Modern Weapons Cheat in Another World

Volume 3 - Ch 15

After leaving the crash site Kazuya was looking around to see if they could find a way to climb out of the valley.

Its too quiet.

It has been 15 minutes since we started walking. Kazuya thought so while paying attention to the surroundings as they were walking through the steep valley floor where there was only mud and rocks.

. Feene, is there actually any demons in this area?

Well, I heard that, but

Just because we havent come across any does not mean we will not encounter one as we continue to walk

On the contrary, Kazuya continues to feel anxiety about the situation

The air suddenly changed as soon as Kazuya entered the middle of where the bottom of the Valley expanded like a circle that seemed to look like a plaza.

Fenee, hold itKazuya

I know, You dont have to tell meFeene

..Kuso~tsu, Come on

As if waiting for Kazuya to reach halfway through the valley, Bug-like creatures that resembledwhip scorpionsandcentipedesbegan crawling out the caves. Imitating the rocks that surrounds them, the insect type demons of various sizes like unpleasant pests moved their mouths to show that they intend to devour Kazuya

In addition, with a body that was made of muddy [buyo buyo], a worm that grew countless sharp tusks appeared in the mouth part and began to approach slowly towards Kazuya.

Kazuya and the others who were surrounded by a large number of monsters were faced with a crisis of certain death.

a lot of disgusting things came outFeene


U~tsu hi ~u! ? Ka, Kazuya-sama this is badMischa

Kazuya looks at the others reactions by looking at the disgusting demons who revealed their appearance.

Not good, Theres too many of them

Kazuya resigned himself and realized that he was surrounded back to back against Feene who was carrying Mischa who had too many blind spots


Hey Feene?, Got any ideas?Kazuya

Kazuya asked Feene who hadnt spoken a word since earlier while keeping his eyes focused on the demons


What happened? Tte, it cant be Feene, you .

Kazuya worried that she didnt reply looked back at the pale-faced Feene who looked like she about to collapse

Im not good at dealing with insectsFeene

Feene says with a tiny vanishing voice.


Kazuya-sama Actually, I am .Mischa

When Kazuya tries to reply to Feene who revealed her physiological hatred, Mischa who has piggybacked on the words of Feene is now. And just said.

I seeKazuya

[Is there anything I can do?] Mischa

Kazuya decided to try and comfort the two people who were frightened by in various meanings of the demons

Even if we return to the crash site It cant be helped, it be hard to break through, Ill cover Feene just keep running, Mischa shoot only using the MP7

Ro, RogerMischa

I understandFeene

After hearing their response, Kazuya loaded the M320 grenade launcher with high-performance explosive rounds and fired at a monster that stood in the direction of travel.

Kazuya shouted at the same time that a high-performance explosive round fired with a sound like air venting hits the demon which stands at the front and exploded.

ike~e~e~e] Kazuya

At the sounds of Kazuyas voice, the three people started running, However, as soon as Kazuya runs past; The monsters targeted Kazuya all at once as if to not let their prey escape.

Fenne!! Do not stop for anythingKazuya

I KnowFeene

According to Kazuya s instructions, Feene looks only in the direction of travel and keeps running.

Dont come any closer a~aMischa

Mischa, who is carried by Feene, shoots down monsters in their path using the MP7 with a wishful desire.

kono~o~o !! Hurry up and die alreadyMischa

Whats the meaning of this? Why are the monsters only targeting them?

Kazuya who continues to shoot from behind the girls ignores the surrounding area and runs while continuing to observe the demons movement that was persistently aiming at the two as they ran. Equipped with a shotgun and an m320 loaded with high-explosive rounds, a multipurpose grenade, and areal explosive rounds he shoots into the randomly approaching monsters.

Kazuya keeps running towards the exit, eliminating the demons that come to attack.

[Ha~a, Ha~a a little more! ! just a little more! ! ]

Under Kazuyas Aegis, When Feene finally broke through the enemys net, near the exit a monster that resembled a large bull Humps out in front of Feene.



Feene who was struck with a threatening glare from its eyes stopped her feet in fear of its sharp tusks

Mischa who was being carried by Feene was delayed in response as she was replacing the empty magazine of the MP7 instead used her five-seven and shot a bullet.



