Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

236. More bullets, more fun!

236. More bullets, more fun!

“So, the plan so far is to go around, murde-... NOOOOoooo!” Suddenly out of nowhere Tomoka shouted like someone had just shot her cat. 

“What the hell Tomoka, what’s wrong?” Hinata, who was riding shotgun, looked at the devastated girl. From her expresion you would expect the end of the world to be right around the corner. 

“I said murder Hinata, I said it before too!” Hinata was confused, Nozomi was confused as well. What is wrong with saying murder? Wasn’t that what they just did murder people? 

“What’s wrong with saying murder? Don’t tell me you are going soft all of the sudden or something.” Nozomi, the one to always go along with Tomoka’s brand of crazy, decided to ask the question. Otherwise, she was sure they would get nowhere near to understand what was up. 

“We are in cyberpunk! Its zero or flatline, not murder!” At that both girls deadpanned seeing how serious Tomoka was being about this. First she wouldn’t stop correcting them whenever they said idiot, forcing them to say gonk instead, and now this. 

“Ahem, anyway, as I was saying we will go around flatlining gonks with guns. We do this until we have enough eddies to get at the very least a neural-link and optics for each one of use. After that, well, we could do a bunch of more things.” Tomoka had a few ideas in mind already. 

“Sure, talking of which look over there.” Turning to see what Hinata was pointing at, the trio got to see what looked like two gangs in a standoff. Probably doing a deal or trade, one that doesn’t look to be going too well. 

“Well, I know what one group is.” Nozomi said instantly looking at those who were obviously scavs. The holo masks that weren’t really masks gave that right away. The other group however was a little harder to pinpoint. Though after a while Nozomi had a guess as well. 

“So, scavs and probably nomads.” To not grab too much attention Tomoka drove right by them without slowing down before stopping a block past them. It was at that moment that she realized a possible problem. 

“Uh, so we are in pacifica and I don’t know if leaving the care alone for more than five minutes will result in it being stol- I mean klept…ed? klepted? klept? A whatever.” As fun as she was having with the lingo she wasn’t going to bother too much with its conjugations. 

“Meh, if it gets stol- klept then we just let it be. We will have a lot more loot after. Also, if it gets klept then we learnt that we ought to sell our loot right away or risk losing it.” Hearing Hinata’s reasonable argument Tomoka decided to not bother with it anymore. 

“So, what's the plan?” Both girl’s just looked towards Tomoka with a bit of a dedpan. She is the one that normally comes with the plans and this whole thing was her idea.  

“Right! So, we just go and zero all of them as fast as we can.” Having explained her magnificent mastermind of a plan Tomoka opened the trunk of the car taking out a pair of shigure SMGs as well as a couple clips for them. 

“Right times two! You two should use this as well, no need to waste our custom stuff on these gonks.” With a shrug Hinata and Nozomi nodded before digging to see if they could find something they liked. 

The first to finish rummaging was Hinata pulling out a crusher shotgun as well as an extra clip for the thing. Tomoka doubted she knew it was a shotty and but she wasn’t going to ruin the surprise.  

Next came Nozomi pulling out a pair of overture revolvers Tomoka was sure would break her wrists. Although she thought about warning her about the nasty kick the thing was sure to have in the end she decided against it. Her girls would figure it out or get shot, not like that would kill them… permanently. 

“Aight! Ready? Don’t care lets’a’go!” Not waiting for an answer, Tomoka began running with her pair of SMGs towards the location they had found before. Turning the corner, Tomoka found that tensions had risen even further. Not only that but now that she isn’t inside a moving car she could somewhat hear what they were saying. 

“We had an agreement!” A man in leathers shouted, spit flying away from his almost foaming mouth. It was obvious he was enraged.

“We did, and you didn’t hold your part, why should we?” Came the response in a very thick russian accent. Although she wanted to go in gun blazing Tomoka decided to wait, this was a preem drama right here, better than mexican telenovelas. 

“What do you mean!? We are here with the merch aren’t we?” Peeping from right behind the corner Tomoka saw how the man in leathers took a step forward, a bad move. In an instant the scavs pulled their guns up resulting in the nomads doing the same. 

Tension was thick in the air, everyone on a hair trigger. It was then when Tomoka got a mischievous idea. That and her girls finally caught up. Deepening her voice as much as she could, Tomoka projected her voice as she had been instructed back at the academy.

“NCPD drop your weapons.” Tomoka had to try really hard to stop herself from cackling with mad delight seeing everyone jump from fright. Especially so when one of the nomads squeezed the trigger by mistake. 

The shot rang out loud and clear as the bullet found its resting place inside one of the scavs’ heads. It was then that all hell broke loose. Sure, Tomoka could have waited for them to kill each other then clean up whoever was left but, where was the fun in that. 

With mad delight Tomoka dashed from cover to cover spraying bullets with her SMGs. Unfortunately for both sides, Tomoka was at a perfect ninety degree angle to them. Meaning quite a few of their people had cover between the groups but not her. 

Finding a new place to hide Tomoka’s heart raced with adrenaline as she heard and almost felt the thuds of bullets against her new cover. She had half the mind to turn and see what her girls were up to. 

Seeing Hinata rush up to one of the gonks with good cover and blow his head with a shotty blast to the head made Tomoka fall in love with the girl all over again. Unfortunately Hinata had to quickly hide behind the cover as a hail of bullets fell on her position the next moment. 

