No Fatigue: 24-jikan Tatakaeru Otoko no Tenseitan

Chapter 74

Before we part ways, I wanted to do a last adventure with the previous boy group.

Yes, Ive asked my parents for permission. Surprisingly, Julia-kaasan opposed the idea.

Children must not go on quests alone she said.

Of course, I argued since Elemia, Miguel, Beck, and Donna were strong enough to hold on their own.She said that you are stealing from mayonaizeshrimp.

Still no. Its not about level, she said its all about knowledge and experience. Like how a monster would move and attack. No, even before that, we need to be able to judge how dangerous the monster we are going to meet and how to deal with them. She said some dangerous monsters dont even look dangerous at all

Julia-kaasan told me about a monster called Acid Slime for an example.

Acid Slime is a slightly more yellow version of regular slime. Only experienced adventurers can identify them.

Anyway, Acid Slime have the ability to shoot strong acid to their prey.

It is said that every year there are many rookie adventurer dies mistaking this Acid Slime as regular Slime.

I dont really mind if you want some experience, but if someone got serious injury it wont become a good experience, right? Julia-kaasan added.

Well, it was a good reason.

Even though I can ask Moria to accompany us, I dont like the idea of adventuring while being babysit by someone else. Oh right, how about you ask Chester?

For that reason, I promised to ask Chester-niisan to accompany us.He said that he will reconsider if I let Elemia sleep with him for the night.

Therefore, the 7 members for this adventure would be Melby, Elemia, Miguel, Beck, Donna, Chester-niisan, and me.

An adventurer party doesnt have any limit for their member, but most party has 4-6 members so we have a bit surplus. However since Chester-niisan wont interfere unless its too dangerous for us, practically we have 6 members.

We made a simple formation and dived into the forest near Fauno City.


This forest is also known as Newbie Forest by the members of Adventurer Guild. They said that only basic monsters spawn here and all of their levels are low.

Since our level was unsatisfactory and we lacked both knowledge and experience, this is an ideal place for us.

After 15 minutes exploring the forest, Donna finally broke the silence.

I can smell slimes. There are a lot of them

While suppressing Miguel, who was trying to rush right into it, we head towards the source of the smell. We found the slimes without any trouble.

It was hard to count those soft and flabby bodies but there must be at least 200 of them.


According to Abaddon Magic Compilation

It is known as the weakest monster.

Even though they dont pose much danger, there are many mysteries surrounding the creature. First of all, there is no clear answer whether slimes are really a living creature. Since they have attributes, its possible that they are created from leftover spirit energy. However, there are no actual record of anyone witnessed a slime spawning.It is also said that magicians from ancient times could spawn slimes anytime and used them for various purposes.

Slime is a very interesting subject for magic research, however most Slime researcher tend to ignore the surrounding environment and ruin the slimes.I had asked my disciples to study Slimes breeding method. Unfortunately, despite opening various knowledge and hypotheses related to fundamental of magic studies, the idea of researching a slime was foolish and became a laughingstock.

I think the researchers who focused too much on such a prejudice is the real laughingstock.

(TL: need help here SlimeSlimeSlime)

In short, slimes are semi-transparent flabby gel that even rookie adventurer can hunt without problem.

Forget Abaddon Magic Compilation for now, lets hear what our partys walking dictionary has to say.

Melby, do you know anything about the slimes ?

I asked about Melby about these squirming flabby colorful gel in front of us.

According to Master, Slimes are jellied form of leftover spirits energy. Thats why they can be found almost everywhere around Marquekt

Jellied? So theyre not alive ?

It depends on how do you classify a something as alive. You can say that they are in a state between spirit and living creature. Normal slimes are usually harmless. I think they fall under plant category in the ecosystem.

Since they dont move much, they dont pose much danger. But since they provide magical powers to their surroundings, periodic extermination is necessary. Even ordinary people can defeat this monster, much less rookie adventurers.

But as Julia-san said, some variant can trap other animals and monsters so we need to be careful. Especially if they are violent, they can stalk and kill their own prey

I tried using Appraisal on a random slime.

Slime LevelAttributeWater

From a glance, I think there were no acid slimes like Julia-kaasan was talking.

The easiest way to deal with slime is by hitting them with their opposing attribute.

Now look.Spirit of fire, embrace our enemies with burning flames!

Melby attacked the slimes with Spirit Magic.

It was the slime that I appraised.

The spirits set the slime on fire.