A monster like a beetle stretches out a huge sickle-like limb which protrudes to the left and right large enough to decapitate the two people who have stiffened.

I thought I told you not to stop running!!Kazuya

{Zashuu} sfx

However, Kazuya who was shooting flares, tear gas, and smoke bombs with the M320 grenade launcher against the approaching monsters became aware of the two womens crisis.

When he released the M320 grenade launcher he had in his hand and approached the monster from behind the two who were rigid when he pulled out the military sword, Kazuya jumped out with the rock as a stepping stone, while using the momentum of the fall, He aimed for the gap in the demons hard exoskeleton with the military sword.

Kishaaaa~a~a~a! !demon sfx

Now!! Keep moving!!Kazuya

Kazuya riding on the demon like a rampaging horse desperately relying on the embedded military sword as the demon screams

~Tsu!! Sorry!!Feene

Feene Urged by Kazuya returned to her senses and quickly bypasses the monstrous creature and escaped.

Ill be going ahead, Kazuya!!Feene

Got it!!Kazuya

Kazuya jumped down from the top of the raging demons body and he ran towards the two and he loaded the high-explosive rounds that he had set in the M320 grenade launcher and shot into the rock wall providing an escape route from the valley.

Then the rocky wall collapsed due to the impact of the explosion and crushed the demons trying to catch up with Kazuya and completely closed the exit of the valley simultaneously.

[Ha~a, Ha~a..That should be able to earn some time. I will hurry on ahead] Kazuya

[Yeah, lets do that.] Kazuya

Kazuya who succeeded in stopping the demons and escaped the crisis restarted moving whipping his tired body without a moments rest.

Fu~u.. Lets rest here a bitKazuya

oh wellFeene

Kazuya who had been attacked by monsters several times even after escaping from the plaza that became a nest of demons.

Kazuya, who began to realize that his physical strength was lost in addition to wear and tear of weapons equipment, suggested to Feene.

Excuse me. I apologize for being a burden all this time] Mischa

Mischa who was being lowered from Feenes back said dejectedly towards Feene who had been carrying her all this time

You dont have to worry about it, Youre fairly light] Feene

Feene returns a smile towards Mischas words not showing any sign of being exhausted on her face.

[As expected of an Ogre. Something like that would not even exhaust a race that has excellent physical condition and arm strength.] Kazuya

Kazuya quietly places one hand on his side and the other on the shoulder of such a brave Feene.

[.Chi~tsu, Looks like your wound reopened after all] Kazuya {inner thought}

He feels bitter feeling towards the hand covering his flank

The scars that had been closed thanks to Serishia magic drug had been opened due to a series of actions when Feene and Misha were helping from demons.

[Not good.] Kazuya

Kazuya thought so while watching the blood gradually spreading on the clothes little by little.

Weapons are scarce There is only sabre, a survival knife, two tactical knives, and a sword

For the guns by Misha, 3 magazines of Five-seven ammo, Three shots for the high-powered Browning, and three flares that I have are just enough for Chitose to finds us quickly.

Kazuya was suffering himself while wrapping the wound on his flank that gradually became painful in addition to the shortage of weapons.

Huh!? Somethings coming!!Kazuya

Feene who was sitting next to Mischa suddenly stood up to Kazuyas words.

Nani ~tsu! ?TL: You all should know this by now

Kazuya also rushes due to Feenes mark and looks in the direction of Feenes gaze.

~Tsu!? Kazuya help!! Help has arrived!!Feene

At that moment the feeling of sorrow turned into joy, at the direction of Feenes line of sight coming around the corner of the valley were several Elves with bows.

Really!? Thank goodness..Mischa

Mischa voices words of relief towards Feenes words that help has come.


However, Kazuyas expression was grim, in exchange for Feene, who was delighted to see elves.

.Thats odd, Chitose should have arrived first since its only been half a day since we crashed in an area of land that is rarely entered.

Whats the matter? Kazuya, arent you happy that help has arrived?Feene

Feene who waved greatly towards the elves looks back on Kazuya who thinks quietly by himself.

