kind of voice that I couldnt really understand and he seemed to be a foreigner of some sort. I was trying to communicate with him somehow but, my vocal cords werent really moving the way I wanted it too so all I could manage to strain out was Aguuor Hoguu. This is bad, was I born with some kind of defect/disability perhaps?

Shit, dont hold me up in such a weird way. The palm of your hands are really tough/hard its really painful on my body, darn it. Although all I wanted to do was complain a little bit, I couldnt supress the rising annoyance/anger within me and in a violent fit of fury I screamed my lungs out.

Ugiyaaaaaaa, UgiyaaaaaaaaAAA

Ahhh, for goodness sake, it wasnt that painful to begin with, and all I wanted to do was be able to communicate with him.

Around 3 months had passed and I started to understand a few more things.

Well its a fact that they dont speak English. Because they are not speaking either German or French it must be a language from a country that I am not familiar with

East Europe or Northern Europe, or it could be the west edge of Europe such as Spain and or Portugal.

If we presume that I was reincarnated as soon as I died, then I would feel that based on the climate and the season that I was more to the South.

There is a possibility that I am actually near Mexico.

However, some of the nouns were understandable for me. Just what kind of language are they speaking?

There was not a single electronic appliance that I could find.

There wasnt even a radio, what was with this place?

It might be a small developing country which was independent of the former Soviet Union in Eastern Europe.

By the way, the house is wooden and from what I can see the floors was also made out of wood. There was no carpets or mats.

The windows didnt have any glasses, and it was only supported by a wooden pole to keep the windows opened.

At night this wooden pole was removed in order to close the window.

Although there werent any glasses on the windows, there was glass for the tableware.

When the sun sets, preparation for supper would be started. They would use a lamp to light the dark house and eat with it lit, afterwards they would go straight to bed.

Ahh, They also seem to eat lunch. Well I wasnt really weaned out from food yet so I dont really understand the menu well.

There is no electricity in this house and it makes life extremely inconvenient.

I see them every day, however, I couldnt pin point exactly how many people there were until a little later.

The first family member is naturally me. I am a baby. All I did was suck on some breasts for milk then sleep, cry out when I need to poop and sleep, therefore I dont really know exactly, but its been around three months since I was born. By the way breast milk tastes horrible. it tastes like thin milk.

The second family member is probably my father. He was a middle aged man with a beard and blonde hair. However, he might be considerable younger than the age I was when I died. Hes probably around his mid thirties? He had blue eyes.

The third family member is probably my mother. She seems to be in her late twenties or early thirties? unlike my father she was a considerably beautiful woman. Also she had perfectly shaped breasts. My mother was also blonde haired. With light green pupils.

The fourth family member was most likely my elder sister. she seems to be around her late teens or maybe around 20 years of age? Although it wasnt easy to say that she was beautiful, she wasnt unattractive either. Just like mother, she also contributed to taking care of me quite often. Although I told you guys that she was my elder sister, judging just based on her age, it was more likely that she was my father or mothers younger sister, which would mean that she was possibly my aunt. She had brown hair. Light blue eyes.

The fifth family member is probably my elder brother and the eldest son. It seemed like he hasnt started going to elementary school yet. around the age of 5~6. he seemed to give off a feeling like he was a slightly mischievous kid. He was adorable for his age. Brown hair. Pale green eyes.

The sixth family member is likely to be my elder sister and the second daughter. It seemed she was a little younger than my elder brother. around 3~4 years of age? Sometimes both her and my elder brother would take a quick peek at me. She had a good smile when she laughed. She would likely become a beautiful woman in the future. she has beautiful blonde hair. Light brown eyes.

The seventh family member is a man whom seems to be a little older than my father I could hear his voice everyday. Ive seen this mans face around 2~3 times this month. I predicted that he was my uncle. this is the main reason why I said that it was an approximate guess of whom my family members are. This guy also has a beard, but it wasnt as rugged as my fathers, and was neatly trimmed and arranged nicely. he had dark blonde hair. Emerald pupils.

After eating his breakfast in the morning, he would take off to go somewhere, he returns home at around noon to eat lunch and then he leaves again and doesnt come back until the evening.

For the time being, this is what I can gather. The number of rooms in the house still remains a mystery. Right now the only rooms I can see are: Parents bedroom, Living Room and Dining Room. I could see that there was doors to other rooms but as of yet I could not really get up to walk and most of my time is spent sleeping. Other than the time when she needs to breastfeed me or change my diapers, my mother doesnt really give me any other attention. (Illustration: Alein being held by Shirley)

Although I knew it was important, for some reason I could not control my emotions or keep them in check. Whenever I got hungry I would just automatically cry without being able to endure, When I wet my pants I would have this unpleasant feeling and I would cry uncontrollably. No matter how you saw it, I was just your ordinary baby, I definitely did not look like a man in his forties. Im a little anxious when I think about the changes Im experiencing and whats become of me. And I would often cry because of my anxiety.

