No Fatigue: 24-jikan Tatakaeru Otoko no Tenseitan

Chapter 78

Marquekt had a long history and since the Spring of the year 1296, there are 2 rumors that came out of the Adventurer Guild HQ in the royal capital Monokans. Even though they were different, both of them were about the same household, the Chrebl Household.

The first one, the subordinates of the Lord Chrebl keep successfully hunting many high ranking monsters.

As the reward of his achievement, he was given the ownership of a dungeon, which was located rather close to the royal capital.

Its basically a demand to expand ones territory towards Sonorat, so there was a strong dispute between some upper-echelons of the country. But since it was requested by the Lord Guardian, the B-class dungeon Abandonded Ancient Firedrake Nest located about half a day from the royal capital became owned by Marquis Chrebl.

At first, it looked like it will overlap with Adventurer Guilds authority, but originally the dungeon had many humanoid monsters. Since there is little demand from the material side, the guild had no desire to monopolize the dungeon.

The adventurer guild was entrusted with the task of keeping the monsters in check, they cant neglect to thin out monster populations in the country. And of course, it costs money. Of course, revenue may be generated from materials and drop items, but it is too small. Considering the trouble of managing the dungeon, the cost greatly surpasses the profit so it can be said that it is a bad dungeon.

The adventurer guild had to think about they should do with dungeons like this, but theres nothing much they can do. In the end, they decided to push it onto Marquis Chrebl. The young people, who heard about the now discussed dungeon, foolishly rushed inside expecting profits. Meanwhile, the people from adventurer guild laughed mockingly in their minds while handing over the rights of the dungeon to Marquis Chrebl.

However, they heard that Marquis Chrebl seemed to be looking for a dungeon. At that point, the Guild started to question what was Marquis Chrebls plan.

In that dungeon, there must be something that exists beyond the guilds imagination, but the famous hero, Marquis Chrebl knew about that certain something. It must be the reason why he wished for a dungeon as a reward for his achievements.

He can capture pretty ogre ladies and create a harem for himself. Or even more, he can force his harem to rape some random poor guy.

Even so, Marquis Chrebl cant monopolize the dungeon. As long as they are paying the toll fee and making a report, the adventurers from the guild are allowed to dive into the dungeon. Using that premise, the guild issued an investigation to several high ranking adventurers to dive into the ancient fire dragon nest to try finding that something.

However, after confirming that it was a troublesome dungeon with low profit, the people from the guild had to give up further investigation while tilting their heads.

The other rumor besides the Abandoned Ancient Firedrake Nest, theres a strange adventurer that was witnessed in several dungeons and fields. Even though the adventurer looked like a 17 or 18 years old maid, it was said that she was swinging around a gigantic sword and fighting.

Moreover, witnesses also said that the girls fought like the heroes in legends. Her big sword was wrapped in flames, swinging as fast as lightning and sliced through the enemies with tremendous speed. At the end of the fight, she divided the ground using her big sword and swallowing her enemies into the crack.

Based on the rumor, the girl is now called White Frilled Hero.

Is she an adventurer?

Is she a retainer from a certain noble?

No one knows who she is.

(TL: howaito burimu no yuusha means hero of the white brim. White brim is the frilly hat that maids wear so I translate it was White Frilled Hero)

Regarding her appearance, some say that she looked cute and lovely, while others say that she looked like an ogre.

It has been confirmed that she was not registered as an adventurer from Monokans, but everything else is an enigma.

Regarding the girl, some witnesses said that she had been seen together with Marquis Chrebl in the Abandoned Ancient Firedrake Nest. Some say that shes the follower of the hero Lord Protector of the House Chrebl or his secret disciple. Some also say that shes Marquis Chrebls illegitimate child. Various speculations were made. Meanwhile, Marquis Chrebl himself left no comment on this matter.


Ogre! Its an ogre!!

No way! Its a variant!

Screaming in the 5th layer of Abandoned Ancient Firedrake Nest was the C-rank party Battlefield Hammer. The party itself is formed by ex-mercenaries. They are often found causing trouble for other adventurers due to their roughness and temper. However, they were still an asset to the Guild since they would take dangerous quests without hesitation.

