My Measurement: The Villain Desires a Satisfying Payback

Chapter 40: 38: Absolute Takeover

Dragged by the arm through the train carriages, the Order's grunts didn't seem to care about treating me nicely.

Hey, rookies.

You're supposed to handle 'the goods' with great care, you know?

You're supposed to make sure I get back to your base in one piece, you know?

You'll get hounded by your superiors if I'm in too bad of a condition, you know?



It's still early in the morning, so I'm a bit tired.

"No noise."


"The fuck're you talking to, you bastard?"

―Who are you to reprimand me?


The guy who told me to be quiet turned around and glared at me through the holes in his mask.

"Say that again, punk?"

He brought his assault rifle to my face, but there's no way I was going to flinch at something meagre like that.

"Hmm? Nice toy you got there~"

"Tch! Listen here, you fu--"

"--Stop. He's just trying to provoke you; don't let him rile you up. We were warned about this."

Cut off by the man leading at the far front, the guy ahead of me quickly cleaned up his act and remained silent.

"Awh~? You sure you wanna stay quiet...? Rookie-chan."

Unfortunately, the only response I got in return was Rookie-chan's trembling shoulders; presumably from irritation.

Well, there goes the fun of it.

"Ah, can I pee?"



What? How disrespectful is that?

"Please. It's really bad."


"I haven't gone today because I thought I'd be able to do it as soon as I got to school."

"If it's that bad, piss yourself."

...Excuse me?

What did you just suggest?

「He suggested that you relieve yourself here and now.」

"There's no one else here, and we're not letting you go unsupervised. Anyway, it's your choice. Why should we care if you piss yourself or not?"



Can you repeat that?

"No, but that's basic human decency--"

"--If you think we see you as a human, you are sorely mistaken. But, I'm sure you already know that without me telling you."

This is inexcusable.

"If you need to piss, piss yourself; if you need to shit, shit yourself. Just shut up and follow us peacefully; that way, no one will need to get hurt."


The only people who would get hurt are you guys, though.

For instance... Well, behind me is one grunt, and in front of me are two. The one behind me is also the only one facing me and is thus the only one who will be able to quickly react to my actions.

"...Hey, please? Really, I'm not messing around. Come on. I need to go. I really need to go. Please."

"I've already given you my answer."

"Ahhhh, but why...? That's such a―shame!"


Suddenly rotating my body, I flicked my leg to kick the grunt behind me in the arms.

As I did so, a hidden blade popped out from the side of my shoe and sliced his wrists.

"Agh, shit...?!"

I successfully took him by surprise; releasing the gun from his grasp and grabbing it for myself just as gravity took control.

"You s--!?"



Rookie and Leader turned around at the sudden ruckus, but it was too late.


"No, fuck--!?"

Bang Bang-!!

"...Hah. Pathetic."

Looking at them now, isn't it actually them who needs a moment of relief?

"What's that? 'Piss yourself'? Fuck you, bastard."


Adding a couple shots for good measure, the blades in my shoes retracted before I kicked the freshly-made corpses out of my way and proceeded quietly through the carriage.

Because of those gunshots just now, more of them will come.

Minus three―65 grunts remain.

I got a weapon now... Unfortunately, I couldn't take everything from my bag with me due to the rather abrupt disruption, so most of my gear has been left behind.

It would also take longer than I'd like to retrieve it, since I'd have to backtrack down to my booth and then all the way up to the conductor's cabin.

Still, I've got some useful items.

Seven more vials of the same poison gas I used before; Type B.

Eight vials of Type A poison gas.

Five vials of Type C poison gas.

Two vials of Type E poison gas.

One vial Type G.

Hidden blades in each of my shoes and in my sleeves.

Two thin daggers hidden on my left and right thigh―the left one being ever-so-slightly smaller.

Two detonators in my underwear.

And more.

The Order might have conducted heavy research on my life schedule, but they clearly didn't do enough on what tactics I prefer to use.

Not even checking my body for any potential dangers.

Letting me talk them into a false sense of security.

They weren't thorough at all.

Nonetheless, their procedure on the actual train takeover itself was quite well-done. I would have done it better by myself, obviously, but this isn't about how I would have done it.

Thus far, I will give the event... 53 points.

Mainly because it hasn't ended yet, and so I expect the excitement to continue to increase as the play progresses.

In any case.

[7:49 am]

Looking out the window, the East Weinstell Station eased into view as the train slowly grinded to a halt.

There was something I wondered about when I realised the Order planned to take over the train.

The Order had two options during this event.

See, if they wanted to capture me as soon as possible and as secretly as possible, then they could have easily committed the assault at an earlier time instead of when the train was already halfway through its journey.

They also could have stopped the train once they had taken over the conductor's cabin to give themselves more time.

Because, once the train reaches the next station, people will find out the train was a victim of terrorism.

The way they carried things out, the train will arrive at the station perfectly on time, and should theoretically speed up the inevitable process of people finding out what had occurred.

However, they hadn't.

The Order not stopping the train from reaching its destination was a tactical choice.

No, they 'wanted' it to reach its destination.


[You have arrived at: East Weinstell Station ▪ ▪ ▪ ]


The mechanical sound of the train's doors opening rang out in the otherwise silent corridor.

Thump Thump Thump Thump-!

Dozens of heavy footsteps powerfully resounded from outside; their consequential vibrations shaking the train as they boarded the locomotive.

Tak tak tak-!

Countless guns appeared, pointing in my direction.

"Don't speak a word."

All of a sudden, I was encased by an innumerable group of masked soldiers.

"Don't move a muscle."

Taking a glance through the window, I could even see rows upon rows of men lined up along the train's platform.

"We have you surrounded."

―They had taken over the entire station.

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