[ Its as if they came here knowing exactly where we are..~tsu! Shit!! ] Kazuya

{ Kirikirikiri.} bow stretching sfx

Kazuya, Who noticed the figure of the elves drawing their arrows towards Feene, From behind, Stops thinking and rushes towards Feene.

Setsuna, aimed at Feene, a number of arrows released and drew a parabola.

[ Make in time!! ] Kazuya

Kya~ !? ~tsu, Kazuya what are you doing Feene

Feene who was suddenly rushed by Kazuya fell to the ground on her buttocks and hit a rock with her butt.

Feene, who tried to raise a voice of protest while scraping her ass that was struck from Kazuya s violent assault, took a breath.

U gu~tsu.. I knew it, Damn it!!Kazuya

Two arrows struck into Kazuyas arm who tackled Feene, Kazuyas blood dripped down from the tip of the arrow.

[ Kazuya-sama! What? Such a this, I will kill those bastards together! ! ] Mischa

Mischa who caught with Kazuya injured the arrows on his arm spits out words of violence with face turned red in anger stood up with support from the rock and pulled the trigger on the five-seven and fired three rounds towards the elves.

Damn that hurts. ~tsuKazuya

Kazuya slipped into the shadow of a big rock while Mischa was attacking the elves desperately endured a severe pain running to the left arm.

How come why us ?Mischa

Kazuya-sama!! A~a, It cant beMischa

Mischa was confused as to why they were attacked by elves who were supposed to be friends, Mischa shot all the rounds from the Five-seven gathered under Kazuya enduring the pain of her broken arm.

why. Why are they attacking us?Feene

It seems they have betrayed you gu~tsu~tsu~tsu Mischa Pull me a little more gently-Kazuya

S, sorry Kazuya-samaMischa

Kazuya Who received help from Mischa looked towards Feene who repeats the same words over and over like a broken record

Kku, a~a. This is the worst, Look at FeeneKazuya

Kazuya who pushed the stabbed towards Mischa finished taking first aid measures and spoke towards Feene while looking at her face from the rocks shadow

Na~tsu? Why.. what is going on? Why are the elves working together with imperial forces of the Empire?Feene

When Kazuya asked Feene who stood up with {yoro yoro}[sfx] looked into the direction where the elves were, it was incredible that the units of the Imperial Army that came out led by the elves from the turns came together and headed for us It was.

That number, about 200. The organization is about half a mage and a gun soldier. In addition to that, there are 10 war-weeded magic weapons without wings and hundreds of automatic dolls. I am advancing to fill the thin long valley floor.

Is it said that the elves and the empire joined hands Kazuya

I do not know unless I ask the enemy Kazuya

Kazuya said he was talking about enemy trends while responding to Feene who lamented loud voice.

Nagato Kazuya !! I know that you are there, come out !!

A young man with a simple longsword wearing silver armour and a neutral and well-organized face proceeded out of the army which stopped walking and shouted Kazuyas name.

I was called by some enemy

Its a representative from the enemy. Im going for a moment

Kazuya called by name from the enemy and somewhat upset said.

You cant!! Kazuya-sama! !

Mischa grabs his arm trying to stop Kazuya from going out

Even if it hurts, if you are hiding this way you will only be attacked all at once. Here

As if to support Kazuyas words, if he does not come out within 5 minutes, they will launch a simultaneous attack!! The man was shouting.

However! !

They bothered to call me. I will not attack at the moment you get outKazuya

but a~tsu!! Kazuya-sama !! Please wait

Kazuya pierced Mishas surprise and tried to leave the rock shake when he shook hands.

Wait, I will also goFeene

She stopped Kazuya and told him that Feene will accompany.

Why? Im being called.Kazuya

I have some questions to ask themFeene

Well, then shall we go together?Kazuya


Mischa waits quietly there. Oh, if something happens, help me with thisKazuya

Kazuya said so and threw browning high power to Misha.

E, a~tsu, Kazuya-sama !! Please wait

Kazuya and Feene proceeded to the side of the enemy, ignoring the call of Mischa who received a gun firmly in a rush.

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