Right now, the Battlefield Hammer was inside the low-profit dungeon Abandoned Ancient Firedrake Nest for one reason. It was because the gossip flowing around the kingdom.

That is

Whether or not Marquis Chrebl was hiding Something about the Abandoned Ancient Firedrake Nest

To own such a low-profit dungeon and frequently bring his knights into the dungeon, it was way too suspicious even by the eccentric Marquis Chrebls standard. This story is famous among the guilds adventurer.

Marquis Chrebl said that he is trying to train the knights under his wing, but who would really believe even half of what he said?

There is something in the depth of this dungeon, something that the Adventurer Guild doesnt even know. And Marquis Chrebl is trying to monopolize it and such rumors were spreading around.

And the Battlefield Hammer was one of those people who believed the rumor.

To the people who have little faith in the nobles good deeds, they dont believe that Marquis Chrebl simply leads his knights into a dungeon with the intention of simply raising their levels.

There must be something here. And so, the guild issued a secret mission to conquer the dungeon.Some says hes absorbing the dungeon core, some says hes using a mass-killing machine to hoard EXP, and others say that hes hiding his ero-manga.

Despite the danger to the C-rank adventurers, despite their sorrow, they still came to the job and are now struggling to escape from a group of ogres.


Because originally the dungeon rank was B. It was obvious that the dungeon doesnt fit their level.

(TL: please excuse my language here. They are mercenaries so they must have sailors mouth)

(ED: Let the swear-fest begin)

You fuckers stand your ground and stop them!!

Are you fucking kidding me! I dont want to be caught dead in this kind of place!

The party leader ordered the bottommost members to hold their position, but of course, they would refuse.


Then Ill force you to do so!


The leader swung his huge mace and crushed the knee of one member.

We must do our best to keep surviving! Thank you, Buffet! We will survive thanks to your sacrifice!!

Gyahahahaha!! Thank you very much, Buffet!

The other adventurers escape while mocking the fallen adventurer.

You fucking bastaaaa

The fallen adventurer somehow managed his sword and leaning against the wall, staring at the incoming ogres.

They were approaching.

His palms were sweaty.

Knees weak, his sword is heavy

Vomit on my armor already

Moms spaghetti

shit. shit. Shit. SHIT! SHIIII

He decided to stand his ground, raise his sword, and fight until his end.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew from the back of the ogres, past the adventurer.

The adventurer turned his eyes towards the source of the wind and exclaimed.

w-w-why is there a maid in this kind of place?


There was a maid.

The maid carried a gigantic greatsword and used it to block a club swing from an ogre.

O-oi! Those ogres are variants! Theres no way a woman could beat them!

No wonder the adventurer thought like that.

The maid looked like a small and delicate girl.

Her approximate age is 17 or 18 years old. She had long chestnut hair. Her stature from behind looked rather innocent. But most important of all, she looked rather glamorous.

But, normally she wouldnt able to fight the ogres.

Flame Tongue!!

The moment the maid murmured the chant, her sword was clad in flames.


The ogres shrieked in anger.

Thunder Strike!!

The maids greatsword swung at an unbelievable speed. The adventurers, couldnt even perceive the speed. The large sword slices through the neck of the ogre variant while scattering out electricity.

The maid with her greatsword strikes and thrusts like a lightning bolt and managed to deal damage to the variant ogre that the 6-man-party Battlefield Hammer couldnt touch.

w whoa

While the adventurer murmured, the other ogres snapped and attacked the maid.

The maid sliced the ogres with the flame-clad sword like a lightning bolt.

Furthermore, she shot a water bullet from the handle of the sword and took a distance

Ground Dash!!

She swung the sword into the ground.

And the ground exploded.

The rock flows from the place the sword hit and swallows the group of ogres.

The adventurer still looked at her while gaping his mouth.

Still not believing his rotten luck. To fall as low as being saved by a very young girl or had his content stolen by novel Aggregators

fuuh. I somehow did it~

said the maid while humming a light tone.

The maid pulled the sword with a cuteuu~n from the ground.

