Naval Gacha System: It's Time To Monopolize The Seven Seas!

Chapter 36: | 036 | The Dragoness

In the Combat Information Center of the UNS Light Bringer, a report from the naval personnel startled Abraham from his solemn state. According to his subordinate, the dragoness had just broken out of the private cabins and got into the main deck.

"What!? Why did she do that?" Abraham was confused as to what made Laplace take destructive ways out. There were doors leading to the outside for heaven's sake.

"We don't know, Sir. She simply left after getting her new clothes and is hanging in the railings of the main deck." The naval personnel who reported the situation of the dragoness were also muddled about it.

"I see… I guess I'll have to personally confront her about it." Abraham sighed while he wondered what he had done wrong to the dragoness.

He turned his gaze towards the white-bearded captain and ordered him to take command of the operation.

"Captain Lux, you'll be taking command for a moment. I have something important to do." Abraham's words resounded, to which the captain swiftly responded with a salute.

"I shall do so, Fleet Admiral. I will be waiting for your return."

Abraham nodded in satisfaction and left the confines of the Combat Information Center. In all honesty, taking command of a warship wasn't his job.

He was the Fleet Admiral of the United Navy. His duty was to guide the direction where the United Navy shall go, practically a shepherd.

He wouldn't tell a carriage driver how to drive a carriage as the driver already knows the skill to do so, to begin with.

The reason why he was taking command was merely because of his inexperience. This would probably be the last time he'll be in a warship.

Especially when the United Navy will grow bigger than ever before and gain several fleets. His attention would be pointed at a large margin, not only to the smaller section of the sea.

At any rate, Abraham walked through the metallic hallway of the interiors and saw the opened door leading to the main deck.

He stepped into it and got outside of the main deck where he was met with the sea breeze ruffling his jet-black hair and the light of the golden sun gleaming over his body.

Abraham glanced around and saw a gorgeous lady leaning amongst the railings. Although the scenery was familiar, it was a lot more different compared to before.

From the clothes, the stature, the atmosphere, and many more.

"You're troublesome, Laplace." He muttered, knowing that the dragoness would be able to hear it with her vast hearing distance. Perhaps, she might have already known he was coming.

Abraham was met with a smirk from the dragoness. He felt a vein popping up in his forehead when he saw that smirk.

He walked towards her and sarcastically remarked to the gorgeous white-haired lady.

"For someone who broke through a wall, you seemed awfully proud of it, Laplace." His words were met with a chuckle and following response from the dragoness.

"Oh, did I~"

"Oh, yeah you did. Do you know how much repairing a wall costs?" Abraham questioned since repairing a broken wall would require money and time.

"I don't know how much it cost. But it should be nothing compared to the weapons you are throwing at the Leviathans." Laplace's counter was apt, but Abraham felt that she was instigating something from him.

"Wait… You are not implying…"

"Yes, I am implying that." Before he could continue, Laplace already answered his confusion.

Abraham furrowed his eyebrows after hearing her answer as he wasn't in agreement with it. Even though she was strong, Leviathan Alpha was an abomination of a monster.

To fight against it was foolish, especially without a proper weapon.

"I won't agree with it, Laplace. I don't underestimate your strength. But you just recovered from your weakened state. Fighting against an abomination like that is foolish."

He voiced out his agreement in the sternest voice possible. He didn't want his ally to die the moment he discovered them. That would be problematic for the middle-aged man.

Laplace didn't seem convinced, which made Abraham want to drag this lady to rest in her quarters. Sadly though, he would be dragged by her instead.

"I am grateful for your worry, Abraham," Laplace revealed a soothing smile that froze Abraham. Her golden irises seemed to glimmer while her slitted pupils absorbed him.

She was a beauty, there was no doubt of that. But that wouldn't be enough to convince him.

"However… I am a lot more different than you think."

"It may be ironic, but despite looking more human than an ordinary beastfolk. We cardinal beast deities are actually the farthest." Laplace calmly explained and turned her gaze to the horizon.

"Not because of our power, intelligence, or anything of that matter. The reason is simple." She stopped for a moment and looked at Abraham seriously.

"Because we weren't humanoids to begin with."

Just like that, Laplace just dropped another bomb. Abraham felt confused for a moment, wondering what she meant by her words. Thousands of thoughts flooded his head trying to find an answer.

"I want to pay the favor of freedom, Abraham. I am not doing this because I want to be free from your debt. My desire is only to protect my savior." Laplace continued as the edges of her lips slowly rose.

"Nevertheless, there are a lot of things you could do without fighting against that monster. You are an ally, Laplace. A weakened one at that. Making you fight wouldn't do good for the United Navy's ethos." Abraham softly argued.

None of the two were willing to back out from their decisions. As leaders of their respective organizations, they had their personal dignity to deal with.

Abraham didn't want his only ally to fight against the sea monster. Especially when she was just recovering from her recent enslavement and injuries.

On the other hand, Laplace was the dragoness who led as the rebel forces' leader. She wasn't someone who'd make an ally fight on their own, merely because she was injured.

If she could help in some way, then she would do so.

Even if her current state doesn't deem it applicable.

Besides, she was a cardinal beast deity. Her regeneration, endurance, speed, and power weren't to be underestimated.

"You'll see what I mean, Abraham."

"After all, actions speak louder than words."

Laplace slightly chuckled and slowly backed away into the railings. Abraham realized what she was doing and sprinted at her at full speed.

However, he was already too late.

"Laplace!" Abraham reached out his arms as Laplace fell into the rough waters of the high seas. His thoughts rumbled with anxiousness, thinking of what to do.

But before he could continue his surging worry, the blue waters bubbled as a shadow emerged. His body shook while a monstrous creature slowly emerged from the high seas.

It dwelled beside the UNS Light Bringer, a gargantuan pitch-black serpentine dragon with golden dominating eyes. Its scales glistened along the piercing light as sea water dripped from its body.

Abraham gazed at it with a sliver of dread, but when he looked at the dragon clearly with his jet-black eyes. The Fleet Admiral slowly saw its familiar beauty.


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