Chapter 427: Ascension

Rays of sunlight reflected the heavy velvet curtains of the Grand Manor's living room, casting a warm glow on the opulent furnishings. Duncan reclined in a high-backed leather armchair, his figure draped in a luxurious blue silk robe embroidered with intricate silver patterns. Steam rose from the cup of coffee in his hand, its rich aroma filling the air.

Across from him, Elena perched on the edge of a plush sofa, her posture tense despite the early hour. She wore a simple yet elegant green dress, her hair pulled back in a loose braid. Her eyes, tinged with a hint of red from lack of sleep, watched Duncan carefully.

Duncan took a slow sip of his coffee, savoring the bitter taste before speaking. "Elena, my dear," he began, his voice smooth as velvet, "we're running out of time. The Council's indecision is... tiresome."

Elena nodded, her fingers twisting nervously in her lap. "Yes, my Lord. They're still adjusting to the idea of such drastic change."

Duncan's eyes flashed with impatience. "They've had more than enough time to 'adjust'. It's time for action." He set his coffee cup down with a soft clink. "I want you to send a message to your mother, Lady Gladys. Inform her that all Council members who have yet to make a decision have until tonight to do so. We will be holding a meeting at sunset."

Elena's breath caught in her throat, but she quickly composed herself. "Of course, my Lord. I'll send the message right away."

Duncan smiled, a predatory glint in his eyes. "Good girl. Now, go. I have preparations to make."

With a submissive nod, Elena rose and left the room. Her footsteps echoed through the grand hallways as she made her way to the study, where she penned a brief but formal message to her mother and sealed the parchment with wax.


Across the city, at the Shelley estate, Lady Gladys sat at her breakfast table, bathed in the soft morning light filtering through gossamer curtains. She cut a regal figure in an orange robe, its sleeves embroidered with golden thread. Her hair was swept up in an elegant chignon, not a strand out of place despite the early hour.

Before her lay a sumptuous spread: a silver platter of thinly sliced rare roast beef, its center still pink and juicy; a bowl of deep red berries, glistening like jewels; and a crystal goblet filled with a thick, crimson liquid that was decidedly not wine. The scent of freshly baked bread wafted from a nearby basket.

As Gladys delicately speared a piece of beef with her fork, the door to the dining room opened. A young vampire entered, his lithe form clad in the simple dark uniform of a household messenger. His pale face was set in a mask of deference as he approached the table, a rolled parchment clutched in his hand.

"My Lady," he said, bowing low, "a message from the Grand Manor."

Gladys' hand paused halfway to her mouth, a flicker of unease passing through her eyes. She set down her fork and held out her hand. "Give it here," she commanded, her voice cool and controlled.

The messenger placed the parchment in her outstretched hand and, without waiting to be dismissed, bowed once more and quickly left the room.

With a sense of foreboding, Gladys broke the seal and unrolled the parchment. Her eyes scanned the message, narrowing with each word. As she reached the end, her hand clenched, crumpling the fine paper.

"Damn you, Duncan," she hissed through gritted teeth, her composure finally cracking. "You arrogant, impatient fool."

She stood abruptly, her chair scraping against the polished floor. The peaceful breakfast forgotten, Gladys began to pace, her mind racing. Duncan was forcing her hand, pushing for a confrontation she had hoped to avoid.

As she moved to the window, gazing out at the city she had helped rule for centuries, Gladys felt a mix of fear and determination settle in her chest. She knew the danger Duncan posed, had seen firsthand the terrifying extent of his power. But she also knew that to submit without a fight would mean the end of everything she had built.

"Very well, Duncan," she murmured, her voice low and dangerous. "If it's a battle you want, it's a battle you shall have."

With renewed purpose, Gladys strode from the dining room. She had messages of her own to send, allies to rally. The sun climbed higher in the sky, casting long shadows across the vampire city.


Hours later, the night air hung heavy with tension as the Grand Council Chamber filled with vampires. The emergency meeting, called by Lady Gladys at Duncan's insistence, had caught many off guard. Whispers and nervous glances filled the ornate room as nobles took their seats.

Duncan stood near the center, his presence commanding attention. He wore a tailored black suit that seemed to absorb the light around him. His eyes scanned the room, a slight smile playing on his lips. Elena stood to his right, her crimson gown a stark contrast to Duncan's darkness. Her face was a mask of calm, but her eyes darted nervously between Duncan and her mother.

