My Reflector Is Invincible

Chapter 67

My Reflector Is Invincible 67

67. Impossible to Defeat

For a moment, the Knight King was worried.

It wasn’t because of Ju-Han’s sudden descent.

‘He’s going to show us something? What?’

Ju-Han had proven his worth enough so far.

The raid of the mazoku.

The betrayal of his son, the Duke.

The rat Sanderson, the Count.

The heart of the Demon King.

The repose of his close friend, the hero Ryuujin.

But what else could he possibly show them here?

On the one hand, he couldn’t help but be worried.

In fact, hadn’t he had this very conversation with Ju-Han?

-You’re going to make us compete for the position of teacher. If you choose me over them… do you think you can handle the consequences?

-Consequences? Handle what?

-The nobles might try to kill you for humiliating them.

-Don’t worry. Greed means nothing in the face of survival, right?


At the time, he hadn’t been able to understand what Ju-Han meant.

But right now, at this very moment.

Before the Knight King’s eyes, before the eyes of the nobles, an astonishing sight began to unfold.

“Oh… my… god…”

“What in the world is that? A monster?”

Everyone was looking at the same scene.

Simultaneously, many of them began to flee in terror or collapsed to the ground.

It was impossible to blame them.

What had appeared before them was a monster that chilled them to the bone just by looking at it.

The king of the mazoku, the absolute ruler.

[Demon King]

The people began to flee in horror.

“aaagh, save me!”

“Calm down!”

The knights guarding the nobles moved busily.

They raised their chivalry to protect their superior and their escort target.

However, nothing could quell their terror.

What filled their视野 was a brutal war. No, it was a one-sided slaughter.

A huge Demon King. Behind him, countless demons surged forward.

The fear of being killed at any moment dominated everyone.

“Calm down! It’s not real!”

“Not real……!”

The people who were in a panic doubted their own eyes.

It was because the demons who ran forward passed through the bodies of the people.


But it was a perfect illusion as if it were real.

At that sight, the eyebrows of the Knight King twitched. A scene that was all too familiar was unfolding to be called an illusion.

“This is what happened when we caught the Demon King.”

“What are you saying?!”

The people were astonished at the Knight King’s words.

They must have been surprised that they could see the scene that had been passed down like a legend in the past with their own eyes.

In fact, as soon as he finished speaking, other familiar illusions appeared.

It was the hero and the hero’s party fighting the Demon King.

“That’s my grandfather’s younger days……!”

“Is it really from that time?”

The people murmured as if they didn’t know what was going on.

Then the main character stepped forward.

“It’s the Demon King’s memory. Only a small part of it.”

“How on earth did a human get the Demon King’s memory……”

“It’s the memory of the Demon King’s heart fragment that I got from the Forbidden. It’s all a situation that actually existed in the past.”

At those words, the others were terrified.

The sight of the enemies running towards the hero’s party also played a part.

“There are so many demons, and they’re not even demons!”

The story of dealing with the Demon King remained in history as a legendary tale of bravery.

In other words, it meant that it felt like an unrealistic tale of old.

What’s more, with the thought that the Demon King would never appear again, all information about the demons was banned and discarded.

Now, only a handful of researchers knew about the demons.

It was bound to be confusing from the standpoint of ordinary people.

Not only that.


A laser from the Demon King’s eyes pierced the continent. Even the huge mountains and the earth were cut in half in an instant.

The living beings that faced it melted away.

Even if they were lucky enough to escape, there was a problem.


-S-…… Save me…….


The soldiers who were attacked by the Demon King turned into monsters and attacked their fellow comrades.

The demons trampled over mankind with overwhelming force.

-Those who challenge the Demon King will only find death…….

-You insignificant insects. Face true death.


Most of the army fell before they could even reach the Demon King.

No army could withstand the Demon King’s forces with their overwhelming power.

It would only be a matter of time before mankind and all other races were annihilated by their advance.

A sigh escaped from the people’s mouths.

“That’s the Demon King……. Just how did they ever face such a monster.”

At that moment, there was one man who made everyone forget their fear.

-Do not be afraid! I am here!

The hero, Ryuujin.

He began to move with his comrades, holding his holy sword.

The Demon King moved to block the hero’s party, but.

-The hero will not be touched by even a single one of your fingers!

The [Knight King] from his youth deflected the Demon King’s attack.

-I will open the way.

Next, a young woman appeared. A magic circle spread out from the hands of the Grand Mage.

A huge path was created between the horde of demons that were rushing at her magic.

-Poohahahaha! Why don’t you try to defeat this body!

The one who jumped in there was the Dwarf King, running with a hammer larger than his own body.

-What are you waiting for, my brothers! Rise and fight together!

There were also the Barbarian Chieftain, the Necromancer, the Great Sword, and the Troll Sage.

-The only good demon is a dead demon.

-If possible, kill them without wounds like me! Their bodies are worth money!

-I will take care of this place.

The Elf Master and the Saintess also followed.

-Do not block my path. Cursed monsters.

-I will take care of healing the wounded.

It was teamwork with perfect offense and defense.

The eyes of the nobles in the banquet hall could not help but tremble.