Behind her, a huge shadow approaching.

Behind you!

The adventurer shouted to warn the maid.

It was the variant that should have been killed.

The mutant, with blood still gushing out from the neck, picked up his fallen club and tried to attack the maid.

*whoosh*! *splash*! *drop*!!

The adventurer couldnt understand what happened then.

Something flew at a blinding speed, hit the ogres arm and blew it up. The club flew past the maids head and crushed the unfortunate rock when it landed.

He tried to look back slowly to see the aftermath of the club and missed what happened in front of him.

When the variant draws near, a sudden metallic sound was heard, and the variant fell to the ground.

Thank you for saving me, Ed-bochama

Now Steph, what did I tell you about being wary of your surrounding?

(TL: just in case because someone asked me before, bochama is used to address someone with status of very very young master)

A human figure came and the adventurer still couldnt believe his eyes.

The one appeared before him was a 5-years old child.

The child lowered the bow on his arm So does that meant that it was his arrow that blew off the variants arm?

But, I didnt think anyone would still be alive after that much of damage

Its because ogres are stupidly durable, especially since its a variant.

This mutant seemed to possess the ability Toughness

Then please tell me beforehand~!

But didnt Steph just say to leave it to you? Well other than that, are you okay?

The boy approached the adventurer and called him out.

A-ah Thank you.

Thank you for saving my as rear

The man tried to choose his words carefully since there were a maid and a boy with questionable age right in front of him.

Uwaa, this is a terrible wound. Even his bone popped out. Is it from those ogres?

No it was from my party members. They crushed my leg to buy them time to escape. Those bas guys washed their hands of me just like that

I see. So it was misfortune.

Party is it? So you must be an adventurer. But its really weird. I have confirmation from my father that no adventurer is supposed to be diving today


Yeah, he is the Marquis Chrebl. The owner of this dungeon

The mans expression paled after hearing the boys words.

O-oi, you look pale. Dont worry, Ill heal you now. Heal

The boy drew a shimmering magic character and the mans wound started to close.

oooh This is the first time Ive witnessed Healing Magic

So what happened? Did you perhaps not submit to the Adventurer Guild and dove into the dungeon anyway?

You (Omae wa) no, are you (Anata-sama) really the son of Marquis Chrebl?

Using Omae is fine. Im just 2 years old. My name is Edgar

tw two?

He almost muttered are you kidding me?.

My name is Buffet. The truth is our part no my previous party tried to enter this dungeon without notice

Since just making a report is not an obligation, I wont blame you for it. But why did you do such a foolish thing? You cant call for help if you got caught up in something

We know it. But that

Towards the hesitating man, the boy gave a nasty expression.

Ahahaha Do you seriously believe in that rumor?

That is how it is But, as Edgar-sama said, is the rumor a hoax?

You dont need to add sama, but putting that aside.

My father had said since the beginning. This dungeon is a place to train his knights. This dungeon is really useful as training grounds since the monster pack moves in an organized manner, it was like fighting in real combat. Well, the raw material we get are few in number, but after the middle layer, the monster levelswere raised as well

So that is what happened. Damn They even said that Nobles always try to extract profits from people to the bone We were completely deceived

Im sorry for you. Well, when you get back to the guild, you can report that you were dumped as a scapegoat. Im sure the punishment for injuring a party member and turning them into a decoy will result in their expulsion from the guild

Even though youre a child, you sure know a lot about the Adventurer Guild. That attack before, You are Marquis Chrebls son of a devil. Ah, I apologize. That was very rude of me

(TL: Just a reminder, he has a sailors mouth so calling him a devils child was actually a compliment)

I dont mind~ By the way, can you go back on your own?

I think so It will be really embarrassing to be escorted by the son of a noble and not the other way around. Even so, as a scout, at least I should be able to scurry home

Hearing that response, the boy glances at the adventurer.

If you say so But, your Stealth Step is quite sluggish, no? You know you can use it to walk on the surface of the water if youre careful, right? Meeting goblins or orcs should be alright, but you might be ambushed by Kage-Tokage though

water surface I see! I understand! If you think about it, its true!!