After a few seconds, the slime made a damp sound and disappeared into thin air.

That slimes has water spirit attribute. So by hitting it with fire attribute magic, which is the opposing attribute, it disappeared into thin air

How do you distinguish slimes attribute?

Ed, you can use Appraisal to quickly distinguish them but you should remember the general way as well. Look over there, do you see the traces that slime crawled on?

its a bit wet

Correct. If the slime has water attribute, the place they crawled on will be wet. If its fire attribute, it should be dry or burning. If its wind attribute, there are wind patterns around them. And if its ground attribute, the ground is softer(TL: softer/fluffier/mushier)

Thanks to Melbys attack, the slimes were focused towards us.

iya, I didnt realize because I saw them looking, but I caught some reaction from my Sense Danger, so its no doubt that we were the target.


I used 6 Basic Attribute Magic to generate soil and attacked a wind attribute slime.

The slime made a hissing sound and dissipated.

I think it didnt die from the damage but from the reaction with the earth attribute.

Its like when you put some salt on a slug.

Or when I slammed my 30cm 1 year-old cock to Miguel.

How can we kill them with weapons?

Ill show it for you! ttei! yaaah!!

Miguel jumped out and started bashing the nearest slime with his fists.

Its HP decreased slowly. As expected, physical attack dont work that well on slimes.

Miguel hit it a few more times and the slime disappeared with popping sound.

Hey Miguel, dont forget to collect the manastones

Beck reminded Miguel.

Following Becks line of sight, some kind of colorful pearl is rolling near the slime.


Its a pearl like lumps on monsters body, usually near its throat.

Manastones grows gradually from the time the monster was born, so if you look at the manastone, you can estimate the monsters age.

What is this? A gallstone?

In my previous life, I saw images of gallstones from a dissected gallbladder, I kept worrying about mine ever since.

On very old monsters, the manastones grows too big and create some unnatural bumps around its neck. Just listening the explanation made me feel uncomfortable.

About these manastones, they dont actually have much use.

Even though its called manastone, it cant store mana, so it cant be used as mana battery.Its also a proof that you are a dick and a thief.

However, since its a convenient proof that you defeated a monster, Adventurer guilds will buy the manastone as the reward for subjugation.

(TL: to any of you who dont understand, they used manastone as proof of subjugation quest instead of monster parts like goblin ears)

As expected from trained assassins, we exterminated the slimes quickly.

Suddenly I noticed something while destroying slimes.


I caught a wind attribute slime and hit it with earth attribute slime.

Both of them destroyed each other.

Everyone stopped and looked at me.

Everyone but Donna, who was stripped naked by 5 slime with their squishy tentacles.

Ed, what are you doing?

Iyaa, since slimes are jellied form of spirit energy, I thought they would disappear if I hit them with another slime with opposing attribute

It feels like solving a collapse puzzle. (TL: example of collapse puzzles are Bejeweled Deluxe, Spongebob Collapse, and *sigh* Candy Crush)

After the discovery, our slime-extermination speed was increased even further. We cleaned up a group of 200 slimes in about 10 minutes.

Obviously, there were no injuries.

Niisan, does slime often group together like this?

No, usually there are only a few of them together. But when a lot of slime spawned together, other monsters may have increased as well so we need to be extra careful.

Maa, looking at the situation before, I think we sould be fine

Just as he ended his sentence, he looked at the forest with vigilance.

Then I heard *hyuuuuuu* sound like a kettle.

un!? Be careful! There are *eye-pokes incoming!!(TL: Mezashi)

Chester-niisan gave us a warning.

Mezashi? Dried sardine? In a forest? (TL:mezashiis roasted sardine)

I realized the next instant.

Something sharp was flying towards us in great speed.

Mad Bull Stance!!

Beck stood in front of everyone and increased his defense.

Stronghold Fortress!

I made an earth wall around Beck using Uninscribed Invocation.

Its the combination that we used to fight the young firedrake.


Intense sound was heard and something slammed into Beck or the wall.

It was birds.

The beak was thin and very long. Just the beak alone occupy half of its body length. Meanwhile the body was a bit bigger than a sparrow but less than crows. It has shining red eyes and bizarre looking tongue between its beak.

The bird flew in high speed and attacked us.

Its an eye-poke bird. Theyre famous for killing newbies. They dont pose much danger if you calm down and avoid them or use a shield, but depending on where they hit you, the wound could be fatal. As the name says, it often targets the eye but

He stopped and observed the fallen eye-pokes.

