Naruto: The Prince of Lust

Chapter 27: Chapter 27


"How long have you known him for?" Kurenai asks her student and ward. The dishes were clean and put away and they were settling down on Kurenai's living room's couch sharing a portion-healthy tub of orange sherbert ice creamHinata's choice, to Kurenai's unexpected delight.

Hinata avoids any eye contact as she tries to burrow deeper into the couch cushions. "Hinata-chan," Kurenai starts with a small smile. "In this house and with me, you never have to worry about what you say. You're safe to express yourself however you like here.

I won't judge or belittle you for it and it will never be shared with anyone; from your father to the Hokage himself."

The girl nervously asks, "w-why are y-you asking me a-about Naruto-kun?"

"Well, I noticed how you reacted when we ran into him," Kurenai easily points out. "As a woman and your sensei, I could see that you're more aware of Uzumaki-kun than any other boy."

Kurenai didn't think it was possible for the girl's cheeks to get redder but they blush another shade brighter as she quietly answers, "I-I wouldn't s-s-say I k-know him. H-he... we w-w-were in the same c-class."

Kurenai could easily detect the omission in the girl's averted eyes, tone of voice, and flustered face. She was too easy to read, yet another part of her skills they needed to work on.

Having lived with the heiress for over two weeks now, running into Uzumaki-kun is about the only time Hinata-chan reacted differently.

They had run into him as their team exited Hokage Tower, and while Hinata blushed stunningly from face to neck as the orange-clad ninja greeted them, Kurenai noticed the girl's beautiful white eyes focus unlike any time she'd ever seen. They were sharp, sure, assertive.

The raven-haried kunoichi isn't sure why, but it was clear the girl had a crush on him. She easily recalls looking over the other team's profiles, discovering like everyone else, that the young blond was the Dead Last of the class. Furthermore, he was an orphan with no exceptional talent.

While she heard he defeated the traitor Mizuki with Kage Bunshin, she also heard he can't produce a single Bunshin, leading most to the conclusion that it must've been sheer dumb luck the boy brought down the traitorous Chnin.

Still, it's more than possible Hinata's interest in the blond stretches beyond clan or talent. It's feasible there's something that Kurenai is missing that could be a key driving force for the shy girl's future.

Kurenai needs to learn if Naruto-kun is something she could utilize to help drive her ward, or if it's another dead end. Honestly, Kurenai hoped this panned out. She was eager to prove Hiashi wrong, but more than anything, she didn't want to fail Hinata-chan.

As things stand, the Hyga heiress was timid to a fault.

While manners, kindness, and consideration of others were good traits to have, Hinata-chan takes it to a detrimental level, adversely impacting her own growth simply to avoid any kind of confrontation, a fact Kiba-kun is starting to take notice of and unfortunately, enable.

Kurenai needed to break her meekness, and if possible, light a fire under the girl's belly.

Testing a theory, Kurenai gently asks, "he was the Dead Last of your year, wasn't he?"

Kurenai was happy, no, thrilled to see that it had the desired effect when Hinata-chan looks directly into her red eyes and somewhat sternly tells her, "T-that wasn't his fault. The instructors were mean to him." As quickly as the girl's confidence appeared, it had departed.

Slowly sliding a moderate helping of ice cream passed her red lips to her lapping tongue, Kurenai can't help but be happy by the small bit of progress. It wasn't much, but it was something, and like the fragile light of an ember, she'll slowly coax it into a grand fire.

Eager, yet gentle with her young ward, Kurenai follows up by asking, "what do you mean it wasn't his fault? He did the work, didn't he?"

Kurenai didn't really care to know one way or another, knowing what the boy contained within him always made her recall how her father died that night. However, for her ward, her student, she would happily hear about Uzumaki-kun's educational ineptitude.

Again, the girl's determination was back, making Kurenai feel a swell of triumph in her chest, as Hinata-chan answered, "he- he did do the work, b-but you can't blame him for his results.

Many of the assignments th-that he did turn in deserved passing grades, but every sensei besides Iruka-sensei, failed him. He was never treated fairly by nearly all the staff, but even still, he kept on trying. He didn't quit.

Even though he failed many times..." Hinata seemed to realize how much she said in that short moment, as did Kurenai. It's the most she's ever heard the timid girl speak at one time.

"How did you know his answers were correct?" Kurenai is genuinely curious to know.

"B-Byakugan," Hinata answers ashamed for how she abused her clan's unique talent, and Kurenai smiles inside.

If this girl is willing to use her clan's ability for this boy, than chances were good he would be a vital part in helping Hinata. It's quite clear by now, Naruto is the key to motivating this girl, and with that revelation, Kurenai only needed to figure the method by which to take advantage of that.

"So you mean to say 'Dead Last' is not an accurate assessment of his ability." Hinata-chan nods. "That would make sense. Being made Genin despite most of the sensei's treating you unfairly he doesn't give up easily, does he?"

"He doesn't," Hinata strongly offers.

"Is that why you like him?" Kurenai gently asks. She doesn't want to push the girl too much but it's already been two weeks and there were little other options. Hinata turns bright red, and Kurenai could feel the warmth emanating from her.

"It's okay, you don't have to answer," quickly easing the indigo-haired girl's anxiety. "Do you know why I asked to be your temporary guardian, Hinata-chan?" The light-eyed kunoichi shook her head, no.

"One of the hardest decisions life will constantly challenge you on, is choosing to walk away, or try harder. We're not so different, you and I, and you even remind me of myself when I was younger.

The point is, I believe in you Hinata-chan, and I'm going to help you see that too, so the both of us can always choose to try harder."

Hinata nods one strong time, and Kurenai can easily see the tear at the corner of her eyes.

"One of the first things I'd like to remedy is your reaction to Uzumaki-kun," Kurenai tells the girl, who squeaks at the prospect. "How would you like to act normally around him?"

"I-I-I-I-I c-c-c-c-c-couldn't," Hinata stutters impressively.

It would've been cute to Kurenai if it wasn't a set back for their ultimate goal. Still, it's in the right direction and Kurenai just needs to continue pushing on. "Let me ask you a simple yes, or no, question.

Would you like to act normally around Uzumaki-kun?" Not trusting herself to speak, Hinata shuts her eyes and just nods her head vehemently. "Than that means you can. Don't worry, Hinata-chan, and trust your sensei. I think I know a way to help."



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