My Measurement: The Villain Desires a Satisfying Payback

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Should've Sent Them To Bed

Just like on August 1st, the days that ensued followed a similar pattern.

Convince rich betters which contestant is most likely to win for each fight → Guarantee that the other contestant is the winner → Profit.

Furthermore, thanks to my sweeping every opponent I'm paired up against within the first 30 seconds of the match, my persona 'Sage' is causing a huge stir in the betting community as an unstoppable dark horse of the tournament.

By the end of the first week, I had raked in over $1.2b in earnings.

With this much, I'll be set for a long time, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop it now.

Because, at the start of the second week is when most of the riff-raff have been weeded out of the tournament.

Meaning, bigger matches.

Meaning, bigger bet amounts.

Meaning, more money for me.

―This second week is when the real money will come in.

In any case, right now was the turning point of the festival as a whole. Sana and Sona have been doing a fantastic job so far, but they'll need to step up their game in order to trick the veterans.

By the way, Emir has been at the house this entire time; I didn't want him to interfere with my business for one, and he was still somewhat recovering from the effects of the mustard gas even now, so even if I wanted to bring him along for whatever reason, it wouldn't be practical.

Since he released those test subjects' souls outside the facility last week, I heard from Minami that she's giving them all the support they need to fit back in with society―of course, because they have Supernatural Abilities, she wants all of them to work for her.

Emir was working together with her on that, it seems, because he wanted the test subjects to receive the best support and care they could, apparently.

It sounded like a pain in the ass to me, but whatever floats their boats.

Rather abruptly, as I was overlooking the city from my five-star hotel room's balcony, two small voices sounded out behind me.


"...Excuse us..."


Turning around, I was faced by the twins. Currently, it was night-time, so the two should be sleeping, but instead, here they are in their pyjamas.

"Why aren't you sleeping? Is something wrong?"

I dreaded what the issue could be.

To be in their best possible condition at all times, sleep was necessary, and for children like them who were only ten years old, it was especially so.

However, if it turned out that the girls had a problem regarding falling asleep, like insomnia, then I'd have to take action to fix it as soon as possible.

"We, um..."

"...Wanted to stay..."

"With you..."

"...Is it okay...?"

Huh? What is this nonsense?

"What are you talking about? If you don't have any issues falling asleep, go to bed."


Silence passed for a moment, but the girls didn't move.

"...Why are you still here?"

"It is hard to sleep..."

"...We want to stay with you..."

Brows furrowed, a frown quickly formed on my face. "Go to bed. I won't be having any disobedience."

"But you said..."

"...If we did well..."

"We can have anything we want..."

――What the hell?

Indeed, I did say that, but this is ridiculous. Why on Earth would they want to spend time with me when they should be sleeping?


The Measurement of Truth quickly answered as much, but I wasn't inclined to believe it.

In fact, to me, the whole concept of loneliness seems ludicrous and utterly irrational, but I couldn't deny that it was a thing that many people experienced.


Loneliness? The twins are lonely? Seriously?

There is never a moment when they are apart. How could they possibly feel lonely?

「They desire attention from the person they perceive as their parent―You」

...Say what?



Why-- No, I suppose there's no point in wondering how it happened, just that it did.

I knew that most people had parents or guardians from the few years I spent trying to live a normal life at school, but, naturally, never experienced such a thing myself.

Never once did I think it was something that a child who was used to not having it would crave.

That's why it didn't make any sense to me that the twins, who had lived for so long in that facility with no other family to care for, were starting to look at me in that kind of way; especially when I don't even treat them like anyone would normally treat a child...

But then, it occurred to me...

Could it be Stockholm Syndrome...?

「There are many similarities」

No definite answer.

After a brief glance at the girls, I took my eyes off them and turned around to gaze upon the entrancing night-time cityscape.

"...If you're going to be that adamant about it, just do what you want."

I can't just turn around and say no when I made a promise to them.

If I started lying to them like that, then in the future they'd never listen to me or believe what I say, no matter how hard I try.

I mean, why would they?

It's obvious that a child isn't going to trust an adult they know lies to them. In fact, most mature people wouldn't; it is simple psychology, but others might call it common sense.

Furthermore, increasing their affection of me would only serve to be beneficial to me in the future.

