Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Volume 1 - Ch 13

Somehow I managed to awake in the middle of the night.

Im not exactly sure what time it is right now, but since using all of my MP at dinner and recovering, my upper MP limit has increased by 1. At the very least, I knew that 4 hours had passed since I was last awake. In any case, I should practice magic, expend all my MP completely and quickly go back to sleep, or so I thought, but after all, I think I will practice some appraisal instead.

When I carefully thought about it, there wasnt really any need for me to learn how to use magic in such a rushed manner. Leaving that aside, I think that by levelling Appraisal the amount of interesting information that can be obtained increases and I believe that right now, this is worth more than magic. I should quickly raise the level of my Appraisal ability, so that I will be able to see the sub-windows for Strength and Agility. Therefore, other than during magic training in the mornings, I feel like I should put my energy into appraisal for the time being.

Morning came and as per usual Myun would wake me up. When Myun came to wake me up I asked her about the questions I had last night.

Hey, Myun, how come you are always able to wake up on time before sunrise?

Ahh, thats because around 4 years ago, I gained the ability to set an alarm clock

Huh? What did she just say? Did she just say alarm clock?

Hee~ Myun youre so amazing, by the way, what is an alarm clock?

I was in a hurry as I wanted to hear the answer quickly,

Al, an alarm clock is an alarm clock

Yeah, I guess shed say that But, still cant you just answer my question

I dont understand what you mean by that. Tell me what an alarm clock is pleaseee~?

Its a minor magic spell, a cantrip (TL: Cantrip, meaning = a mischievous or playful act; a trick.)

What.did she just say? Shes talking in such a vague manner. However, I got something out of it, Minor Magic: Cantrip is it? I think I should confirm it.

I raised my arms on top of the bed signalling Myun to carry me. And Myun seeing me extend my arms reacted accordingly and lifted me into her arms. If I used appraisal I am still unable to see any special abilities so.

Status Open

Myun Tobasu/19/2/7413


Household: Eldest daughter of Tobasu family

Special skill: Minor Magic

Al, you know its rude to use status open on someone without asking for their permission?

Yeah, she really did have a special skill called minor magic.

Its weird how mother who is actually called a magician doesnt have this skill called minor magic. But yeah, I guess using status open on someone so suddenly is probably a rude conduct.

I mean you can probably tell someones race just by seeing their appearance, but if you use status open on a stranger, you can even see personal information like their birthday, and worse yet their special skills.

Im sorry, but I really wanted to know more about your minor magic: cantrip

Even if I say so myself, I was being pretty persistent. As expected of me.

Nn~ I think it would be best if you asked the madam. I dont have the confidence to explain it properly, besides, I already have to go and prepare for breakfast. The master and madam are waiting for us you know?

Shit, this isnt working out. Something that works like an alarm clock, isnt that super effective for my goals? I really want it

Because she wasnt answering my questions, I was being sulky.

I suppose there is no other choice but to eat breakfast and then ask Sharl for some advice.

By the way Mother, Myun has a skill called minor magic: cantrip, but she couldnt explain to me what it was, can you please tell me what it does?

After having breakfast and after waiting for my siblings to run out of MP, I was alone with my mother and I was asking her this question.

Ahh, its a magic that doesnt use up any MP. It cant do anything special, and you can use it several times a day

Hou hou, doesnt this sound good? If I can use it several times a day, there will be no problems whatsoever.

Will I be able to use it one day?

That is.. Of course you will. If you can distribute the flow of magic in your body, it can already be assumed that you will be able to do minor magic

What? Are you telling me that I can already use it? However, my status doesnt tell me that I have such an ability, right?

What do you mean?

Well, I suppose with a brain like Als you would be able to understand.. Al, what do you think magic is?

What is she saying? And why is she asking my question with another question, cant she just give me the solution? No no, I shouldnt think like this after all, haste makes waste.

For now, lets just go along with this Zen dialogue type questioning. It would seem that she was going to start at the most basic foundations of what magic is all about. In fact I am quite thankful for this.

Is it perhaps a mysterious power that bends the laws of nature?

With that kind of way of speaking, its almost as if magic is an evil thing trying to do harm. Well you arent wrong though. What I wanted to ask was, in regards to where do you think magic springs from? But, well I suppose you just started your magic training so there would be no way for you to know, so this time I will just tell you, magic, comes from the thoughts of the person using it

I dont understand~. The images that propped out whilst I was practicing magic the other day, is this perhaps what shes talking about? Sharl continued explaining even further.

Your thoughts are a really important thing, okay? Whilst it may start with something trivial, like Ahh I want that, or I want to do this, it will soon become, Ahh I want that to happen, I want it to be like this, and then in the end it will be I need this, or I need that. Whilst it cannot give you everything, magic works as a system to achieve a portion of those thoughts. Thats why, a person with a strong desire, is a person that is going to be good with magic

Because she started mentioning thoughts, assumed that it would be some kind of refined system, but unexpectedly, it all seems to be quite vulgar.

