Modern Weapons Cheat in Another World

Volume 3 - Ch 3


The construction of a highway connecting the Parabellum outpost in the forest to the Canary Kingdom and the non-human alliance had finished amazingly early due to the efforts of the mechanised engineer corps, so troops were beginning to be sent.Kazuya himself landed in the non-human alliance territory aboard the VC-25 also known as air force one, with a slight delay from the first group of soldiers.


Other aircraft were lined up in the hangars, containing the aircraft in the squadronunder the command of Major Rudel.The fighter-bombers, the F-15E Strike Eagleand the A-10and theair superiority fighter the F-15. Kitted out with GBU-12 Paveway II laser guided missiles and GPS directed JDAM MK-80 series missilesas well as CBU-87/B cluster bombs, which could be interchanged with the CBU-72 fuel-air explosive, Napalm, etc The airborne bomb maintenance squad were currently preparing the aircraft for sortie.

Shifting his eyes again,he saw a variant of the C-130 transport aircraft, the AC-130 attack gunship. A great deal of shells were being loaded into the 40mm machine guns and 105mm howitzer. It wascurrently preparing to rain shells upon the advancing imperial army.

The F-22s were alsopreparing to scramble, that fighter specialised in stealth and speed, capable of travelling supersonic if needed. It was a 5th generation aircraft and the worlds first stealth fighter. It usedAIM-120C AMRAAMs based on the F-16 multi-role strike fighter. It was loaded with 6 shots ofAIM-9L/M Sidewinders, 2 shots of anti-aircraft guided missiles and 2 AGM-65 Mavericks.

The only aircraft not on basewas the strategic bombers, the B-52 Stratofortress, B-1 Lancer, B-2 Spirit etc they were currently flying from Parabellum ready to bomb the imperials, with strict orders not to land at the Deiresu base unless it is an emergency.

M256 44120mmM240 7.62mmM2 12.7mmM144120mm44120mm10

Kazuya, who had finished looking at the state ofthe Deiresu base began to smile as walked towards the HQ along with Chitose and the maids.

Ive been waiting. President

The commander of the Deirusu base Major General Milly greeted Kazuya, offering him a seat. Kazuya became tense and sat down, Milly was a beauty. With slanted eyes and glasses bearing a close resemblance toa career woman. She began to report the current state of affairs.

As you can see, all of the troops youve sent have already arrived. When the formal signing ceremony for the alliance is completed, we can move immediately on your orders

You work fast..

Hai! Thank you very much!!

Showing a wry smile to the proudly saluting Milly. Kazuya set off in a humvee tothe demon kings castle in the non-human alliances capital, to sign the agreement.

The demon castle had completely betrayed Kazuyas expectations. It was just a normal castle.

Kazuya who had entered the castle district area was looking at thestreets from the car, whilst being guided by Marquis Oliver.

Those people.?

Them? Theyre refuges from the villages and towns caught up in the war. Currently theres too many of them, we cant support them all

Whilst gazing at the dark expressions of the refugees, Kazuya entered the gate to the demon castle where the demon king waswaiting.

What kind of form does the demon king have?does he have horns as expected?

Whilst walking towards the demon kings room, Kazuya noticed that he knew nothing aboutwhomhe was going to meet. So his imagination ran wild.

The demonking iswaiting in here

-Marquis Oliver said as he stopped at a luxuriously decorated door.

The demon king is in there.

Kazuya gulped loudly. steeling his mind, before entering the room.

Ugu..welcome King of Parabellum to the non-human alliance

.Ah, you foun..

A woman!? More over badly injured!?

What Kazuya saw as he entered the room was not a big muscular man, like he expected.

Instead, there stood a woman, missing her left eye. With a bandage covering her elbow as the rest of her arm was missing. Her abundant chest was moving up and down as she breathed roughly. She had an agonised expression. I remember, Marquis Oliver did say that the demon king is wounded. Even so, I did not think the injury was this serious. Shouldnt her vassals be dealing with us instead of her?