The eye-pokes seemed to be in daze after crashing and they twitched on the ground.

If you block them with a shield, they will knock themselves like this. Its easy to earn money this way. They always make a unique *hyuuuu* sound right before attacking so its not hard to notice them

While saying so, niisan took a dagger from his waist and stabbed an eye-poke.

Its a nice job for part-time adventurer and some of them even buy iron shield just to hunt these birds. Hunting them doesnt require any skills or fighting experience. Theyre not very tasty but at least they are edible

Part-time adventurer?

There are some farmers who work as adventurer during slack seasons. About half of new registration in the guild are from part-time adventurers

Somehow the story was quite depressing.

okay everyone. Have you noticed?

My older brother looked around and said so.

Of course we noticed.

Not only Elemia with her excellent ability as a scout, but Donna hadKeen Hearing and Miguel was also talented in detecting signs despite his appearance.

Beck is the only one who didnt notice it. Its not that hes insensitive, its just the other members are overly sensitive.

All of Eds friends sure are excellent. It feels like I might get overtaken soon

Niisan shrugged and took a step towards the back.

Its a sign that he was going to support from backrow.

The slimes extermination could be done like puzzle and the eye-poke birds were slamming themselves to death, but it didnt prove anything about our power.

Right here, the perfect opponent appeared.

More than 20 goblins, about 20 orcs, and about 15 evil dogs

Donna said nervously.

Goblins appearance is like an evil-version of a dwarf while orc looks like a pig standing on 2 legs. The goblins is about the same size of a human child but I heard that orcs are taller than average adult male. Both of them used primitive weapons.

Evil dog is said to be a monsterized stray dogs. Like wild dogs and wolves, they hunt in groups with their sharp nose and their prey cant escape. After becoming a monster, their bodies grow a bit larger and their fangs and claws became sharper.

Their penis grew larger and sometimes they also grew another penis as well.

It seemed that the goblins and the orcs are gathering together. Some goblins are equipped with bows. There are some goblin mages as well. Meanwhile, many orcs are equipped with metal shields. Ah it seemed that a group of harpies comes from the sky. There are about 7 of them I think

Elemia added.

You understand that much from the signs alone?

My level of Sense Presence should be above her. Is there any trick to read presence apart from skills?

It seemed that they come for the slimes mana, ne?

Chester-niisan added

Judging from their number, its best if we withdraw unless Julia-kaasan or Moria partying with us so what are we going to do?

Lets do it, Edgar-anchan!

un, Ill protect you guys

maybe maybe we can do it

eEeeeh!? B-but are you sure?

Miguel, Beck, and Elemia answered with enthusiasm.

Donna was the only one surprised but he didnt look uneasy about it.I could understand him since his butt hole was just raped by 5 slimes.

Its alright. Lets do it, niisan

Very well. This time, I will participate as well. Ill clean off the harpies, you guys take care of the rest

As he declared, he took 3 arrows from his quiver, tucked them into his bow, and shot at the harpies in the sky.

Each of 3 arrows slightly changed its trajectory and pierced another harpy.


Miguel shouted.

But even without him shouting, the goblins and orcs roaring can be heard from the forest.

These guys cant be compared to the firedrakes roar

Beck came to the front and put up his shield while saying reliable words.

Its the huge duralumin tower shield that I gave him when fighting the firedrake.

Donna hid behind it, taking something like a ball of firework from his pouch.

Ja, will Edgar fight by my side?

Elemia and her Fatigue Transferenceseemed to chose to fight with me. Melby was by my side as always. Miguel was left behind.

Leave Edgars brothers protection to me!

He declared and entered my brothers cover.

We will show them our power!!

And that was the cue to our fight.


On the way home

We were walking stark naked into the town with monster semen all over our body.

It was a big hunt

Chester-niisan nodded to my words.

Actually, those number of enemies would give any low-leveled adventurers a run for their money. Are you guys really E-rank?

Are you asking me that now? Anyway, is this happen often?

If this often happening, we will have many casualties Maybe because there are a large quantities of harpies this year. It may be influenced by that

Come to think of it, what caused their abnormal behavior in the first place?

I dont understand it myself. In case of harpy, if we can kill the queen who lead the flock, they would escape to save themselves. Unfortunately, we havent killed any queen this year

How about we ask these filthy thieve to stop stealing from mayonaize shrimp?

While we were talking, we arrived to Fauno City.

