No Fatigue: 24-jikan Tatakaeru Otoko no Tenseitan

Chapter 43

eavy silence descended upon our surroundings.

Hey, Fellow Believer Orochi.

Cant we get out by using that [Earth Magic] you used before to dig a hole?

Miguel asks me.

Its not like I cant do it, but I cant tell what the firedrake has done to the ground around here.

If I were to carelessly dig in a bad direction, the tunnel could end up collapsing and we would be buried alive.

I heard that there was an incident like that at the excavation site in the Nest before.

Although, if I were to use the hardening magic (Concrete) that I used to reinforce the ducts with in conjunction with Tunnel, it should be fine.

But although I trusted the childrens group for the most part, I dont want to show too many of my cards.

If I were to be asked how I managed to get out afterwards, it would probably be hard to play dumb.

Th, then, what are we gonna do?

I dont want to be stuck in a place like this with no food.

Says Beck, the glutton.

Miguel makes a shocked face, but Beck does actually have a point.

Since we were hunting close to the Nest this time, we only brought two days worth of rations.

For now, lets try exploring this cavern.

If we can find another exit then that would be good, but if thats no good then well get as close to the surface as possible and use Tunnel.

When I said this, the four showed relieved expressions.

Sorry, everyone.

This is all because I fell

Donna said, looking dejected.

Her cute dog ears were also lying flat on her head.

Dont worry about it! Were comrades because we help each other out, right!

Miguel says cheerfully as he firmly pats Donnas shoulder.

Though the one who saved us wasnt Fellow Believer Miguel, but Fellow Believer Orochi instead.


Miguels speech is cut short by Elemias retort.

Now, I have a suggestion. How about making Fellow Believer Orochi our leader just for now? After all, the most calm one right now is Fellow Believer Orochi, and the only one who can judge whether to use [Earth Magic] is also Fellow Believer Orochi.

The current leader, Miguel, sharply opposes Elemias proposal.

Ee-!? I mean, Fellow Believer Orochi is still a kid, aint he!

Thats a fair point.

But Ive come to believe that it would be better not to judge Fellow Believer Orochi by his appearance or real age.

Im already tired of being surprised by him

Eremia murmurs the last part.

I agree.

M, me too

After Beck and Donna agree as well, Miguel approves it, albeit reluctantly.

Thus Ive become the temporary leader for this team of stranded children.

Now, lets see the statuses of the children.

First is Miguel.

A rascal with short red hair.

Its fine to think of him like a protagonist of some shounen manga.

He often comes picking fights with me, saying stuff like be my sparring partner.

Miguel Mittelt ( Group 1 member | Wonder Child)

Age 9


Level 19

HP 31/31

MP 17/17


Legendary Class

[Qinggong] 4 (By adjusting the flow of energy within ones body via the use of a unique breating method, one can control their body movements to an extent that nears the limits of the human body.)

Master Class

[Unarmed Martial Arts] 3

[Assassination Techniques] 1


[Assassination Techniques] 9 (MAX)

Surprisingly, Miguel is the owner of a Legendary Class Skill.

Due to [Qinggong], Miguels movements are truly phantasmagorical.

He would be the type to pressure his opponents with his [Unarmed Martial Arts] while toying with them an in-fighter; a person specialised in close quarters combat.

The fighting style reminds me of Son Goku.

If he were to jump at me from close range, I wouldnt be able to deal with it.

On the other hand, he doesnt seem to be good at handling throwing-type weapons, as the skill that everyone is taught in , [Knife Throwing], is stuck at level 1.

Next is Elemia.

Although theres no need to point it out, she is a tomboy with short silver hair and tanned skin.

However, her appearance is too noble, so she doesnt look like a boy as much as she thinks she does.

Elemia Lotteroot ( Special Forces member |Shrine Maiden of the Dark Forest)

Age 7

Dark Elf

Level 21

HP 30/30

MP 67/67


Legendary Class

[Fatigue Transference](Transfers ones fatigue to the people in the vicinity. Perpetually active.)

Master Class

[Espionage Techniques] 4

[Sense Presence] 4

[Assassination Techniques] 2

[Discern] 1


[Assassination Techniques] 9 (MAX)

[Shuriken Techniques] 5

[Dagger Techniques] 4

[Night Vision] 4

[Darkness Magic] 4

[Unarmed Combat Skills] 3

[Knife Throwing] 3

[Light Magic] 3

[Mana Perception] 3

[Leap] 2

[Farsight] 2

[Wind Instruments] 2

Blessing of the Dark Forest(Medium compensation to the acquisition of skills (including magic) related to sensing presences and concealment .)

As always, its a status unbefitting of a seven-year old child.

Although I feel like she would say Youre one to talk.

