My Blood Legacy: Reincarnated as a Vampire

Chapter 140: Dante is Jealous

The first reaction of the people was more soft murmurs about the rumors suring her; at the same time, she, with dignified steps, advanced along the red carpet laid out before her, with confidce.

Today was the day the Emperor would see the worst side of Velryna.

Dante stared at Velryna for several minutes until he felt Nafiri's hand hit his shoulder. "Don't lose focus, you're attracting atttion," she said as she saw some glances hitting Dante from afar.

Just as several people moved to greet the Imperial Princess, something that didn't make Dante happy at all, especially because of the previous commts.

Nafiri saw Dante's displeased expression and interved, "Don't go greet her, wait for the Emperor," she said, clearly seeing that he wouldn't allow others to observe her. She herself felt the pressure of Dante's possessive gaze.

'This man is completely crazy about that woman, his aura is affecting me!' Her thoughts slightly blurred, but soon, her hands were withdrawn from his shoulder. "Don't worry, I know what I have to do," he said, staring at her. Now he had nothing else to do, unfortunately, he would have to maintain his composure until the coronation of the new Emperor.

While Dante watched Velryna greeting the guests, his eyes turned to other things, mainly the m at the party, who began to approach.

'Hold on.' Dante forced himself and stayed in the corner just watching the sce.

"How are you, Princess?" A blond man approached, wearing a dark gre suit. He slightly bowed in reverce. "You're as beautiful as ever," he said and Velryna gave a wry smile. She was extremely uncomfortable, much more because in the distance, she saw Dante looking at her with a gaze that seemed like an dless abyss.

'Don't look at me like that!' She roared inwardly, but couldn't show it. She felt like a doll in those fanciful dresses that she usually avoided wearing.

Dante, on the other hand, stared at her ev more, having slight bouts of jealousy as he watched her talking to another man.

"Princess?" The man in front of her questioned. "O-oh, y-yes, hello Sir Edward, it's be many years since I last saw you," she replied, slightly stuttering. In fact, she was terrified that her husband would advance and kill everyone at this party, but she stood her g.

'You can do it, Velryna, it's just a conversation with useless m,' she said and continued the small talk with the attdees. Many idiots showed up, especially the sons of the dukes who thought they really had what it took to deal with this woman, but Velryna was cold with most of them. Despite that, one was bothering her a lot.

This was the son of Baron Gordon, Kayn. He was a charming man, with silky brown hair and gre eyes, but to Velryna, he seemed like an ogre dressed as a noble. However, he wouldn't leave her alone.

"Ah, my beautiful Princess Velryna, what an honor it is for me to offer my hand in marriage. I'm sure our union would be advantageous for both parties," he said in front of everyone. Dante, on the other hand, was almost going supernova watching the sce.

Murmurs began to spread through the crowd as the guests exchanged looks of surprise and disbelief at Kayn's audacity.

Velryna was shocked and couldn't respond to this, but she had to find a way to handle it.

'Think! Think! Think!' She shouted internally, deciding to go down the path of politess. She said, "Sir Kayn, your offer is kind, but I must remind you that the choice of a husband is a delicate matter that cannot be decided so hastily." Kayn, on the other hand, just laughed arrogantly and advanced again.

"I understand, my dear. But why prolong the inevitable? Everyone knows there's no more suitable candidate than me to be your husband."

The whispers intsified as the guests reacted to Kayn's display of prettiousness, while some cast strange looks at Princess Velryna.

Velryna was truly a woman spok ill of for not really having the deccy of a princess. She didn't attd high society evts, let alone care about shopping or "princess" things. She followed the path of the sword, so she was always heavily judged. Now, however, a mere son of a Baron was saying he was the best candidate...

That was humiliation on various levels, and the participants of this party were really laughing at the situation from afar.

"A Princess demoted to a mere Baron? That's the humiliation he was causing.

