Otherworld TRPG Game Master

Chapter 120: S2.5 Does a Butterfly Dream of a Magical Girl - 2

Chapter 120: S2.5 Does a Butterfly Dream of a Magical Girl - 2


“It’s raininggg.”

Kim Ruru stood at the school entrance, gazing up at the heavy sky. Then she lowered her eyes. A raindrop fell from the dark clouds, shattering as it hit the muddy ground.

It was a rather tragic fall, but it wasn't as though the raindrop had perished. It simply fractured into smaller droplets, seeping into the earth.

Raindrops that landed on the cold asphalt, however, couldn't permeate anything; they merely flowed along the surface. The water streamed down the slope, eventually reaching the pitch-black entrance to the underworld—a sewer.


With a sound resembling a hungry crocodile's growl, the sewer devoured the rainwater, which flowed endlessly into its depths.

The subtle principles of nature bore an uncanny resemblance to human history, particularly when the rumbling of hunger similarly echoed...

“Alright, enough of running from reality.”

Now, how should I get back home?

Getting soaked in the rain was fine, but she didn't like the scolding that was waiting for her from Oh Dae-soo once she walked into the house looking like a drenched rat. Even Oh Hye-in would join in and nag her.

They’d say things like, "Your clothes will be see-through if you get that wet," or "What if you catch a cold?" She needed to find something to substitute for an umbrella.

Her backpack?

Did it matter if it got wet? No. The textbooks inside could survive a little water, especially the math workbook.

If she had homework to do by tomorrow, but it got ruined because the book was soaked in the rain... well, that would be the perfect excuse.

No homework, no scolding.


Just as Kim Ruru was about to dash off with her backpack covering her head...

Step. Step.

A familiar face approached from across the schoolyard, holding a blue umbrella and carrying another folded pink one in her arms.

It was Oh Dae-soo.

Kim Ruru squinted her eyes as she looked at Oh Dae-soo, who was getting closer. Maybe it was because of the rain, but her face felt just as damp and humid.

She had the expression of someone with a week’s worth of homework, or someone about to endure seven painful injections, or⋯⋯.

The face of someone she might never see again. Kim Ruru carefully asked.

"⋯⋯Oh Dae-soo, are you crying?”

“What are you talking about? Here, take the umbrella.”

“It’s because you don’t look well. And you ditched school today too.”

"⋯⋯It’s that day.”

Kim Ruru almost teased him with a sarcastic “Oh my, oh my, what a tragedy,” but held herself back. After all, hadn't Oh Hye-in once said that the best part about being a Magical Girl was how the ‘magical day disappears like magic’?

She grabbed the pink umbrella from Oh Dae-soo and opened it. The trick was to open it while imagining it as a shotgun.

As she put the umbrella over her shoulder, she asked.

“Didn’t you bring any rain boots?”

“You’re asking for too much⋯⋯."

“But with rain boots, we could splash puddles along the way!”

“Play around with water in the bathroom instead. And while you're at it, scrub your soles thoroughly. And don't ask me to wash your feet again.”

As Oh Dae-su waved his hand dismissively, as if shooing away a fly, Kim Ruru clung even closer to him.

“It’s too ticklish for me to clean them myself!”

“Our umbrellas keep bumping into each other, so move back⋯⋯!!"

She stepped away.

You know, like one might when applying Albothyl or pulling a knife from a wound. Kim Ruru thought it was best to let someone else handle those kinds of things, especially those she could easily imagine the outcome of.

It was the same when it came to scrubbing her feet. The mere thought of scrubbing her soles with a shower pouf sent shivers down her spine, making her skin crawl with ticklishness. She couldn't even imagine doing it with her own hands.

So Kim Ruru made Oh Dae-soo do it. As Oh Dae-soo grabbed her ankle and scrubbed, she burst into laughter. Her wriggling made Oh Dae-soo also end up completely drenched.

When she suggested they shower together since they were both wet, she heard another word from Oh Dae-soo not to say anything strange.


Kim Ruru hummed as she walked. She felt a bit excited when Oh Dae-soo came to meet her. The sound of rain was also good to hear. The only downside was that she couldn't smell Oh Dae-soo.

Tong. Tong.

Kim Ruru dashed a short distance, leaped, and twirled in the air, landing after spinning three times.



"⋯⋯You’re splashing water on me!”

She got a word of scolding.

As she walked side by side again like that, Oh Dae-soo casually threw a word. Not even just throwing, it was like a grandfather who was sitting still suddenly throwing a Go stone.

It was as if he needed to say something, but couldn't quite find the words.

"Did Oh Hye-in go to a club?"

“Eung, isn’t that why you only brought one umbrella?”

“Yes. But it might not be the case.”

“Eung eung.”


The raindrops pounded more forcefully against the umbrella. The intensity of the rain was also visually apparent, spreading out like a whitish mist over the asphalt.

As their trivial conversation continued, the rain grew heavier, pelting Oh Dae-soo’s face with more force. Kim Ruru scrutinized what she might have done wrong.


"⋯⋯Hey, Kim Ruru.’


"If⋯⋯ no. Never mind.”

She smiled when she heard that. Ah, he's not looking dead because he's upset with me or because he hates me.

He just had a car accident in his head!