Incidentally, it has been three years since Miguel and Eremia were dragged into , so they would be the seniors in the childrens group.

And Donna.

She is a fair-skinned girl with floppy dog ears and uniquely braided, moderately long, black hair as her trademark features.

Although it doesnt really look like it, she is also the oldest in the childrens group.

Donna Harsha ( Group 1 member)

Age 11

Therianthrope (Moon Dog Race)

Level 18

HP 30/30

MP 34/34


Legendary Class

[Super Olfaction]

Master Class

[Microscopic Observation] 4

[Compounding] 4


[Mixing] 9 (MAX)

[Keen Hearing] 7

[Water Magic] 4

[Telekinesis Magic] 4

[Stealth Steps] 4

[Night Vision] 3

[Mana Perception] 2

[Darkness Magic] 2

[Dagger Techniques] 2

[Assassination Techniques] 1

[Unarmed Combat Skills] 1

[Knife Throwing] 1

[Tool Creation] 1

Rather than her athleticism, Donnas role is to use drugs made by [Compounding] to obstruct enemies and provide support for allies.

Although shes the oldest out of all the children, including those who arent here, its because she wasnt well equipped with the physical prowess required as an emissary.

Even though when you think of beastmen you would normally have an image of someone with high physical abilities, Donna seems to have a higher aptitude for manufacturing-type skills that make use of her superior senses.

In regards to [Mixing], I tried asking Gazaine to teach it to me but,

Like I could teach that to a dangerous guy like you.

I was refused.

Although everyone made it out of the landslide with only minor injuries, Donna applied the medicinal herbs she had on hand to treat our injuries.

Since its not like I could ask Melby (she is still here), Im glad that she is here.

The final one is Beck.

He was a boy with a sturdy build and cropped blonde hair as a distinguishing feature.

Since hes over 140 centimeters tall despite only being 8 years old, he will undoubtedly become a giant in the future.

Beck Warne ( Group 1 member | Small Vajra)

Age 8


Level 15

HP 29/29

MP 16/16


Legendary Class

[Protect] 4 (Letting a Gods power dwell in your stance, you protect your allies by using your own body as a shield.)

Master Class

[Toughness] 2

[Super Strength] 2


[Greatshield Techniques] 6

[Battleaxe Techniques] 4

[Stealth Steps] 3

[Assassination Techniques] 3

[Woodcraft] 3

[Earth Magic] 2

[Dagger Techniques] 2

[Throwing Spear Techniques] 2

[Keen Hearing] 1

[Night Vision] 1

[Knife Throwing] 1

Although it feels like there arent enough offensive skills, [Protect]s ability is amazing.

Stance of the Iron Wall has a strong effect, reducing all frontal damage to 0.

But then again, Beck still cant use Stance of the Iron Wall.

But in exchange, it seems like he can use Stance of the Mad Bull, a skill which makes his upper body invincible and gives him the superhuman strength to take on an enemys attack.

Although its amazing, its hard to use.

Rather than that, he can probably use [Super Strength] and [Toughness] without having to determine the situation.

If he were to train, it seems like his status in the future would surpass that of Goleth without The Evil Gods Curse of Calamity.

On a side note, Beck is also my [Woodcraft] comrade.

In contrast to his build, he is good at precision crafts.

Technically speaking, although I should be better as I have a higher skill level, since our passion for details seems to be different, I often think that the finishing quality of my products is no match for his.

Well, I seem to have digressed a bit.

Now then, you should understand by looking at it like this, but this group of children is actually rather superb.

Although to begin with, the childrens group is made up of unique skill-wielding children kidnapped from here and there by Gazaine.

Their original talent was increased through s training, and their stats were raised enough so that they were more than able to handle the adult emissaries.

If I am able to dispel their brainwashing in the future, it might be fun to become adventurers together with this party of five.

But before thatthat is something for after we get through this predicament.

That said, I wonder if we could actually beat the firedrake with this lineup?

Lets try asking Melby-sensei.

Hey, around how strong is the firedrake?

Do we have any hope of beating it with these guys?

Lets seea dragons strength varies depending on its age, but as long as its not an extremely young dragon, I think it would be pretty tough for these children?

Even if youre there with them.

To defeat a firedrake, it would take a small military troop.

You cant help, right?

Melby, as a fairy, is under constraints that prevent her from intentionally causing harm to another person.

Since dragons arent monsters, its impossible.

Though its possible for wyverns, a dragon subspecies.

Although I can protect you if it comes down to it, I cant aggressively attack.

In other words, its an enemy that can be reasoned with?

Yeeahwhile there are some elder dragons who can understand human language, its impossible for most dragons.

But fundamentally, as long as you dont trespass in a dragons territory, dragons usually wont take the initiative to attack.

Then what was that before?

