My Wife Longs for Divorce Every Day

Chapter 493: 493, can money make Little Huanhuan turn the mill?

Chapter 493: 493, can money make Little Huanhuan turn the mill?

Shi Huan paused, wanting to speak but then deciding against it.

“Hm?” Nangong Ci raised an eyebrow with a clear mischief in his peach blossom eyes.

Shi Huan had no choice but to tactfully say, “Earlier, I wasn’t paying attention and he just…just…you know what I mean, right?”

The rest of the sentence wasn’t necessary; as a man, and furthermore a doctor, he should be able to understand, right?

Sure enough.

“Oh, so that’s what happened.” Nangong Ci managed to stifle his laughter with effort, “No wonder, but Secretary Shi, you don’t have to worry. This situation is quite normal. It still needs further observation.”

“More observation? What do you mean?”

“Yes. What I mean is, you can help The Second Brother more…”

Shi Huan: “???”

Help with what?

Seemingly noticing her confusion, Nangong Ci bluntly clarified.

After finishing, he summarized in the manner of a seasoned driver, “Ahem, anyway, you should understand.”

As a result, Shi Huan left with a flushed face.


After cooling down in the hallway for a while and returning to the ward, she found that Chu Xiuhuang had already changed out of his hospital gown and was dressed in darker casual clothes, seemingly getting ready to go out.

Shi Huan quickly asked him, “Mr. Chu, are you going out tonight? What about dinner?”

“I’m going home with you.” Chu Xiuhuang gazed at her, thumb gently stroking his index finger. His slightly squeezed eyes revealed a debonair charm. “It’s a holiday today. I don’t want to spend it alone in a hospital room.”

Shi Huan frowned.

Indeed, today was Laba Festival, but…

“Mr. Chu, I don’t celebrate the holidays and I don’t have time to make Laba porridge. If you want to celebrate, I could call the old man…”

“Who said I want Laba porridge?” Chu Xiuhuang interrupted, handing her the car keys directly. “Let’s go.”


Chu Xiuhuang’s long brows furrowed slightly. “Will 10,000 yuan do?”

“…okay.” Shi Huan quickly grabbed her coat and headed out.

Chu Xiuhuang: “…”

Damn it, is it really that easy?

So money can make Shi even grind mills?


Shi Huan first went to pick up Little Luoluo.

Shortly before arriving at the school, she called the little girl, and when the car stopped in front of the school gate, she saw the little girl was already waiting.

There were also several other ‘little bun’ shaped children in puffy jackets waiting for their parents.

As soon as Shi Huan got out of the car, she realized that Chu Xiuhuang had followed her out.

“Mr. Chu, you…”

Before she could finish her sentence, a chorus of little voices chimed in.

“Shi Luoluo, is this your dad?”

“Your dad came to pick you up after school!”

“Wow, your dad is so handsome. He looks just like you!”


Shi Huan was speechless. Are five-year-olds so gossipy these days?

As for Shi Luoluo, she was tilting her little head, scrutinizing Chu Xiuhuang.

Does this uncle look a lot like her?

Where was the resemblance?

“Hi, kids.” Chu Xiuhuang had come up and waved his hand, smiling at the little crowd. His gaze was electric and radiated charm.

But things quickly took a turn.

“Handsome uncle, did you come with Sister Huanhan to pick up Shi Luoluo from school?”

Chu Xiuhuang’s handsome face darkened. His eyes fixed unerringly on the chubby boy who spoke, his voice cold and serious. “What did you call me?”

What did this bear child say?

If it wasn’t for the fact that Shi Huan was standing next to him, he would fucking kick him.

Why call Shi ‘Sister Huan’, but him ‘Uncle’?

‘Handsome Uncle’ even?

Chu Xiuhuang hated most when people said he looked pretty. It was absolutely emasculating!

The chubby boy had no idea Chu Xiuhuang could change his face so quickly, from charming to menacing. It scared him so much his chubby face turned white, then…

“Waaa, Teacher! Teacher, I’m scared! Quick, come here, waaaa!”

He was straight-up frightened into crying.

Shi Huan hurried over and pulled Chu Xiuhuang away, “Mr. Chu, what are you doing? Why are you bullying a child?”

