My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 569: Beyond His Capability

King Richard arrived at the scene and saw that nothing had happened to Roland; he was doing well. However, Lord Roland seemed furious at Fang Xiaoyan for injuring his son.

King Richard sighed in relief and asked, "It's good to see you're doing well, Robert. How do you feel? Any discomfort or pain?"

"Your Majesty, please! Avenge my son with your authority!" Lord Roland immediately bowed his head, his anger at Fang Xiaoyan clear.

"That's right, Your Majesty! You must avenge me and punish those people for their wrongs," Robert added, bowing his head as well, a furious look on his face, humiliated by the loss of face in front of everyone.

King Richard stared at them for a long moment, wondering how he should break it to them that he couldn't do anything. This was beyond even his authority as king.

'I doubt even the Emperor could force Yuan and his wives to do anything, even if they were in the wrong... I hope Lord Roland can understand the situation and forget about revenge,' King Richard thought with a sigh.

'Besides, Lady Valeria is with them, so maybe Lord Roland will let this go.' He was hoping for the best.

"Lord Roland, I urge you and your son to forget this incident. It's impossible for me to bring justice in this case," King Richard said, his voice heavy with resignation.

"Y-Your Majesty…" Lord Roland and Robert both looked at him in confusion.

King Richard placed a hand on Lord Roland's shoulder and continued, "They are not people we can offend. They're simply too powerful. The one responsible for your son's condition could destroy the entire kingdom with just a breath."

"W-What?! You must be joking, Your Majesty!" Lord Roland stared at him in disbelief, his eyes wide.

"T-This can't be true…" Robert echoed, equally shocked.

Seeing their expressions, King Richard sighed again. "As impossible as it sounds, it's the truth. The woman who hurt your son is the strongest among them."

"I'm just glad she only tossed your son a few meters for his behavior towards her. If it had been Yuan, he would've separated his head from his body." King Richard spoke gravely, frowning at Robert.

Robert hung his head in shame, realizing that King Richard knew about his lecherous behavior and the way he had been staring at another man's wife.

Lord Roland, too, looked at his son, his eyes wide in disbelief. No wonder his son had been beaten by a woman. Though he acknowledged his son's wrongdoing, he couldn't ignore the fact that it had been a woman who had beaten him—especially in front of so many people.

King Richard watched their reactions before sighing again. "I know this situation frustrates you, but there's nothing else I can do. Pursuing this will only endanger the kingdom."

"I hope you'll both forget this incident. It's the best solution for everyone. I'll take my leave now. Please, think on my words, Lord Roland." With that, King Richard turned and left the scene.

Father and son remained silent, staring after King Richard, the tension between them heavy.

"I can't believe His Majesty is powerless before a young man and a few unknown women... This is unbelievable," Robert mumbled, still dazed.

Lord Roland took a deep breath and sighed before turning to his son. "In this world, there are powerful forces we must not offend… One day, you'll understand how the real world works when you experience it for yourself."

"I see… Sigh, I shouldn't have looked at that woman in such a way. This is all my fault," Robert said, a defeated look on his face. If the king himself couldn't act against them, how could he even think of revenge?

From King Richard's tone, it was clear that he held these unknown people in great respect, as though he owed them his life.

"Robert, you need to let go of any thoughts of revenge. Act as if none of this happened," Roland said after a brief silence. "I've already lost one son. I don't want to lose another… So think carefully before acting on impulse."

"I understand, Father. Don't worry. Even if I wanted revenge, I know it's impossible," Robert replied.

After a couple of hours resting and chatting with the Royal Family, Yuan and his wives decided it was time to return to the inn. They'd been away for over a week, and Miss Zara was probably worried.

"Yuan, won't you stay in Roth City for the night?" Tristan asked.

"No, I have other plans. It should only take two to three hours to return to the capital. There's still time before lunch, so we'll leave now," Yuan replied after a moment's thought.

"Is that so? What a pity. I had hoped we could share a drink together," Tristan sighed.

