Neurolink System in the Modern World

Chapter 105: Crew

[Virtual Space- Time Limit  ]

[Good luck Host ]

As the notification reached my ears, my vision faded to black once again, and before I knew it, I found myself back in the Comfort Room.

'How many minutes was I out?' I muttered to myself, quickly checking the time on my phone.

'What the heck!' My heart raced as I glanced at the time.

'I forgot that I didn't check the time when I got sent to that space,' I chuckled, realizing how absent-minded I had been. It's not like I check the time every minute, so it was pretty useless to look at it now.

Nevertheless, I was still pleased with my current progress.

'That Turf War is like a goldmine for farming missions. I mean, sure, I do need to torture someone half to death, but it's not like I'm picky. Beating a good for nothing gangster should suffice, right?' I thought with a mischievous grin, realizing that in this peculiar world, my definition of "productive" had certainly taken a strange turn.

Knock, knock, knock

A sudden knocking sound interrupted my train of thought.

"Don't disturb me , I'm busy ?" I spat out, my irritation growing. I was right in the middle of something important, and this interruption was really pushing my buttons.

Knock, knock, knock.

"That little...," I muttered, clicking my tongue in frustration. I quickly pulled up my pants and stormed over to the door, ready to give whoever had disturbed me .

I flung the door open with a scowl, ready to unleash my annoyance on the person standing on the other side .

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, my irritation slowly increasing when I realized it was the red haired guy. Every time I saw that self-assured and cocky expression, it just got on my nerves.

"We received a call from the store, so we're heading out. By the way, Mr. Obo gave this to you," he explained, his expression uninterested as he handed me a jacket adorned with red rose patterns.

"Damn, this jacket is ugly," I couldn't help but comment.

"I know," he nodded in agreement. It seemed we had found common ground in our fashion critique.

With a reluctant sigh, I decided to put on the ugly jacket. After all, it was a given by Mr. Obo, and refusing it might not sit well with him.

"Alright, let's go then," I said, resigned to the situation.

Changnim followed me as we left the Comfort Room and headed towards whatever awaited us outside the building.




Three people bowed their heads in respect as soon as they saw me.

I couldn't help but chuckle to myself, thinking, "I must be pretty impressive," as I scratched my head and enjoyed the moment of being treated like a boss.

"Boss Zuzu, we watched your fight against Sir Ije, and we were really impressed. My name is Aku" a young man with a buzz cut spoke as he extended his hand. He introduced his companions as Ronald and Rak.

I could tell just by their physique that they were quite strong; their muscles spoke volumes about their physical prowess.

"Mind Eye"


Name: Goze Aku

Age: 20

Level: (17)

Overall Stats :23

Strength: 6

Agility: 8

Stamina: 3

Endurance: 3

Intelligence: 1

Charisma: 2

Status : Neutral

Suggestion Chance :20% + 10 %


Name: Ronald Hump

Age: 19

Level (17)

Overall Stats :23.5

Strength: 8

Agility: 3

Stamina: 4

Endurance: 4

Intelligence: 0.5

Charisma: 4

Status : Neutral

Suggestion Chance :20% + 10 %


Name: Ode Rak

Age: 18

Level (18)

Overall Stats :25

Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Stamina: 5

Endurance: 3

Intelligence: 2

Charisma: 5

Status : Neutral

Suggestion Chance :20% + 10 %


Observing their high levels and potential for their age, it was evident that Mr. Obo had assigned me some top-tier individuals. These guys had the ability to excel far beyond their current roles in the gang.

'Should I use my powers and transform them into my own soldiers?' I wondered , contemplating a rather sinister thought. However, I quickly dismissed the idea as too extreme. If I were to corrupt someone, it should be reserved for those who had deeply wronged me or were simply annoying.

Luckily, I didn't have to search very hard for such individuals in this criminal-infested environment. This place was practically a breeding ground for those who had crossed the line or annoyed me in some way.

"Let's roll," I spoke, adopting a more gangster-like persona. I even tried to walk with a bit more swagger than usual, wanting to convey that I was the genuine deal.

As we made our way to the store, my mind was occupied with thoughts of how best to utilize my  abilities.

While gang rules might restrict the use of weapons, I couldn't forget that we were dealing with degenerates, and in the heat of a brawl, anything could happen. I needed to be cautious.

Furthermore, the police, particularly that persistent female officer, were a constant concern. I had to find a way to navigate this mission without attracting their unwanted attention.

"Hey, wait for me here," I instructed my lackeys as we walked past a store.

I quickly stepped inside and purchased a stylish black mask with white spider web patterns. Additionally, I picked up a pair of gloves and sunglasses to complete my look.

"You're trying to copy me?" Changnim raised his eye brows.

"Who would want to copy someone like you?" I retorted with an insulting grin. "I'm just wearing this to protect my identity."

"If that's the case, boss, then we should all wear masks and sunglasses," my three other lackeys chimed in excitedly, following suit by purchasing the same accessories.

I could not help but chuckled at their antics, yeah they might not be that corrupted yet because of their age so seeing them act like bunch of idiots felt refreshing.

'Wait, don't tell me that my first buddies are a bunch of gangsters? Could this be the start of a cliche story where we'll eventually become friends after facing numerous challenges together?' I couldn't help but sighed at the thought, how the mighty had fallen to settle with this bunch of good for nothing.

"Boss, look! Someone is messing that store up!" Aku exclaimed.

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