“That’s…… the actual battle of the heroes…….”

However, they pointed to an unexpected figure.

“Huh? Who’s that guy?”

“Is he a demon?”

Besides the well-known heroes and their comrades, there was a man in a hood that they had never seen before.

The Knight King’s gaze wavered as he looked at him.

The greatest mind of the hero’s party.

The greatest strategist, whose face they had never seen, only Ryu Jin knew him.

But his appearance was brief.

The illusion vanished, and a fierce sight appeared immediately after.

-Dammit. To be defeated there.

-It was almost done… Just one more step…

The hero’s party had collapsed in front of the Demon King, who was bleeding profusely.

Only the final blow remained, but none of his comrades could get up.

In the end, the hero self-destructed to defeat the Demon King.

It was a sight of him sacrificing himself to save everyone.


The holy power brought down the Demon King and wiped out all the monsters.

The Knight King’s face also hardened as he recalled the situation at that time.

“That’s all the memories I’ll show you.”

Joo-yeon waved her hand.

The illusion that had captivated everyone’s hearts along with their hearts disappeared.

People sighed at the regrettable sight.

“So that was the end of the hero.”

“That’s how the last battle in the North ended?”

“If it weren’t for the hero’s sacrifice… We would have never won.”

It felt like they had glimpsed a part of the truth that they had only seen in history books.

Most of the details about the Demon King and the hero were hidden in darkness.

The problem was what came next.

At the end of the video, a single line of voice awakened their minds.

-I… will not die… I will definitely come back… and dye this place with a curse.


People were terrified by the creepy voice.

It was the Demon King.

The epitome of murderous intent and malice.

Despite being an illusion, the viewers felt a strong sense of fear that made it hard to breathe.

Soon, Joo-yeon opened her mouth.

“You see. This is the future you will face.”

Silence fell over the banquet hall.

“That kind of guy… is coming back?”

“We, no, the hero will have to face that kind of guy?”

This was the reason why information about the demons in the past was taboo.

To prevent the continent from being consumed by fear.

Finally, Joo-yeon chanted as if she had been waiting.

“The ظهور of the hero, the advent of the Demon King.”


“If the Demon King appears, the one who will become my master must also fight alongside me.”


Those who realized the meaning of those words froze.

Sighs escaped the mouths of those who had thought it was none of their concern up until now.

“Surely those words don’t mean that we have to fight too……”

“The Hero said in his final moments as he sacrificed himself, ‘This is my role.’”


“In order to accompany such a Hero, the one who will become his master must also be firmly resolved.”

Up until now, the Hero’s master had been thought of as a sweet treat that could be bought for a few pennies.

No one had known the weight that the title carried.

But now, everyone knew it.

“I…… I……”

“Fight such a monster? And risk my life?”

Everyone present in the banquet hall was afraid to speak rashly.

They simply stood there, their pupils trembling with fear.

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At that sight, the corners of the protagonist’s lips turned up.

“Surely you didn’t intend to simply reap the benefits?”

Those gathered in the hall froze.

Certainly, the Hero was an advantage that could not be given up, but the opponent was who it was.

“Are not the Hero and his companions those who possess the greatest strength in the current era?”

“Even such people fell to the Demon King……”

“To become the Hero’s master, such sacrifices must be made?”

However, not everyone had given up hope.

If the Hero had come out here, there must be some way.

They looked at the protagonist with such gazes.

“You can stop that guy just like the previous Hero, can’t you?”

“That’s right, so if we make the Knight King our master, surely……”

“It’s impossible to win.”

What did he say?

For a moment, the people doubted their own ears.

“Of course it’s possible to win…… Huh? What did you just say?”

“I said it’s impossible to win.”


The protagonist’s expression was indifferent.

However, the faces of the people in the banquet hall who heard those words twisted in seriousness.

“The Hero…… What did he just say?”

“It’s impossible to win?”

“Surely he’s not saying that he intends to leave everything to his master and that he’ll have his master save him?”

The temperature in the banquet hall dropped.

Some of the nobles began to shout at Joo-Heon.

“You crazy bastard! You’re giving up without even fighting!”

“You call yourself a hero! If you’re a hero, you should at least think about fighting the Demon King and winning!”

Joo-Heon waited for that reaction and smiled.

Joo-Heon had shown them the vision of the Demon King’s battle on purpose.

And he showed them the most despairing scene.

‘I can’t show them even a shred of hope. Keep being terrified like that.’

This was the atmosphere he had guided them toward in the first place.

Everything was going as he had planned.

Soon, people who had been confronted with reality asked Joo-Heon carefully.

“So what should we do? Should we just sit here and wait for death?”

“If the hero can’t do it…is there nothing left but despair?”

Joo-Heon shook his head at their reactions.

“I told you, you won’t be able to win if you keep fighting over food like this and trying to become masters yourselves.”


Everyone’s gazes, including the Empire’s 3rd Prince’s, were focused on him.

This was his chance.

It would have been absolutely impossible in the game.

In the first place, the option of persuasion itself would have been impossible.

‘But now, it’s different. I can pave a path that no one has succeeded in paving before.’


But surely.

Joo-Heon’s mouth slowly opened.

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