Chapter 39: Project Sunscreen?

The atmosphere in Tessa's childhood home was heavy with unspoken truths and the weight of family expectations. As she retreated to her father's study, memories flooded back – the scent of old books, the comfortable leather chair, and the dim glow of the antique lamp. It was a sanctuary where her father had spent countless hours immersed in his work.

Seated at her father's desk, Tessa sifted through the stack of papers she brought with her. Each document was a piece of the puzzle, a thread that, if followed, could unravel the mysteries surrounding Shelley Technologies. But the revelations of her mother's complacency and the check from the company added new layers of complexity to the situation.

She glanced at the framed photograph of her father on the desk, a reminder of his unwavering dedication to Shelley Tech. Tessa's determination intensified; she felt a responsibility to uncover the truth, not only for herself but for her father's legacy.

As she delved into the documents, Tessa discovered a pattern of financial transactions, discreet acquisitions, and connections to influential figures. Her investigative instincts kicked in, pushing her to connect the dots between her father's involvement, the mysterious operations of Shelley Tech, and the recent scandal involving Rose Shelley.

The door to the study creaked open, and Tessa looked up to see her mother standing in the doorway, a conflicted expression on her face. The silence lingered before her mother spoke softly.

"Tessa, I know you loved your father deeply, and so did I. But you can't let his quest consume your entire life. There are battles that we can't fight, and sometimes it's best to accept things as they are."

Tessa met her mother's gaze, her eyes reflecting determination. "Mom, I need to know the truth. If there's something dark hidden behind Shelley Tech, I have to bring it to light. Dad dedicated his life to that company, and I won't let his legacy be tainted."

Her mother sighed, realizing the resolute spirit within her daughter. "Just promise me, Tessa, that you'll be careful. Some doors are meant to remain closed, and not all truths bring peace."

Tessa nodded, acknowledging her mother's concern. The room fell into a contemplative silence, with the only sound being the ticking of the antique clock on the wall. In that moment, Tessa made a silent vow to unravel the secrets surrounding Shelley Technologies, even if it meant facing uncomfortable truths and challenging the shadows of the past.

As she sat in the quiet solitude of her father's study, surrounded by the echoes of nostalgia, Tessa's eyes wandered to a drawer near the bottom of his desk . As she pulled it open, the subtle scent of aged wood mixed with the comforting aroma of old books enveloped her senses.

There, nestled among forgotten treasures, she discovered a familiar leather-bound book with golden lettering. Its cover, though slightly worn with the passage of time, still exuded a timeless charm. Tessa couldn't help but smile, her fingers gently tracing the embossed title – "The Chronicles of Imaginarium."

Memories flooded back to a time when her father, exhausted from his demanding role at Shelley Technologies, would return home, carrying the weight of the corporate world on his shoulders. Yet, amidst the responsibilities, he always made time for her. In the soft glow of her bedside lamp, he would read from this very book, telling tales of enchanting realms and mythical creatures.

The stories, meant to lull Tessa into peaceful slumber, occasionally had a reverse effect on her father. She vividly remembered glancing up from her cozy pillow to find him, eyes drooping with fatigue, on the verge of nodding to sleep mid-sentence.

Those were the moments that etched a unique bond between them – a shared journey into the realms of imagination, a respite from the harsh realities that awaited him beyond the comforting glow of her room.

But today, as Tessa clutched the cherished book in her hands, a bitter realization gnawed at her. The very company that had claimed her father's unwavering dedication seemed to have exacted a toll that transcended the professional realm.

The sacrifices he made, the exhaustion etched into his face during those nightly rituals – all seemed like offerings to a corporation that demanded more than just time and effort.

"You gave that company your all, didn't you? And what did you get in return? Your life sucked from you!" Tessa's voice, laden with a mix of grief and frustration, resonated in the hallowed silence of the study. With an impulsive surge of emotion, she flung the book across the room, a cathartic release of the emotions that had been building within her.

