My Blood Legacy: Reincarnated as a Vampire

Chapter 136: A Meeting of Magical Sluts

The current world scenario couldn't be worse. Wars were erupting, and stability continued to decline - in fact, it barely existed and was only supported by its rulers who tried to control the problems, but that wasn't enough. While Valentina remained trapped within Alice's infinite prison, constantly increasing her strength, Morgana was forming a faction.

She was already aware of Hellsing's decline and was searching for the Valkyries across all realms. Her trusted witches had spread throughout the supernatural world in search of the remaining vampires loyal to Valentina.

Morgana Scarlet, the most dangerous woman in the supernatural world today, the woman whose mourning transcended ten years, was truly furious with everything she had discovered upon her return, especially with the actions of Adam Smith, who had expelled Hellsing like dogs.

"By being here, I believe you agree to my terms," Morgana's mature voice resonated in the tea party world. An ability she specifically created for her trusted witches, an external dimension of the Umbral and Nighsphere world, managed by her. The world was simple, it was a materialization of her adapted Mental World, a Supreme Domain that Morgana ruled as the Sovereign Goddess.

It was an easier explanation to give to the witches than simply saying it was her real magic.

Everything was chaotic just because a little boy died ten years ago. Not only that, but the destructive actions around the world were strange, and Morgana felt she could no longer just search tirelessly for a way to bring him back. It might all seem exaggerated, but Morgana didn't want the incident from ten years ago to be camouflaged by foolish rulers who couldn't even protect an academy.

When she saw Dante's death, she almost destroyed the entire world with her pressure alone. Cracks in all the walls of the academy began to appear, and she almost killed all the students with the pressure of her anger. That scene never left her mind. Regardless of whether it was one of the Seven Deadly Sins or not, this could not be accepted.

Thousands dead, teachers who should have been protectors were completely subjugated, as were two Grand Masters in the sword. This incident was an affront.

Thousands of new clans emerged, new cities and dwellings began to form away from the eyes of rulers who had lost the trust of their people. Even humans who had access to Nightphere decided to return to their regions in Umbral. In summary: the strength of the rulers was undermined. No one could have predicted this, but it was a blow to all the major governments of the supernatural world.

Only Vlad managed to keep his people united... precisely because he was the progenitor of a race.

While all this was happening, she lost ten years, a gap that she needed to understand. In ten years, she turned into a little girl. It was a nightmare, torture every day she spent without sleeping, just wanting her faith to take effect and the boy to return.

"We agree, however, we are not fools to blindly follow you, Morgana," a woman, one of the witches sitting at the round table said; this was Equidna, she was pale and had purple eyes accompanied by pure white hair.

"I agree with Equidna, we cannot blindly follow a woman who cannot overcome mourning," another woman said, her skin was black, and she had red hair, like a pair of mountains on her torso, Rowena.

"Rowena is right, what guarantee do we have that you will fulfill our objective?" Circe, the Shape-shifting Witch said, she had black hair and rabbit ears.

"I'm here only for money, please, don't drag me into this fight! I seek Profits not Loyalty!" Dion Fortune... the most gold-greedy woman that exists, and it reflects in her appearance, with various expensive accessories and clothes that could cost buildings, accompanied by the beautiful and regal figure of her golden-haired and red-eyed appearance.

"Ignore this lunatic, don't take her seriously, she only thinks about money." Catherine said, the Seer Witch, Catherine Monvoisin, one of the three named witches from the White Tower just like Fortune, she had curly orange hair and emerald green eyes.

"I don't see why I'm here Morgana, I'm not a strong witch." Joan Wytte, the third summoned from the White Tower, also known as the best Healer among witches only after Alice, of course.

"I called you here because I know you are the only witches who don't blindly follow my Mother," Morgana explained and stood up.

"If you're going to start talking about Dante Scarlet again, I'm leaving." Equidna said and Morgana looked at her very seriously and the whole world trembled.

"When I'm speaking, you stay quiet." She said and they all trembled slightly, except Joan, she didn't feel anything actually.

