My Measurement: The Villain Desires a Satisfying Payback

Chapter 148: 142: Story of the Past (3)

The Wardens of Future's Blight.

A secret organisation that worked collaboratively with the world's governments in order to secure the safety of the world; their role was to eradicate the blight that existed in the world and eliminate all that threatened its future, hence the name.

To the Wardens, there was a specific category of person who posed the highest level of risk when it came to the longevity of humanity.

That is, those who are called the 'Concepts'.

A Concept was an individual whose Measurement bore a certain level of implied significance; it didn't matter if they were particularly powerful or if they were weak, so long as it was something that met this vague criterion.

Either way, they were people who, if left alone to their own devices, would inevitably attract attention in one way or another and therefore wreak havoc in the wider world, whether intentionally or otherwise.

Currently, the Wardens knew of 9 such individuals bearing powers deemed worthy to be called a Concept.

Anywhere from zero to one Concept per Playground facility.

Despite that, it didn't mean every Concept lived in the Playground.

In fact, there was even a Concept whose identity remained unknown, despite the existence of their power being confirmed, and there was another whom they had no choice but to leave alone due to circumstances.

Nevertheless, because many of the so-called Concepts had one quirk or another, and the majority of them were required to be kept in specialised environments that limited the danger and instability of their powers, it was unavoidable that the Professors in charge of looking after them would have a hard time feeling safe and secure.

Many of the Professors in the San Cinelia Playground were awkward or uncomfortable around the Concept they held, the Concept of Truth, due to the fact that his cold gaze and "unfamiliar" presence alone made them feel a sense of extreme vulnerability.

Not knowing what disguised thoughts lay behind his impenetrable, unchanging and almost inhuman visage, and yet at the same time, having everything about yourself lay bare in front of him.

There was nothing one could hide, nothing one could prevent him from finding out if he so simply willed to know it.

In front of him, one's mind and heart were truly naked, and not just anyone could endure that feeling 24/7.

It was for this reason that the Professors of the San Cinelia branch all had to undergo rigorous examinations to assess whether or not they were responsible and capable enough to take care of and manage the boy despite bearing such a heavy presence.

Because of that, it only meant that the Professors overseeing him were that much more strict when it came to making sure things didn't get out of hand.

He may not have been a child with a particularly threatening or physically powerful ability, but that didn't mean he could be looked down on.

"I was thinking... What would you do if I made a threat, Professor?"

And so, when he said such a thing, coupled with his piercing stare that could freeze any grown man in his boots, the Professor felt a shiver run down his spine.

"Don't transfer either one of us."

He looked at the boy who demanded such a thing.

"...As I said, it's not up to me. I don't make those kinds of grand decisions."

"Then inform someone who does."


"I know you don't have that kind of influence. But, you have enough of it that those with power will listen to you. Tell them:"

The boy stared deep into the eyes of the speechless Professor.

"The only reason I'm here is because there's no reason for me to leave."

"The only thing that keeps me from going out is the fact that Ruti is here."

"I don't tend to intentionally hurt or kill you guys or anything because that would only make things difficult for me here, and besides, there's no reason to do those things, and to me, it isn't even fun."

"But, if you remove Ruti, then all of that disappears."

"So, don't make a transfer."

"Or else, I'll have a reason to stop you."

A moment of silence passed before the Professor eventually lowered his head.

"I will... Take note of that."

The warning would be passed along, and the higher-ups' decision would be notified later―with that reassurance, the Professor quickly dismissed the two kids from the office.

"Cee! Was that a confession?"

Immediately after exiting the Professor's office and having the door close behind them, Ruti exclaimed and peered into Cipher's face.


"You said the only reason you're here is because of me! It was so cool! Do you love me? You love me, right?"


"Ahhh, I knew it! We should get married! Hey, do you want to get married?"


"It's romantic~! Don't you think so?"

"I've never thought about it. It's not possible to get married in the Playground anyway, even if you wanted to."

"Whaaat? I'm sure they'll allow it if we ask reaaally nicely, right~? And then, if they still refuse, we can do what we did today!"