Lady Gladys swept into the chamber, her silver gown shimmering in the candlelight. Her face was set in lines of determination, though a flicker of fear passed through her eyes as she met Duncan's gaze. She took her seat at the head of the long table, her back straight and proud.

"My Council members," Gladys began, her voice steady despite her inner turmoil, "I've called this meeting at the... request of Lord Duncan. He wishes to address us all."

Duncan stepped forward, his movements fluid and predatory. "Thank you, Lady Gladys," he said, his rich voice carrying easily through the chamber. "My friends, I grow weary of this dance we've been engaged in. The time has come for decisive action."

A murmur ran through the gathered vampires. Baron Gregor, leaned forward. "What exactly are you proposing, Lord Duncan?" His voice dripped with barely concealed contempt.

Duncan's smile widened, showing a hint of fang. "I propose a new order, Baron. One where we no longer hide in the shadows, but take our rightful place as rulers of this world."

Lady Cassandra, a willowy vampire with platinum blonde hair, gasped. "But... our very survival depends on secrecy!"

"That is a relic of the past," Duncan countered, his voice growing more intense. "We are gods among insects. Why should we cower in fear?"

The chamber erupted into chaos, vampires shouting over one another. Lady Gladys raised her hand, calling for silence. "Lord Duncan, while your... ambition is admirable, such a drastic change could spell doom for our kind."

Duncan's eyes narrowed. "And who are you to decide our fate, Lady Gladys? You, who have grown complacent in your power?"

The room fell into murmurs, the tension palpable in the air.

"Silence," Duncan hissed, causing everyone to flinch back. He turned his gaze back to the Council. "I have given you time to consider my proposals. Now, I demand your allegiance."

Baron Gregor shot to his feet, his face red with anger. "You demand nothing from us, usurper! We are not your puppets to command!"

Several other vampires nodded in agreement, gathering behind Gregor. Lady Gladys remained seated, her knuckles white as she gripped the arms of her chair.

Duncan's laughter echoed through the chamber, a sound that sent chills down the spines of even the oldest vampires present. "Oh, my dear Baron. You have no idea what you're dealing with."

The air in the room began to thicken, a palpable energy emanating from Duncan. His eyes began to glow with an otherworldly light, and shadows seemed to writhe around him. Elena, Tessa and Damien moved to flank him, their own powers manifesting in a show of support.

Lady Cassandra stumbled back, her eyes wide with terror. "What... what are you?"

Duncan's voice resonated with power. "I am the First. The progenitor of our race. And I will no longer be denied my rightful place."

Baron Gregor, emboldened by fear and rage, charged forward. "We won't bow to you!"

What happened next was almost too fast for the eye to follow. Duncan's hand shot out, and Baron Gregor's body simply... disintegrated. One moment he was there, the next he was nothing but ash drifting to the floor.

A horrified silence fell over the chamber. Lady Gladys sat frozen in her chair, her face pale with shock. Lady Cassandra pressed a hand to her mouth, her eyes wide with disbelief.

Duncan's gaze swept the room, his power still radiating in waves. "Does anyone else wish to challenge me?"

The vampires who had stood with Gregor cowered back, their bravado shattered. Lady Cassandra fell to her knees, sobbing quietly.

Duncan smiled, a terrifying sight. "Good. Now, let me make myself clear. The old ways are over. We will no longer hide, no longer pretend to be less than we are. It's time for a new world order, with me at its head."

He turned to Lady Gladys, who flinched slightly under his gaze. "You have served your purpose, my lady. But your time is past. Will you join us in this new era, or will you share Gregor's fate?"

Gladys' mind raced, weighing her options. She glanced at Elena, seeing the determination in her daughter's eyes. With a deep breath, she stood. "I... I will serve, Lord Duncan. For the good of our kind."

Duncan nodded, satisfaction gleaming in his eyes. "A wise choice. And the rest of you?"

One by one, the Council members bowed their heads in submission. The fear in the room was palpable, mixed with a growing sense of excitement from those who saw opportunity in this new regime.

Elena watched it all unfold, her heart leapt with joy. She caught her mother's eye, seeing the defeat there. But beneath it, she saw something else... a flicker of defiance, quickly hidden.

Duncan clapped his hands together, the sound like thunder in the quiet room. "Excellent. Now, let us begin planning our ascension. The world will soon know its new master."

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