(TL: Kage Tokage basically means Shadow Lizard but I want to preserve the pun. It probably looks likethis certain part of an obsolete rank-4 engine from yugioh cardboard)

Hearing the boys words, the man hit his hand*pon*since it was such a good idea.

Good bye then. Have a safe trip. If I were you, I will also report to the guild about the abandonment. After all, you should be allowed to have your revenge, no?

Now, Steph. Shall we make some profit?

Eeeh? Havent we hunted plenty enough already?

I see, so Steph is the type who will slack off when left alone. We have to keep on earning relentlessly whenever we are together.

That said, if you leave people like Elemia alone, they will persist doing things excessively so you have to stop them somewhere

We had been working too hard these past few days, hence why Elemia-sama took a day off. Im so jealous~ I also want a day off

While doing such a casual conversation, the boy and the maid disappear into the dungeon.

The craggy ground from the maids magic? The boy aimed his palm to the ground and the dungeon regained its original appearance like nothing had happened.

so that was the Chrebls demon of a son and the White Frilled Hero

The adventurer totally forgot about escaping, he could only just stare blankly as the two left him alone.


Along the stupidly placed shout, a huge sword was swung at a terrifying speed, cutting the unfortunate goblins in its path.

While watching her fighting, I reminisced about what has happened so far.

Since the start of the training, Stephs clumsiness could be seen as clear as broad daylight.

To be honest, I think Stephs power would be too much for regular everyday life. She could swing a great sword like any normal ones. I wont be surprised if she couldnt adjust her strength to daily life.

Steph herself didnt think that she was that strong, but people around her had expected to be a victim of her clumsiness.

Whether it was the effect of her class as Spell swordor the result from rigorous training, Steph doesnt seem to have any trouble controlling her strength.

Thanks to that, her clumsiness is reduced to almost non-existent. Her efficiency in jobs like cooking, laundry, and cleaning had improved greatly. Since she can do heavy lifting work, she had grown to be regarded as Ace-class personnel among the maids in the mansion.

The head of Corbette village once remarked when he had seen her growth I thought this would happen since the first day, I cant imagine her growth after this point and shed emotional tears.

Even though there were many mistakes such as mistaking sugar and starch and made an incredibly thick black tea, she has undeniably come a long way.

It was also thanks to the Royal Capitals maid education trainer we employed, she gradually grows into a refined maid.

Currently, the result of Stephs Appraisal is as follows.

Stephanie Poporus (Attendant of Chrebl Household | Daughter of the Chief of Trenadette Village | Powerful Maid | White Frilled Hero)

Level 31








Spell Sword

To encourage her class growth, I told her to focus on her skills, so even if she learned other skills, it will be included in theSkill Magic.

Simultaneous Invocation was learned to obtain the counter stop bonus, which is Uninscribed Invocation. Unfortunately, her low affinity really slows the growth.

Sense Presence was obtained with much struggle by combining other low-affinity skills like Keen Hearing with other skills. Her aptitude forMartial Artswas low as well, but to make her able to fight a little in case she doesnt have her sword, Im doing my best to have her learn it.

Her recently acquired title White Frilled Hero seemed to be counted as Magic-related title, so its possible for her to do max MP expansion technique.

Therefore, her magic sword, which has a bad MP cost and can only act as a trump card, could be used quite easily. If her MP kept increasing, she will become quite a broken character indeed.

Her level also increased considerably after Alfred-tousan asked her to hunt down some monsters on a whim.

Right now, even Gazaine would have some trouble to take her as a hostage.

Regarding Spell Sword, she can even use it to give some form of retaliation against my father.

When she is pitted against a human opponent, for example against my father when hes going easy, she can win 2 or 3 times out of the total of 10 fights. Fathers frost magic had a lot of progress after his match, but Stephs explosive power output is not something to scoff at.

And that is the how the 2 years-old me spend my days. While training Alfred-tousan, Julia-kaasan, Steph, and Elemia, I am still going to raise my skills and continue my research. Even though every day is monotonous like this, Im still enjoying it the best I can.

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