Only with Your Heart

Chapter 97

Arde Present

Arde screamed even louder when she saw that Chizurus shoulder was stained with blood. Her black dresswastorn from the collar,and a white clothwaswrapped around her top.Regardless,most of her left shoulder was stained red.

The man holding her, Lukrov, had an inhuman look in his eyes.

His eyes looked as if they were the eyes of a beast in the face of an enemy.They wereeyes of a wild animal that would bite to death anyone who approached it mercilessly.

Lukrov entered the castle without a second glance and ran straight upstairs to Chizurus room on the second floor.

Arde desperately followed him up the stairs.

Lukrov lowered Chizuru slowly and carefully onto the bed and whispered something softly into his lovers ear in a voice Arde could not hear.

When Arde reached Chizurus room, panting heavily, Lukrov didnt bat an eye but ordered in a low, hoarse voice.

Get the doctor. Here. Immediately.

Arde shook her head as she tried to respond, but just then,Nadal came rushing into the room, accompanied by the doctor.

Lukrov-sama! Ive got the doctor with me now!

Nadals voice was hoarse and muffled as he pushed a thin, old woman in a grayish coat forward.

Theold womans name was Estabelle, and she was an eerie presence in a dusty, suspicious room in the corner of the castle, silently preparing different kinds of herbs every day. However, the medicines she made worked well, and whenever knights got injured in training and went to Estabelle for help, they were always cured in no time.

Nevertheless, aside from the rumors of her excellent healing skills, Estabelle was like a shadow of a castle. Arde had never even seen her eating in the grand dining room before.

The petite old womans hair was white and messy, but her sunken eyes shone unexpectedly bright.

Kid, why dont you go get some hot water?

Estabelle urged Nadal in a hushed emotionless voice. Nadal rushed out of the room, as agitated as when he hadentered.

As Arde looked on in confusion, Estabelle walked quickly to the bed withnimble stepsthat didnt suit her age, and when she was next to Lukrov, she turned around to Arde.

Give me the cloth in your hand. Yes, all of them.

It took Arde a few seconds to realize that the instruction was directed at her, and in panic, she approached Estabelle and handed her the cloth.

As she approached the bed, Ardeended upright behind Lukrov, whokneeledbeside Chizuru, hisbroadback bent over.

Lukrovs hair was a mess, and he wore no armor, no chainmail, just a dirty jacket.

He smelled like dried blood.

The broad-shouldered, well-trained warriors back was now trembling.

Chizuru-sama. Why?

And Chizuru,lying down with no energy like a puppet whose strings were cut off. Her face was pale as if the blood was sucked out of her, and her long black hair was scattered around her.

Arde gasped involuntarily.

Her knees were trembling as Estabelle carefully exposed Chizurus left shoulder.

The smell of rusty iron stung her nostrils as the dried black blood now mixed with the freshredblood from Chizurus open wound.

Unable to look away, Arde burst into tears.

On Chizurus left shoulder, there was a distinct circular wound. It wasas if she had been shot with a sharp arrow. Estabelle removed the blood-soaked cloth cautiously and started cleaning the bloodstain off Chizurus skin.

Looks like that was a pretty thick arrow.

Estabelle asked, turning to Lukrov for confirmation, but her gaze never left Chizurus wound.

Arde was standing behind Lukrov, so she could not see his expression.

However, it was probably for the best.

If she were to see Lukrovs face now, Arde would probably be unable to stand.

Lukrov gave a short reply in a low, muffled voice. It was probably an attempt to answer Estabelles question in the affirmative.

I dont think its poisoned This is a blessing among misfortunes

As Estabelle continued to clean Chizurus wound, she mumbled to herself about the symptoms.

When the cloth touched the wound, Chizurus whole body trembled, and her face became distorted.

Arde breathed a sigh of relief as she saw the signs that Chizuru was still alive, even in this pitiful gesture of enduring pain. That was how pale Chizuru was.

Lukrovs large, strong hand touched Chizurus forehead, tracing the soft lines of her hair.

Im sorry Chizuru. Its okay. Its going to be okay.

His voice was incredibly gentle, mixed with anxiety that made him feel like he was about to fall apart, and a great affection that overcame even that.

Ardes heart tightened, and she struggled to think of something she could do for the two of them.

Just then, Nadal appeared at the entrance of the room carrying a bucket of hot water, and Arde rushed over to help the boy.

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