My Last Hunt

Chapter 139: Level Four (39)

Chapter 139: Level Four (39)

Level Four (39)


At that moment, a hunter came running to tell that the monster was trying to break the second side of the bridge and the leader could not ask or inquire anything further from Qiao. The Silver Class leader gathered his men and started to give them instructions to prepare for the hunt. Any further delay could become a lethal factor. 

"Collect all the traps we have and lay them out on the upper layer of the lake. Bind them to strong upholds for example big trees or large boulders nearby to maintain their stability." He ordered two of his men. 

These traps with strong anchors will be used by the Silver Class for support when they would need to jump from the bridge to follow the whereabouts of the monster. 

After setting these measures, the leader ordered them to bring both the seniors who would be giving them instructions at the times of crisis and also using their active stones to provide them with footing in the air. 

Middletown had sent these two seniors to help assist the Silver Class in this hunt with necessary equipment which was called the Stone. One could provide with this the kind of support against monsters that could retrieve anyone who was injured quickly and at the same time allow another to switch immediately to attack with the others. 

The responsibilities were already divided and the team was ready. Qiao was also there standing at some distance near the team, observing. It seemed as if all others had forgot that he was present there. They had to focus on their jobs right now and could not spare any attention elsewhere. It was because if the monster made another attempt then the bridge would certainly be damaged slightly. 

The atmosphere around the lake was dense and foggy overwhelmingly. The hunters were uncertain what would happen next and the giant monster was bent to destroy the bridge at any cost while they were here to protect it. 

The anchors were finally put to provide extra support to whoever that had to jump. 

"No, we can't just rely on this setup. If anyone were to jump, even with the support of any stone or trap, to jump in the water would mean death." 

The leader firmly held the extension of the bridge and suddenly exclaimed. His point of view was clear. If any single hunter jumped down to attack from the bridge, no matter if he was given protection with the stone or the straps, he was still bound to be caught by the monster. 

"I can provide three hunters with support at a time within a range of around thirty feet from my position during the attack. Whoever makes  a big leap beyond this limit would be in danger." The senior who was here to assist told the leader.

He was a retired hunter and currently living and running a guild in the Middletown. Since he was responsible to lend help when needed, he had come with other senior. 

"This is not especially a big range, considering the height of the monster and the present placement of the bridge. You have to extend this limit or think of a way to do so as soon as possible." the leader was not satisfied. They were running short of time and their limits were a hindrance to start a battle soon. 

Both seniors walked away a little to discuss what they could come up with to tackle this situation. "I have a level eight stone but it needs a strong person to keep it active. Or if we both could use our last tokens for this purpose, it might give some hope." The other senior spoke first. 

The first senior looked toward the dense lake and appeared worried, "If you have a stronger stone then I am willing to sacrifice my life to keep it active." He grimly uttered. 

He has seen many battles between monsters and hunter, spend a whole life full of adventures and the essence from his long journey that he had gathered was to protect his world at times when it was needed. Right now was that situation, so forgetting all the selfish thoughts he had to step forward. 

The other senior nodded his head and patted on his shoulders, 

"We both will keep it active and I believe that Silver Class will be able to defeat the monster." He answered and looked toward the enthusiastic team. They were not thinking about using a Twang tremor stone to stifle the groans of the monster because all of them were at level five peak at the least. The senior teams were level five peak while the Silver Class was at level six while the both seniors were level seven. 

They both could have hunted it easily but the problem was the Snow Island itself. They could not use high level stones freely here as a weapon and this was the reason that Snow Island was always under the radar for no monster was allowed to attain a high level to create trouble. 

If Monster's were able to develop, then they could use their natural armours against hunters. But hunters could not use stones in the battle on the Snow Island. A few research teams were sent to find the reason behind this but they never returned. 

"If we both work to keep the stone active, then who would stand besides Silver Class?" the second senior asked. 

"Sigh, I don't know. The organizers are much too old to withstand any battle, they are only fit to sit and order. While a few other teams are protecting the premises of the encampment." He shrugged because they were short of time for any further planning. 

Presently, a big monster which was mix of two colours, yellow and blue, was moving under the surface of the lake. The fog at the surface was moving with it's movement and the body resembled that of a water dragon, while two big flippers at its rear resembled a whale. 

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