Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Chapter 307

So yeah...the next chapters are like a 9+ parter with lots of pretty big cliffhangers. Expect 1-3 weeks before next bulk release. I'll try to get it to a good point without major cliffhangers. Though we're in the last 30 chapters of volume 2 and almost all of them are pretty big cliffhangers...

Year 7447, Month 7, Day 14

Yesterday was exhausting.

In the end I had to stay overnight in the royal castle.

Incidentally I didn't get a wink of sleep.

After that I returned to Baldukk once and up to chartering a carriage to bring the {Wyvern}'s head and scales back to the castle again was fine.

I can accept that I given my own room to stay at in the third outer citadel as well.

Shortly after I arrived the King and his wife along with his highness Richard came along.

First off they said to show them the head so I showed them the frozen head of the {Wyvern} while still loaded on the back of the carriage. The moment I took off the rubber tarp covering it all three of them seemed to be unable to hide their expressions of surprise. But, by that time I had already heard the fact that the "scales are huge" yesterday morning and since I also heard that there were a lot of scales as well, I felt it was a bit unexpected that "they would be surprised to that extent".

After all there's not a single person in the {Slaughterers} who has seen a real {Wyvern}. That's why there's no way I could have known that this {Wyvern} was over double the normal size either. I just thought, it seems to be just a bit big~

While everyone was raising an uproar including the King all of the military officers and officials who happened to pass by were shocked seeing the head of the {Wyvern}. In the end a ton of unknown people came along switching places and standing around as they all started another uproar seeing the {Wyvern}'s head. I'm sure that was almost every person in attendance at the castle hearing the rumors and coming over to take a look at it.

Before I realized it the job of managing the number of people was pushed onto me and I had the realization, "I was able to do something that impressed this many people enough to come take a look~" while at the same time feeling proud of the allies I went to the 11th floor together with.

Up until here was busy but it was also pretty pleasant so it wasn't to the point where I minded just managing the people coming to take a look. I'm sure something like the scales on it's head are dirt cheap so if you want it then it's fine even to give it to you. But, if I can sell it I'd like to do that.

While I was doing that all of the artisans were called out and arrived at the castle one after another.

The number of them was a surprising 12 people.

Though they were artisans they're still coming to visit the royal castle so most of them were wearing reasonably tidy clothing.

A lot of them seemed to be pretty rich and it wasn't uncommon for them to be wearing clothes several levels higher quality than mine.

Putting that aside, the problem started when his highness Richard invited them and I into the third outer citadel to inspect the scales.

His highness Richard seemed pleased to irresponsibly say, "These four large bags are all filled with scales from the {Wyvern} at the entrance. All of you, inspect them as you please and attach a price on them."

The bags were casually filled with the torn off scales without being organized so the artisans pointed out that it was first necessary to organize them based on the size. It couldn't be helped so I flipped one bag over thinking of making different piles with each 1 cm as the cutoff when all of the artisan's eye color changed seeing the scales and jumped at them.

Supposedly it's rare to obtain scales that over 3 cm in diameter so from their viewpoint it seems it looked like a pile of treasure. In the end the 13 of us, including myself, spent an entire night sorting them into piles with a 0.5 cm cutoff.

It seems that processing the small ones below 1 cm in diameter is difficult so they aren't worth much at all but even then they're easily worth over 10,000 Z so for the ones that are even bigger than that they're sold at the high price of several tens or hundreds of thousands of Z each. It seems there's several processing methods for each piece of armor so supposedly because I brought them in without any processing done to them they can make any size of armor they please and this will raise the price a bit as well.

And then things were difficult when it was time for each of the artisans to try and attach a price to them. The five piles of sizes from 1 cm in diameter up to 3 cms in diameter were quickly given a price. Even though we took them all off we peeled off the small ones along with the skin itself so the number of them was the highest. It was confirmed that there were over 3,000 scales in just these five piles. The prices they were given were from the lowest at 255,000,000 Z to the highest at 315,000,000 Z.

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