It was then that Nozomi made her move. The Uchiha girl had somehow managed to position herself behind the nomads, having clear line of sight to almost all of them. With a click and a bang Nozomi dual fired her overtures, the recoil sending both her hands upwards as her eyes opened wide feeling the immense recoil. Didn’t matter though, her shots rang true blowing holes in the heads of two nomads. 

By then the hail of bullets that had kept Tomoka pinned had been directed towards her paramours. A perfect opportunity to re-engage. Not waiting a single moment Tomoka dashed out of cover running in a circle towards the back of the savs. Her SMGs roared and spewed bullets. Moving while shooting despite being supper fun wasn’t easy. 

Fire refocused on her and Tomoka knew she wouldn’t be able to make it before one or more bullets found her mark in her tender squishy flesh. Because of this she did the only logical thing. She jumped atop a barrier and did a sideways flip while firing. If she was going to get shot, she was going to do so with fucking style! 

It just so happened that no one expected a teenage looking girl to be insane enough to do random acrobatics while shooting and getting shot. This resulted in most shooting to where she was supposed to be should she not have done the maneuver.  

Seeing Tomoka drawing so much fire despite being out of cover made Hinata’s heart clench with worry. Because of this she dashed out of her own shotty in hand. It didn’t take long for her to find her newest victim who just so happens to be distracted shooting towards her lover. 

Jumping over the man's cover and onto his chest Tomoka blasted the back of his head into meat paste. Not bothering to stop for a second she dashed towards her next victim. At this point there was no rhyme or reason to the fire fight. Bullets flew in whichever direction as the trio continued to kill people indiscriminately. 

A few minutes later and a total of thirty six people dead later the trio was breathing heavily. Running and gunning is very stamina intensive not to mention the concentration needed to pull the stunts they did. 

“That was fun but now we have to loot them.” Tomoka said standing up from where she had been resting. She wasn’t looking forward to the tedious task of rummaging through all of this people's belongings. 

“Tomoka! You’re bleeding!” In an instant Hinata, who had been resting as well, ran towards Tomoka. Lifting the girl’s shirt up Hinata saw a hole on the side of the girl’s abdomen, one that was bleeding quite a bit. 

“Psht tis but a scratch.” Despite feeling ever so slightly dizzy Tomoka dismissed the wound as nothing, she had it worse. 

“It’s not, you are looking pale.” Nozomi was the next one to come close and start fawning over the girl. Both knew what to do so they quickly began treating the wound. 

“Just a flesh wound.” Having none of Tomoka’s nonsense Hinata quickly dug out the bullet using her own fingers. She knew this would aggravate the wound but they needed the bullet out for the next part. 

“Hinata please be gentle.” Tomoka who by this point was a bit delirious from the blood loss said that with a sexual undertone that forced a blush into the other two’s cheeks. However, they still ignored it as they had stuff to do to save the girl’s life. 

After Hinata pulled out the bullet Nozomi injected Tomoka with an insta-heal. A moment later the wound began closing at a visible pase as the nanites worked to mend the damaged flesh. Not only that but Tomoka began regaining some color as well as they too began restoring her blood levels. 

“Ugh, thanks you two.” Tomoka groaned a little as a headache assaulted her head for a few moments. 

“How long did you have that hole on you? The blood loss was too much for it to be recent.” Hinata asked with a furrowed brow. She had an idea but she wanted confirmation. 

“Uh, I think since I did that sideways flip? Dunno, didn’t feel much to tell you the truth, adrenaline high and all that.” Hinata sighed with exasperation. That meant Tomoka had that hole from almost the start of the fight. 

“I am also not used to having to worry about injuries, and I don’t think my brain cares for pain all that much anymore either.” This time it was Nozomi’s turn to sigh. At this rate Tomoka would get herself killed.

“Tomoka you need to be more care-” Before Hinata could finish her sentence Tomoka was on her. 

“You are bleeding!” A little confused, Hinata looked to where Tomoka was frantically trying to remove her clothes. A moment later Hinata got to see the rather nasty wound to her left shoulder. No wonder she couldn’t move the limb. 

“Huh, would you look at that?” Yeah Nozomi wasn’t in a great situation either. Afterall, she just realized her right thigh looked a bit shredded.   

“You two have no right to nag at me when you yourselves are like this!” Tomoka said with a mixture of triumph and anger. Not like it mattered now, whoever did this was most probably dead or dying. Instead she decided to focus instead on healing the very ugly looking wounds. 

It took a while before the other two got patched up as well after getting whatever shrapnel might have been stuck in their wounds out and using an insta-heal. Then it was time to get to work, meaning looting the many corpses around for all they were worth. 

“We should add to the list of necessary cyberware some subdermal as well. It should keep us safe from small calibers and help a little with larger ones.” Tomoka commented while struggling to pluck out a shard from a guy’s head… or what little remained of it. 

All in all, the whole event from firefight to looting took around an hour. Fortunately for the trio their car was still where they had left it. Unfortunately, someone had klept the guns they had left in it. 

“Well, lesson learnt I guess. not like it matters, we got a shit ton more!” Tomoka exclaimed happily while placing the many guns she was holding on the trunk of the car. All in all, the thing was full of things. It was to the point they had to shove a few on the back seats cause the trunk got full. 

“Now to find a buyer.” Hinata didn’t know where the hell Tomoka got all her energy from. In the end Hinata and Nozomi fell asleep on their seats as Tomoka drove them around looking for a gun shop to sell their loot. 


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