Only with Your Heart

Chapter 6

Calling - 3

Taking a step outside proved that the rain was much harsher than it had appeared from behind the glass windows.

However, the wind itself was not too bad, which meant that the rain would not hit you from the sides. When Chizuru opened the umbrella and gestured for Karasawa to move under it, he took the handle from her and carried it himself.

Um, I can hold it

"Oh, but I am much taller. I won't be able to turn my neck if you hold it. So allow me."

Indeed, Karasawa was on the tall side, and Chizuru was more on the average side. She would have to hold the umbrella quite high to avoid him having to lower his head. She felt that there was little point in being stubborn when this would be over in five minutes. And so she gave her consent, and they began to walk.

The rainwater flowed over the asphalt roads, creating fantastical reflections of the neon city lights, which numerous cars busily drove over.

The sidewalk was protected by a guard rail, as people flowed down to the station on their way back from work, holding their colorful umbrellas.

This really was a world of convenience...Chizuru thought dully.

Lukrov's world, of course, did not have streets paved in asphalt. During the worst rainfalls, you could not walk without getting covered in mud up to your knees. They did not even have umbrellas, so you had the choice of either going out and getting wet or staying under a roof until it stopped.

One time he

Why are you laughing, Ayase?


He suddenly asked, and Chizuru looked up in surprise. And then she realized that she had been chuckling over a memory. Her cheeks flushed.

S-sorry. I just thought of something amusing.

Is that right?

Karasawa did not seem irritated by this, but Chizuru suddenly felt awkward. And she felt that she should change the subject. She knew that frantically running your mouth under these circumstances tended to have unfortunate results, but sometimes you couldnt stop it.

Chizuru quickly scanned her surroundings for a topic to bring up.

There was a small Italian restaurant with a sign a dozen meters away.

Uh, that place over there has really great food. Its quite small, but the place is always packed during lunch hours.


"It just happened to be empty recently, so I went inside. It's very nice and"

Hmm, I didnt know that.

He said with interest as he looked through the menu that was written on the sign. Ayase, are you hungry? I really would like to eat right now.

Uh, I, I dont really

If she was honest, she was, in fact, hungry. She would have gladly succumbed to the lure of some delicious pasta and a salad, but she wanted to avoid the direction that she knew this was going, and so she lied. Ahh, so stupid. How could she talk about restaurants when they were on their way back from work?

And so it was no surprise when Karasawa pointed this out.

It is your fault for talking about food at this hour! Ill pay for you, so please indulge me. I cant enter an Italian restaurant alone. Lets just see if they have any empty tables.

Bu-but, uh

She wanted to object, but it was Karasawa who held the umbrella. And so when he changed direction, she had no choice but to follow him. Before she knew it, they were both standing in front of a building covered in white tiles. The first floor was the restaurant, the second was a beauty parlor and the third floor was a lawyer's office with a stern-sounding name. A small and completely normal looking building.

She squinted through the glass passed the droplets of rain, and saw that while more than half of the tables were occupied, that there were still some that were empty.


She began her final protest, but he had already started to open the door.

The wet bell let out a dry ring at it opened. They immediately heard a cheery greeting echo from inside. Chizuru was the type of person who would feel bad about leaving after hearing that.

Dont look so worried. Im not going to eat you. Im just hungry, and you liked this place. There just happened to be empty tables. So stick with me for a while.

Karasawa smiled with this last push. Chizuru started to feel like it would be stupid to resist any further. Perhaps the inviting smell that came from inside had something to do with it.

And so she followed him inside.

Dark wooden tables and chairs lined the interior of the restaurant. The overall appearance of the place was unified in a relaxed, European taste.

A single waitress in a black apron was busily moving from table to table. There were two recommendations that day, and Karasawa and Chizuru each picked one and returned the menu. The waitress also suggested some wine, but Chizuru politely declined. Karasawa did not object to this.

When the waitress left them, they stayed silent for a while as they faced each other. sorry that I forced you in here. And you only just rejected me recently.

It was Karasawa who opened his mouth first as he folded his hands on the table. Chizuru stayed silent but shook her head as if to say that it was nothing. He smiled weakly but nodded as if relieved.

They were silent again, but the place was so lively that it didnt bother them too much.

Karasawa was looking at their surroundings.

Places like this can be nice and relaxing. I only eat ramen or beef bowls when Im out alone, so this is quite refreshing for me.

This time, he sounded much more casual and happy. Chizuru couldnt help but chuckle along.

You eat ramen all alone?

Of course. Being single can be lonely. And I dont have a girlfriend to make me lunch.

There are many women in the company who would be interested. I know it.

Is that right

Karasawa had the kind of conflicted expression, as if he didnt know if he should laugh or feel depressed. He looked away from her. ...I suppose you arent one of them.