Yuan smiled and said, "There will be plenty of opportunities in the future. For now, we must take our leave and return to the capital as soon as possible."

He then turned to his wives, who had been waiting patiently while he finished his conversation with Tristan. They had already wrapped up their own chat with Aurelia.

"Darling, it seems Prince Tristan wants to be friends with you. Fufu~" Anna giggled softly, hugging his arm between her breasts.

"Well, that's no surprise," Grace said with a soft smile, the usual coldness absent from her face. "Our darling is so strong that being friends with him brings many benefits—but also a bit of danger, since the world hungers for power."

"Indeed," Mireya chimed in, a proud smile lighting up her beautiful face. "Your fame has spread like wildfire across the continent. Powerful nations will want you on their side. It wouldn't surprise me if people started approaching us with offers to join their ranks."

She then wrapped her arms around Yuan's neck, placing her palm gently on his chest, feeling his heartbeat with a tender expression.

Yuan smiled and wrapped his arms around Mireya's slender waist, pulling her closer until her large breasts pressed against his chest. He leaned in until their faces were just an inch apart.

"You seem to know a lot about nobles and politics… Are you hiding something from me?" Yuan teased her with a small grin.

Mireya stared at him, speechless, wondering if Yuan had already figured out the secret she had been keeping from him and the other wives.

'Could he already know about my real identity? It seems impossible... but also possible…' Mireya thought, feeling conflicted. 'What should I do? Should I tell everyone about mine and Sylvia's true identity? Will they be angry for keeping it from them?'

While she was lost in thought, Yuan smiled gently and kissed her, pressing his lips to hers with surprising passion. Mireya, caught off guard, blinked before melting into the kiss, tightening her arms around his neck and returning his affection with equal fervor.

"Yuan…" she murmured against his lips, deepening the kiss.

Seeing the passionate display, the other wives couldn't help but feel jealous.

"I want to kiss my husband too!" one of them exclaimed.

"Me too! I don't want to be left out!"

"I also want my turn! I won't be left behind,"

"But I'm his big sister! I should get to kiss him first!" Lily said, crossing her arms.

"You can't use your 'big sister' card to get ahead! That's cheating!" the others protested.

Yuan chuckled and shook his head, watching them bicker like children despite their maturity. "Alright, no fighting. Everyone will get their turn, one after the other. Just be patient," he said, trying to calm them down. Their playful squabble had drawn some attention from passersby.

Hearing his voice, the wives stopped arguing and looked at him excitedly. Even Fang Xiaoyan seemed eager, which caught Yuan off guard.

'Does Fang Xiaoyan really think about getting pregnant from me…?' Yuan thought, smiling awkwardly at her enthusiasm.

"Hubby, don't kiss that dumb chicken—her mouth smells like bugs," Xi Meili suddenly said, pointing at Fang Xiaoyan.

"What?! How dare you call me that, you dumb lizard! You're the smelly one—your whole race reeks!" Fang Xiaoyan shouted back, her face red with fury.

Yuan could only sigh, watching them bicker. It seemed they found any excuse to pick on each other.

Yuan spent the next several minutes kissing each of his wives in turn to keep them from feeling left out. Although part of him enjoyed seeing their playful rivalry, he decided not to let it escalate.

A short while later, Yuan and his wives bid farewell to the Royal Family and flew toward the capital city on their flying swords.

After nearly four hours of travel, the Capital City came into view, with its towering walls, the beautiful palace at the center, and the sprawling town of the Common Realm below.

"Finally, we're back! I wonder how Miss Zara and Little Zoe are doing at the inn," Lily exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement, eager to reunite with them.

"Well, from what I know of Miss Zara, she's a very kind person with a warm heart. Since she considers us family, she must be quite worried about us," Yuan said with a smile, hovering above the Capital City.

Anna smiled and added, "Exactly. Let's not keep her worrying any longer—let's show up and put her mind at ease."

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