Edgar and Elemia are going with Edgars parents to the royal capital. Donna is going back to Ganash-jiji. Its going to be lonely here

Miguel became depressed.

Thats right. Our family were heading to the Royal Capital Monnochanus. Alfred-tousan had to explain the chronology the previous incident to His Majesty.

Donna and Ganash-jiji also said that they were leaving Fauno City at the same time and heading their hometown Sonorat. I heard that they wanted to build a tomb for Donnas mother.

After that? When I asked Ganash-jiji he answered.

You are a thief and you should be ashamed

That poor child was locked in a cellar for too long. I want him to travel here and there a bit

And that Donna himself too.

I was brainwashed by Yatagarasu, Im not strong enough, maybe because the lack of experience. Back then, I know nothing about life outside my village. If I know, I may be able to notice things

That being said, I agree with Ganash-jijis opinion.

Donna was concerned about the other children in the boys room back in Crows Nest, but recently they have prospect for the future.

Dad had borrowed a vacant house in Fauno City as a place for them to stay, it was originally an inn. The elderly couple who own the building offered to take care of the children as well.

Since Donna was one of the older kid, he felt responsible for the younger children, so he went back to check on them from time to time.

The elder couple and the children confirmed that they were doing well, so now Donna could focus on doing whatever he wanted to do.For now, Donna is going to travel the seven kingdoms and build his own harem of novel thieves, starting with you.

Wasnt Sonorat in an internal conflict, is it really alright?

Un, I decided to ask Huffman-sans party to escort us. Beck was also born in Sonorat

What the hell! So Beck will come with you as well!?

Miguel was surprised.

Edgar and Elemia are together, Beck and I are together. So Miguel is left alone?

Donna poured some venomous words and laughed.


It seemed that Miguel was seriously depressed.

Dont worry, we will come back as soon as possible

Donna tried to comfort Miguel Oi! Arent you the one who hurt him in the first place!?

U-umm Are we going to be Previoius Boy Group forever? How about we name our group?

Elemia asked nervously.The monster semen are starting to crust on her left nipple.

Yeah youre right! Its weird calling ourselves Previous all the time. Lets think for a name!

Miguel rode the conversation and decided a name for us.

Jaa, dragon busters!

Miguel proclaimed.

No, we dont even defeat dragons

Beck coldly rejected him.

Lets keep silent about my One who beat the dragons Dragon Buster title.

How about blue bell orchid? I think there are some near the nest

Elemia suggested a name. (TL: / aosuzuran / blue bell orchid)

Umm Elemia, lets be quiet okay?

This time Miguel rejected her.

Ususake Mushrooms no forget it

Donna tried to add an idea but rejected it himself.


Those are just food you guys wanted to eat!

Miguel looked at Beck in scorn.

The only one that connects us something beside Yatagarasu amida-sama?

Elemia murmured.

amida-sama pure land sect ikkou-ikki(TL:monks and peasants uprising)

I failed to watch my mouth.

Miguel bit into my words.

What is ikkouikki?

N-no, its nothing

Okay but what is it?

Its Its when people who believe in Amida-sama riotted in my previous life

I replied reluctantly.My balls are shrinking in cold.

I had explained to everyone that I had knowledge from my previous life.

It makes us speak with each other easier and asking to keep it a secret is troublesome.

Of course, the main reason I revealed my past was because I dont want to keep it a secret from them.

(TL: help pls Edgar)

Isnt that good? But the name ikkouikki is a bit mouthful Yosh! Lets go with Ikki!



(TL: is readikki. It means drinking alcohol fast without breathing and said repeatedly in parties.

kanpaiis equivalent with the elegantcheers

ikkiis equivalent with the brutalCHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!!!)

H-how about rebel resistance at least?

But shouting We are theRebel Resistance right in the middle of a city is a bit

Ugh Damn you Miguel.

Damn you and your perfect and rational reasons.

Besides, I dont really mind since people dont understand what Ikki means

Donna agreed with him.

It was Edgar who connected us so its good to be named something from Edgars previous life

Elemia you too?

I guess its okay. Ikki It seemed like powerful force from the bottom of your stomach. It sounds mysterious


Jaa, we are graduating from Previous Boy Group to Ikki!



Its sounds good!

Under the sunset, under this really extraordinary situation, I couldnt tell these 4 people to stop

That is how I formed the group Ikki/Chug in the different world.

If you think about a group of 6 children saved by the namu-amida-butsu, it didnt sound that bad.

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