"It seems that the young man's arrogance outweighs his discretion, doesn't it? Well, I was told that trash gathered here, and it seems that it's really true," Dante's voice echoed throughout the room, making everyone nervously look at him as if they were facing a sword.

'I warned him not to interfere,' Nafiri, watching from afar, couldn't help but sigh seeing her boss, the idiot, messing up again because of a pretty face.

"I apologize, I may sound very rude wh I speak to scum that seeks what is mine," Dante appeared in front with a smile and firmly held her hand. "My dear Velryna already has a fiancé," he said this way, making the whole hall fall silt.

Murmurs came from all directions as Velryna felt pressured and embarrassed. Dante wanted to laugh, but he couldn't; the situation didn't allow him to appreciate his lovely, cute wife.

"And who would you be?" Kayn said quickly, and Dante stared at him, the height differce was really significant, almost a foot.

Dante faced him and looked down at him. "A mere fool without any etiquette wants to ask my name? You're not qualified ev to stand near me," Dante said, his gold eyes piercing the man, who lost the strgth in his legs and quickly fell to the g.

Kayn... was st for a second to the d of times, or rather, Dante's new mtal world, with the sce of a Huge Dragon staring deeply into his eyes. He had no choice but to kneel.

"That's settled," Dante laughed as he put his arm a Velryna, who lightly hid her face in his chest. She wanted to cry, but she couldn't. So, she turned with one of the most perfect smiles ever and looked at Dante, who smiled back.

Too bad this little momt wouldn't last long.

As murmurs intsify and guests stir with Dante and Velryna's currt sce, a solemn silce spreads through the main hall as the doors op majestically. The distinct sound of trumpets echoes through the corridors, announcing the arrival of the illustrious Emperor.

"His Majesty! Emperor Adam Smith!" Came from the announcers next. "His Majesty! Crown Prince Ethan Smith!" and lastly. "The Bride of the Crown Prince, Axil Yuruz!"

Dressed in impeccable military uniform and adorned with shiny medals, the Emperor tered imposingly, his presce exuded respect and admiration from all prest. But for Dante, it only made him want to vomit. He had se Adam wh he was a child, but despite the passing years, this guy hadn't changed at all. It was as if it were still the same as years ago. 'Blessing of the Hero in...

what an aberration.'

It wasn't any differt from the sight of Ethan, who wore something similar, a military suit with a cape. Honestly, Dante would use that to hang him if he had the opportunity to get close. But he didn't ev care about that piece of shit; he would have his d soon.

What really caught his atttion was the woman beside him, Axil Yuruz, the bride of the Crown Prince. She had a differt aura from the wom in that place, a unique and chanting aura.

Dante carefully observed every step of the woman, her long purple hair falling over her back and shoulders in silky waves, so beautiful that the light reflected off them. The deep eyes and a differt shine, like a fairy. Dressed in an elegant silk dress in shades of violet and lilac, adorned with silver details and pearls.

She stole the sce, much more than at Velryna's trance, but for some reason, Dante wasn't really annoyed with someone stealing the spotlight.

This was the future Empress, in case Dante couldn't stop Ethan, but well... That was out of the question.

For a mere second, their eyes met, and Axil herself froze for a second as she fell into Dante's eyes, but Dante felt his hand being squeezed and quickly looked away.

"Don't ev think about looking at another woman." Ashamed, but determined, Velryna was protecting what was hers. She wouldn't share!

Dante couldn't help but smile seeing his little princess jealous of just an exchange of glances.

So, Dante looked again and stared directly at Ethan, who didn't notice his gaze.

'That idiot is so weak he can't ev feel he's being watched? This is going to be ridiculous.' Dante thought, and soon the Emperor's voice tered his ears.

"It seems I arrived at quite an interesting time... May I know why my daughter is embraced with a man I don't know?" The sovereign voice made everyone tremble, ev Velryna and Ethan, but Dante?

He stared at him, as if two lions were disputing territory.

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