"Ah! Then, Cee, when we grow up, will you marry me?"

The two kids stared directly into each other's eyes.

"Will you? You will, right?"


Ruti, with bright, round amber eyes that gave off an unsettling feeling and an unsuppressed, utterly genuine smile plastered on her face that seemed to originate from the soul itself.


Cipher, with half-lidded eyes akin to the outer ocean, and donning a blank expression absolutely unfit for a child to wear.

Marriage was a concept they had only really experienced through TV and novels, as well as stories passed down from some of the Professors themselves.

Nonetheless, they knew it was generally something that two lovers did when they wanted to be together forever.

What is love?

Cipher, who had always been curious about everything, both around him and within him, had of course asked such questions.

Although the Measurement of Truth wasn't at all great at giving nuanced answers, and it often failed at accurately depicting human emotions and experiences, it could still give matter-of-fact and objective answers quite well.

What is meant by that, is simply this:

When asked the question, 'What is love?', the received response would be more along the lines of a literal definition than a nuanced explanation; something very different than the answer a human might give.

「An intense feeling of deep affection towards something, often a person or an activity, and often a feeling stemming from romantic attraction or attachment towards that thing」

This was the response given by Truth.

'An intense feeling of deep affection towards a person'.

Cipher knew he felt positively towards Ruti, but he wasn't sure if that sentiment was something intense enough to be called love, and that too wasn't something the Measurement of Truth could give a straightforward answer about.

He had never experienced anything like it, so it was only natural to be confused.

Perhaps things would be different if he were older and thought to ask deeper questions to gain a better overall understanding of it, but things weren't like that.

He didn't know the difference between 'like' and 'love'.

He also didn't understand what it really meant to love.

"When we grow up, will you marry me?"

So, when faced with such a question, as it was posed by someone he only knew he 'felt positively' towards, there was only one answer he felt like he could give.

For the alexithymic boy who remained clueless to his own internal emotions.

"If you want to."

He could only say the words he knew she wanted to hear.


Not long after the unspeakable explosion incident caused by Ruti and Cipher that resulted in the deaths of multiple Professors and even more hospitalisations, the kids heard some news.

"Cee, Cee! Did you hear? The replacement Professors are coming today! You heard, right?"

The two protagonists of the aforementioned incident were chatting happily as they ate breakfast together in the San Cinelia Playground's cafeteria. Needless to say, they sat at a table with no one else willing to approach them, but they appeared as if they didn't even notice.

"Hey, hey. Do you know more about it? Can you tell me?"

Cipher nodded at Ruti's relentless tugging on his clothes.

"Yes; there are eleven new standard Professors as well as a new Head Professor to replace the old guy."

"Woww, really~? That's a lot of new people! Hey, you know what we should do?"

He already knew what she was about to suggest even without asking Truth, but decided to respond like reading from a script anyway, despite the evident apathy.

"What's that?"

Prompted by his clearly indifferent question, Ruti jumped out of her seat with enthusiasm as if that didn't matter.

"We should play a game with them!"


"What do you mean, 'why'? Cee, it's important to show them who's boss around here, you know? We gotta make it clear that they can't mess around with us!"

"Is it necessary? I don't think they'll do anything any time soon after what we did this time."

"No, no! Cee, we have to!"

Tilting his head slightly, Cipher didn't quite understand her reasoning but didn't argue.

"Okay. What do you want to do?"

"Yayy~! So, what I want to do is this..."

The two mischievous kids began their planning, but there never came a time to put it into practice.

Because, the very next day, Cipher found himself standing in front of the brand new Head Professor's office.

Having already taken the modified sedative medication that seemed to have been changed slightly, he felt his level of energy having vastly lowered as an overwhelming sensation of lethargy dominated his body and mind.

"Ah, I see you've arrived. This is our first meeting. I've heard many stories, but it's a pleasure to meet you in person, young Concept of Truth."


The boy entered the office and what greeted him was an innocuous middle-aged man.

"My name is Marcus Lynton, and I will now be taking charge around here."

Before him was the new Head Professor of the San Cinelia Playground.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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