My Vampire Harem Will Dominate Everything

Chapter 130: Parking Lot Rendezvous

Ezra stepped into the elevator on the rooftop, the cool night air of the city still clinging to his skin. As the doors slid shut, he exhaled, running a hand through his tousled hair. The elevator hummed softly as it descded, the city lights flickering past through the glass walls. Each floor felt like an eternity, his thoughts racing about the night's evts and what came after.

Wh the elevator finally reached the g floor, He stepped out and made his way to the parking area. The dim, flickering lights cast long shadows, creating an almost eerie atmosphere. As he ed the corner to where he had parked his car, he froze.

Leaning casually against his vehicle was the Arbiter, in her human disguise, emanating an aura of unyielding authority.

The Arbiter's presce was an unexpected and unwelcome surprise. Dressed in a stylish dark cloak, with a hood that obscured most of her face, the Arbiter radiated an aura of quiet mace. Her red eyes, the only visible part of her face, gleamed with a cold intsity under the sparse lighting.

Ezra's vitality surged within him, but he forced himself to remain composed. He approached cautiously, every step measured. "I wasn't expecting to see you here, ma'am." He said, his voice steady despite the tsion crackling in the air.

The Arbiter's lips curled into a faint, almost imperceptible smile. "We need to talk, Ezra Matt." She replied, her voice a soft yet commanding whisper that brooked no argumt. Her eyes bore into Ezra's as she spoke, her voice sharp and unyielding. "Explain yourself."

Ezra took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. The weight of the night's evts pressed heavily on his shoulders. "Everything was possible because of an organization calling themselves the Silt Hand," he began, his tone measured but urgt.

"They had be quietly amassing assets in Ascdant Capital, moving pieces behind the sces. Their influce had be growing, and they had be conspiring with the late Macmillan. The plan was to place themselves under the control of the coming Count, securing their position before anyone could react."

The Arbiter's gaze remained fixed on him, her silce prompting him to continue.

"With Macmillan dead, they want their assets back. They executed their plan by manipulating the authorities to attack Ascdant Capital. Under the guise of legal action, they aimed to reclaim their assets."

"They stole vital evidce from me and handed it over to the authorities. There was no way out and amidst the chaos, Griffin saw an opportunity. He stepped in, claiming it was to protect his investmts, but in reality, it was a move to consolidate power and push back against the Silt Hand's influce."

Ezra paused, watching for any reaction from the Arbiter, but her expression remained inscrutable. He pressed on, knowing he had to make her understand the gravity of the situation. "Griffin's actions were something I couldn't stop but they've drawn the atttion of the City Lord."

The Arbiter's eyes narrowed slightly, the only indication that she was processing his words. Ezra continued, his voice growing firmer. "All this happed because there was nothing I could do to stop it."

For a long momt, the Arbiter was silt, her gaze piercing. Finally, she straighted, her presce commanding. "Very well, Ezra Matt. However, the time has come for you to make your choice. Will you stand with Griffin or would you abandon him?"

Ezra stood, froz in shock at the choices before him. The weight of the Arbiter's question pressed upon him like a vice. Abandon Griffin, or stand with him. The choice was easy but he now knew that every action had a consequce.

He couldn't afford to leave Griffin with the way things was. But now, faced with the Arbiter's offer, Ezra found himself torn.

On one hand, standing with Griffin meant that he had stability and could hide under the banner of the count. On the other hand, leaving Griffin meant being free of the oppressive weight of his mounting debt to the count.

His mind raced with calculations, weighing the risks and rewards with the precision of a seasoned strategist. If he abandoned Griffin, could he live free without retaliation from the count? Could he afford to sever ties with someone who could crush him without trying?

As seconds stretched into eternity, Ezra felt the weight of responsibility settle heavy on his shoulders.

"How about this?" The Arbiter's words reached his ear, jarring him out of his contemplations. "If you can halt all developmts of your partnership with TransitLink," she intoned, her gaze piercing yet unreadable, "th I shall sd an ally to aid you."

"Wha?" Ezra could only mumble in incomprehsion.

"Take care, Ezra Matt. Choose well." She turned and walked away, her footsteps echoing a the parking lot.

Ezra stood for a momt, his mind creating and discarding strategies. An ally would be invaluable. However, what he needed was protection. Anything to help against Griffin himself.

He couldn't move against the count without that. However, sometimes, all that was needed was a leap of faith.

He had to discuss this with his wives. The decision will after all, affect them too. With a glance a to check for any other surprises, he stepped into his car and took off.


Yuri discarded her cloak as she walked out of Ezra's line of sight. Her steps were sure as she retraced the path to her car.

Griffin was stepping past his bounds.

First City had only one Ascsion well and whoever controlled it, controlled the city's rate of ascsion in the city.

Southside was the holy grail of First City. Itachi would have never giv any one count if the elders had not pressured him.

Her hands tighted into fists beside her. This was not what she thought it would be. It was just like the elders to give such a gift. A gold apple. A poisoned gold Apple.

She sighed as she oped the door to her car and slipped inside. She should be joying her days and presiding over the occasional case, not scheming like a cutthroat.

First City had a way of destroying carefully laid plans.

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