"It's time for us to stop these wars," Morgana said and all the present witches stared at her deeply. "What do you mean by that?" Catherine said, observing her seriously.

"It's what you heard, we don't have any more time to let the world destroy itself," Morgana explained and looked at her Witch sisters.

"The Walpurgis will interfere in these idiotic disputes, it's time to stop these massacres." Morgana said seriously, but of course, she didn't care about these massacres, what she really wanted was something else.

To help the people rebuild and collect favors, and what did she want? Knowledge. Her greed for knowledge to bring Dante back to life was so great that she would wage wars, she was possessed by bringing him back.

"Hahahahaha" The loud laughter of a new witch echoed in the room. "Lyra." Morgana said and the woman appeared in the place.

Long purple hair, golden eyes, and a luxurious white dress like a bride's, in her hands a wooden staff quite different.

"The Branch of the World Tree," Morgana thought, observing the structure of the staff. "How did you get in here?" Morgana questioned; this place was supposed to be private.

"Well, the door was open," Lyra said, shrugging as if it was nothing. "You still have a lot to learn, sister," she said, and a vein popped on Morgana's head, who was about to conjure a meteor to strike Lyra, but before that...

"Oh, don't look at me like that, I came in peace!" She said, laughing, mocking Morgana, who was getting angrier by the moment.

"Just say what you want," Morgana said, and Lyra stared at her with a mischievous smile. "Isn't it obvious? I came to join your little group of idiotic witches," she said, and all the witches looked at her completely differently; their gazes were wild as if a fight was about to start, even Joan was like that, and she was a pacifist.

"Hey, don't look at me like that, I just want to bring my brother-in-law back!" Lyra quickly said with a smile, and Morgana summoned thousands of magical circles into the world, the ground began to crumble, and everything turned into a galaxy of magical circles.

"Say it again if you dare," Morgana said, and Lyra smiled slightly. "Anti-Magic," she said, and everything stopped. The world shattered, and they returned to the tea party location.

"What are you planning?" Morgana said; she already knew Lyra had Anti-Magic, but at the same time knew that unlike her mother, the complete ability had not been achieved, so she wasn't worried, and again Morgana's domain emerged, breaking Lyra's smile completely.

"Monster," Lyra said, surrendering. "You still have a long way to go, big sister." Lyra now looked more normal.

"Keep your out-of-control split personality, and one day someone impatient will kill you," Morgana said, she was angry.

"Sorry, big sister, I have no control over her. But what she said is true, I came to help with my brother-in-law!" She said super excitedly, as if it were another personality.

"Ah, seriously, one of these days I'm going to end up killing you if you're not careful," Morgana said with a long sigh, and the witch in front of her shrank. "I know it's not your fault," Morgana caressed her head, and a smile appeared on her face. "Come on, we need to start moving," Morgana said, and the other witches nodded.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world...

"Repeat," Ethan said, his gaze nervous, as if he could pierce Jun-he's head in front of him.

"M-majesty, everything was destroyed, and thousands of nobles died, there was nothing left..." Jun-he said, and she couldn't do anything about it; she was just a secretary.

"You're telling me that, coincidentally, someone invaded the place and massacred everyone?" Ethan questioned as he stood up from his chair.

"I-I don't know!" She said quickly, afraid of being punished. "What happened there?"

"A man invaded the place, he wore a mask, but his hair was red. He started setting fire to the place and killed everyone after stealing the Lance you got from the vampires." Jun-he said, and Ethan froze in fear. "Tell me it's not the Red Lance," he commented quickly, and Jun-he, for a moment, wanted to start whistling and pretend she didn't hear the question.

"Jun-he... send all the knights to surround my sister's party tomorrow, she's going to be killed at any cost," Ethan said, and Jun-he "Now?" she questioned; it was still night. "OF COURSE!" He shouted, and she ran out while Ethan put his hand over his face.

"Who's doing this to scare me?" He questioned the wind. "First they stole the dragon from me, now the succubus and the Lance..." He continued to speak slowly and looked at the mirror.

"Velryna, if this is your doing... You'll pay for playing with me."

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