It was a low mumble, like he was talking to himself. But Chizuru heard it clearly.

If...if she had no memories of Lukrov, perhaps she would have been one of those women who wished for Karasawas attention. That was how appealing he was. But.

I am sorry

She said as she looked down. It was just as the waitress returned to bring them their cutlery.

Its fine. I knew that already Im just acting a little stubborn. Im the one who should apologize. I wont bring this up again, so lets talk as normal colleagues.

Chizuru slowly raised her head to see that he was smiling gently.

The head manager and a contract worker are hardly colleagues.

Ah, we are not that kind of company. We work in the same office and receive our salary from the same boss. Were colleagues. I used to be a contract worker myself.

Is that true?

And with that, the air of formality crumbled, and the two of them laughed. Perhaps it was because they had ordered the special, but their food also arrived early. And Chizuru was able to enjoy her dinner with a feeling of safety as she listened to Karasawas memories of joining the company.

At some point, the conversation shifted to talk of Karasawas former girlfriend. It was when they had finished eating, and were drinking their coffee or tea.

Surprisingly, he had only dated one woman up until now. And that relationship had naturally ended when they started working.

"One day I couldn't get in contact with her anymore. We were hardly meeting once work started. I suppose it couldn't be helped"

Karasawa said with a shrug.

Chizuru was not sure what she should say.

She wasn't perplexed by what he was saying. He was only relaying an old story as if it were amusing. However, his reaction now had made her feel something. Like she had been stabbed in the heart.

...Can I...ask you something?

Before she had time to really think, the question poured out of her mouth.


If a woman that you loved, suddenly disappeared...what would you think? Were you angry, or sad or

Karasawas eyes widened in surprise. He stared at her. He thought about it for a while, then answered slowly, as if carefully choosing his words.

At first, yes I was dumbstruck. It didnt feel real to me. It was all a joke, and tomorrow, everything would return to normal as if nothing had ever happened.


When the reality sank in and I understood the situation, I was angry for a long time I think. But that feeling didnt last. I was so lonely. It was more loneliness than sadness.

Every word that Karasawa spoke seemed to stab through her chest.

Karasawa and Lukrov were completely different in personality, the world they lived in and the way that they thought. But with a similar experience, the answer that one man gave her felt painfully real to Chizuru. Just thinking about how Lukrov might have felt the same made it difficult for her to breath.

How long?


How long, how long were you able to stay in love with her after you separated?

It might have been because her face was so serious. Karawas shoulders became stiff and his mouth tightened.

It could not be a fun memory to have to recall, but he looked at her and appeared to be trying to remember. And then.

"...I promised not to talk about this anymore. But to be honest, I think that I was dragging this with me until I saw you. In other words, until I fell in love again."

Chizuru barely remembered what they talked about after that.

She had a vague memory of Karasawa acting as if his confession had not happened, and talking pleasantly about other things. But all of what was said had cleanly passed through one ear and gone out the other.

As he had promised, he acted like a gentleman until the end. And when they finished, the two of them walked to the station together. The rain had died down a little now. He bought one of the few remaining umbrellas at the convenience store near the station, and they said goodbye and went their separate ways.

She swayed alone on the train, arrived at her stop, left the ticket gate and opened her umbrella...and then it happened. Tears filled Chizurus eyes.

(Until I fell in love again...)

In the other world, where fifteen years might have already passed. Had Lukrov fallen in love again?

In Chizurus mind, she saw his hand touch the cheek of a woman she did now know. His deep voice whispered softly into the womans ear.

Her heart shouted in denial, and she tightly gripped the handle of her umbrella. The rain made it difficult to see, clouding her vision even further.

--Just then.

She was assaulted by a powerful ringing in her ears. Chizurus umbrella dropped to the ground.

At the same time, she felt a wave of dizziness that made it hard to stand. The ringing wouldnt stop, no, it was getting louder. Her head throbbed with pain.

It was just like this morning.

It was the same sensation, the same mysterious sound that had led her to Lukrovs world, and had taken her from it.

She pleaded with a trembling voice. Take me! Take me back to Lukrov!

The passersby looked at her oddly as she seemed to talk to herself. But she didnt care.

From somewhere far away, she heard the voice.

Her eyes filled with tears once again, but this time with a different emotion.

Will you...return time

I will! Let me! I will save the kingdom, the world, anything, but please take me back to Lukrov!

She had a feeling that she would never get a chance again if she missed this one It was the same resolve she had when she had returned to her sick grandmother.

However, unlike that time, there was no uncertainty. Her only regret was that she could not say anything to Mai before leaving her forever. But everything else meant nothing to her.

Take me back!

Yes. It was right after she shouted into the sky of a place unknown.

Her vision suddenly filled with golden light, her body began to float...and just like that, she was swallowed up by light and became unconscious.

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