Saying that, they were currently waiting on the demon king. However, not one of them was uninjured. Yetnone of them had an injury even close to as serious as the demon kings.

there was also a few.unfriendly gazes mixed in. Well it cant be helped. Many humans had committed genocide against their races, it isnt strange to hold hostility to the entire human race itself.

I was directed to my seat alongside the vassals, a few of which still displayed open hostility.

Etto. I guess we should start with self introductions. Im the demon king Amira Rozanguru and Im a part of the non-human alliance. By the way, myrace is Ogre. You can call me Amira, Rozanguru is too long, so Ill overlook it. Be thankful okay?

One of the vassalssuddenly whispered into Amiras ear as she changed into a casual tone halfway through.

Oh, it doesnt matter. Im weak with this formal stuff as well

Really? If you say so then Im saved

Amira smiled at Kazuyas words, whilst enduring the pain of her injury.

So Ill do a simple introduction then. Im thekin..president of Parabellum, Kazuya Nagato. Please call me as you like. My best regards for the future, Amira

Ah, my best regards also

After saying theirintroductions, Amira suddenly lowered her head to Kazuya.

Demon King!?

Your majesty!! What on earth!?

Tsu, silence you guys!! Theres something I want to say! Im really grateful for the troop support you sent ahead of time. It caused the advancing speed of the imperial army to drop significantly, allowing our forces to reorganise in time

..Oh, dont mind it

The demon vassals surrounding Amira fell silent upon hearing the reason for her bowing to the leader of another country.

Then, you just need to sign this form

Wait a moment, I cant keep seeing you like this


As Amira raised her head, Kazuya stopped the signing abruptly.

Kazuya found it hard to focus whilst watching Amira bear the pain. So he raised his hand close to her.

..can you tell them to lower their blades. Chitose and the others, lower your guns to

Do it

Kazuya had his hand on Amira. The surrounding vassals were aiming their spears and swords at Kazuyas vitals. Chitose was aiming her gun with her finger itching the trigger, as if she could kill at any moment.

The soldiers on both sides lowered their weapons on their leaders orders.

Thethirst for blood emitted by the soldiers began to weaken as they lowered their weapons.(By the way, the thirst for blood Chitose is emitting hasnt weakened)

Your injury seems bad, so I want to try and cure it

This injury? Im thankful, but its useless. Another-worlder belonging to the empire who keptshoutingIm a hero!gave me this wound. It couldnt be cured by any form of magic medicine or healing powers.

.Well, let me at least try

Whilst floating an expression of resignation, Kazuya warmed his hands and then exercised his perfect healing ability.

A visible change began to occur on Amiras body through the hazy golden light.



This is.!?


Not only had Amiras wounds healed, but the left eye she had thought would have been lost forever returned. The retainers witnessing this spectacle were speechless. After the initial shock and surprise, delight set in.

.back!? My hands and eyes are back to normal!? Hahaha..AHAHAHA!! This! Now I can take revenge on that bastard!!

As she clasped her right hand, an intense amount of magical energy began to converge. She laughed manically upon seeing the whirlpool of energy flowing around her arm. Coming to her senses, she quickly looked to Kazuya.

Thank you Kazuya! Is this due to a divine protection!? tired

Kazuya had used a lot of magic in order to heal her wounds, so he felt fatigued.

..I know! I shouldnt have used my perfect healing ability without thinking about the side effects, okay!?

Kazuya watched Amira, whose eyes looked like that of a child who had found a new toy as she opened and closed her hand.

..Ill finish the signing now

Oh, yeah yeah

After all , Kazuya had no way to ascertain the side effects of his ability and Amira seemed to be in her own world.As if remembering who had healed her, she nodded immediately to Kazuyas statement.

After the signing. The alliance between Parabellum and the non-human alliance was complete.

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