No Fatigue: 24-jikan Tatakaeru Otoko no Tenseitan

Chapter 87

TLN: The names of the characters might be wrong. Please join our discord for more information about the series

Isis Intrudes


Isis, dressed in traveling attire, hummed happily behind Kamil. Kamils unconcernedgaze was drawn away from the Mihau tribal chiefs home to the Pore soldiers stationing outside the west gate.

Oh, a cat!

The townspeople were staring at Isis with surprise. Seeing a cat-girl was unusual in werewolf territory.

Mama! A horse!

Pok Pok

The horse was even more prominent because a dressed horse-girl walked beside it.

The children were curious about this unusual sight but started crying when they remembered the tale of the Headhunting Horses that Emilia had told.

Kamil snuck a look behind him. In the dark alleyway, a few of the Cuvilles were watching them, probably scouts.

I didnt get much of an escort for my sister yesterday.*

The demon king had said it was going to be okay, but Kamil had a feeling he was being followed by three groups.


They arrived at the headquarters of the second Pore Regiment, where the 5th Squadron belongs, and where Kamil and the others are located.

The two gatekeepers were momentarily surprised by Isis and the horse-girl.

Kamil took out the documents entrusted to him by the Demon King and began with the formal gate procedures. Im Corporal Kamil Gerinski of the 5th Squadron. I have brought the Demon Kings sister, Isis, with me.

The gatekeeper looked between his papers and Isis several times. The Demon Kings sister is a human-cat?!

This certainly seemed impossible, but the papers verified it. The sister of the Demon King, and a Chimera.

What is a chimera?*

Isis looked sideways at the two gatekeepers who were talking to each other and passed through.

Where to?

Poko Poko and the human-horse girl followed behind her.

Isnt that Tomas? Isis spotted Tomas and began to head towards him.

Whats a Chimera? One of the gatekeepers, and Kamils senior, asked.

The Demon King said its a generic term for people born between different races. Like how the Demon Kings father is a werewolf and his mother is a human-cat.

I see

Common sense dictates that that children from two races cannot be born, but if the Demon Kings says it can happen it must be true.

Now, lets takehey, wheres Isis?

As I was saying before

No, its not!*

Tomas was desperately trying to resolve the misunderstanding, but no one believed him.. Throughout the whole company it was rumored that Tomas was intimatewith the Demon King.

Hmmm? Isis jumped to see what was going on in the crowd.

Hey, you guys, come on!

Its no big deal. Im back, Im back.

Okay, its no big deal.

Raine and Arthur tried to drive the crowd back, but the old guard, including the off-duty sergeant, was also gathered.

Gah! Theres a sergeant here. Im sorry Tomas. I cant get rid of them. Both Raine and Arthur were unable to defy the sergeant.

I dont care about your love affairs. So, what kind of person was the Demon King?

Huh! He had though it would be a continuation of this mornings ruckus, but the sergeant asked an unexpected question.

No, the day before yesterday, the Demon King was attacked, what happened?

The same guys, who were asking Tomas obscene questions, pretended to have heard the answer to the sergeants question.

According to the story I heard, they blew up the 6th floor of the Adventurers Guild *.

Im sorry, can I pass through?

Isis continued to force her way through her crowd.

While everyone around her was anticipating Tomass answer, Isis pushed past people to get closer to Tomas.

At that time, Ms. Gerda, the leader of the adventurers guild, and Lange, the leader of the knights, were discussing corps formation.

Hey! Tomas! Arthur hurriedly stopped Tomas before he mentioned the corps formation that came up during the meeting. Dont say a word, it hasnt been decided yet.

Arthur had stopped him, but it was too late. The soldiers, hearing about the corps formation, began to stir.

Excuse me

Amidst all this, Isis continues to push her way through the crowd.

Hey, did they talk about the scale?

What did they tell Lange?

Are we really attacking this summer?


Questions popped up all at once, and the excited soldiers continued to crowd and push.




Tomas and Arthur were startled as a human-cat head poked out from between people.


Wow! Who!?

A soldier noticed the cat-girl and let her through. Isis popped out of the crowd and jumped into Tomass chest.



Huh! Isis!

Isis, eh!?


Isis purred and rubbed her head against Tomas, ignoring the surprise from Raine and Arthur, who were surprised by her appearance.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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