“So, you’re sticking up for another man over your boyfriend?” Chu Xiuhuang turned to glare at Shi Huan, clearly unhappy.

Shi Huan felt a headache coming on. “Mr. Chu, can you stop joking around?”

“After all the kissing and touching, you’re trying to deny it now?” Chu Xiuhuang squinted his long phoenix eyes and suddenly leaned in to whisper threateningly, “Believe it or not, I’ll kiss you right now. I’ll kiss you breathless.”

Shi Huan’s heart skipped a beat and she quickly pushed him away.

Meanwhile, Little Luoluo who had been off to the side was so flabbergasted.


Was this uncle Shi Huan’s boyfriend?


Once the chubby boy was comforted, they returned to the car. Little Luoluo sat quietly in the back seat, lost in thought.

Shi Huan drove in silence too.

Chu Xiuhuang took out his phone and began to chat away.

First, he blew up the WJY group chat.

[What are you guys planning for the holiday tonight?]

Soon, the chat was lively.

Nangong Ci: [Going home to eat dinner with the old lady.]

Gu Huai’an: [Taking Haohao to Pizza Hut.]

Nangong Ci: [Gu, are you addicted to being a dad?]

Lu Chenyu: [More like a ‘Milk Daddy’.]

Gu Huai’an: […]

Chu Xiuhuang: [@Huo Jingshen, where are you bro? Are you playing the mysterious card 24/7?]

Huo Jingshen didn’t respond at all.

Ming Jing: [The bro must be busy.]

Chu Xiuhuang: [Busy making babies at this hour?]

Nangong Ci: [A beast, obviously!]

Lu Chenyu: [Heh.]

Chu Xiuhuang: [Only Big Bro and I are not single in this group. The rest of you four need to get going. Don’t hold back the group, got it?]

Gu Huai’an: [The fuck, when did you get a girlfriend?]

Chu Xiuhuang: [I’m on a date with my girlfriend right now. We are going to spend the festival together tonight. At around eight o’clock, I will post pictures on my circle of friends. Please like and comment on time. Especially @Huo Jingshen]

Everyone: […]


Half an hour later.

Shi Huan drove straight into the residential area.

Chu Xiuhuang asked seriously, “Don’t we need to buy groceries?”

Shi Huan glanced at him, opened the car door, and responded, “I bought a lot of vegetables yesterday since it was the weekend, we have enough.”


After getting out of the car, the three of them entered the building.

The elevator had just arrived. Once they stepped in, they realized there were also two other people inside.

An elderly woman began to warmly greet Shi Huan when she saw her, then looked at Chu Xiuhuang, “Huanhuan, who is this gentleman?”

“He’s my boss,” Shi Huan answered promptly.

Chu Xiuhuang immediately shot her a displeased look.

Shi Huan pressed the button for the 9th floor and ignored him.

The elderly woman inquired again, “How tall is this young man?”

Shi Huan responded, “He’s 1.88 meters tall.”

Hearing this, Chu Xiuhuang’s face softened slightly.

She remembered his height so clearly, yet she said she didn’t want to be his girlfriend?

She says one thing but means another!

What a little liar!

“What does this young man do for a living?”

Shi Huan continued to answer, “He works in investment.”

The old lady asked again, “If he’s involved in investments, it must pay well;

Upon further inspection of Chu Xiuhuang, he was tall and handsome. Despite wearing casual clothing, you could tell that it was expensive.

His watch on his left hand alone must’ve cost millions.

His aura was simply indescribable. In all her years, she had rarely seen a man so attractive and sophisticated.

No wonder Shi Huan always brushed her off when she tried to introduce her to potential boyfriends, claiming that she was focusing on work and didn’t want to talk about relationships. It was all because she didn’t think they were of her standards.

The elderly woman cackled to herself as she watched Shi Huan leave with Chu Xiuhuang and little Luoluo. As soon as the elevator doors closed, she turned to her daughter-in-law and said, “That young lady isn’t honest at all! She’s too vain!”

Her daughter-in-law: “…”


Little did Shi Huan know that she was being denounced as a vain woman back at the elevator.

After opening the door, Chu Xiuhuang eyed the pair of large and small pink slippers at the entrance, “Where are my slippers?”

