Neurolink System in the Modern World

Chapter 115: Not my problem

After speaking with the individual who had provided the photo, I chose to put this matter aside for the momt. They informed me that they had received the picture from someone else, and although I st an email to that person, I hadn't received a response yet.

As much as I wanted to know more about that woman, getting fixated on that issue right now wasn't a smart or ssible move. My priority was to conctrate on myself, complete missions, and level up. There were more important challges ahead, and I couldn't afford to get distracted by every intriguing mystery that crossed my path.

After wrapping everything up , I stepped outside to get some fresh air.

What greeted me was a dimly lit yard. The sun hadn't fully ris yet, but it would in another hour or so.

"Status" I muttered to myself .


Name :  Ji-Hoon Zyd

Title  : System Holder

Age  : 8 years old

Overall Stats : 47.8

Level : [30/5000]





Stamina: 4

Endurance: 9.5

Intelligce: 3.


Mind Power : 0.



Mind Eye [Level 3]

Suggestion [Level ]


Skill Store II

Skill Combination I

Mission Board I


*Intse Quick Learning Level 5

*Complex Cognitive Instinct Level

*Parallel Processing Level


*Faker [Level ]

*Quick Phase [Level ]

*Berserk [Level ]


Attribute Points: 0

Skill points:

Domination Points : 0


I earned a bunch of skill points from that rect gang war, and at first, it felt like I hit the jackpot at first.

But now, it's like I'm that poor person who wt from rags to riches and is suddly struggling to maintain the lifestyle. My skill points keep piling up, but so do my expses. It's like I'm in a skill point-induced spding spree, and I can't seem to earn ough to keep up with it.

[Intse Quick Learning Level 5 —> Intse Quick Learning Level ]

[Suggestion : Level —> Level 6 ]  [38%]

I decided to level up Quick Learning since it was the most useful skill for hancing my overall abilities.

With the remaining points, I invested them all into Suggestion. I was aware that Suggestion didn't work as effectively on higher-level individuals, but I figured increasing its level wouldn't hurt. If it got high ough, I could practically boss a normal humans without any preparation – just a command, and everything would fall into place.

"Now it's time for some practice," I chuckled, starting to stretch my body in preparation. As part of my daily routine, I began practicing my movemts and fighting techniques.

I activated Intse Quick Learning, Complex Cognitive Instinct, and Parallel Processing to speed up my learning process.

While I may not have a master guiding me right now, my increased learning speed compsated for that. With Complex Cognitive Instinct, I could brainstorm ways to further improve my fighting skills.

The more I trained, the more I refined my techniques and worked on my weaknesses. Parallel Processing made everything much more manageable, allowing me to multitask and think about various aspects simultaneously. At this rate, it looked like I would reach a level on par with Ije in just a month.

Well, that one month might just turn out to be ev shorter because I'm banking on my currt rate of learning. I'm pretty confidt that as my skill points continue to rise, I can get stronger faster.

My plan this time is to first push Quick Learning to 0, learn a bunch of combat and surviving skills like using a katana, guns, and knives. Th, I'll dabble in some seemingly trivial stuff like dancing, singing, or ev cooking.

Why bother with these seemingly unrelated skills? Well, I need to think about how to complete those special missions without relying on Suggestion. Who knows wh I might need to dance my way out of trouble or sing my way into someone's good graces? And hey, a good meal can solve a lot of problems too!






Thirty minutes into my training, the effects of my skills had worn off, but I wasn't about to call it a day. I was determined to build a habit of daily training for at least an hourr. While it might not seem like a lot, this commitmt meant a great deal for someone like me.

30 minutes later

"That was a good workout," I panted, catching my breath as I sat down in the yard.

After a great workout, I suddly remembered something really important I have to attd to. But the thought of having to travel back and forth every time is quite inconvit.

So I walked slowly to the garage. There, I found my uncle's car. It was still relatively new, a sleek black sedan.

I hadn't learned how to drive officially yet, but I had watched some instructional videos, and I felt like I had a rough idea of how to operate it. Now it was time to put that theoretical knowledge into practice.

I unlocked the car, settled into the driver's seat, and fasted my seatbelt. The key was in my hand, and I knew I had to insert it into the ignition.

Taking a deep breath, I inserted the key and turned it. The gine roared to life, and I couldn't help but smile at that small victory.

Next, I remembered that I needed to put the car in "Drive" to start moving. I found the gear lever and shifted it into "D." Th, slowly and cautiously, I pressed my foot on the brake pedal. I felt the car respond, the brakes holding it in place.

Normally, beginners would feel incredibly self-conscious and fearful wh attempting something like this, but thanks to my passive skills, I was able to pick up on things quickly.

Now came the big momt. I moved my foot from the brake to the gas pedal, and the car began to move forward, albeit hesitantly. I could feel my heart racing a bit as I navigated the car a the empty driveway.

With a bit more confidce, I pressed the gate remote control and eased my car onto the road. Our neighborhood was rather exclusive, so there wasn't much traffic at this time of day. It was the perfect vironmt for a beginner like me to gain some real-world driving experice.

"Now it's time to test this baby out," I joked to myself as I pressed down on the pedals.


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