Modern Weapons Cheat in Another World

Volume 2 - Ch 1

The speed of the vehicles in the convoy increased as Kazuya raced towards the location of the carriage.

Is that it!?

Protecting the carriage there seemed to be knights wearing silvery white armor and wielding a sword and a spear, they were keeping the monsters at bay.

Aside from the knights, there also seemed to be a wizard casting various magics out of his cane at the oncoming monsters.

However, gradually the knights were being overwhelmed.

If we dont help them quickly, theyll most likely die.

Kazuya who is watching the fight from a distance,confirms the target and thenbegins laying down covering fire for the knights.

Target the insect type monsterson the right side of the wagon! Use the canister shot!(TLN: Canister shots are fired from tanks, they have shrapnel in them to cause maximum damage to personnel)

Kazuya passed the orders to the crew of the M8s using a walkie talkie.


Yes sir!!

The M6 75mm tank gun installed on the M8 armored tank slowly turns to the right after the order was received.

It loads a canister shot and fires it at the monsters as ordered.

The monster bugs in question were over 2 metres tall with limbs that looked like a sickle stretching 3 metres. It look like a over sized mantis. It had long legs with short hair growing from it, in this way it sort of resembled a scorpion. The fired canister shot completely decimates the monsters internal organs.


Dont stop moving! Dont miss an opening, keep up the pressure!



The bugs begin to pour out of the woods one after another. Suddenly, the wagons party heard aroaring sound and saw that the bugs were exploding in a mist of blood. The knights who saw this stopped moving, but returned to their sense after being shouted at by their commander.

Dont shoot a human by mistake!

Yes sir!

Kazuya dealt with the bugs in the knights surroundings by shooting them with the M20 75mm recoilless rifle. The other M8 tanks also begin to get involved in the bombardment.

Enemy approaching!

Shoot it dead!

Although there was a bug that raised a loud shriek and rushed at the convoy. It was instantly shot dead by a barrage of bullets from the M2 and the other infantrymans firearms. It discharged blood from every part of its body and then stopped moving.

Cease fire! Cease fire!

After the M8 tank had finished shooting, there was no longer any bugs remaining. The smell of blood and smoke wasstrong.

Incidently, Kazuya had met with a resident of this world unintentionally.

Kazuya begins to build up his expectations of his first meeting and orders the jeep to slowly advance, so as not to spook the knights.

Nn? Two people have come out.

As his jeep approached the wagon, Kazuya notices that two people haveleft the carriage.

Its good we got here in time


Chitose, im going

Yes, i will accompany you

The jeep stops in front of the knights. Kazuya gets out and approaches them, accompanied by Chitose.

In case of an emergency, there was a sniper waiting nearby to kill them if anything went wrong.

.is it a woman knight?

Kazuya confirmed that the two women were knights and so approached them. They looked surprised.

I thank you for your assistance. I am the captainof the second imperial guards of the canary kingdom, Phyllis Gardener. This is my aide Zara Beretta, would you please tell me your name?

Phyllis features were very pretty. She had fairhair, golden like thread. She exhibited an atmosphere not unlike that of a samurai.However, the biggest surprise was her aide.

Although Kazuya kept quiet. He was very fascinated by Zarasanimal ears, but more so by her tail which began at her hips and was swaying back and forth.

Although he felt nervous at the glances of the two beautiful women, he returned an answer immediately.

I am Nagato Kazuya, leader of the adventuring party known as Parabellum. This is Chitose Katayama, my aide

Kazuya introduced himself whilst getting excited about seeing an animal person for the first time.

However, the two beautiful women who heard the introduction from Kazuya, looked at him strangely.

Pair-ee base lamb? I havent heard of it. Beretta, what about you?

No, i have no knowledge of it either

.is that so? However, the name is sure to become popular as it belongs to an adventuring part who can annihilate a whole horde of bug monsters with surprising swiftness. That box of iron that you ride in and that weapon you can fire continuously, i have heard of something similar in the Regarisu empire. Are you perhaps from there?

Phyllis looked at the M8 tank and the jeep interestingly whilst saying so.

Sadly, we are not related to the Regarisu empire

When Kazuya denies having anything to do with the Regarisu empire, the knights aide begins to whisper to her.

Leader, actually

What? Ok, i understand, lets ask

After exchanging a few words, Phyllis looks back with a seemingly apologetic face.

Kazuya. Although it is painful to ask, would you be able to help our injured? We have had many casualties since the battle began and we do not have enough people to treat them

Ah, well that shouldnt be a problem

Is that true? Your kindness knows no bounds

Phyllis floated a happy expression as she bowed deeply to Kazuya.

Afterwards, Kazuya helped treat the knight captains subordinates. Their eyes seemed to pop out of their sockets as they viewed the medics work.

They never made use of medical technology as they relied on recoverymagic.

This is wonderful, howevermedical technology on this level has never been seen before. To not feel any pain as your skin is sewn together with a needle is completely unheard of! The speed at which these injuries will heal may be greater than that of the exclusive wizards in the royal palace. Just who are you?

Just an adventurer

.is that so?

Phyllis did not question him repeatedly, whether or not Kazuya revealed his identity was up to him after all.

Kazuya who had finished the injured peoples healing and the burial of the dead, returned back to the group.

Its good, the treatment is done. Will you go safely?

When Kazuya tried to wrap things up, Phyllisbegan to speak.

Ah, Kazuya wait for a moment

Nn, what is it?

I have a request for your adventuring party, Kazuya-dono

Is see..what is it?

I would like you to escort us to the capital. We dont seem to be able to reach there safely on our own

As she said this, Phyllis glanced at the corpse of the horse. At the side of that was their smashed wagon, the groans of the injured knights could be heard.

After seeing that, Kazuya understood what she meant, they would not be able to reach the capital safely.

What should i do..?

Phyllis began to panic as Kazuya had become silent.

Of course, if we safely return to the capital you will receive a reward!

i would like to consult quickly with my aide, please give me a moment

Ah, i understand

After consulting with Chitose for a short while, they decide to accept the request to escort the knight group to the capital.


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