Naturally crying is not the only thing I do. when my elder brother or elder sister cuddle me or when they make these strange faces which were not the least bit interesting, for some reason or other I would be happy and end up laughing. It seems that after a while of being left alone I would be crushed by the feeling of anxiety again and I would end up crying. Am I demented?

Half a year has now passed and I have been able to confirm various things.

I was able to suppress the huge wave of emotions which rose up within me at least one or twice.

This makes me happy.

I cant stand just yet as I am not able to balance my body properly.

It feels like one of those foot soldier toys that kept falling when you tried to make it stand upright.

Nevertheless, In time I feel like I can get accustomed to this sensation and will be able to stand up soon.

My vocal chords have yet to fully develop so Im not really able to pronounce the words properly yet, however in terms of picking up what people are saying I think that I am becoming relatively good at it.

It would seem that there is not much difference in grammatical composition to the Japanese Language.

In terms of how each particle is changed or made, or how terms can be conjoined or the particles used to make a verb, I am still not very confident about these things. However in terms of understanding the general gist of what they were speaking I feel like I was able to grasp most of it.

First is my own name. Al. Please tell me its a lie, nie. (Note: name has been censored)

My fathers name was Hegard. His body was really muscular. His body resembled a professional sports player.

My mothers name is Shirl. A beautiful woman with nicely shaped breasts. My sexual desires doesnt spring forth. Did I become impotent?

I thought the other grown woman was my older sister but it turns out shes the house maid Myun. She goes to work in the morning and seems to return at night. It seems like there is no holidays in the working environment and it seems like a black company. (Note: black company is a Japanese Term for an exploitative sweatshop-type employment system.)

My elder brother is Farne or also called Fan. Depending on the person, different people call him with different names. His pet name you ask? its little boy

My elder sister is Mill. Shes a young girl.

The other man that I thought was my uncle was apparently my fathers subordinate, his name is Judd. Other than Myun the man would speak to everyone else with honorifics that made me think that he was my fathers subordinate.

Other than this there are several other people that came by the house, but I was not able to remember their names yet. They didnt enter the house so I didnt know what they looked like either.

Furthermore I have not yet been able to discover my family name. Well, in a sense this is to be expected. It would be abnormal for my family to refer to each other by their last names.

I dont really know what this Shun refers to, it could be referring to a village, town or a city. The name occasionally ends only with Bakudo, so whats certain is that the name is Bakudo.

Perhaps it was the name of the country itself.

Ive never heard the name of such a country before and it wasnt really mentioned that much in conversations.

Most of the nouns they used were similar to the Japanese language so I was hoping that there was something in common with the name of places.

I havent seen anything that resembled a calendar, nor have I seen any newspapers lying around either.

I was reborn after 2015, so I thought it would be save to assume I was born in a modern era, however..

Almost as if it was the most natural thing in the world, my house didnt even have a clock.

Every morning the sound of chickens crowing could be heard.

In this country is it referred to as kukkudou-du-ruduu or cock-a-doodle-doo? Well it really doesnt matter.

I may have forgotten to say this, but I was born in Winter. Although it was a little different than the four seasons which occur in Japan, I was able to figure out from the four seasons that around one year has passed by. My guess is that if I was reincarnated as soon as I died from the train accident, then this place would be located somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere.

Recently I have become more accomplished at controlling my emotions. Moreover, whilst I havent developed much muscles to speak of, I am now able to stand up and walk for short periods of time. It was also possible for me to pronounce many of the vowels which existed in the Japanese Language. (Note: Japanese vowels: a,i,u,e,o) Let me share with you the new information which I was able to garner as of now.

However, If a big wave of emotion strikes me, I still go berserk.

For example, if all I was feeling was hunger I could curb my appetite just fine, however, if the time period exceeded 1 hour I would quickly reach my limits of toleration. I would end up either crying for my mother or for Myun.

Also, I was able to endure it when I would occasionally fall down however, if something were to hit/bump into my head, the limit of my endurance would be reached and my eyes would become watery and because of the pain I would cry.

It would seem that the margin of my emotional control has only become sufficient to a basic extent.

Although this was just my speculation, I believe that after I was reincarnated, even if my mind was that of an adult, my spirit and body was that of a baby therefore this affected how I behaved.

There is always someone monitoring me (My mother, Myun, my brother and or sister) And I am not yet allowed to go out by myself.

However, I was able to understand the structure of the house.

The house consists of two floors however, the second floor is in essence just an attic. Im not really sure what its actually used for.