What this means, is a person with a strong desire and lust will be good at magic?

Thats a little wrong. Wanting to materialize your desires with your thoughts, is the phenomenon that helps the build-up of magical power and is what makes magic possible

Once gain shes throwing around words like magical power like its the most natural thing in the world Like I said, what in the world does magical power meannn ~ Lets just continue the conversation here.

I understand In that case, what is this thing called magical power?

Magical power is, something that everyone has within them. If you thought that the ant beneath your feet were a hindrance and you wanted it to go away, what would you do?

I will probably brush it off me, like this

Thats true. But what if both of your hands are tied down because you are carrying luggage?

Then I will unload the luggage first and then brush it off

I knew youd say that. However, human beings who are able to proficiently use magical power will do this, watch

Sharl says this and looks towards my kneecap. At almost the exact same time, I have a feeling that my kneecap was being brushed gently or it being dusted off. I was in shock, as my eyes opened widely.

This is the simplest way to use magical power. Well right now, I am using it on someone other than myself, so putting this into practice may not be the simplest thing, Well in short, its like a third hand. However, dont be mistaken, this hand is not a part of your body, nor does it exist within reality. If I were to describe it, it would be like a phantom hand made by magical power. Therefore, this isnt considered as magic. This phenomenon is considered as a minor magic: cantrip. At best, this type of minor magic, can only be used several times to brush away small things, and if it was something heavy, like luggage, it wouldnt be able to move it at all

I understand it, so basically Minor Magic: Cantrip, is the ability to manipulate magic directly with your thoughts.

So creating a phantom hand and then making that hand do something, is that what minor magic: cantrip is?

As a basis, that is true, but there is also many other applications to it. An exemplary case of its popular usage is in making Reservations. There is also its ability to create light and sound. Well even so, only you will be able to see the light or sound that you make

Reservation? Did she mean, the alarm clock?

I understand, in that case I would like for you to teach me minor magic: cantrip please

Havent I already taught you? As long as you practice it from now on, you should be able to become good at it

Eh? When did she teach me? She cant be referring to teaching me making a phantom hand right?

I dont think youve ever taught me how..

Well, you are still a baby after all. Al, can you put your right hand to the back of your shoulders and your left hand to the back of the stomach and try to shake your own hands?

I tried my best to do this, but my short hands just wouldnt reach.

Although my joints were just like a baby and were really soft, my hands were quite short and I didnt really have much muscle to stabilise into this position.

I cant do it

Then, try and scratch the place where you cant reach

Because I cant reach it, its not possible to scratch it

Ah, I get it, so this is where the phantom hand comes into play. Somehow or another, I imagined a third hand growing from my nape. Although I tried, I obviously cant succeed.

I believe in you! Try and scratch your back

Sharl was speaking in quite the earnest manner.

There is no need for you to put so much thought. Just extend your hands, like you were going to scratch your back. There is nobody in this world that cannot use minor magic: cantrip

Is it like this maybe? I tried to move my hands behind my back, and slightly scratch my back. At the same time, as imagining it was happening, I was also genuinely moving my fingers.


I did it. Is it this? Is this the feeling of using minor magic: cantrip?

From the expression on your face, it seems that you succeeded, didnt you? Although its a natural thing, Im happy for you. But, I think that you wont be able to do anymore for today. Well then, lets continue our magic lesson

After that, it was the usual training of making the flow of magic go around my body. This time around, I did it four times before feigning sleep. I also confirmed the fact that both Farne and Mill had increased their MP values. Whilst in the middle of training, I continued to ask and learn from Sharl about magic and minor magic.

As soon as morning training ends, I absentmindedly used appraisal whilst on my bed, and rearranged the information I learnt today from Sharl.

Normally parents would teach kids when they reach around 10 years of age. The main reason they dont teach minor magic until they are 10 years old is because children may use it to play pranks and it is mostly just a matter of discipline.

That about sums it all up. Whilst it may seem pretty useless to seriously put my efforts into studying minor magic, I want to be able to use the alarm clock spell as soon as possible. If I am not mistaken, it uses a combination of various simple actions to create the feeling of an alarm clock, for example: first create the phantom hand, then order it to Pinch you and combine it with a phantom sound effect. In other words, I need to be able to use it at least twice a day for this to work. Although the ability to increase the amount of times one is able to use Minor Magic will differ from person to person, it would seem that the ability ordinarily increases in limit as one approaches adulthood. Moreover I hear that adventurers have an easy time, increasing the frequency of using minor magic.

When I asked Sharl about this, she told me that right now, she was able to use minor magic at least 14 times a day. When I heard this, it really hit home. In all likelihood, minor magic had a connection with your level, and would increase as your level increased.

Im really looking forward to levelling up, I really wonder how I will be able to level up? As expected, do I really have to kill a bunch of monsters and demons? If that is really the only way, then right now I have no chance of achieving this goal. If I were to try to slay a monster with a sword like Farne, I would just be seeking my own death.

What should I do? It would be stupid for me to have to wait until I reached adulthood

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