Like Elemia said, that was merely the firedrake building a lair.

If the firedrake felt like attacking seriously, it wouldnt have ended as lightly as that.

So weve got no choice but to run, huh.

Luckily, we still havent entered the dragons territory yet, have we?

Thats right. Since the area around here hasnt become part of the firedrakes lair yet, there shouldnt be any problems as long as we dont encounter it unexpectedly.

Okay, Ive received Melby-senseis guidance.

Although I was worried about what would happen at one point, it seems like well be able to get through this somehow.

Or so I thought, but.

One hour later.

Hey, Fellow Believer Orochi.

What is it?

Were heading downwards right now, right?


There was no need for Miguel to point it out, I already knew.

The cavern we were in gently sloped downwards while occasionally curving at sharp turns.

On top of that, the state of the cavern suddenly changed midway.

The space in the cave widened greatly.

As ifyes, like even a firedrake with a large frame could pass through.

This is the mark of a firedrake, right.

Elemia said as she investigated the wall.

The reason the cavern walls have hardened in a wave-like shape is because that is what remains after they have been melted by the firedrakes breath and solidified after cooling down.

In other words, this is already part of the labyrinth made by the firedrake.

How troubling.

I guess theres no way other than to turn back and use Tunnel and Concrete to make a passageway identical to the ducts, huh.

But, if we were to do that, that would lead to the conversation topic of why I didnt do that from the beginning.

But, its not like I can fight the firedrake with these guys.

No matter how strong the skills in their possession were, if they failed to dodge even a single breath attack, that would be the end.

And its not like we can guarantee a zone that was safe from its breath like in games.

If it were to breathe out in a narrow space, we would be unable to dodge and end up disintegrating.

I made a decision after hesitating for a bit.

I guess turning back would be best.

Its a bit shameful as a leader, but I wont compromise our safely.

It happened when I stopped walking and opened my mouth.

Something is coming.

Elemia said.

Although I also have the same [Sense Presence] skill as Elemia, it seems like Elemia is better at reading presences.

What is?

I turn back and ask Eemia.

Elemias face pales in an instant.

Fellow Believer Orochibe, behind you

Miguel says in a hoarse voice.

I incrementally turn my head around to look back.

Our eyes met.

I met eyes with thefiredrakethat extended its neck around the corner.




The four ran away at full speed at my words.


Then, the firedrake releases its breath towards us..

Ku-! (Gaia) (Circle)Stone Wall!

Using [Earth Spirit Magic], I make as many stone walls as I could in one go, then follow the four.

The moment we finished turning the corner right ahead of us, an intense heat bursts out from behind.

When I turned around with a shudder, I saw that the corridor had turned into a red hot sea of lava.

Past that, I look at the seemingly pleasantly-smiling firedrake and [Appraisal].


Level 11

HP 4539/4539

MP 692/712

Abilities (Innate ability. Can be strengthened through a Gift or Curse depending on the proficiency level.)

Flame Breath

Acid Spray


Passive (A passively invoked ability.) Detoxification (Decomposes harmful microscopic substances within the body.)

Passive Strong Immunity (Degrades harmful invasive microbes within the body.)

Passive Regeneration (By consuming magic energy, damage to the flesh is recovered.)



[Stealth Steps] 7

[Night Vision] 5

[Dragon Limb Combat] 3

[Dragon Claw Techniques] 3

[Dragon Scale Defense] 2

There seems to be a lot of issues to retort at, but now isnt the time for that!

(Aqua) (Circle) (Spread) (Flame)Ice Wall!

In the space between us and the firedrake that looks as though it will send another breath attack, I deploy an original ice-making magic at full strength and block up the passageway.

I also set up a Stone Wall in front of that just in case.

Run, run!

As I rush the four, I energetically dash to the next corner.

The instant we turn the corner, I hear a terrific explosive sound from behind but I ignore that.

While we are outside of the firedrakes field of view, I dig a hole with Tunnel in the shadow of the crags.

Although Ive made the entrance narrow so it doesnt stand out, the inside should be be decently spacious.

Come in here!

As I yell out, I take the initiative to slip into the hole.

While I widen the hole with Tunnel, I confirm that the four have properly entered.

Afterwards, I go up to the hole we entered through,

(Gaia) (Circle) Stone Wall

and fill it in with [Earth Spirit Magic].

Then, I signal for the four to hide their presences.

Thanks to the training style of , the four immediately erase their presences in accordance to my hand signs.

Of course, I also erase my presence and use [Sense Presence] to check the state of the area outside the hole (though its a wall now).

The firedrake approaches with loud footsteps that torment my heart then, just like that, the footsteps fade away.

It seems like we managed to get it to bypass us without incident.

It seems were alright for now.

When I say that, the four of them let out sighs of relief in unison.

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