The first floor consists of a living room and a dining room which is covered by around 10 metres squared, the Kitchen is about 4 metres squared, the bedroom of my parents and me is about 8 metres squared, there is three additional rooms around 6 metres squared each, one is a childs room, another one is a guest room and the last one is perhaps a reception room? There is also a passaage that expands from the entrance of the house to the corridor and at the end of the passage there was a door.

There was a toilet but it was one of those old fashioned toilets where you had to scoop out water to flush.

There was no bathroom. A wash basin is used as a replacement for a bathroom and all you do is wipe your body with a cloth.

Although there was six vowels which was actually one more than the Japanese Language, the syntax was almost the same to the Japanese language and I was able to easily pick up the language.

I think that I am now able to understand the majority of conversations between my family members.

I am also able to talk whilst stuttering out the words.

In terms of general nouns there was plenty which resembled English.

Although I was stuttering when I spoke, considering how old I was, my family seemed to think that I was a genius.

I didnt want them to treat me like some kind of freak or devil spawn so I was very careful in not disclosing that I had been reincarnated.

To begin with just going by common sense, it was a very unrealistic thing to talk about being reborn, Even if I were to say that I came from Japan, I already had my funeral and my body was already buried.

Even if the report goes to the government of this country it will be troublesome to actually contact Japan.

Certainly I have a desire to meet Miki and my parents, but to them I was already dead.

I mean there was a chance that I actually survived the train crash but that would also be a problem.

Because this would mean that, two people with the same memories exist simultaneously, and they may be an fight/argument as to whom the real person is.

Id rather not cause a commotion. Considering I was reborn with my memories intact, This meand In this lifeI want to progress forward/move on and try to make the best of what I got.

The main focus of this village seems to be in agriculture, although hunting is also done to a certain degree.

Furthermore, there was something that I was extremely astonished about..No, I changed my mind, I will talk about this a bit later.

Although there was so many things that were astonishing, I will need to go over it in more detail one by one so I will leave it till later to tell you.

It is just my opinion that we are using the metric system. Because we dont actually have any rulers or weight scales the real results are unknown.

Because it will inconvenient to think otherwise, I will just use the normal metric system. the pronunciation of the units are almost the same.

Although both my parents can calculate simple arithmetic operations, their academic levels might be quite low. Neither my elder brother or elder sister seem to be good at calculations.

Its hard to compare the level of education to Japan.

I can accept the fact that they werent able to do multiplication or division, however, not being able to do simple subtraction and addition was worrisome.

For the time being the amount of unimportant details of my life for the past year..have been covered. From here on I want to speak about the important matters.

Or more like the probability of that is really high.

I hear that the name of this kingdom is called Ron Belt.

Ive never heard of such a country before, and the independent country who separated from the Soviet Union is most definitely not a kingdom.

Furthermore I could guess from the lack of miscellaneous goods and the living standards.

Unless this was Africa, did I go back in time?

The land is governed by kings whom directly control their territories and nobles whom may be conferred a part of the land to govern.

Bakudo village is within the control of Marquis Webdoss.

My father was more or less a feudal lord . Moreover, this would mean that I was a noble/aristocrat.

My house would be succeeded by my elder brother. My sister would be married off to another family, but how exactly was the second son going to be treated? Based on this time period It might be that I will be treated as a back-up son whom will not possess anything.

Some measures will have to be taken before its too late.

Bakudo village specialises in growing wheat.

Of course other types of vegetables are also grown but our main product is wheat.

The farmers seem to be paying my father 60 percent of their harvest in tax.

My father seems to give his superior a 60 percent cut from that (Im not sure if the superior is Marquis Webdoss).

The fact that they take 60% of the income is totally crazy! Well I suppose in this day and age it was a normal thing, If I really thought about it, my father receiving 24% gross profit from the village is more than enough.

In all honesty, he doesnt really receive 24 percent of the profit.

This is because the responsibility to bear the cost for the infrastructure and maintenance of the village is all left to my father whom is the lord.

The population of the village is uncertain (It might not be that many people) and the total revenue is uncertain, I cant really say that we live an extremely comfortable life. I am able to determine this from the standard of food we are eating and the furnishings of the house.

I tried to be inconspicuous and look obedient as I collected the various information for the past year. It would be bad if I were to be suspected or if I were to say things which were strange so I tried to not talk if I could help it. At most I would more or less use baby talk to communicate, and show them that I have a lot of potential as I could walk considerably well, that was the kind behaviour I was showing to my family.

After all, Im only one years of age and there is not much point if I try to hard at this point in time. There is still enough time for information gathering, and in the case that this is not the modern era, There will be a need to exercise and train my physical strength. Its better if I take things slowly but surely.

Since I was born for a period of this one year I have lived cautiously. The things which have happened are all mind blowing but they have been written down by me in succession, and I continued to collect and arrange the information I obtained quite peacefully in this manner for several days after.

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