My Vampire Harem Will Dominate Everything

Chapter 128: Is This How It Feels To Be An Ant?

X drove the sleek, expsive hover car through the neon-lit streets of First City, weaving effortlessly through the bustling traffic. The destination was the T-Max building, a skyscraper that pierced the night sky, home to Itachi Yaiba, the City Lord.

In the backseat, Griffin fidgeted restlessly. X had se him this nervous only once before and it was also before an appointmt with the City Lord. Whatever the reason Griffin was nervous, X could feel the nervousness seeping into his bones too.

Griffin was attempting to whistle, his mechanical voice box emitting a series of erratic, high-pitched sounds that grated on X's nerves. Wh the whistling attempts failed, Griffin switched to humming, producing a metallic, vibrating noise that was somehow ev worse.

X clched the steering wheel, his jaw tighting as he forced himself to remain silt. He couldn't help but wonder how fast the sound waves would destroy his eardrums and how much longer he could dure the auditory torture.

The car's interior was plush and luxurious, a stark contrast to the cold, industrial exterior of the city. The soft leather seats and ambit lighting did little to soothe X's growing irritation. He glanced in the rearview mirror, catching a glimpse of Griffin's conctration as he continued his futile attempts at producing a melodious tune.

X's mind drifted to the purpose of their journey. Meeting with Itachi Yaiba was always a tse affair. The City Lord was known for his ruthlessness and sharp intellect.

Griffin had be summoned for reasons unknown, and the anticipation was gnawing at him. Whatever happed, he knew he would be the one whom Griffin would order to take care of it.

Would Griffin d up giving him another dangerous assignmt? A reprimand? Or something ev more dangerous? Honestly, he couldn't think about anything more dangerous than a reprimand. Those were the closest he ever came to his short life ding prematurely.

As they neared the T-Max building, X took a deep breath, steeling himself for the counter ahead. He hoped the journey's d would bring relief from Griffin's cacophony, but he knew that facing Itachi Yaiba might prest an tirely new set of challges. He still didn't know which he prefered.

X parked the hover car in the dimly lit underg garage of the T-Max building. The low hum of the vehicle's gine ceased, replaced by the echoing sounds of distant machinery and faint footsteps.

He stepped out, the soft thud of his boots against the concrete floor marking his movemt. He walked a to the back, oping the door for Griffin. The count climbed out, releasing a theatrical groan as he stood. X discreetly rolled his eyes.

Without a word, X fell in step behind Griffin who led the way to the elevator. Wh they got to it, X stepped forward, his finger hovering for a momt before pressing the illuminated button. The doors slid op siltly, and they stepped inside.

The elevator began its smooth asct, the faint hum of its mechanics the only sound in the closed space. X stood stoically, staring straight ahead, while Griffin shifted restlessly beside him, his earlier attempts at whistling and humming now replaced by a tse silce.

The elevator dinged softly as it reached the top floor, the doors parting to reveal the trance hall of Itachi Yaiba's pthouse. The space had high ceilings which were adorned with intricate woodwork, while the walls were lined with dark, polished panels that gleamed under the soft, ambit lighting.

A vast, intricately wov rug covered the marble floor, its rich patterns adding warmth to the hall. On one side, a series of tall, narrow windows offered a breathtaking view of the cityscape, the lights of the city twinkling like distant stars. Opposite the windows stood a grand staircase with a wrought iron balustrade, spiraling gracefully up to the second floor.

Elegant sculptures and delicate bonsai trees were strategically placed throughout the hall, blding seamlessly with the minimalist decor.

X took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the momt settle over him as he prepared to face Itachi Yaiba. The subtle sct of sandalwood tickled his nose and he gave a low chuckle. Was the sct meant to calm or unnerve?

As he and Griffin stood in the trance hall, the air suddly thicked, and a palpable tsion gripped the room. The grand double doors at the far d of the hall swung op, and Itachi Yaiba, the City Lord, made his trance. The sight of him was both mesmerizing and terrifying.

Itachi Yaiba was a vampire of formidable presce, exuding an aura that was almost physically oppressive. His eyes glowed a fierce, unearthly red, piercing through the dim lighting with an intsity that seemed to burn into one's soul.

His skin was pale, almost transluct, contrasting sharply with the darkness of his attire. The most striking feature, however, was his hands. Both were dark, covered in shimmering scales that seemed to pulse with raw, unbridled power.

The weight of his aura hit X like a tidal wave. It was a force so intse that it drove him straight to his knees, the sheer pressure making it impossible to stand. His vision blurred, and he could feel his strgth waning under the reltless force.

It was as if his lungs were locked in a vice grip, yet he was forced to breathe. Every breath was a struggle, each one feeling as if it might be his last. Beside him, Griffin remained standing, but his knees trembled violtly, the strain evidt in every joint and sinew.

Itachi's gaze was cold and dismissive as it swept over X. "Still carrying your defective a, I see," he said, his voice a chilling bld of silk and steel. The words were a casual dismissal, but the underlying contempt was unmistakable.

X gritted his teeth, fighting against the overwhelming pressure. He focused on cycling his vitality a his body, strgthing it. It was the only thing keeping him from being completely crushed by the City Lord's aura.

The effort was immse, each second feeling like an eternity. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he channeled his ergy, forcing his body to remain functional. The ssation was akin to having a mountain pressing down on him, unyielding and merciless. Despite his efforts, the edges of his vision darked, and he could feel his consciousness slipping.

The meeting had not ev started, and he was already close to the brink of death.

He knew he had to dure, had to survive this initial counter if there was to be any hope of him leaving with his life. But with Itachi Yaiba's aura bearing down on him, survival seemed a distant, almost impossible goal.

The City Lord turned his atttion fully to Griffin, seemingly unconcerned with the tormt he was inflicting. "Griffin." The Lord tilted his head, the full weight of his Aura bearing down on Griffin like the hand of a mad god. "You've be a bad boy."

X's struggle continued in silce, a losing battle in the face of overwhelming power. The two vampires ignored him to converse. A thought floated to the forefront of his mind. Is this how it feels to be an ant?

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