As the book arced through the air, a small envelope, concealed within its pages, slipped out and landed on the polished hardwood floor. Tessa's momentary outburst had unwittingly unearthed a hidden fragment, an unexpected artifact from the chapters of her father's life she had yet to explore.

With a mixture of trepidation and curiosity, she bent down to retrieve the fallen envelope. Its surface bore the unmistakable insignia of Shelley Technologies – a stark contrast to the quaint and nostalgic surroundings of her father's study. The discovery added a layer of intrigue, as if the company's influence extended even into these intimate spaces.

She picked up the envelope and opened it. She started with the paper:

Title: Project Sunscreen Report

Prepared by: Joseph Morgan, Head Scientist

Shelly Technologies

Date: [4/7/1998]

Subject: Rose Shelly

Disease Type: Allergy to Sun Rays


This comprehensive report details the findings of our study on Rose Shelly, who presents a unique case of allergic reaction to sun rays or direct sunlight exposure. Despite rigorous attempts using various creams, ointments, and related interventions, the mitigation of this allergic response has proven elusive.


Rose Shelly, the focus of our investigation, has exhibited a pronounced hypersensitivity to sun rays, leading to allergic reactions upon direct exposure. This condition necessitates a thorough exploration of potential solutions, considering the limitations encountered with conventional treatments.


Our study employed a diverse range of creams, ointments, and other standard interventions to alleviate the allergic reactions observed in Rose Shelly. Each method was meticulously applied and monitored, yet none yielded the desired outcome.


The results unequivocally indicate the persistence of allergic reactions despite the utilization of various creams and ointments. The severity of the responses remained consistent, underscoring the urgency to develop a more effective solution to address this unique sensitivity to sunlight.


The resistance of Rose Shelly's condition to conventional treatments prompts an in-depth analysis of potential underlying factors contributing to this resistance. Further research and collaboration may be necessary to uncover novel approaches and technologies to alleviate the allergic reactions experienced by the subject.


In conclusion, our study on Rose Shelly has illuminated the challenges associated with treating sun-ray-induced allergies through conventional means. Shelly Technologies is committed to advancing research in this field to develop innovative solutions that can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with similar conditions.


We express gratitude to all team members involved in this study and anticipate future breakthroughs that will enhance our understanding of and ability to address sun-ray allergies.

Signed by : Joseph Morgan

Head Scientist, Shelly Technologies.


When she was done, she put the paper down and sat in her father's check, contemplating. Her thoughts began to spiral back and forth, trying to make sense of it all.

She went back to the stacks of paper she brought earlier and unfolded a barrage of pictures all having the image of Rose Shelly in them.

"All these photographs taken have her under an umbrella or in some shade. She's always covered up,"

"What's even more odd is that some of these things were way back from when I was little and yet this woman has looked the same! Just minor changes here and there but I can tell not a lot has changed about her! Plastic surgery? " Rose contemplated.

Her mind wandered back to the cd. She looked at it and examined it.

"Now what is this?" Rose said as she inspected it. She knew it was a disk but where was she going to get a DVD player from? Not a lot of people used that kind of thing anymore.

Only one person came to her mind that might be of help. She picked up her phone from the desk and dialed his number.

The called ID read : Josh the IT Guy.

As the phone rang, Tessa anxiously awaited Josh the IT Guy's response. After a few rings, Josh answered with a casual, "Hey Tess, what's up?"

Tessa wasted no time, her voice a mixture of urgency and curiosity. "Hey Josh, I need your help with something. I found a mysterious CD, and I have no idea what's on it. Any chance you could check it out for me?"

Josh, always up for a tech challenge, replied enthusiastically, "Sure thing, Tess! Bring it over, and I'll see what I can do. What's the mystery behind this CD?"

Tessa, keeping it vague, responded, "Let's just say it's related to a story I'm chasing. I'll be there in a bit."

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