Hearing my words clearly, the two approached and stood on either side of me, joining me to look out at the fascinating scenery ahead.

I didn't look at their faces, but I'd bet they were just as expressionless as always. A good poker-face was useful, though, and it's not like I would care anyway.

I think I remember hearing somewhere that proper emotional development is vital for a human to function well in the future, but I disagree.

Of course, I have emotions. There are things I like and things I dislike, just like normal people.

For example, I like fun things, and I don't like things that bother me.

I am also just as emotional as normal people, too, and I sometimes act impulsively on my emotions like a normal person.

For example, if there is something I don't like, then I'll get rid of it.

However, the importance of things like emotional development is greatly exaggerated. There's no need to ask the Measurement of Truth, because I already know what it would say:

「The positive impact of emotional development on a growing person is undeniable. It is arguable that the emotional development of a child shapes a large portion of that person once they have grown up」

I still thought it was overplayed.

Similar to how a child can grow up perfectly fine without a family or 'proper emotional development', there are several other things I've heard people say are necessary for a child's future, like social activity with other kids.

Even though, in reality, none of it is true.

After all, what is the point of social interaction for a child? It's not like there is a need to form any sort of meaningful connection with another―even if you do make something like a friend, they'll usually be gone after a few years in most cases no matter how close you become.

Playing with other kids, traditional education, family...

――Just what is "so good" about any of that stuff, anyway?


Both the peaceful silence and my internal soliloquy was suddenly broken by a synchronous murmur by my sides.


I wasn't going to complain or reprimand them, though.

The topic was getting rather icky for my tastes, so I wouldn't mind a change of subject.

"If we do a good job again..."

"...Can we ask for something...?"

What's this? Hah, weren't they getting a little cheeky now?

"Like always, if your performance is at least satisfactory, then I will grant you anything you want that is within reason."

―Still, a little bit of greed is always nice motivation.

"But, I don't think you two need to worry about not performing well as long as you keep doing the same as you have so far."


"...Thank you..."

"I don't understand the reason for thanking me. This is purely a transactional exchange; flattery and good manners will not earn you extra."

I said it just to remind them how things work, but they didn't seem affected by my words in the slightest.

"We still want to thank you..."

"...You've done a lot for us..."

Well, I suppose they are right with that.

I did save their lives, after all, and am now nurturing them with the intention to satisfy whatever materialistic desires they may have if they meet my expectations.

Thinking of it like that, wouldn't it be strange if they weren't thankful?

"Sure. Just do what you've been doing until now."

Another round of silence settled for a while, and soon, I thought it was time for the twins to sleep.

"Alright, this is enough. You're going to bed now."

I expected the two to simply nod and go straight back to their room, but instead, they stopped halfway and looked me in the eyes.


"...Can we ask something...?"

Staring at them for a moment, I replied, "One question," And they nodded their heads.

""Will you tell us your name...?""

Immediately, my face crumpled into a scowl.

"...No. Go to bed."

I wondered when they would ask me this, but why did it have to be now?



They seemed to sense my immense displeasure from the look on my face as the twins promptly accepted that I didn't want to answer and were about to return inside.

"...Sana. Sona."

That was, until I called them.

Halting in their steps, the twins both looked at me with the same, emotionless faces.

"After the festival."


I repeated myself.

"You may ask me after the festival. Assuming you perform well, of course."


"Um, yes...!"

"...Thank you...!"

Their faces were just as stone-cold as before, so it was hard to tell if the increased pitch in their voices, as if they were excited about something, was an illusion or not.

"Don't forget; you have to perform well."

Nodding in sync, the two then simultaneously ran back inside, disappearing from view.


Name, huh...

It wasn't long ago that I ranted about the concept of names. Thinking about it now, that was when the twins told me their names, wasn't it?

My thoughts on the matter remain the same as back then, of course, but...

――Just why was it that I suddenly felt like it might be okay to tell them, albeit for the minutest of moments...?


I refrained from asking the Measurement of Truth the answer to that question.

A hunch...

I had a hunch it was the type of question that would be beneficial for me to not hear the answer to.

...It was a mistake to let them stay out here with me; I should've sent them to bed.

Well, there's no point in regretting after it's already been done... I did say that I'd tell them my name after the festival, but...

...I'll simply give them some fake name, like one of the pseudonyms I used to use.


Just as I've always done.

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