Realizing she had caught the near-forbidden ‘Could You Just Pretend You Didn’t Hear That?’ combo, Kim Ruru made a decisive move. The solution devised by the brilliant Commander of the Capital Knight Order was a high kick.


With an impressive high kick, so high that her foot nearly went over her head, Kim Ruru sent Oh Dae-soo's umbrella flying faaaaar, far away.


Oh Dae-soo stood frozen with a dazed expression.

Kim Ruru also tossed her own umbrella onto the street. They were instantly drenched by the heavy rain. Kim Ruru giggled.

Just as Oh Dae-soo was about to get angry, Kim Ruru grabbed his cheek.

"Now, calm down. There's only one thing you need to focus on right now. Okay? Listen carefully and keep this in mind."


“Catch me if you can, hardstuck gold.”


Kim Ruru dashed into the rain and ran off. Oh Dae-soo, momentarily confused, wiped the back of his hand. Then, after slicking back the annoying bangs obscuring his view…

“Stop right there, Kim Ruru, you crazy bitch-!!”


Without a smile, he chased her down at full sprint.


The playground, of course, was deserted.

Two people crouched together in a small human-sized hideaway with numerous holes, huddled close.

They hadn't started out this close. Kim Ruru leaned in first, and Oh Dae-soo moved away. But when Kim Ruru sneezed, Oh Dae-soo edged closer again.

Oh Dae-soo tied her hair and squeezed the water from his hair, feeling as if a rush of blood had cleared his mind after doing something foolish. In a positive sense.

He also realized that this was Kim Ruru's unusual way of showing support.

It didn't feel bad. When he was assigned the mission of "Catching Kim Ruru," his mind had gone blank. But after realizing that it was her way of cheering him up, he felt a bit more motivated.

“Dae-soo, can I hold your hand?”


So, he generously allowed Kim Ruru to hold his hand. It helped, lifting his previously depressed mood.

Tickle tickle.

Kim Ruru's slender fingers intertwined with Oh Dae-soo's. They clasped their hands tightly. He hadn’t expected her to hold hands in such an unusual way, and turned his head to say something about it but…

Kim Ruru was blushing with her head slightly turned away. Her ears were red. So, Oh Dae-soo just kept his mouth shut.

Maybe he shouldn’t play this kind of joke, if he’s this shy. Thinking like that inside.

When the atmosphere became more comfortable, Roderus finally opened his mouth.

"⋯⋯Hey… um.”


“I’m⋯⋯ not actually Oh Dae-soo”

"Yeah, I heard you’re a foreigner? You said it last time. Oh Dae-soo isn’t your real name, is it? Ro⋯⋯ Ro something?"

“I’m not talking about that, I’m saying I have a⋯⋯ different appearance that you don’t know.”

The right-hand man of the Duke of Redburn, a hound trained to kill at command, a man who had never saved a soul and didn’t deserve of salvation.

His hands were stained with blood, a crimson that wouldn’t wash away even in the coldest rain.

Roderus, hidden behind the shell of Oh Dae-soo, was nothing more than a worthless guy.

Kim Ruru, oblivious to Roderus' internal monologue, briefly commented.

“Do you have middle school syndrome⋯⋯?"


“Ah, ahah~ee, don’t be so upset, eung? It was because I was relieved! It seemed like it was really nothing more than I thought!”

Roderus reacted as if he’d been pricked by a needle. He raised his voice slightly as he looked at Kim Ruru, sensing she wasn’t taking him seriously.

"⋯⋯How is this just nothing!”

“Then, who am I talking to right now!”


“Is it not Oh Dae-soo?”

But maybe, it was him who wasn’t taking these relationships seriously.

Staring into Kim Ruru's eyes, he saw no hesitation. Her gaze was pure and brightly innocent. It was genuine affection.

“Stupid Oh Dae-soo. You’re always so tense, they say that's a condition. You should fix it. By the way, even if you act prickly, I still like you."


"I know you’re thinking about me even when you're complaining. This is Oh Dae-soo. The one I'm talking to is Oh Dae-soo. Did the Organization of Evil brainwash you? Do you not like me?"


“Well, case closed then.”

Kim Ruru leaned back against the wall as if she’d said all she needed to. Roderus searched for something else to say, but eventually, he gave up and simply enjoyed the silence.

She accepted him too easily. Too simply.

He couldn’t feel it directly, but something seemed to be seeping into his heart. Words like friends, partners, and friendship circled in his mind.

"And well⋯⋯ my true self is something you can never imagine! As I say this over and over again, my real form is really strong?!"


So, Ruru and Roderus continued talking quietly, about how they should play ranked games together, and that she couldn’t, since it would get her demoted if they did.

Then, in the natural silence that followed, Roderus hesitantly asked. Because he wanted to get clarity.

"⋯⋯What would you think if I was a guy?”

A guy? Oh Dae-soo?

⋯⋯Even now, her heart was racing. What if he were a guy?

Kim Ruru carefully imagined Oh Dae-soo as a handsome man with the same orange hair and slightly sharp features. Her heart began pounding wildly.

Thump thump.

Suppressing her racing heart, Kim Ruru smiled brightly and said.

“Huheh, that will be a little hard⋯⋯?"


Kugugung. A loud thunder rumbled outside.

Roderus felt a deep sting in his heart.


The next day, during PE class, the indoor swimming class.

Roderus floated around the pool, hugging a surfboard, like a depressed sea otter.

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