“Wait a minute.” Shi Huan changed into her slippers and went in. She took out the man’s slippers that Chu Xiuhuang had brought last time from the bag.

Chu Xiuhuang was not satisfied and looked at her, “What do you mean by putting my slippers away?”

Shi Huan thought to herself that it was good enough she hadn’t thrown them away.

She walked directly to the kitchen, “I’m going to cook dinner.”

Chu Xiuhuang watched as little Luoluo also followed her into the kitchen and promptly shut the door.

How mysterious.

He took a glance and walked to the living room sofa like the man of the house.

“Shall we eat dinner together with Uncle?” Little Luoluo asked Shi Huan in a soft voice, standing by the sink in the kitchen.

Shi Huan looked at the little girl, “Don’t worry, I will cook extra dishes.”

She remembered the last time Chu Xiuhuang came over and wolfed down nearly sixty dumplings, and assumed the little girl was worried about him stealing her food again.

Little Luoluo asked again, “Is Uncle going to eat dinner with us every day from now on?”


“But, he said he was your boyfriend. The teacher said that boyfriends and girlfriends should live together.” Little Luoluo stated with certainty.

“Huh?” Shi Huan was somewhat flabbergasted. What kind of teacher was this? Why was he talking about such adult topics in front of children?

“Huanhuan, if you live with Uncle, can I still live here? Will Uncle kick me out?” The worried little girl finally voiced the concerns she’d been harboring the whole time.

Shi Huan never expected the young girl to be this perceptive. She immediately reassured her, “Firstly, he’s not my boyfriend. Secondly, no one will kick you out. This is my home and I’m your sister. So, Luoluo, you can live here for as long as you want. Don’t worry!”

Little Luoluo was elated and pursed her lips into a delighted smile. “Huanhuan, you’re the best. I like you the most.”

“Behave, go do your homework now,” Shi Huan told her.



After Chu Xiuhuang finished his call and returned to the living room, he saw little Luoluo concentrating on her homework.

He immediately went forth and tried to get her attention, “Is there anything you’re unable to do? Brother can teach you.”

With her head hung low, little Luoluo ignored him.

“Kid, your brother is talking to you.”

Little Luoluo continued ignoring him.

Displeased, Chu Xiuhuang furrowed his eyebrows. What’s the matter with this kid?

She looks adorable, yet why is she so impolite?

He reached out to tug at her little arm.

Shi Luoluo finally stopper her writing and looked up. Her pure, innocent eyes encountered his. Pulling out her earbuds, she asked, “Uncle?”

Chu Xiuhuang: “…”

So it turns out she had earbuds in the whole time.

Coughing twice, he cleared his throat, seeking to restore some sense of propriety. “Call me Brother.”

Shi Luoluo pursed her lips, “But Huanhuan said you’re not her boyfriend.”

“Your sister is lying. She really likes me. She’s been crushing on me since before you were born. She’s just too shy to admit it.” Chu Xiuhuang shamelessly retorted.

A somewhat baffled Shi Luoluo looked at him.

“Anyway, I’ll be your brother-in-law in the future. So, you have to call me either ‘brother’ or ‘brother-in-law’. Understand?”

Chu Xiuhuang believed that in order to pursue Shi Huan, he had to win over this little girl first.

So he took out his phone, “Let’s add each other on WeChat first.”

Shi Luoluo frowned, “Huanhuan won’t let me use my phone when I’m doing my homework.”

“We can play secretly and not tell her.” Chu Xiuhuang took the initiative to grab her little backpack, found her mini-phone inside, turned on WeChat, and scanned his QR code.

It’s settled!


The little girl’s WeChat profile picture was an unfiltered selfie.

It must have been taken in the summer. She was wearing a cute pink dress and smiling at the camera in the photo.

Chu Xiuhuang took another look at his own WeChat profile picture.

Tsk, unexpectedly, this little girl was as vain and confident as him, both preferring to use unfiltered selfies as their profile pictures.

He immediately sent over a red envelope, “I just sent you a 200 RMB red envelope.”

Little Luoluo was shocked, “…”

A red envelope?

“This handsome profile picture is your brother-in-law.” Chu Xiuhuang pointed at his handsome profile picture on WeChat.

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